Whispering Verse

Chapter 1874 The Existence of “Him”

The thaumaturgy "Seeing Demon" cannot be used in the Black Mist Camp, and any detection thaumaturgy is prohibited in this camp. But at such a close distance, Shade would not mistake the soul of a person. The person who returned was indeed a human and not a demon, but the smell of sulfur was still very suspicious.

Miss Higgins bent down and rummaged through her backpack by the campfire, and took out the rusty knight's sword that fell from the sky after using the conch [Eternal Yearning] last time (Chapter 1801). Her backpack was obviously larger than it looked. Much more. Although Shade was confused, he put his hand into his arms, intending to offer a gift for the lovers' reunion.

The light of the setting sun outside the window gradually dimmed until it completely disappeared. Black mist swept in, flooding the village that had long since disappeared. The memory dissipated, and the terrifying and strange scene of the Black Mist Camp reappeared outside the dilapidated clock tower.

The light of the crackling bonfire made the shadows of Shad and the Witch lengthen and sway strangely on the wall. Suddenly, both Shade and Miss Higgins stopped what they were doing, because they both saw with their own eyes that the blond young man hugging Mrs. Miles gradually turned into a man in her arms. Fly ash.

Looking at the ashes on her arm in shock, Mrs. Miles twitched, then fainted and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Miss Higgins, who was closer, helped her in time to avoid falling on the back of her head. But Miss Higgins only touched her slightly, and her expression changed drastically:

"No, Mrs. Myers is dying!"

In fact, the two of them were not very surprised by this result. Even a strong adult wouldn't be able to survive for long in such a weird place, let alone an old man who is about to reach the end of his life. The huge ups and downs of emotions, as well as the scene where the lost lover turned into ashes in her arms, even if they were not in the "Black Mist Camp", probably not many people could withstand it.

"Quick, get me my backpack! I still have medicine there!"

"It's not that troublesome. If I don't let her die, she will definitely not die - false immortality!"

The palm of his hand touched the old man's forehead, and Shade's magic technique, which he had not had the chance to use on anyone else for a long time, once again took effect. The weak breathing and gradually gentle pulse slowly returned to normal. The sober old man opened his eyes in confusion, and then saw Miss Higgins' worried expression and Shade's frowning expression:

"I, this is."

Although she was awake, it still took her several seconds to remember what had just happened:

"Is it a dream?"

"Please don't think about those things, I have medicine here."

Miss Higgins comforted her softly, beckoned her backpack, and picked out another bottle from the few remaining potions. Shade used his thaumaturgy [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift] to treat her. At this time, Mrs. Miles needed more mental recuperation than the effect of "full food" to treat trauma.

In the corner, the black figure was still watching all this silently, but Shade suddenly turned his head to look at it.

The black shadow still didn't move or react in any way. Shade just took a look and continued to treat Mrs. Myers. The potion that could be brought here was indeed very effective. Soon, Mrs. Miles was helped by Miss Higgins to sit back by the bonfire, and she was out of the state of "false immortality".

But this does not mean that she has fully recovered. For someone of her age, this adventure is really too far.

"What's going on now?"

After taking care of Mrs. Miles's matter, Miss Higgins asked Shade helplessly. Shade has already picked up the [Golden Memories] and checked:

"Three pieces of memory are completely recorded on it. Mr. Richard Jackman really came out just now, which is the effect of the relic. I don't understand this relic. Can its effect only last for a few dozen seconds?"

Miss Higgins immediately shook her head:

"Of course not. The soul summoned by this relic has really been summoned and will not leave so soon."

"If you think about it more optimistically, this is also good news. At least it proves that the gentleman's soul has not been destroyed. He really still exists, but he cannot appear for a long time due to some special reasons. Can this relic be used continuously? You don't need to answer. , This is really a stupid question, Mrs. Miles’s spirit is no longer strong enough to support her using the relics anymore.”

Shade shook his head. Now his purpose of coming to this time and space has basically been achieved. Although Mr. Richard Jackman has come and gone, it can be regarded as partially realizing Mrs. Miles' wish.

But if it just ended like this, even Shade himself wouldn't want it. Since you plan to do something, you must do your best. Besides, encountering such trouble is also expected:

"Ma'am, do you still want to actually meet that gentleman and ask him where he has been over the years?"

