Whispering Verse

Chapter 1882 Parliament Space Study Room

Chapter 1882 Parliament Space-Study

"Look, Meghan, you're saying that again."

Shade hugged little Mia and said with a smile, Megan quickly shook her head:

"This matter is really difficult to understand. As the witch in the council who is responsible for inheriting and preserving knowledge and history, it is difficult for me to accept the kind of thing you said. Forget it, if you can't understand it, don't think about it. There are still many strange things about you. , compared to now when you sit so close to us, we don’t feel bored yet, and it’s not important at all for you to travel through time and space.”

She adjusted her mentality:

"A serious disaster did occur during the time period you mentioned. The Church of the Five Gods and Zarath Academy of Literature should have detailed records."

At that time, the Zarath School of Letters existed as the "Zaras Society", while the founders of the St. Byrons Comprehensive College had not yet been born, and the Serkses Higher Medical School was in its infancy.

"This can be regarded as a scandal in the fifth era. Combined with the love story you mentioned, when I read this history before, some of the things I didn't understand were answered. However, after all, that history is related to the scandal of the Parliament. It’s relevant, so I can’t talk about it here.”

"Want to go to Parliament?"

Miss Sylvia asked. After Megan nodded, she took Shade's hand and pulled him up first;

"Meghan, you haven't seen Shade in the parliament yet, have you? Come on, let's go in now. I don't know why, but every time I see Shade in the parliament, I get very excited."

"You won't meet other witches, right? Although I have met six great witches now, I am not ready to meet your speaker yet."

Shade raised his concerns.

"Don't worry, we just finished the meeting and no one wants to go back alone. Now is the safest time."

To enter the Witch's Council, you need an empty and deserted corridor, which you can do in the basement of the hotel.

Although Megan had heard that Shade could not only learn the secrets of witches, but could even enter the parliament, this was the first time she had seen Shade do this. So the two great witches held Shade's hands, one on the left and the other on the right. Shade carried Mia on his shoulders. In Miss Sylvia's gentle singing, they walked from the basement corridor into the white dust-covered corridor. old corridor.

When Miss Sylvia's singing ended, the corridor had reached the end. The white mist door stood in front of the three of them, and then the three of them stepped in together.

"Although you have shown so many incredible things, I am still surprised that you can enter here directly. In theory, even we cannot bring anyone in without the permission of the Speaker."

Megan whispered in the white mist, and then took out her witch jewelry-the ancient witch's gold earrings (right):

"May the hidden chaos protect me, who is also a witch."

The white mist dispersed, and the inexplicable skylight shrouded the ancient stone round table located in the circular open space from a high place. Surrounding the round table were thirteen chairs with different symbols engraved on the back.

And around the open space where the parliamentary seats are placed, there are stone steps leading upwards. This is very similar to the sacrificial site where Sister Devlin stored the first fire, except that the open space here is very small.

"Look, Shade really came in."

Miss Sylvia said, holding Shade's hand again and introducing Megan and Audrey's seats to him. The thirteen seats here can actually be moved with the permission of the Speaker, and their corresponding seats are determined by their own level. The higher the level, the closer you are to the great witch of time. If they are of the same level, the young witch will sit in the back.

Therefore, those who have been sitting directly opposite the Great Witch of Time are Miss Sylvia, the youngest member of the Council, and Granny Cassandra, who is also a member of the Tenth Ring. However, Miss Sylvia is currently preparing to be promoted from level 10 to level 11. In this way, she can exchange places with Granny Cassandra... although she is still opposite the Speaker.

"Shade, last time Carina and I helped you investigate the information about the Witch Emperor Chloe, and let you see the extra functions of the parliament (Chapter 1071). However, last time we opened the 'Moon' seat Behind the bookshelves are the bookshelves containing records of members of parliament. The information we are looking for this time is behind Megan and Audrey’s chairs.”

As Miss Sylvia said, Meghan was already holding the gold earring in her right ear and came behind her chair. She gently touched the symbol representing "knowledge and wisdom" behind the chair, then pointed at the steps behind the chair and raised her jewelry.

The relic gave off a soft light, and in the light, the originally hard stone steps rippled like a phantom, and soon revealed a square hole.

"There is a hidden wall in front."

Shade said to himself amusingly in his heart, holding the cat who looked around curiously, and walked in with the two great witches.

The passage is very spacious and it is not crowded even if three people walk side by side. However, unlike the passage behind the "Moon" which is straight and has only five symbolic bookshelves at the end, the passage behind "Knowledge and Wisdom" is slightly sloping downwards and requires more than twenty steps to reach the end.

