Whispering Verse

Chapter 1876 The balance between sin and virtue

Shade did not hide his thoughts, he asked his questions, and God finally looked at him:

"Why tell him? He didn't ask. The deal he made was just a few years later, after Sarah Miles closed her eyes, he greeted her with a smile and held Sarah Miles' hand. Let’s take Erls’s hand and walk towards death together. This is very romantic in mortal stories, isn’t it?”

Looking into the eyes of God, Shade only lasted less than three seconds before feeling extremely uncomfortable, but he still endured the feeling.

God did not do anything wrong. He gave the knight the opportunity to achieve a miracle. Not only did he become a hero who saved everything, he even gave him the opportunity to see his lover again when his duties were over.

Thinking about it this way, it explains why Mrs. Miles and the Witch Emperor have never been able to find out the whereabouts of the knight, and even the relics cannot summon his soul. The impact of the rift that summoned the demonic flames that had been opened by the witches' battle was probably more serious than Shade had just thought.

The god of wealth and trade seemed to appear at the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time, and made a deal with a dying soul. He could even be evaluated as merciful to the world, but it is meaningless to say this now. The past cannot be changed, the present is the most important thing.

"God, now that you have appeared, where is that gentleman's soul?"

"The deal is not over, his responsibility will not be completed until Sarah Miles dies. As for now, he is still in the fire."

The god raised his right hand, and the sleeve of his robe slipped down, leaving a crack as high as a person in the air. The crack opened quickly, allowing boundless black flames, the smell of sulfur, countless screams, and a terrifying temperature that seemed to be able to melt everything to come from behind the crack.

Even though he had hunted many demons, Shade subconsciously took a step back. The demonic power contained in the space behind the crack was really astonishing.

Those simmering black flames seemed to be burning on a charred plain. The young man who had just appeared in the old woman's memory was now lying on the gap in the ground with open hands, trying to resist with his transparent body. Those flames. He was not entirely successful, otherwise there would be no flames on the blackened plains. He reached a certain balance with the flame. The flame would not expand and he could not leave.


The old woman took out the relic dagger left behind by the boy's death from the witch's bag, and wanted to insert it into her chest, but was stopped by the young witch behind Shade.

She is still afraid of the gods who appear, but she still remembers her responsibilities:

"Ma'am, what are you going to do!?"

"If I die, he will be free."

The silver-haired old man said that after the dagger was taken away by the witch, she wanted to rush towards the crack again, but was stopped by Miss Higgins again.

She is really too old.

Shade then asked the key question:

"God, since we are still in this camp, are you willing to make another deal so that Mr. Richard Jackman can regain his freedom in advance and spend her last days with Mrs. Miles?"

God still did not speak, but the voice that rang out was loud and deafening:

"What bargaining chip does Sarah Myers have to offer? I have no need for mortal possessions, and I am equally uninterested in her soul and her beliefs. Why not wait patiently? In 365 days, she will move towards Death, when he will smile and await her arrival.”

"I am willing, I am willing to use mine."


"Use my soul in exchange for his soul! Let me replace him, let him live again, let him see the world again!"

Regardless of Miss Higgins's obstruction, the tearful old man still said these words, but the god shook his head:

"This exchange is not valid. Your soul is too weak. Your souls are not equal at all."

"Then, let me go too! Let me go there and stay with him for the last 365 days. Let me be there with him!"

Miss Higgins, who originally wanted to stop her, closed her mouth for some reason. She shook her head with a sigh and decided not to interfere in this matter.

God asked the old man:

"What's the point of this? There won't be any difference between one person sealing the gap and two people sealing the gap."

"No, we were supposed to spend this life together. I have been waiting for him all my life, and now I know that he has not broken his promise. He will really come to see me, so now it is my turn to find him and accompany him through the time he should have spent. His life!"

Although she was already weak in body and spirit, she actually declined Miss Higgins, then tried to stand up on her own, looked directly at the god and made her request.

This was certainly not a miracle achieved by the power of a mortal soul, but God allowed her to do so.

