Whispering Verse

Chapter 1883 Bad News from Parliament

"Someone is coming! Hurry!"

Megan lifted up her skirt almost subconsciously, and then Shade immediately put Mia on the table behind her, transformed into a silver cat, and got under her skirt.

Little Mia wanted to follow, but Miss Sylvia quickly picked up the dice, black key, perfume bottle and two rings that fell on the ground, attracting its attention to the [Fish Training Ring] and [Immortality Lord of the Rings]. When Miss Sylvia straightened up, she saw the red-haired Carina Cavendish walking in:

"Eh? Where's Shade?"

She asked curiously:

"Didn't the girls at the hotel say that Shade is with you?"

She looked at the two people with frozen expressions suspiciously, looked at the study room where there was obviously no third person, and then saw little Mia on the table:

"You wouldn't say this is your cat, would you?"

Neither of them realized that it was impossible for ordinary cats to enter here. At this moment, Megan's skirt moved, and then the cat with its head lowered came out of it.

The duchess had a strange expression on her face, and then she watched with a smile as Shade returned to his human form in the light:

"So you thought it was someone else who came back. What should I say? Shade, does the scenery under the girl's skirt look good?"


Megan, who was blushing, had forced Audrey to exchange with her, while Audrey, who was also blushing, made a sound of dissatisfaction.

After the group of people left the parliament and Miss Sylvia took Miss Benanis to Shade's room in the Green Lake Hotel, the beautiful red-haired duchess was still smiling.

Of course Miss Benanis was curious about what she was laughing at, but neither Miss Sylvia nor Audrey nor Shade would explain it to her.

In order to prevent Miss Bernice from being too concerned about what just happened, after the witches all sat down, Shade couldn't wait to ask:

"What is it that makes you so nervous? You won't talk about it until you get it together."

"It's not complicated, but it could have an impact on you."

Miss Benenice said:

"Your Majesty Speaker Isabella, prepare to come to Green Lake City."

Time seemed to stand still for a second.

"The great witch of time? Wait, but if you think about it carefully, it's not hard to think of."

Shade was just stunned for a moment before he understood. Audrey nodded:

"Yes, Your Excellency the Speaker is worried about my situation. No matter who is the chosen one in the space, the Parliament cannot lose the Great Witch here. Now is the time for the Parliament to employ people, even if it is not based on our friendship, just on the pure From a utilitarian point of view, I can’t die here.”

Shade was a little restless. He didn't know how strong the thirteenth-level witch was, but at least he wasn't ready to meet her yet.

[So when can we be ready? 】

"At least I have to wait until I get to know all the other twelve great witches, and then I say to Miss Isabella: Your Excellency, Speaker, you don't want to either. Ahem."

If Iluna were here, Shade would immediately know that even in the Sixth Age without Shade, Megan and Audrey still escaped from the ceremony of uniting many as one, and it was most likely because of that time The great witch rescued them. However, the current situation is very different from that in the past. Not to mention the degree of unity, at least in terms of the strength of the witches, the Witches Council has become very different:

"When will Lady Isabella come?"

This was what Shade was most concerned about. He was a little restless while holding little Mia.

It was still Miss Bernice who gave him the answer:

"Originally, the Speaker said that she was coming now and wanted to familiarize herself with the situation here in advance, but we persuaded her to stop."

She looked at the other three great witches, and they all had the same attitude:

"It's hard for us to tell what the Speaker's attitude is towards you. So if it's not necessary, let her stay away from you. But it's not like the Speaker won't come. She said that since we think we can handle the matter here, we'll give it to you. We have a week. If there is no big progress within a week, she will definitely come over."

Miss Sylvia added:

"The Speaker doesn't plan to bring her followers, so if she flies here by herself, it won't actually take much time."

Now Shade understood what they meant:

"The Green Lake matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. We must not let Miss Isabella see me now. Mother-in-law Cassandra will arrive tomorrow, and Miss Aurora will probably be there on the weekend."

That night, in order to discuss the resolution of the incident in the Green Lake area as soon as possible and prevent the great witch of time from actually discovering the little actions of Shad and the six witches surrounding him, the lights in Shad's room on the third floor of the hotel were kept on. At midnight.

In order to have enough energy to carry out further investigations on Friday, Shade asked the witches to go back to rest until the time passed twelve o'clock, and waited until Granny Cassandra and Miss Aurora arrived before discussing the final decision. plan.

