Whispering Verse

Chapter 1930 Countdown

Infinite light and temperature appeared after themselves, and the golden holy emblem representing the ancient god "Chaos Witch" appeared directly in front of everyone at the window with the prayer.

The holy symbol was reflected in the huge eye near the window, and the radiance of the ancient god made the unknown behemoth in the deep sea close its eyes again.

A hand behind her held Sha De's hand, and Sha De immediately understood what she meant:

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

The increasingly powerful light shone into the water outside the window, and the monster outside the window finally disappeared into the sea.

Rapid breathing suddenly appeared around him. Shade turned to look. Miss Sylvia behind him also looked pale, and her lips had just regained their color.

Audrey let go of Shade's hand and supported the two of them so that they would not sit on the floor soaked by the sea water. Miss Sylvia nodded to Audrey who came to help, waved her hand to wipe away the sea water on the ground, and Audrey walked to the window:

"Girls, get up quickly and block this place."

She held the board in front of the window again, raised her hand to lift the board, and Megan's hand stretched out behind her held a nail and a hammer, and fixed it there in a few clicks. The four hands worked together, which was even more efficient than when Shade blocked the window just now.

"Audrey, go back quickly."

Shade hurriedly walked over, and although the brown-haired girl gave up her position to him, she still did not leave:

"We can't live here without me. Shade, although you are strong, you are not strong enough."

Although she was talking to Shade, Shade felt that she was talking about Miss Sylvia. After all, he only has six rings, and he is definitely incomparable to the dual-soul witch who is about to advance to the twelfth level.

"What was that just now?"

The other girls are still resting, they haven't recovered yet. Miss Sylvia also came over, leaned behind Shade and raised the board so that Megan's four hands could easily nail both sides at the same time. She asked softly, her voice still very weak. Although there is only one level difference between the tenth level and the eleventh level, they are vastly different for high-level witches.

"I don't know, but the deep sea has always been a place where ancient evil things gather. They will not leave the deep sea easily. It is said that they are bound there by gods. Therefore, only gods can know what is there."

Audrey's tone was very cautious:

"Hurry up and block this place, oh, I'm soaked all over, this feels really bad."

With the help of her four hands, the window was almost completely blocked. The water that poured into the corridor was quickly evaporated, and the soaked floors and walls were not too damaged because they were not covered with water for a long time.

Potions that restore physical strength and restore body temperature are the potions that witches prepare the most. The potion was fetched and the three of them drank it each. Miss Sylvia thanked Shade and Megan, then opened her arms and hugged Shade. She seemed to want to say something else, but after letting go of Shade, she hurriedly checked other locations on the third floor to see if there were any other problems while she was away.

"Although she is young, she is indeed a very talented witch."

Meghan patted her clothes and let the seawater evaporate, but she still felt uncomfortable after the seawater evaporated:

"In my opinion, if she is lucky enough, it is not impossible for her to become the next speaker."

"Wouldn't it be best for you to get back in your room now before you judge others?"

The maids found a change of clothes for Megan and Shade and delivered them to the room. Dorothy, Lesia and Agelina had not left the room just now. The cat being held by the little princess saw Shad coming and wanted to be held by him. But seeing Shade's wet appearance, it turned into just a few gentle screams.

"This cat is really good"

Shade wiped his hands and then patted little Mia's head a few times in retaliation, but this made the cat very happy. Seeing Lesia coming with clothes in her arms, Shade looked at Lesia's back body again, not forgetting Miss Carina's vicious "threat" just now. The red-haired princess looked behind her with some confusion:

"What are you looking at?"

Then he immediately blushed, obviously misunderstanding something, and patted Shade gently:

"Really, now is not the time to think about this."

It seems that Miss Carina did not go upstairs.

Although Shade strongly objected, Dorothy and Lesia helped him change his clothes together. During this period, Agelina was asked to turn around and face the wall, so she could only hear Shade's complaints behind her:

"Oh, I can do it myself. No need to help me take it off, I will do it myself. Lecia, don't be ridiculous, your hands are really cold. I'm not hurt, Dorothy, you don't have to stick so close."

After changing clothes, Shade checked the situation of the room again, and asked Agelina to keep an eye on the other three people and not let them leave the room casually, and then returned to the corridor.

"let me?"

