Whispering Verse

Chapter 1903 Civilization and Conflict Green Lake Incident

The traces of whispering elements on the man's body are very strong after contact. The level of the relic that controls him is at least the sage level. It's just that the characteristics of this control relic seem to be mainly reflected in "concealability" rather than "reliability".

Shade looked at the approaching royal guards and the carriage not far away, and then at the man who was still smiling and waving. Although I know that if I just do nothing, nothing big will happen in the end, but after all, safety is the most important thing:

“It’s really about becoming part of the historical process.”

A silver pen that had been prepared was drawn out of the sleeve of the drooped right arm. He raised his left hand high to greet the approaching carriage:

"Long live the Cavendish family, and may Duke Carina always be healthy!"

His voice was lost in the crowd and was as unnoticeable as the controlled man beside him.

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and the man holding the silver pen and the man holding the silver pen squeezed forward together. People cheered and celebrated, and Miss Carina's golden eyes also saw the shining silver pen in the morning light of this Sunday.

But then, Shade put his right hand on the shoulder of the man next to him:


The whispering element contends with the power of thaumaturgy, and ultimately thaumaturgy gains the upper hand. Then, Shade put his right hand into his pocket, turned the steam bomb he had asked for from Lesia this morning from a toy into a real thing, and stuffed it into the man's hand from below.

The man was controlled by Shade and took off the silver pen from his chest. Shade then hung his silver pen in his jacket pocket.

The carriage approached, the sun was just right, and the cheers frightened the birds in the sky. Dark clouds are approaching, heavy rain is approaching, and the temperature in the spring morning has made countless people's palms full of sweat.

The steps of the royal guards were neat and orderly, and the carriage made a steady and rhythmic sound as it rolled over the stone slabs of the road that had been specially repaired before the negotiations. The duchess and the southern princess in the carriage are so charming in the sunlight, and the sunlight reflected by the cap of the silver pen on the roadside is so dazzling.

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly there was a commotion on the roadside, and two men rushed out of the police cordon. The man without a pen on his chest held up the steam bomb with his right hand, and grabbed his front with his left hand and shouted loudly:

"I have a steam bomb wrapped around me. If anyone dares to touch it, I will die together with everyone else!"

The man with the silver pen on his chest took advantage of the time his companion bought him, raised his pistol, pointed it at the carriage window, and shouted:

"For the glory of Kasenrik! Remember, your assassin is the ace - the Gray Eagle!"

The gun was aimed at Carina Cavendish's weak and stunned face. At the same time as the gunshot, Margaret hurriedly pulled Miss Carina's sleeve, asking her to lower her head to avoid this attack. One shot.

Then, the blonde princess picked up the small pocket pistol and prepared to shoot out the window as planned, but found that there was not one person outside but two people. But she still shot the pen as planned. After the gunshot, a flower of blood exploded in the stranger's chest. He fell to the ground clutching his chest, then rolled violently, using his physical strength, like hitting Like a ball, it knocked down the police and a large group of people.

Screams and exclamations were heard endlessly. The man holding the steam bomb high looked at his "companion" with wide eyes, and then he was thrown to the ground by the royal guards who were not afraid of death. The crowd formed a hill and pressed him down at the bottom. He used his last strength to roll the steam bomb in his hand toward the crowd:

"For Kasenrik! For Kasenrik!"

He shouted, but few people could hear his voice, and the rolling steam bomb caused even greater chaos.

Dark clouds came from the north, covering the earth with shadows, covering the rioting streets and frightened people.

Green Lake border, south of Little Flynn village.

The cold-faced Captain Rades behind the straw pile put down the telescope in his hand, nodded to the nervous and uneasy soldiers behind him, and then they crossed the border together and walked towards the riverside mill in the south of the village. Five minutes later, a warning shot came from the pig farm on the other side of the river. Captain Rades did not retreat, but raised his pistol and shouted:

"We are not crossing the border, this is Delarian's territory!"

Aiming at the sky and pulling the trigger, after the gunshot that seemed to shake the sky, other scattered gunshots rang out one after another, and soon the crackling became more dense, and then the first steam bomb was thrown.

More and more troops gathered towards the exchange of fire, and the originally peaceful countryside was flooded with bullets and fire on the weekend morning.

Captain Rades, who had caused all this, had already led a patrol team with only five people left after the arrival of reinforcements. Under the cover of the follow-up team, he withdrew to the entrance of Little Flynn Village.

