Whispering Verse

Chapter 1897 Cracks and Banquet

"What's going on?"

Seeing Shade and Miss Sylvia coming out, the girls who were staying outside also gathered around. Miss Sylvia's assistant, Miss Deckert, informed the situation:

"About ten minutes ago, the first crack appeared in the sky. The inside of the initial crack was completely black, and then the countryside scenery appeared. It has not yet been compared to the specific location of the scenery, but judging from the life scenes, It’s our time now.”

"Can ordinary people see it?"

asked Miss Sylvia.

"No, at least not now."

"Is it related to the large-scale ceremony of the Prophet Association?"

Shade also guessed, but then he denied his idea:

"That was a divination ritual. Even if it went wrong, it wouldn't involve such a serious spatial rift. The situation has gotten worse."

Shade originally planned to follow Miss Sylvia back to the City of Glass, and then go to Green Lake City to attend the banquet together in the evening. But Rust had no choice but to return to Durut Giles now. Shade could only wait for twenty minutes, and then asked Miss Sylvia to open the portal, and then returned to the basement of the Green Lake Hotel. .

Nowadays, as the space anomalies in the Green Lake area worsen, even if the great witch of space wants to open the portal at any time, it is not an easy task. Fortunately, when the witches spent a lot of effort to renovate the Green Lake Hotel, they did not forget to arrange professional space markers in the basement so that Miss Sylvia can still communicate here even now.

In this way, the Green Lake Hotel's function as a base has been completely perfected.

The abnormal phenomena in the sky caused chaos among the ring warlocks in the entire Green Lake area. Fortunately, except for the traces of fragmentation in the sky, there were no other abnormal phenomena for the time being. But this special sight hanging above my head is really unsettling.

Fortunately, on Saturday evening, after the moon appeared on the horizon in the dusk sunset, the crack actually became blurred in the afterimage of the sunset, gradually dimming until it completely disappeared.

On the third floor of the hotel, Dorothy, who was helping Shade check his formal clothes in front of the mirror, sighed softly:

"Have a good time tonight and say hello to Lesia for me."

She was still a little regretful that she couldn't go to the banquet.

"How about you go with me, but keep your distance from Lesia."

"What's the point? Besides, I have something to do when I stay, help you take care of your cat. The doctor just asked me to help check a manuscript he got from the local black market. Besides, I also want to talk to that man Let’s talk about Maria Edwards.”

She stood on tiptoes and kissed Shade on the side of his face:

"If I feel bored, I'll switch with Lesia."


The cat squatting on the windowsill made a soft meow. It did not look at the two people in front of the mirror, but looked at the setting sun outside the window. His eyes were bright, and it wasn't until Shade, who had changed his clothes, touched his little head that he turned around and jumped into his arms.

"Mia, stay with Dorothy tonight and don't run around."


The cat was sometimes so obedient that even Shade felt a little guilty.

Shade was invited to this grand banquet as Meghan's male companion. So after bidding farewell to Dorothy, he boarded the carriage of Paradise Island Pharmacy at the door and saw Meghan dressed in the carriage.

"Good evening, Shade."

Soft lips touched the side of Shade's face.

"Good evening, Shade."

Then Audrey spoke.

When the carriage slowly started to move, she looked at Xia De's outfit with a gentle smile:

"That's great. Don't forget to ask me to dance tonight."

After saying that, he looked outside the car again:

"Test you, answer me, why do the abnormalities in the sky disappear after the sun sets?"

"The light of the sun and moon can stabilize the rules of the world. Every cycle of the sun and moon will re-bind the rules."

Shade answered casually, and then thought of another thing:

"But there is something wrong with this. Since cracks in the sky can appear under the sun's light, then under the moon's light, the rules will also be broken by space anomalies. Could it be said that in our era, the moon is stronger than the sun?"

It was still evening, and the sun and moon appeared in the sky at the same time. Shade only had to peek out of the carriage slightly to see the sun and moon. However, Audrey didn't care about this problem very much. She held Shade's hand:

"Tonight is probably the last banquet we can participate in before the family banquet."

Saying that, he hugged Shade's neck without any refusal and kissed him again. Shade found that Megan and Audrey liked kissing very much, but he didn't hate it either. But before the carriage stopped at the gate of Rose Manor, the two of them had to carefully check whether they needed to touch up their makeup and whether there was any other color on their lips.

When Shade jumped out of the carriage first and held Audrey's hand wearing a white lace glove as she stepped off the carriage, the witch looked up at the red carpet extending from the manor house to the door, and then looked at the higher parts of the mansion. , that brilliant sunset like fireworks, finally looked at Shade standing in the background.

