Whispering Verse

Chapter 1929 Sea View Window

Most of the shattered astral meteorites disappeared directly, and a small number of meteorites fell into the city. Although Miss Aurora did not go out to collect them because she was bringing back the unconscious Miss Carina, Miss Sylvia on the third floor still got some.

Those ores were sent to the first floor. The irregular stones indeed had a gorgeous color like the starry sky, which was very similar to the effect of Shade's magic [Moon Library].

This can be regarded as the first trophy tonight, but for this trophy, the Green Lake area really made a lot of sacrifices.

The astral meteorites did not just come once. Just ten minutes later, due to the violent fluctuations in space, the second wave of astral meteorites appeared again in the rainy night. This time, there were only seven meteorites, and because the church was well prepared, it successfully intercepted all the meteorites trying to land.

Even because traces of the Star Color were observed in advance, the fallen meteorite residues were completely evaporated in the air by the large-scale magical ceremony released by the church. Fortunately, there will be heavy rain tonight, otherwise the strange phenomena in the sky would have troubled the newspapers to provide complicated explanations.

The sound of rumbling was endless, and the meteorite exploding in the air instantly bloomed with a faint blue light and then disappeared completely.

The rain outside the window became more and more violent, as if the sky and the sea were connected together. In such a dark night, even the normal sound of rain is really frightening.

The reverberations of the second wave of astral meteorite explosions seemed to have not dissipated before a new situation appeared in the hotel. Miss Sylvia hurriedly sent someone to deliver the news, asking Shade to rush upstairs to help:

"There's something wrong on the third floor!"

"Luvia, you and Miss Aurora stay here!"

With that said, Shade took the long sword at hand, took a step forward and disappeared, and then the figure appeared on the third floor.

No one needed to remind him, he immediately discovered what was wrong here.

The hotel rooms are located on the left and right sides of the corridor, so the windows are only at the end of the corridor. Now, the eastmost window on the third floor is pouring a large amount of liquid into the corridor like a fountain.

The liquid, which was either lake water or sea water, had spread to the floor of most of the corridor. Amidst the splashing sound, Miss Sylvia, who was soaked all over, blocked the front of the window. Behind her, a large group of girls stood one after another, resisting together. The impact of water flow.

They are trying to completely seal the window with boards, but it is not going well.


Even without looking back, Miss Sylvia sensed Shade's appearance. The witch shouted, and the cold water flowed into the clothes along the collar and cuffs and quickly took away the body temperature. However, she still pressed the wooden board with both hands at the front of the window and fixed it firmly to the window frame so that the other girls could Secure it there with nails.

Shade hurriedly ran over. After the other girls made way, he took over from Miss Sylvia and stretched out his hand to hold down the board in the face of the heavy water that poured over him. He immediately understood why only Miss Sylvia stretched out her hand, and why so many people were needed to block the flow even though it was just water.

Once this wooden board touches the window, there will be abnormal spatial forces trying to break it down. Without the use of a force like the "space stabilizing halo", no entity can block this place.

"Only wooden boards can seal this window. This is a clerical relic!"

The witch shouted amidst the sound of rushing water, then picked up another board and blocked it under the board that Shade was pressing. The girls immediately picked up nails and hammers, and the sound of hitting was easily drowned out by the sound of water.

“The clerical relic [Sea View Window] is also a location-based relic.

A certain window randomly connected to the sea, and then a large amount of water poured into the building. Currently, there is no way to actively dispel this abnormal space connection. You can only block it and wait for the connection to disappear. Moreover, when blocking, only boards and nails can be used, as other methods will be eliminated by the power of space. "

She hid her face behind Shade and spoke as briefly as possible while leaning her body against Shade to resist the impact of the water flow. This seawater is not normal water. Once it sticks to the body, the physical strength and even the spirit will be lost abnormally and rapidly. Before Shade came over just now, Miss Sylvia who was stuck here was almost unable to hold on.

Among the witches in the council, she is not the kind of witch known for her physical strength. Although the improvement in the level of the Ring Sorcerer will have an overall improvement effect on physical fitness, it is a pity that she is still a more traditional spell caster, not a witch with amazing physical strength like Miss Benanis, the Witch of the Earth.

"Is this bad luck on our part, or is the fortune teller taking action?"

