Whispering Verse

Chapter 1928 The Witch’s Fear and the Color of the Stars

Miss Aurora sat down aside, and Shade held Miss Carina while waiting for them to prepare the potion. Suddenly Luvia stretched out her hand and placed it on Miss Carina's forehead:

"Don't worry, I'll try to wake her up."

Shade didn't remember that Luvia had this ability, but since she said it, Shade certainly believed it. The purple halo in Luvia's hand lit up for a moment, and then she closed her eyes, letting her spirit touch the illusion that enveloped the great witch's spiritual power.

Probably because the red-haired duchess was not very wary of Luvia, the whole process went smoothly. Luvia soon relied on her somehow familiarity with the witch's power to "see" the contents of the illusion in the darkness behind her eyes.

The whole scene is quite simple. In a completely dark world, Carina Cavendish and Lesia Cavendish stand face to face. Both of them had a shimmer of light that kept them from disappearing into the darkness.

At this moment, "Lecia" gently stroked her belly with a gentle smile:

"He won't stay with you forever, Carina. Shade belongs to me."

Pause for a moment and look at your belly:

"I'm pregnant. And you are a witch, you have no ability to give birth. Auntie, no matter how powerful and beautiful you are, you are just a -"

She raised her head, with an expression on her face that would never appear on Lesia's face:

"A hen that can't lay eggs."

The insulting phrase was reread by her slowly. The expression on Miss Carina's face instantly lost control:


She raised her hand to make a move, but the hand that appeared behind her held her wrist.

The red-haired witch turned around angrily. When she saw those clear purple eyes, she immediately understood that she was in an illusion.

"You heard what she just said!"

She broke away from Luvia's hand and pointed at "Lecia" who was smiling happily in front of her. Luvia shook her head and stared at the abdomen of "Lecia":

"Don't worry, after Shade devoured the origin of the earth, Lesia's current life level can only be regarded as an ordinary ring warlock, but she does not have the ability to accept his powerful life force. In other words, Shade's life level seems to be from the beginning. It’s much higher than ordinary people.”

The witch snorted. She had long seen that Shade's body was abnormal, so she was not surprised by Luvia's words:

"Of course I know, I'm just angry that she said that: a hen that can't lay eggs."

Even if he said this phrase himself, the anger in his heart could not stop rising:

"I have never heard of hallucinogenic gas in astral meteorites! If it is later proven that this is the work of the fortune teller on the island, I will kill him with my own hands!"

That was real murderous intent, not the Duchess's usual jokes or threats. Luvia did not comment on this sentence. She could see that although the hallucination was caused by an external force, the content of the hallucination was actually the most fearful thing in her heart.

But now is not the time to talk about this:

"It's time for you to wake up, Shade is still worried about you."

But Miss Carina did not directly break through the illusion, but looked at her with golden eyes:

"Will Shade care about this?"

For a moment, Luvia even wanted to laugh. She didn't know these witches as well as Shade, but she felt like she knew them very well. Luvia originally thought that Carina Cavendish was an absolutely elegant and rational person, but she never expected that one day she would hear her say such things.

"Why does it feel like I've known her a long time ago and am very familiar with her?"

She was thinking in her heart, but she asked:

"You have known Shade for a few days longer than me. Do you think he will care about this?"

The beautiful red-haired witch nodded and took a deep breath to calm down:

"I know he doesn't care, but what Lesia just said is too much!"

Luvia nodded quite understandingly, then she opened her eyes and saw Miss Carina, who was being held in Shade's arms, also opening her eyes.

"The hallucinogenic mist, I didn't expect you to be unable to resist this."

The voice of Miss Aurora, who was waiting for the girls to prepare the healing potion, came. Looking at Shade's worried expression, Miss Carina, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, gave her another cold look:

"If you are willing, after today's events are over, I can share my memory and let you try the effect of the hallucinogenic fog."

"Don't talk about this yet."

Shade used his silver moonlight hands to gently massage the temples of the woman in his arms:

"I have [Moonlight Water] here, which is the top spiritual treatment."

"No, I'm fine."

After saying that, he stood up, suppressed the anger in his heart and a little panic that he didn't want to admit, and walked directly to the stairs:

"I'm still needed on the second floor, besides."

She had arrived at the stairs now and said without looking back:

"I'm going to go to the third floor first and spank Lecia to let her know what it means to respect elders."


