Whispering Verse

Chapter 1875 Deal with God

Miss Higgins was startled when she heard the special personal pronoun "he", and the look of panic on her face became more obvious. Then after hearing what Shade said next, he gritted his teeth and stood up. He told Mrs. Miles never to look back, and then came to Shade's side by the window.

In her eyes, the window was full of black fog, so she couldn't see the scenery in the huge camp that looked like an ant empire. Shade took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, then looked out the window and asked:

"Can you please show up now and meet us? I already know about your existence, and I also know that you are waiting to witness the final story."

After finishing speaking, he waited for a few seconds and saw no response from outside. Under Miss Higgins' curious gaze, Shade could only change his explanation:

"The great God of Wealth and Trade - the Lord of Gold, please allow me to take the liberty of calling you, please come here to conduct transactions. May your holy name always be in the ever-flowing wealth, and may your holy name be forever on the most holy gold. There is your shadow."

As the words fell, in Miss Higgins' eyes, the black fog that originally shrouded the camp began to slowly rotate in the absence of wind. The black fog gradually dissipated until she could also see the scene of the camp under the tower in the darkness.

Everything that happened next, she really felt that she would never forget it in her life.

The dark shadows that seemed to be motionless in the space all started to move at this moment. The dense black shadows silently left the stalls or facilities that they originally needed to look after, and followed the dense paths between stalls in the thin darkness, gathering in the direction of the bell tower like a river formed by water droplets returning to the sea.

The whole process is very short, because these black shadows move very fast. And when a sufficient number of black shadows gathered under the tower, the overlapping black shadows slowly rose into the air as if they were being lifted up by the shadows that continued to come. However, it seemed that there were countless gushing shadows below the shadows that were rising alone. Black smoke.

The dark shadow at the top finally came to the window of the bell tower and stopped at the same level as Shade and Miss Higgins. The black shadows that continued to rise into the sky all overlapped into the body of the highest black shadow at the highest point, but below it there was an endless stream because there were so many that they simply formed a torrent of black shadows.

Miss Higgins subconsciously took a small step back, and then unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be a golden scar on Shade's shoulder and clothes.

The gathering black shadows were still surging towards the outside of the tower at this time, like black tides rushing from all directions, and were eventually absorbed into the air.

This scene was silent, and Shade just frowned and looked at the shadow at the top, watching it become more and more solid, as if the black shadows piled up into a spire, or the dark shadow trees continued to grow. Miss Higgins's eyes were forced to move away from the front and she hid behind Shade to avoid being hurt. Shade felt that he seemed to understand something from the picture in front of him.

"E pluribus unum"

But before he could figure it out, it seemed that at a certain moment, there was no coherent process at all, and it seemed as if a short period of time had been cut off. When there were only empty stalls left in the camp, all the black shadows even covered the tower. When the black shadow in the corner all gathered at the same position outside the tower, the black mist descended again, but soon dispersed like clouds.

At this time, the person standing outside the window was no longer the dark figure.

The golden robe is studded with gems of various colors, but it does not look obtrusive at all. There is a silver ring on each hand, and the golden hair symbolizes the endless flow of wealth. The dark golden eyes cannot be looked at by mortals at all, and the light around them is a reflection of identity and strength. The God of Wealth and Trade, the Lord of Gold, finally appeared in front of Sha De in the form of a sturdy middle-aged man.

What had been suspected all along was confirmed, this god has been here since the beginning. There is no shadow at all in this camp. To outsiders, in fact, all the "people" in the camp are just one person. Any deal they made was also a deal with the God before them.


I don't know when golden cracks have spread all over Sha De's body. He bowed respectfully to the god outside the window. After raising his head, he did not continue to look outside, but turned to look behind him. The god had already arrived in the bell tower and was standing by the bonfire. to the drowsy Mrs. Miles.

When a god appears, even if the god has no intention of doing anything, the power he carries is enough to affect the basic rules of an entire area. Even Shade could not gaze at such a powerful god for long, and Miss Higgins was even more frightened.

Of course, if she hadn't been slightly adapted to the weird power that existed in the Black Mist Camp, she would have passed out by now.

She hides behind Shade:

"This, this is..."