Shade asked loudly, then took a few sips and spit out the water in his mouth. He moved forward little by little, and finally let all the other girls who were blocking the window with their bodies leave, allowing himself to stand completely in front of the window, using his body to block the window that now had no glass. The huge and cold water made him almost lose his balance. The water directly took away his physical strength, but fortunately Shade still had the [Night Watch].

[Night Watcher] has a series of special blessings after experiencing the Chosen One event of knowledge and wisdom. One of them is that when Shade holds it, his physical strength will be endless. Of course, there is an upper limit to this. It is not that Xia De has become a perpetual motion machine. Fortunately, he can cope with the current situation.

"I don't know what's going on, but if we don't block this place, this hotel will be gone!"

There were a lot of manpower available in the hotel. The followers of the big witches, young or mature girls, held hammers and nails and laboriously fixed the wooden boards to the wall. With Shade at the front, the pressure on Miss Sylvia and others was lessened. She clung tightly to Shade's back and opened her arms like him. Feeling his slight trembling and body temperature, I somehow felt at ease.

"Oh, Emma, ​​not now."

She warned herself in her heart, but her eyes still looked at Shade's skin wrapped in a soaked shirt, and then she felt that her body temperature actually rose a little.

The girls were very fast, and the window that was expected to be completely blocked by thirteen wooden boards was half blocked in the blink of an eye. What's amazing is that there would have been water seepage in the gaps between the wooden boards, but when faced with this relic, there was no trace of water seepage at all.

Shade's pressure was relieved a lot as a result, but Miss Sylvia's soft body was still leaning against him behind him. Shade just thought that the young witch was still weak, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Taking advantage of the fact that the water finally stopped pouring into his mouth, he asked his doubts again:

"If you just pour seawater into the building inside the window, how can this relic be rated [clerical grade]?"


There was no need for Miss Sylvia to answer next. With an unexpected bang and a loud noise, the huge slimy tentacles with suckers came out of the deep sea outside the window, shattering the poor wooden boards, and then entangled them. The waists of Shad and Miss Sylvia were stuck together. The giant force shrank suddenly, almost pulling Shade and the Witch out of the window.

Fortunately, he was still preparing for "Raglai's Leap", and at the last moment when he was pulled out of the window, he disappeared out of the window with Miss Sylvia. The tentacle also retracted to the window, taking away the last half of the wooden board hanging on the window.

The sound of rumbling water echoed through the entire third floor again. Everyone who had subconsciously not looked at the deep sea scene outside now looked at the window uncontrollably.

In the unimaginable darkness, the outlines corroded by the thicker darkness gradually emerged. The instinct of intelligent creatures resists understanding and imagining the specific image represented by the huge outline. The strange patterns and patterns that violate the laws of geometry gradually appear densely in the lightless deep sea, illuminated by the hotel in the window. Stacked together.

Ancient, dark, yet trembling with life. It was an incomprehensible giant, getting closer and closer to the window in the deep seabed. Ring warlocks rarely have a phobia of giant objects, but at this moment, Shade could hardly hear anyone breathing.

Even he himself could not help but imagine the behemoth in the deep sea, quietly approaching the only point of light. And that spot of light like grains of rice was clearly the window where the hotel was located.

Having seen countless monsters, with the radiance of divinity and first fire shining outward from the soul, the stranger was able to return to normal in just a few seconds. He held his breath and reached out to pick up a wooden board to block the window to prevent the light from attracting things that were getting closer outside the window.

But suddenly, the outline in the deep sea trembled. After making Shade freeze for a moment, the eyelids represented by the outline opened. It was not the shape of a monster at all. The huge black eyes represented by the outline, with dark red bloodshot eyes, had wisdom and rationality. The black eyes that can really absorb reason and soul slowly opened, looking out the window into the window.

The eyes are round and black with blood worms

Instinctive fear and unspeakable tremors all burst out when facing the huge eyes with wisdom like mountains.

Shade felt like he couldn't think, and his heartbeat and breathing completely stopped at this moment. His sanity declined rapidly as he couldn't look away from each other. Even in the most terrifying dream in the past, he had never imagined such a scene.

Those huge eyes are getting closer and closer. Until a scolding sound came from behind, pulling the thoughts of everyone present away from the reality that was more terrifying than a nightmare——

"Praise the Chaos Witch! May the witch's glory last forever!"

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