"If this deal requires chips, please take my life and let my soul accompany him through his last days!"

The old man said in a hoarse voice.

A smile appeared on the god's face, and he pointed to the black scale placed by the fire, and the scale flew above the bonfire. The balance of the scales, what this means, all three of them know.

"Use the remaining 365 days of your life in exchange for your soul to go into the devil's flames and accompany Richard Jackman for 365 days - this is a fair trade."

Even though he said this, God did not immediately agree. Instead, he looked at Shade:

"Foreign guest, do you think I should agree to this deal?"

Mrs. Miles looked at Shade with hopeful eyes, while Miss Higgins kept shaking her head at Shade, but did not dare to make any big movements.

Shade, who had already figured it out, said:

"This seems to be the best way for Mrs. Miles. But I know, God, you have a better way that we can't think of, but she can't pay."


"So, you have been waiting for me to pay the chips for her from the beginning. Just like the last time I went deep into the camp, you tried to make me realize through the [Destiny Base] that there are actually more threats to me in this camp. Valuable deal.”

The middle-aged man in a golden robe winked at Shade:

"I'm glad you are indeed a smart man."

The dark scale tilted again, symbolizing the beginning of another transaction:

"You pay the chips and I can annul Richard Jackman's deal with me and set his soul free now."


Miss Higgins shook her head at Shade faster, while Mrs. Miles listened to their words in shock and said before Shade answered:

"Young man, I don't need you to do this. If I ask others to make sacrifices in order to meet him, then what face do I have to face him?"

Shade ignored his two companions:

"God, I'm curious, what exactly do you want me to pay for? I don't think I will have anything you like here."

He has no interaction with this god, has no influence at this time, and cannot interfere with anything. And no matter how you think about it, you know that Tree Father will not allow the gods of the past to influence the Sixth Age through Shade.

Old God-[Golden Lord] answered:

"Don't worry, I'm not asking for anything from you. You just have to answer one question, a very simple question:

I see your interesting soul, I see the seeds of sin and virtue taking root in your soul at the same time. The great sin is not the despicable character of ordinary people. The dark light shining in your soul of the six sins originates from ancient and real evil deeds. At the same time, you have compassion, persistence in fair morality, and a golden spirit that is nobler than most people. My question is, would you really not feel disgusted by using the power of sin? "

Shade really did not expect to use a relic of the level of [Destiny Base] to seduce him, and in the end he would just ask such a strange question.

He let the chain slide from his sleeve to the ground, and looking at what existed above, he was also confirming his own sin step by step.

"Human beings have both positive and negative sides. There are no perfect saints and no perfect villains. At least that's what I think. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether they can still be called intelligent beings. Someone once said that sin is also power. I don’t want to quote her.”

The face of the mermaid gradually sinking to the bottom of the water flashed through Shade's mind. He looked at the golden scale pattern on the god's clothes again, and Iluna's face seemed to appear in front of him:

"Balance. The most important thing is balance. Not everyone has the ability to balance good and evil, but only in the balance of good and evil can the entire civilization develop in a spiral. And for me personally"

He pointed to himself:

"Sin is part of who I am, being Shad Hamilton. There's nothing wrong with it, it's part of who I am. I'm willing to help those in need, but I'm also greedy to try to hold everyone's hand. ."

The third time I came to Black Mist Camp, I had the experience of reaching the top of the tower step by step:

"I know it's wrong to be greedy, but I just have to do it. Is it right to let go? No, no, it doesn't matter. I once told a friend of mine that absolute balance does not exist. The power of sin is also power. Why do you come back to this sentence again?"

"That's right. I hope you can remember it. That's enough. That's a good answer."

The old god said softly, looking at Shade with a profound look. As for the dark scale on the flame, I don't know when it has returned to the balanced position.

Shade is still puzzled by all this. He can guess that the power of the gods in front of him is most likely related to the ancient god of balance - [The Hanging Judge]. But even if this guess is correct, it seems unnecessary for the other party to ask him what he thinks of the power of sin. This would only make sense if it was Iluna who was standing here at this moment.

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