Whispering Verse

Chapter 1904 Chaotic City

"How come the letter from the Dragon Feast Order to the church to the God Summoner was delivered to the Witch Council?"

Shade asked in surprise. Megan controlled the flame and chose to burn the blood-stained cotton and bandages directly indoors:

"How do you think the church can contact the God Summoner? It seems that we are the only ones who have a good relationship with you."

Even Dorothy, who had only a preliminary understanding of "The Whispering Psalms", could say a few words about it:

"I heard that the church's judgment on the identity of the 'God Caller' is very strange. Do they still think you are a woman?"

As for Shade being the "God Caller", most of the group members who had experienced that night at Lakeview Manor knew it well, so the writer lady had already guessed it. Xia Deqian laughed twice and did not mention the more bizarre words such as "fish-man bloodline" and "paranoid psychosis".

"The Dragon Feast Order wants to meet with me alone. Ms. Nadia Foran, do you want to talk to me?"

"Possibly, but not necessarily."

Megan said, while Dorothy was confused:

"When did they ask you to meet?"

"It's not confirmed yet. This letter is just to test whether the church can really contact the God Caller. If I am willing to meet, the council will return the news to the church, and the church will then contact the informant of the [Dragon Feast Order] on the black market. It’s a really complicated set.”

Megan smiled and said:

"Who told you that you don't have your own subordinates and power?"

"I hate this kind of thing. It's enough for me to have you and Mia by my side."

The cat meowed softly, and Dorothy and Megan both smiled:

"Then do you agree to meet them?"

Shade nodded:

"Of course, without further ado, it's best to meet immediately. Since a cult like [Dragon Feast Order] dares to directly let the church act as an intermediary, it must not be a trap. Besides, they are just working with Laplace ·With the cooperation of Klein Howard, there is no reason for him to rush up and fight for my life. What's more, Maria Edwards also said that Nadia Fallon has long been dissatisfied with the 'Ancestors'."

"Okay, I'll send someone to contact the church right away. Just wait for the news. It's raining heavily outside and the city is under martial law, so don't go out."

With that said, Megan walked out of the room. Shade stood up holding little Mia, and Dorothy pointed downstairs:

"Maria Edwards stayed on the sofa in Durut Giles' room after she came last night. She said she wanted to keep an eye on Rust Edwards."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but laugh:

"This is the first time I have encountered such a complicated family relationship. After all, six generations can appear at the same time. Just think about it and you will know how many stories and love and hatred there are. Picking out a small fragment is enough to write enough It’s a complicated puzzle. Do you want to go see them?”

"Yes, let's go and take a look. By the way, let's explain what will happen next Wednesday in advance."

But just as he lifted his feet, he looked out the window at the heavy rain:

"But let me go outside and take a look first."

"There is martial law outside."

"It's not going to the street, it's going to the garbage alley behind the kitchen. This rain really comes at the wrong time. Huh? What is that?"

Seeing Shade looking at the window in surprise, Dorothy also looked out the window, and then quickly took a few steps closer to the window:

"It's not an illusion, I saw it too."

In the distance of the violent rain scene, a giant wind furnace more than 40 meters high stands at the end of the field of vision.

The blast furnace was cylindrical in shape, and the bottom, which was covered by city houses, seemed to be a prism. The tall and majestic industrial buildings and the eye-catching anti-rust red paint color give people a strong visual impact even in the rain.

Because the rain blurred the vision, one could only vaguely see the densely packed scaffolding surrounding the blast furnace, and there seemed to be a walking path on the scaffolding. Although you can't see clearly, only the strange steam age can have such an original and "industrial plain" spectacle.

"The glass blast furnace in Michaela Blast Furnace City."

Shade figured out what that wonder was. Dorothy, who had not been to the city on the other side of the lake, had already come to the window, wanting to see more carefully:

"Is that the famous wonder of the Old World? Is it a mirage now? Or is it another link caused by spatial changes?"

Shade closed his eyes and used "powerful spatial perception" to feel:

"Spatial changes. Fortunately, it's not that the space is completely connected, but the image is projected in Green Lake City. Correspondingly, there should be a scene somewhere in Green Lake City that appears in Michaela Blast Furnace City."


Although she knew that this hotel was protected by complex witch secrets and rituals, and that such a situation would not happen at this stage, Dorothy immediately closed the curtains, leaving only the view of her, Shade and the cat. Small room interior.

