Whispering Verse

Chapter 1884 The Process of History

"Speaking of which, how long are you going to stay in Green Lake City? The negotiation meetings have been intermittent this week. The newspaper did not give a recent schedule. I think Carina did not attend the meetings as often as before. The church does not decide, Do you want the delegation to leave here so that they can deal with Green Lake with all their strength?"

Shade asked, and the duchess nodded:

“Arrangements for the church have already begun.

Tomorrow night, a grand banquet will be held in this manor, and everyone involved in the negotiations, including representatives of Kasenlik, will attend. Later, I would invite Marguerite Anjou to stay. The day after tomorrow, that is, Sunday, she and I will show up and experience a major 'accident' together, which will force the negotiation to not proceed. I've got the plan here, Shade, remember to come to the banquet tomorrow. In addition, if I encounter an accident, you should not come to rescue me. This has been arranged. "

After saying that, he was worried that Xia De didn’t know clearly:

"The day after tomorrow I will ride in a carriage with Margaret Anjou from the Rose Garden to the City Hall. There will be a large number of citizens watching along the way. When I reach out from the window to say hello, I will be shot. ."

"Why is this scene so familiar? Last summer."

The girls in the room all laughed. Queen Diana suffered a similar assassination last summer, and Shade, who ran for several streets, blocked the fatal bullet for her.

"The reason for inviting Margaret together is because neither country wants a war to break out. Being assassinated together can best attribute the incident to a third party, rather than Carson Rick's Gray Gloves planning the incident. "

Lesia explained that of course Shade understood why it was Margaret and not someone else. The Duke of Carsenlick was shot last week and is not yet able to attend the banquet. As for Margaret's brother, Miss Carina was not willing to ride in the carriage with a man other than Shade, so the matter naturally fell on Margaret.

"Xia De, I remember you said that there are friends of yours in the military camps on the border?"

Miss Carina suddenly asked, and after Shade nodded, she continued to inquire:

"What's your rank? Is it reliable?"

"Captain, very reliable, currently the deputy battalion commander of Crossroads Barracks.

Captain Rades has quite a rich resume. Last spring he was captured by Kasenrik because of a relic. After getting to know me in the summer, I took away the relic at the Lakeview Manor dinner, and he subsequently regained his confidence. . After catching the human trafficker, he was transferred to the Red Water Camp of Mount Sikal, where he participated in the Battle of Mount Sikal in the autumn. He cooperated with the church's team, fought against the ghosts and undead, and made another meritorious service. Although he was not promoted during the investiture season at the beginning of the year, he was transferred to the Pantanal border after the end of the year, and was recently transferred to the Green Lake area. "

Not only Miss Carina and Lesia, but even Agelina, who had little contact with military affairs, were surprised by this resume:

"Is that captain just an ordinary person?"

"Yes, just an ordinary person. He is very determined and a good man. When Queen Diana was assassinated last summer, I was working with him to catch the criminals who abducted children. Then I was shot and he caught the criminals. . I was knighted, and the fact that he was captured by Kasenric was also wiped out."

The duchess nodded:

"Well, since you said he can be completely trusted, I will trouble you later to help me deliver a letter to him. After Margaret Anjou and I were assassinated, the teams on the border between the two countries , a controllable small-scale battle is to take place. There is also a tacit understanding on Kasenrik's side, so that both parties can really stop the negotiation on the grounds that 'everyone needs to calm down and avoid the expansion of the conflict'."

Lesia wanted to continue explaining Shade, but after thinking about it, she motioned to Agelina to speak:

"So, it is best to find a trustworthy officer on the front line. After all, if this matter is found out later, it will inevitably damage the credibility of the royal family. But if the troops are not mobilized through formal channels, but the local patrol team, He exchanged fire with Kasenrik's side."

Miss Carina nodded again, satisfied with Agelina's reaction:

"Shad, tell your officer friend that as long as he can engage in firefights with the Kasenrik army as arranged, no matter what happens after that, he will be transferred from the Green Lake border. As for the subsequent promotion of military rank and transfer to a better defense zone, there will naturally be no problem.”

Since she said such a small thing herself, of course she would not regret it later. Shade then agreed, but Shade had to ask Captain Rades himself if he was willing to take over the task.

So at ten o'clock that morning, Shade came to the tavern in Crossroads Village again and sat down in the tavern with Captain Rades. Of course, soldiers in the army are not allowed to enter or leave pubs during the day, let alone drink, but this rule does not impose great constraints on officers. Captain Rades regards Shade as his best friend. Since Shade comes to visit, he will naturally not shirk it.