Miss Benanis took the lead in giving Shad a kiss on the side of his face, and then opened the portal back with Miss Sylvia. The rain outside had stopped. Shade sent Miss Carina and Megan downstairs and watched the two witches leave in a carriage. Then he hugged little Mia, who could no longer open her eyes, and prepared to rest:

"Go home and sleep."

Dorothy is probably still writing furiously, and she is still in a special physiological stage. Shade probably won't be able to knock on the door. In this case, it is better to return home.

But before Shade could reach the stairs of the hotel, the carriage that had just left came back.

The car door opened, Miss Carina waved to Shade, and then winked. Shade, who understood what she meant, gave up the idea of ​​going home, and boarded the carriage to Rose Manor with his cat.

(Little Mia is running.)

"So, this is why you showed up here so early in the morning?"

In the Rose Manor restaurant on Friday morning, when Lecia and Agelina walked in together, they saw Shade sitting on the left side of Miss Carina.

Lesia naturally sat next to Shade, so Agelina could only sit opposite Shade.

Little Mia, who was licking the goat's milk with her head down on the table, didn't care who sat down. Tifa smiled and arranged for the servants to bring breakfast to the two princesses.

The drizzle that lasted for a week finally stopped on Friday. Because of the rain, when the sky cleared, there wasn't even the usual gray haze in the city. Bright sunshine poured into the room through the windows on the east side of the restaurant.

This not only makes the hair on the back of the cat enjoying breakfast shine, but also makes Carina Cavendish look better.

Agelina pursed her lips, trying not to imagine what happened last night. Lesia took one look at Miss Carina's face and mental state and knew what happened last night:

"Xia De has to do so many things every day, won't you let him go even at night?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Shade, who was chewing bread, started to cough. Agelina looked at her sister quietly, but the duchess took her complaint as a compliment:

"Little Lecia, since I came to Green Lake City, Shade has stayed at my place no more than three times. Among them, he even spent the night with you once."

Although she was talking to Lesia, she was actually looking at Shade:

"Do you know how difficult it is to make Shade give up going home and rest? Oh, Lesia, sometimes you should have some compassion. Besides, I think Shade was in good spirits last night."

"Agelina is still here, don't say such things."

Lesia said with a straight face, slowly manipulating the knife and fork in her hand to cut the sausages on the plate.

After smelling the smell, little Mia looked back at the food on her plate, but instead of picking up the sausage slices Lesia handed her, she picked at Shad's hand. Lesia smiled and put a small piece of sausage on Shade's plate with a fork, and then Shade fed it to the cat.

"Agelina is seventeen years old, do you really think she doesn't understand anything?"

The duchess was still talking, but the little princess who was pulled into the conversation was already blushing.

"Look, she really knows everything. She didn't use the books you took away from her to prop up the table."

Miss Carina commented casually, and since Agelina was mentioned, she asked one more question:

"Agelina, have the sounds in your ears become clear recently?"

"It only appeared clearly once, and then it appeared vaguely in dreams."

Agelina replied, and Lesia gave her advice very cautiously:

"Based on past experience, your complete awakening will be within one or two weeks. If you encounter great fluctuations in your mental state or special mental stimulation during this period, it may be earlier."

According to the negotiated plan, once Agelina awakens, she will first enroll in Zarath Academy of Literature and become a ring warlock through the awakening ceremony there. But Miss Carina will also give her some of the witch's powers at the same time. As for whether she wants to become a witch's apprentice in the future, it depends on Agelina's core spirit runes and her own talents.

Agelina's talents are quite amazing, especially the sixth sense talent, which is acknowledged by Shade, Lesia and Miss Carina. According to Agelina's own wishes, it is certain that she will become a witch's apprentice. It just depends on which witch can appreciate her. Although Miss Carina can teach her, she has not been interested in it in recent years and has spent all her energy training people other than Tifa and Iluna.

Agelina listened to the discussion between her sister and her aunt, and then quietly looked at Shade who was feeding the cat across the table. She woke up from her dream last night, and for some reason she went to the kitchen downstairs to bring hot tea instead of asking her maid. When passing by the master bedroom of the manor, it should be completely soundproof, but she heard a strange sound.

No one knows how long she stood outside the door, but Agelina knew very well that when the excitement with shame, the hatred with joy, and the twisted mood with joy were intertwined, "she" was far away from her, There is only one last step left.

PS: Picture of this chapter - "Cat up skirt".

I know it should be all silver, but I can't draw it, so I'll just pretend it's a silver cat.

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