Whispering Verse

Chapter 1896 The Shadow Beyond Time and Space

Maria Edwards was very surprised:

"You actually know this? Yes, the dangerous man you described is Uncle Envy Edwards. He is very special in the family. Our bloodline inherits unique space power, so everyone has a unique Spatial talent, for example, I am very talented in finding special and abnormal spaces. When Uncle Enwei was very young, he not only showed the talent of space, but also showed the talent of time. "

Miss Sylvia raised her eyebrows and glanced at Shade:

"This talent is indeed rare. That's why Envy Edwards was imprisoned by your ancestors when he was very young? What exactly was the experiment on him?"

"It is indeed an experiment on the elixir of life, but other contents were added later. I don't know much about it. It is the core secret of the ancestors. I can only tell you that the ancestors gave Uncle Enwei a longer life. Then let him continue to explore unknown spaces, continue to travel to the past, and obtain the secrets at the other end of time.”

She tried her best to describe what she knew:

"I have not been formally trained as a ring magician, but I also know that frequent exploration of space and time will definitely cause trouble. In the end, Uncle Envy Edwards paid the price for this, and was punished for transcending time and space. , turned into a big trouble that even the ancestors found difficult. What you just said, that he was trapped in the coffin, was actually a special containment carried out by the ancestors. "

Maria Edwards commented cautiously:

"Not even our ancestors thought that Uncle Enwei would end up like this."

In this way, the murals seen in the underground chamber of Mr. Soren Green's dream can be explained. One side describes an experiment in immortality, and the other side describes an exploration of time and space through doors, leading to the eventual loss of oneself.

"Your ancestors are really brave. Although the ancient gods of time and space have long since left, this does not mean that the rules of space and time that form the basis of the material world can be played with. Although there is no evidence to show whether the 'Guardian of Time and Space' exists, whether it is It’s a rumored unknowable relic, but if he does this, he will definitely be punished.”

Miss Sylvia said seriously that the great witch of space knows space best, so she is also the most cautious.

"The chosen one of space destroyed the space."

Shade muttered in his heart, and Maria Edwards blinked:

"I'll give you three opportunities to ask questions. If you are willing to spend the second time, I can reveal a little bit about why the ancestors did this."

Shade naturally nodded:

"No problem, why did he do that?"

"[Poem Solitaire], an angel-level relic, the ancestors hope to use Uncle Envi to continuously look back on history and find the ancient hero who is most suitable to call with this relic."

Shade and Miss Sylvia looked at each other. Of course the witches also knew the key information provided by Luvia:

"Did Envy Edwards get his answers before he completely lost control?"

The woman's soul thought for a moment:

"I only heard about it on the island. I also dreamed about it at midnight and heard the wailing in the well. I should have got the answer. My ancestor only mentioned it once in front of me. At that time, he was very excited. . This is a rare emotional expression for the ancestor. He said that he has found his goal. If he can really succeed by then, 'E Plurus Unum' and 'Twin Body' may be even better."

Miss Sylvia thought about this information silently, but Shade thought of more.

The fortune teller on the island clearly mentioned on the night he landed on the island to look for Lesia that he had guessed the existence of the "past life and the sixth era". Although the fortune teller didn't know that this had happened six times, he guessed it after all.

From this, Shade had to think about Envy Edwards' time travel and which era he went to in search of what. Of course, it was absolutely impossible for the Edwards to enter the Sixth Age of the past. After all, that time had been completely destroyed by Luvia, and Shade could only enter because of the strange black time key.

But adding the two things together, Xia De felt a huge uneasiness in his heart. [Poem Solitaire] can summon a hero who was sung in the past. Although the summoned target is not a complete body, it is completely incomparable to the effect of his low-level sublimation words "the echo of time and space shakes the sleeping power". But his words of sublimation can only call the great witch corresponding to the "Witch Reverberation", while the "Poetic Cards" have no identity restrictions:

"No way? Although I know that his talent is outstanding, is it too exaggerated if he is calling for it with that relic?"

Maria Edwards didn't know much about it, and that was all she told Shade and Miss Sylvia at this time. Shade and the two also understood this, so they did not dwell on this topic any longer.

With one last chance to ask, Shade discussed it with Miss Sylvia. In the end, they did not ask about the island anymore, but changed the question:

"Among the Edwards who are now nominally controlled by your ancestors, who is the most dissatisfied with him and wants to leave the family the most?"