It was an underground space similar to a study - the underground was relative to the location of the round table of the Parliament.

The area here is not large, almost two-thirds of the study room in Xia De's home. The things placed here are also quite simple, just a desk, a chair and a bookshelf behind the desk.

The materials of the three are exactly the same as the long table of the Parliament. The lighting came from an ancient lantern placed on the desk, and the light enveloped the entire table just right.

"I once told you that these hidden areas in the parliament are not actually closed. Each one is connected to at least two other areas. It's just that the speaker has sealed the passage."

Miss Sylvia introduced, and Meghan nodded:

"But that's not what we're talking about. Even the Speaker himself probably doesn't dare to say that he knows all the secrets of the parliament. Let me check the information for you."

As she spoke, she sat directly on the chair behind the desk and randomly pulled out a book from the bookshelf behind her.

This bookshelf should also be a symbol. The books on the bookshelf do not represent all the books collected here. Meghan just flipped through a few pages and found the part she had read in her memory:

"Here. Every time I see it, I want to sigh. There were good witches in ancient times, but there were also bad ones."

She did not hand the book to Shade, but simply described what Shade wanted to know;

"In the beginning, it was indeed just a war between ordinary people. Firearms had already appeared at that time, but by paying tribute to the witch, the kingdom of ordinary people could obtain the witch's blessing and some magic potions to enhance the power of those in large-scale battles. The fighting power of the knights holding cold weapons. The first month before the war started was ordinary, but then someone spent a lot of money to invite the witches from one side to go directly, so the other side also gave more wealth to them for worship. The witch will also go directly to the end."

"The difference between ancient witches and modern witches is that they are very keen to learn secret techniques that are highly destructive and have a large range of damage."

Miss Sylvia added, and Meghan nodded, continuing the story:

"The battle between the witches directly affected the ordinary people on the battlefield. Then an unknown person shot an arrow at the witch in the air. Feeling that her dignity was offended, the witch used a secret technique to summon demonic flames, burning all the mortals below.

However, she was not good at studying, and the summoning ritual went wrong, mistakenly opening a gap leading to an unknown subspace, causing a steady stream of flames to gush out from the gap. The witch who was hostile to her rescued her. They wanted to hide their mistakes and did not dare to ask the local witch emperor directly for help. So when they had to expose the matter, even the thirteenth-level great witch could not close the gap. "

She sighed softly, and Shade also understood:

"Is this why Mr. Jackman never returned to his hometown?"

"Yes, because it involved subspace and unknown evil spirits, all the information about that war was hidden. But in the end, this matter was not handled by the parliament. The local emperor somehow contacted someone He was a believer in the old gods and spent a lot of money to ask the gods to take action to stop the expansion of the cracks."

Shade was too lazy to calculate how many people the old god - [Golden Lord] had received in payment for this incident.

"The subsequent record is very simple. The gods prevented the crack from expanding, and the burning plain was completely sealed. About fifty or sixty years later, a strange skeleton fell from the sky and completely sealed the crack. And when people wanted to go again When we found the skeleton, we couldn’t find it.”

Megan gently closed the book and looked at Shade:

"When I read about this before, I just took it as a warning that all of us should use our power carefully. After listening to your story, I realized that there are so many hidden things behind it, and there is also a Love legend.”

"No one can tell how many stories we don't know are hidden in those lost histories. That's why we need magicians with time talents like Shade to go and witness the past events."

Miss Sylvia said, putting her hand on Shade's shoulder.

Looking at Shade with golden eyes, she asked softly:

"Actually, we are willing to wait silently for you, or suffer like that Richard Jackman."

"Well, actually at this time, you should be the one asking me if I am willing to do this, rather than you having to do it."

Shade reminded, a smile appeared on the black-haired girl's face:

"We are not ordinary girls. Witches all know that happiness must be achieved by ourselves. If we do nothing and expect others to look at us, we can only wait and end up alone."

Megan also stood up and was about to say something when the expressions of the three of them suddenly changed and they all heard footsteps coming from the other side of the passage behind them.

PS: Someone asked me to recommend a book.

"This fox fairy is so inhuman"

The male protagonist is a arrogant fox who has no sense of joy. Life is too hard, so it would be nice to watch it happily.

"Ren Yidao! Please be a human being!"

"Eh? As a human being? But I am a fox fairy."

"Also, please call me foster father."

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