He asked the silver-haired old man, who raised his head with difficulty, with an expression of hope on his tired face:

"Yes, but...is there any way now?"

Her own coins have been exhausted, and Miss Higgins is obviously unwilling to waste the power of her existence in vain. Even if they are willing to consume, the direction guided by the devil has fulfilled their wish. They have no other direction. In this situation, no one knows what else to do next.

"What else can you do?"

The young witch asked, Shade nodded:

"Actually, I'm here to complete the deal."

"But I see you're not keen on looking for merchandise either."

"Because I only deal with certain people."

Shade said, coming to the window and looking at the almost endless black fog camp below. Now the black fog can no longer block his sight, but in the dark and lightless environment, even if he has dark vision, he cannot see farther:

"I already know where that existence is. Miss Higgins, please be prepared. I don't have much time left. Once I leave this time, I will never come back, so we will solve it once and for all. All questions.”

After hearing Shade say that he would never come back, the young witch who got along well with him showed a regretful expression:

"That's it. Although I had already guessed that this might happen, I originally planned to introduce you to His Majesty. A mysterious man suddenly appeared to help a young witch. Even when I was a child, this was not included in the stories my aunt told me. Plant a bridge."

She nodded:

"Should we leave now? How far is this place from the businessman you are looking for? Madam's body may not be able to hold it too far."

She was a little embarrassed, but Shade reassured her:

"We are not going anywhere. Since the devil said there is a way to leave here, then we will stay here. As for the businessman I am looking for, he is right here."

Miss Higgins looked at the dark figure in the corner, but Shade shook his head:

"It is it or it is not it. I don't know if you have observed something very interesting. All the black figures we have seen so far in this camp, although their postures of standing, sitting and lying are different, their postures are roughly the same. Are the same."

Miss Higgins thought for a moment and looked at Shade's side face:

"I noticed it. Maybe it was someone who created this camp. For the sake of convenience, he gave these black shadows a unified body. Anyway, it can't be a natural occurrence here."

"Then have you noticed another thing: The shadows here are not just a mechanical repetitive sales process. They also have their own independent measurement rights and can react differently to our actions."

Miss Higgins frowned:

"There seems to be some. Are these black shadows really produced naturally and belong to some kind of strange low-conscious creatures? Or have the great ones given them simple wisdom?"

"The possibility is not high. The demon outside the camp is obviously controlled by this camp and will serve as a guide in the fire to explain various things to the people who come here. I don't believe it. It stays here voluntarily. For As for the demons, do you think they are very professional? It didn’t complain at all, and it didn’t laugh at the black shadows in the camp to vent its dissatisfaction.”

Shade said again, and Miss Higgins felt that she understood something:

"So, a certain great person who is suspected of being a god created this place and arranged for demons to serve as guides. All our actions so far are actually under the supervision of that great person?"

After speaking, he moved closer to Mrs. Miles.

Shade shook his head. The young witch knew much less information than he did, so she could only think of this step. But because the mission of the tree father was not to "call the gods", Shade knew from the beginning that the god of wealth and trade - the "Golden Lord" was most likely here.

Moreover, Old John, who runs the pawn shop, said that the demons themselves have no beliefs, but they do have a certain degree of connection with this "golden master". This once made Shade think that all the shadows in the camp were the shadows of demons, but the last time he cheated in a card game and turned out the "Impermanent Card", he knew that these shadows were definitely not demons.

Even those evil spirits from the third era probably don’t know what the impermanence of all things represents.

What really allowed Shade to confirm his suspicion was not only the information he learned from the believers of the old gods in the church, but also the strange things he encountered along the way. Those shadows were deliberately targeting him, and the price of Miss Higgins' purchase of the campfire would be transferred to him, which meant that someone was able to manipulate the most basic rule of this camp - fairness.

In addition, only "reconnaissance" thaumaturgy is prohibited in the camp, and apart from the shadows in human form, there are no shadows of animals such as horses, so the answer is easy to come out, but it is difficult to imagine:

"I will invite Him out now. Do you want to come and see it with me? I'm afraid I will never have the chance to see this scene again. Although it is dangerous, it is also an opportunity. He has always been here, yes, always here. "

PS: 15/20

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