"That must be my niece Nadia Foran."

Maria's answer was quick:

"She is the daughter of my brother, Edward Edwards, the second son of the fourth generation. Niece Fulen was arranged to have her death suspended by her ancestors when she was old. Then she was sent to the family, and she was reborn after some rituals and experiments that I don't know about. She regained her youth and became a ring sorcerer. She is now a priest of the [Dragon Eater Order] and is quite powerful in her own right. She has done a lot for the family, which has directly led to deeper cooperation between the family and the cultists.

Before I ran away from the family, I knew that she wanted to get rid of everything and truly live a new life. I was also influenced by her when I ran away from the family. "

In this way, the dissatisfied person in the family hinted by the ghost Mr. Nicholas Green should be this Ms. Fullan. Now all parties are making preparations before landing on the island. In Shade's opinion, it is necessary for him to find this lady and have a good talk.

Maria Edwards was unwilling to leave this flower field, although both Shade and Sylvia persuaded her to go to the Green Lake Hotel and live with her grandson and granddaughter before the last day. After all, they were already here. There was no need to hide, but she was still stubborn and refused to leave, preferring to wait for the family banquet alone.

Even when Shade mentioned Mr. Nicholas Green, who had been searching for her whereabouts for so many years, Maria Edwards just sighed with a dark expression, but still shook her head:

"He is an adult and has his own life. I will apologize to him at the family gathering."

So Shade and Miss Sylvia looked at each other again, with Shade being the "bad guy":

"That's right, Rust will definitely leave with us, and she also wants to return to Durut Giles."

Upon hearing the familiar name, the soul of the girl sleeping in the woman's arms immediately flew out and circled around Shade's head:


"Druit Giles? Who is this?"

The gentle woman asked, and Shade explained:

"A former tomb robber, but he no longer robs tombs. He is a well-established university lecturer. I heard that his income is pretty good. Miss Rust likes him very much and has been living with him. Miss Maria, you don't want to yourself either My aunt, and a strange man."

"I'll go to your place!"

The woman's soul said immediately, and Shade tried hard not to laugh, but also felt that the Edwards family relationship was really interesting.

Instead of leaving with the two of them now, she asked for the location of the Green Lake Hotel and planned to go there alone tonight. This was no problem, so Shade and Miss Sylvia also got up and left. As long as she is willing to move to the Green Lake Hotel, there will be plenty of opportunities to ask her about other situations before the final day.

Both Shade and Miss Sylvia were very satisfied with their visit to the flower field. When they walked out of the path in the flower field with Rust, who was chattering about going back, they even talked about the grand party tonight. banquet.

Since Margaret is going to be invited as the protagonist, Miss Sylvia will naturally go with her. This banquet was the largest and most luxurious banquet in the region since the Green Lake negotiations. All the great witches were invited to attend due to various circumstances. The nobles of the two countries gathered together, and even the Five Gods Church participated.

Miss Sylvia will go back to prepare clothes soon. When the two of them walked out of the hidden space, she even took the initiative to invite Shade to dance with her in the evening:

"You will probably be very busy tonight. Except for Carina, who is inconvenient to ruin her image and dance with a strange man rashly, the other girls will invite you."

As she spoke, she became even more excited:

"When the time comes, let Carina watch from the side, and then we will take turns inviting you to dance. After the dance, when the next person is replaced, we will take turns kissing your cheek in front of her. Thinking about this scene, it feels like Green Lake. It’s nice to relax like this before the war. No one can interrupt the banquet tonight.”


It's not convenient for Shade to comment, but it's a pity that the day of the red butterfly will be reserved for the decisive battle next Wednesday, otherwise he can take Dorothy with him. You know, Lecia and Dorothy like the Red Butterfly Day at this kind of banquet the most.

"Of course you can dance, but we don't have to be in Jiayuan?"

The flower path had reached its end, and they left the hidden flower field. When the normal sky appeared above their heads, the two of them, even Rusty Edwards, subconsciously looked up at the sky together:

"Oh, God~"

The complete blue sky was like a shattered mirror, with dense cracks clearly appearing in the sky. And in those cracks, the scenery of an unfamiliar countryside is clearly reflected.

PS: Picture of this chapter "The Broken Sky"

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