Agelina hugged little Mia and looked at the three ladies behind her who were taller than her.

The third floor is okay for the time being. The window that is firmly nailed is currently guarded by a girl from Gaohuan and two girls from Zhonghuan. Although this is a waste of manpower, it is necessary for safety reasons.

It was close to seven o'clock in the evening. From the appearance of the space chimera to the astral meteorite to the appearance of relics in the window on the third floor, so many problems had erupted in less than half an hour.

No one had a chance to stop. When Shade returned to the first floor to join Luvia, Miss Aurora actually entered the rainy night again.

"It's a space chimera again."

Luvia nervously told Shade:

"Shortly after you left, there was a flash of light in the sky, and then many similar monsters appeared in the city."

These space chimeras did not appear around the Green Lake Hotel, but for safety, Miss Aurora still took people to the vicinity to eliminate monsters. As a result, there is no big witch on the first floor, so Shade can only temporarily take over.

Not long after he sat down, another commotion broke out on the second floor. Because Miss Carina didn't ask anyone else for help, Shade didn't move. Luvia went upstairs and came back soon:

"Relics also appeared on the second floor. The door of Room 204 changed from a hotel-style door to a rusty iron door, and there was a strong smell of blood."

She didn't stay:

"It's a relic, but I don't know what it is yet. I went upstairs to help guard it. Before I can determine the properties of the relic, I need the help of a professional fortune teller."

Shade didn't stop her:

"Be careful. If something happens, just shout and I can go up right away."

The girl with purple eyes nodded and kissed the side of Shade's face:

"Be careful too. Why does your face smell like Miss Sylvia's perfume?"

Within half an hour, two relics had appeared in the Green Lake Hotel. Even if space collapses in the Green Lake area tonight, the frequency is really amazing. You don't need to think about it to know that it was the fortune teller on the island in the middle of the lake.

The time soon came to seven o'clock on Wednesday night. Shade, who had just sent Luvia to the stairs, heard someone calling him on the third floor again.

Still using Raglai's jump, he went directly from the first floor to the third floor. Dorothy's door opened, the girls gathered together, and Miss Sylvia held a brand new invitation in her hand:

"It just appeared suddenly."

She sent the invitation to Shade. The content was roughly the same as the original invitation. The only difference was that the specific time was marked:

"Seven forty-eight? There's still more than half an hour."


Miss Sylvia nodded seriously:

"None of us found out how this invitation appeared. The only good news is that the invitation was not delivered directly to Meghan, but appeared outside the door."


Shade immediately disappeared into the corridor. Fortunately, although Mr. Rust and Soren Greene in the basement also received invitations, they were safe.

"How did this invitation come?"

"I know I know!"

The soul of the little girl flying around the nervous-looking Durut Giles said happily. She was wearing a small party dress that fit her body shape. Of course, she conjured this up herself:

"It was sent by my father. When my father and I play hide-and-seek, he can always find me! My father is a master of hide-and-seek!"

"Your father can accurately sense the location of his offspring?"

Shade asked, but the little girl couldn't describe such a thing. She was still too young when she died.

"But with such a precise setting of seven forty-eight, is he so confident?"

Miss Aurora, who was "hunting" outside, was called back, and the time point of 7:48 also surprised her:

"Is that soothsayer so confident? Also, why isn't it an integer?"

The time has entered the countdown, everyone must be prepared.

The third wave of astral meteorites arrived on time according to the time predicted by Luvia in advance. This time the number of fireballs that appeared in the rainy night was even greater than the second time. Therefore, in addition to using the unknown anti-air ritual again, the church also recruited a huge creature to assist in taking off.

If Shade saw it correctly, it should be a dragon. But the distance was too far, and he couldn't see clearly what kind of dragon it was.

"The ritual is the Peace Church's [Dragon Killer], which is designed to deal with flying enemies in the air. However, it should be improved. The original version is not so powerful."

Miss Aurora stood at the window and recognized what kind of ceremony it was. She let her hair down and frowned slightly. This appearance made her look even more attractive.

At 7:09, a roar came from deep in the earth. Along with this terrifying sound, the ground shook violently. The shaking sensation for more than ten seconds allowed Shade to fully appreciate the feeling of the cat when he held little Mia and rocked it. The table and chairs shook together, and the items behind the counter on the first floor fell all over the floor in a mess.

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