Shade stood up and tried to stop her, thinking she was still under the influence of hallucinations. Unexpectedly, the red-haired witch took the initiative to stop, turned around, and came back. In front of Luvia and Miss Aurora, she directly pressed her lips to Shade's lips. It was just a touch. That is divided into:

"As long as you don't abandon me, I will never leave you."

As he spoke, he ignored Shade, with a slight blush on his face, and walked up the stairs aggressively, as if he really wanted to find Lesia.

"What's wrong with her?"

Shade wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Luvia. The purple-eyed girl smiled and shook her head:

"Don't worry, she is just angry and will not really go to the princess. As for what happened to her, you'd better never ask."

I felt contempt for the witches in my heart, but I felt that this emotion was wrong:

"Why do I instinctively feel that the witches in the Witch Council are actually not worth mentioning?"

She was very confused about this, just like Shade was also very confused at this time.

Miss Aurora's injury was not serious. After mixing the potion prepared in advance and drinking it, she recovered.

As for those astral meteorites that fell into the Green Lake area because the space barrier in the material world continued to weaken, in the end, only two of them fell into the Green Lake area after many twelve-ring and thirteen-ring warlocks from the church cooperated with divine rituals. .

One of them landed in the northwest of the City of Glass, causing another huge explosion and a mushroom cloud in the rainy night. The other one fell towards Green Lake, which was completely covered by white mist, but it did not make any sound after falling into the white mist. It must have been solved by Laplace Klein Howard, who was guarding the island. .

The instability of space has caused those rare astral meteorites to directly invade the material world, and the emergence of those meteorites carrying broken astral power has further aggravated the space instability in this region.

Based on what Shade perceived, even Miss Sylvia is currently unable to launch a long-distance portal in the Green Lake area. At the same time, tonight the entire Green Lake area will fall into a special state of "increased probability of failure of space magic and spells". And this is just the beginning, it even seems to be a natural phenomenon, not an enemy conspiracy.

Shortly after Miss Carina went upstairs, another letter arrived in the rainy night. The followers of the witch who were monitoring the white mist at the lake informed the great witch that the expansion speed of the white mist suddenly increased after all the astral meteorites exploded.

Now the entire edge of Green Lake has been completely engulfed in fog, and the white fog is approaching the cities on the north and south sides of Green Lake at an extremely fast speed.

The development of the situation was very unexpected. Before the fortune teller in the lake took action clearly, the changes in the real environment were already overwhelming. After the news of Bai Wu came, the news from the cruise ship confirmed that the monsters from outside the world hidden in the exploding astral meteorites had also appeared in the city.

According to Grandma Cassandra's letter, the most dangerous thing among them is the indescribable thing called "Star Color". They are already the most famous monsters from the stars since the oldest First Age.

"Those things have the colors of the stars. As long as you perceive their existence in any way, you will be dyed with their colors, and then completely irreversibly transform into a new color of stars. This is a monster from the stars, and that color is the brilliance of the stars. . The oldest starlight casts these terrible things. They can not only infect living organisms, but can even directly pollute the earth, polluting the soil, water flow and even the crops grown in the soil, until the entire area can no longer be inhabited except by madmen. people survive.”

The witch with long wavy brown hair said rather timidly. Her niece handed over a bottle of dark blue magic potion with silver light. She glanced at it instinctively:

"Yes, it's a similar color."

Then drink the potion in one gulp.

"I originally thought that monsters of this level would not appear until at least the beginning of the story of the Chosen One of the Moon."

Luvia, who was sitting at the table with Shade, also said worriedly. Seeing Shade's doubtful look, she took the initiative to explain:

"Judging from the current situation, when the story of the chosen one happens, disasters corresponding to the power of the chosen one will happen, and each time the impact will be stronger than the last one. Star colors and astral meteorites are both related to the stars. Although there is no 'Star God' among the ancient gods, the Moon God himself controls the starry sky."

Shade also understood what she meant, but he really couldn't imagine that darkness corresponds to darkness and turmoil, death corresponds to the imbalance of life and death, and the earth corresponds to earth pollution. So when the chosen ones of the moon appear, what will be the disaster corresponding to the "moon"?

"She" chuckled softly in her ear, as if she was laughing at Shade's random thoughts at the moment, and as if she was reminding Shade that now is not the time to think about this.

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