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. This god should have been waiting for us here a long time ago. No, he's been waiting for you."

After greetings again, Shade and Miss Higgins also returned to the bonfire.

The god of wealth and trade also looked at Shade at this moment, and Shade only noticed at this moment that the front of the golden robe worn by the god had the pattern of a golden scale sewn with gold thread.

"Invited guests, do you know I am waiting for them?"

The golden light around the god did not completely illuminate this place, but only remained around him. God did not speak, and the voice automatically appeared in everyone's ears. Shade looked at those calm eyes that seemed to contain the whole world:

"Yes, otherwise it is impossible to explain everything that happened here. You have been here from the beginning, and you have arranged for the devil to lead them. Isn't this deal what is waiting for them in the end?"

He whispered his guess:

"The soul of the long-dead Mr. Richard Knight Jackman cannot be recalled by the conch, and it can only stay for a short time after being retrieved by the three memories. I think this is because of you, right?"

God praised Shade for his intelligence:

"Your eyes are sharper than anyone else. People who discover wealth and opportunities will always have this quality. Now that you have discovered the truth here, you deserve a gift after all this is over."

Shade thanked him softly:

"So, the soul of Mr. Richard Knight Jackman."

The god looked kindly at the old woman who looked blankly at the bonfire in front of her:

"For humans, that happened a long time ago. A young man who was dying on the battlefield met me before he died due to some coincidences and accidents. He had his own story and his own wishes, so, I gave him a chance to make a deal.”

Miss Higgins listened with trepidation. She had an idea in her mind but did not dare to say it out. Fortunately, Shade said it for her:

"He wants to fulfill his promise to return to his hometown and see his lover?"

"Yes, but he doesn't have enough bargaining chips."

Although he was talking to Shade, God kept staring at the old man:

"Although this is a very simple thing, he can't get what he wants without paying enough remuneration. Fairness, this is the principle of transaction, and no one can violate it."

Shade did not comment on this. Gods' views on the world are different from those of mortals. The god in front of him just insists on fairness, which is much better than the blood-sucking god:

"Isn't his soul worth enough?"

"What he longs to realize is not only to return to his hometown, but also to be with his beloved girl forever. Therefore, if his soul is traded, he will never be able to realize his wish. I pity his plight and tell him He learned that and gave him advice.”

Miss Higgins behind Shade understood again, so she hid herself better. Xia De frowned slightly and thought of the answer:

"You suggest that he tell you a nice story?"

God smiled and said:

“Yes, since he didn’t have the right trading chips, I told him how to get them.

The story of Richard Jackman and Sarah Miles was just beginning at that time. Time is the most exquisite artist. Even the most ordinary stone can be carved into priceless works of art in the hands of time. I told him that I could fulfill his wish, but it would have to wait until many, many years later, when the girl who was waiting for him would also reach the end of her life. And just stories are still not enough. "

"What else did you ask for?"

"The war between mortals that year finally led to the action of the witches. A young girl violated the rules and summoned the devil's flame, and she was naturally punished. As for the knight's soul, I want him to use his own Seal the exit of the flames and wait for the death of Sarah Miles in the burning flames."

From this point of view, the presence of gods around the battlefield must be more than just a coincidence. And the "summoning demonic flames" that God downplayed is definitely not as simple as Dr. Schneider breathing out a breath of fire.

"That's not it."

Miss Higgins couldn't help but want to speak, but she only said a few words and dared not say more.

Shade finished this sentence for her:

"The longer Mrs. Miles lives, the longer Mr. Richard Jackman's soul will suffer?"

The cruel sentence was spoken like this, and the old man looked at the bonfire and his whole body trembled.

God asked Xia De:

"Isn't this better? The soul told me that he would rather see his lover later, and he would rather his lover live longer in this world instead of him."

The young witch behind Shade sighed softly, but did not dare to express her thoughts. Shade had nothing to say about this.

However, Xia De still had many questions in his mind. For example, did the gods tell the young knight what kind of life his lover would spend. Did the gods at that time say that Mrs. Miles would wait for him and spend her long life in this way?

PS: This chapter is not an additional update in the Silver League, it is a temporary update. Since the second chapter in the morning is about water, let’s add one more chapter.

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