There seemed to be an endless stream of troops rushing from the head of Little Flynn Village to the battlefield to the south between the mill and the pig farm by the stream. Captain Rades no longer wanted to move. He stumbled and sat down behind the grain pile at the end of the village. He touched the wound on his forehead that was scratched by a stray bullet. Against the background of dense gunfire in the distance, he looked at the man who was preparing to treat the group of people. Army doctor.

He waved his hand and declined the doctor's approach, leaning against the grain pile and looking up at the sky. Black clouds came from the north and the sky gradually became dark, until the sun could no longer be seen at all.

The water drops slid down the captain's cheek. The middle-aged man, whose face looked a little old for some reason, touched it and realized that it was raindrops.

The rain fell quickly, and "Eight-Gun Captain" Napoleon Rades leaned against the grain pile, slumped at the entrance of the village outside the battlefield, and looked at the sky.

He knew that a new era was probably coming.

(The wheels of history are turning.)

The news that Duke Carina and Princess Margaret were assassinated in Green Lake City spread throughout the Green Lake area in just half an hour. Subsequent rumors of exchanges of fire between troops from the two countries in the border area made citizens who did not know the truth even more confused about what happened today and whether the peaceful era was about to end.

Since the Green Lake negotiations began, the city of Green Lake has entered a city-wide state of martial law for the first time. The police and a steady stream of troops blocked every important intersection in the city and searched for the assassin who was missing after being shot in the chest at all suspicious locations.

The violent heavy rain washed away the entire city in just half an hour, and the heavy rain quickly turned into a heavy rain, but the policemen wearing ponchos on horseback could still be seen on the streets.

On the third floor of the Green Lake Hotel, the rumbling sound caused by the rain outside the window made Dorothy frown. She asked Shade who was sitting beside the bed with some dissatisfaction:

"I understand that you made the safest choice at that time, and I also know that you are not afraid of bullets hitting your chest, but is it really necessary to let her shoot you?"

There were bloody cotton, bandages and potion bottles of various sizes on the table. Megan bent over to check the recovery status of Shade's chest. Just now they cut open Shade's heart and took out the bullet stuck in it.

Blood certainly didn't make sorceresses frown, but Dorothy was still dissatisfied. Little Mia was lying on Shade's lap, looking sickly and worried. When they were operating on Shade just now, it had been huddled here.

"Is this Margaret's idea or Carina's? After this incident, I must let Lesia talk to them."

"It was my own idea. I'm afraid they only know now that the extra person who appeared at that time was me."

"Then they shouldn't be like this. I know your actions make the plan more perfect, but"

The blonde girl said, picked up the labeled conical flask, shook it gently twice, poured it into the steaming teacup on the side, and then turned around and handed it to Shade.

Shade drank the prepared potion, and Meghan took away the hands that were stacked on Shade's chest. No scars were left there:

"No problem, his [Heart of Stone] thaumaturgy is quite unique. While greatly enhancing the heart and lung function, the heart is no longer a fatal part of the human body. If I hadn't seen the flesh and blood structure in his body, I would definitely doubt Shade Are they really human?"

But she also agreed with Dorothy:

"But it's too risky, Shade, we can't leave everything to you. Isn't there anyone else around Carina? Are all the MI6 personnel in Delarian except you civilians?"

Shade's upper body was bare and he touched the cat curled up on his lap:

"I'm always worried about someone else doing it. I understand your worries, and I won't do anything I'm not sure about. Conflict will break out in the Pantanal sooner or later, and it's really not the right time for the negotiations to end. I can only do this through This approach will delay the time of head-on conflict between the two countries. I hope this will be useful."

Turning slightly to look out the window, it was raining really hard today.

"A few years from now, what happened today will probably be called the Green Lake Incident. I hope I made the right choice."

He raised his hand and rubbed the [Lord of Immortality] on his finger, and then restored the blood-stained shirt to its original appearance.

Dorothy wanted to say something else, but in the end she just came over and helped Shade put on his clothes. Meghan couldn't say much, so she took out the bloody bandages and cotton on the tray and prepared to dispose of them.

After all, if these things are left behind, they may become curse materials for others.

But before she could walk out of the room, there was a knock on the door. The girl guarding the door opened it and handed a letter from outside.

It was raining heavily outside, but the creased letter was not wet at all.

Meghan opened the letter and raised her eyebrows:

"Is there such a thing?"

Then he handed the letter to Dorothy. Dorothy read it and gave it to Shade. Shade quickly read it and knew why the witch was so surprised:

"[Dragon Feast Order] wants to contact the God Summoner for a private meeting through the Zhengshen Church?"

PS: Picture of this chapter "Captain Rades in the Rain"

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