The heavy rain that started in the morning continued until this evening and showed no signs of stopping. Although Shade did not leave the Green Lake Hotel during this period, thanks to Dorothy's ability to pass on Lecia's information at any time, the witches would also pass on first-hand information to the hotel at any time, so he was also able to obtain Green Lake Hotel. First-hand knowledge from the Lake District.

The first was Duke Carina and Princess Margaret who were assassinated. Although both ladies were not injured in the assassination, they were both severely frightened. Especially Princess Margaret, this was the second assassination she suffered in the Green Lake area.

Although she successfully killed the assassin (officially) with the weapon she carried, this still caused a serious impact on the weak princess who had lived in Willendale City all year round and had never been exposed to such a tragic incident. Trauma.

It is said that Princess Margaret has returned to the City of Glass on the other side of the lake this afternoon under the strict protection of her personal maid, personal doctor, bodyguards and Delrayon. As for Duke Carina, she had to face the subsequent serious problems that broke out after the assassination in Green Lake City.

This accident brought more haze to the already precarious negotiations, and this heavy rain seemed to be the best footnote for the future of the negotiations.

The small-scale conflict that broke out in the border area gradually spread to the ears of the big shots in Green Lake City shortly after the assassination. The sudden fighting lasted for two hours before being suspended amid the emergency mobilization of army troops from both countries. The statistics of dead and injured soldiers have not yet been released, and the two countries have already accused each other of making mistakes.

Kasenlik accused Delarion's patrol of crossing the border without authorization and had to shoot after warning to no avail; while Delarion insisted that its patrol had always been within the national border. The operation was based on unfounded accusations from Kasenlik's border troops and the premise that the other party fired first, so they had to fire back.

No newspapers will be printed in Green Lake tonight due to a citywide lockdown in Green Lake. Shade, who was listening to Dorothy telling the news at the Green Lake Inn, could already imagine how busy tomorrow's morning newspaper would be. However, because the assassin was too obviously framed, this assassination will not involve MI6 and Gray Gloves. This is the best news so far.

As the country's highest-ranking noble in the Green Lake area, Miss Carina spent the entire afternoon dealing with various matters such as the army, official speeches, city martial law, etc. Even Lecia could not take time off. But according to Dorothy, Agelina, who faced such a complicated and difficult situation for the first time, actually performed very well.

Not only can she help her aunt and sister handle and arrange various matters, but she can also comfort and coordinate the emotions of her brothers and sisters very well.

This made Shade look at Agelina with admiration. She was different from Lesia. Although she had been favored by the king before, she had never taken over government affairs. Being able to help Miss Carina appropriately this time was partly due to the training I received during the negotiation meeting, and partly because I really have a high talent for this.

While Delarion and Kasenric were shaken by assassinations and border conflicts, the Church of the Five Gods did not rest in peace either. Although Shade had a hand in the assassination in the morning, there were a large number of prophets present this time. Even if the identity of the assassin who was shot in the chest could not be divined, he could still know that the [Tyranny Club] used methods in it.

What's more worth mentioning is that this rapid rainstorm brought a damaged subspace to the southwest of Green Lake and a sealed evil object from the Fifth Age that was about to escape, forcing the church to send a thirteen-ring warlock to deal with it. At the same time, the church actually still has enough manpower to pursue the [Tyranny Club] following the clues provided by the Prophet Association.

Not long ago, on the night Margaret was assassinated, the Witches' Council and the Righteous God Church captured prisoners respectively. The witches' interrogation did not yield many clues, but the Five Gods Church, which was supported by a large number of diviners, already had an investigation direction. Combined with the new clues that emerged this morning, based on the intelligence obtained by Megan, the Peace Church finally found the stronghold of the [Tyranny Club] in the Green Lake area, and in the evening, faced off against the cultists of the [Tyranny Club] in the rain. .

Although Shade only heard about it and did not participate in the battle, he was sure that the church would not lose. The only question at the moment is whether Jarvis Edwards, the father of the Edwards brothers who is hidden in the Tyranny Club, can be found and captured by the church.

Although he seems to be very loyal to the "ancestors", as long as he is caught by the church, the church has many ways to make him speak.

All parties are taking action, not just church forces and cultists. There are too many ring warlocks that Shade doesn't know about, running silently in this rain, just to take the lead in the battle of the chosen ones in space.

This rain, which lasted for unknown length of time, brought more vitality to the spring of 1854. But Shade also knew that this shooting was destined to become a symbol of the changes in the old continent.

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