For a moment, she felt that the meaning of her life seemed to be this moment. Even if she fails to leave the old family house in the end, she will not have the same regrets about herself and her life as before.

"Oh, good evening, Miss Green."

The voice came from the side, and Miss Vanessa Benanis, wearing a sky blue dress and a pink ribbon in her long blond hair, walked over with a smile. Also walking together was Sirius. The young blond girl smiled shyly at Shade, while the witch of the earth stood directly on the other side of Shade:

"This male companion of yours is really handsome, why don't you introduce him to us?"

She had successfully advanced to the twelfth level. She used the rigid but elegant ancient Kasonric grammar. Although she was talking to Audrey, her eyes were always on Shade.

Therefore, the great witch of knowledge and wisdom suddenly felt that she still had many regrets in her life. She naturally crossed over Shade's right arm and nodded gently to the blond witch whose reputation was known throughout the Old World:

"Good evening, Sir Benanith."

The smile on Miss Bernice's face became even bigger. She walked side by side with Sirius, and together with Shade, they walked along the carpet to the Rose Manor mansion not far away.

Although I heard from Miss Carina in advance about the scale of this banquet, now that I have actually arrived at the banquet hall, I feel as if I have returned to Tobesk City.

He tried not to think about how the ingredients for the delicious dishes that filled the long table were prepared. Don't even think about when the precious oil paintings and antique vases that seemed to appear in the manor overnight were shipped. Miss Carina, who has never been stingy about banquets, already knew that this was probably the last banquet of the negotiating delegation in Green Lake City, so she made up her mind to show the generosity of the Delarian royal family to the people of Kasonlik. and abundance.

A band from afar played soothing music, and the gentlemen and ladies who came to the banquet were all dressed up. Under the already lit gas lamps and crystal chandeliers, they discussed topics related to the fate of the civilization of the Old World.

As the setting sun completely disappeared outside the window, the three moons illuminated the earth, and all the cracks in the sky disappeared. Inside the glass windows, brilliant lights illuminated everything golden. Even the beggars on the street can guess from the lights what kind of enjoyment the nobles are having.

The nominal purpose of the banquet was to lighten the mood and provide negotiators with space to interact beyond the conference table. Therefore, Margaret and Miss Carina were busy with various meetings and had no time to talk to Shade.

And of course Shade, who accompanied Audrey to meet the big businessmen from the North and the South, would not stand there in a daze. When the banquet officially started and people holding wine glasses gathered together in twos and threes, he was also chatting and laughing with Miss Swift, who was supporting Granny Cassandra.

The young girl with flaxen hair is now quite graceful compared to the fear and youthfulness when Xia De first met her last autumn.

At this moment, Xia De's peripheral vision glanced at a familiar figure. Turning around to look, they saw Miss Sylvie Avora wearing a bright red dress walking towards them. Behind her, was her niece and apprentice, Miss Hayley Aurora.

The great witch of "light" finally came to Green Lake City this Saturday. At this point, all six great witches participating in this operation have gathered. The early and mid-term operations of the Witch Council have officially ended, and it's time for the final preparations.

But this is a lively banquet, so there is no need to talk about such topics now. So, Miss Sylvie Avora, who came as a private person with wavy brown hair, came to Shade with a smile, and first hugged Granny Cassandra:

"Mother-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see, Xiwei."

Afterwards, Miss Aurora unexpectedly hugged Shade gently and took a deep breath:

"It's been a long time, detective. Have you missed me in the past few months?"

She let go of Shade, who smiled and nodded:

"Of course. Long time no see, madam. How was your trip?"

"It went smoothly. I was originally on the east coast. It was really strenuous to take a boat all the way along the inland river from there. However, it was necessary. After all, this was the only way my family could come."

She winked at Shade. The scent of "Witch's Smell" perfume was mature and charming:

"So did you have a good time at Green Lake? I hope our sisters can take good care of you, Miss Green. We haven't seen each other for many years since we were separated last time. How is business recently? In my opinion, the New World You should make a big bet on the pharmaceutical business. This opportunity is good. The nobles of both countries are here. Once an agreement is reached with the military, the New World will continue to deliver gold to you. "

She held Audrey's hand, and after the two approached, she lowered her voice and winked:

"Have a nice holiday at Green Lake? How does Shad taste?"

Audrey was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. Miss Aurora was very satisfied with her performance:

"You see, saying this to the girls who are new to Shade is one of the joys that detectives bring me."

Then he turned to Shade and said:

"Detective, maybe you have to leave for a while. There is someone waiting for you outside. It is the fortune teller and the seventeen-year-old girl from the church. They have brought you new news."

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Sivi Avora"

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