There were not many guests in the tavern at this time. When the enthusiastic tavern proprietress brought the two drinks, Shade had a few words with the captain:

"I still remember when we first came here, you had a conflict with a few Kasenlik people, and you were even kicked out by the tavern proprietress just now. At that time, there were people from both countries here;

Later, when we came here for the second time, Delrayon's badge had already been hung up, the boss lady became very enthusiastic towards you, and the number of people in Kasenlik also became much smaller;

Now, there are no Kasenlik merchants who were passing through the village just now, and there are no southerners in this tavern. "

The captain fiddled with the Delarian coat of arms hanging on the wall:

"Not only here, I heard that the voices against Kassenrik in China are also very loud. The trade situation between the two countries this year will definitely be greatly affected. Fortunately, I don't do cross-border trade."

Shade smiled:

"Yes, you are not engaged in cross-border trade. You are a professional soldier. Now that we are talking about soldiers, Captain, I have a small thing here. I wonder if you are willing to do it."

The topic changed a bit quickly. Captain Rades across the table put down the wine glass in his hand and was confused:

"Little thing? Of course I can help."

The captain didn't realize what Shade was going to say, he just thought it was something like transit documents.

Shade shook his head:

"Don't make a decision yet, just take a look at this."

He handed the "personal letter" written by Tifa from Miss Carina to the captain. The captain touched the envelope paper and his puzzled expression turned serious. He raised his head and glanced at Shade cautiously. After Shade nodded slightly, he opened the wax seal and took out the letter.

Even during the day, the light in the tavern was a bit dim. The white candle used for lighting on the table became shorter and shorter, and the wax tears slid down drop by drop, forming a layer of wax oil at the bottom of the candle holder. The captain read carefully by the candlelight, his brows furrowed and his eyes became more and more serious.

When he finished reading, he handed the letter back to Shade. Shade put the letter close to the candle, lit it, and threw it into the empty bowl he had asked the landlady in advance.

Neither of them spoke, and they watched quietly as the letter curled up in the flames in the bowl until it was burned to ashes. Then, Shade took out the kettle and filled it with water. After fully stirring the burning ashes evenly, Captain Rades actually drank the entire bowl of ashes in one gulp with a look of surprise.

"Actually, it's very safe to burn it clean."

"Safety first, you know the seriousness of this matter."

Captain Rades nodded slowly, but his brows were still furrowed:

"It's indeed very tricky. I didn't expect you to bring this kind of task. If I'm not careful, I might become the sinner who triggers a full-scale war."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Give me some time and I'll think about it."

The captain stared at the burning candle, and Shade could see his confusion.

"Captain Eight-Gun" Rades is one of the few ordinary people friends that outsiders know in this world, but he is also a truly upright person. If he were allowed to carry out this plan, not only would he be liable for infamy in the future, but once the weapon was fired, all subsequent casualties would be attributed to him.

At this moment, his reputation and the lives of his soldiers are at stake with his own future and the fate of the kingdom. Although the weight of the chips was inconsistent, it was still not an easy decision to make, so Shade was willing to give him time to think.

Finally, the captain raised his head and whispered:

"No problem, I will do it. If I don't do it, someone else will do it. In fact, there were rumors some time ago that the two countries intend to end the negotiations and wait until they have sorted out the current situation and choose other locations for talks. This is something that cannot be stopped, but I didn’t expect that such a radical method would be used.”

"There is no way not to be radical. You are also aware of the recent conflict between the Delarians and the Kasenric people on the north and south sides of Green Lake City. What's more, there is someone in the dark who is planning to assassinate the two countries. Representative of the negotiating team. If the talks continue, sooner or later there will be a war here. Therefore, it is better for the two countries to have a tacit understanding and stop after a brief conflict."

Schade explained that of course he couldn't say it was all because of the church. Of course, because there has been no progress in the Green Lake negotiations, in fact, the two kings may have taken the initiative to suspend the negotiations.

The captain nodded cautiously:

"I will do it. After the specific time and place are arranged, I will inform the contact person according to the method in the letter. This can be regarded as participating in the process of history."

Shade smiled:

"We are already in the process of history, and no one can escape it."

Captain Rades picked up the wine glass again and toasted to Shade:

"Detective, thank you for giving me this opportunity. Even though I was so entangled just now, I am actually very happy that I can finally seize a further opportunity before retiring from the army. This is a bad thing and a good thing. I know this is you Trust me."

PS: Main mission:

"Muttered Psalms" is currently located in Branch 6: The Farthest Distance.

Secondary main tasks:

The rise and fall of civilization——

Act One: The Cat and the Gray Eagle (End)

Act 2: Cities, Trade and Conflict (Final Phase)


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