Whispering Verse

Chapter 1938 Blood, Roots and Flames

Those rays of light melted the skin and bones of the townspeople wearing ponchos, but under the melted bodies, the twisted souls turned into large black shadows and pounced on the Edwards brothers:


Their intact eyes flashed with light, and the power of spatial fixation forcibly fixed those black shadows. But this talent of forcibly fixing space can only last for a short time on this island where space is extremely unstable.

Soon the shadow broke free and rushed towards the two brothers. The Edwards brothers, who were blinded in both eyes, still wanted to continue casting spells, but all their attacks were not very effective when facing these black shadows.

In the end, even Shade didn't have time to rescue them, and the two of them were swallowed up by the black shadows transformed from the souls of the townspeople.

Just for a moment, the ground seemed to shake, the fire light swayed, and everything in front of him changed with the light of the huge bonfire. The townspeople who turned into black shadows became living people again, wearing ponchos and facing the bonfire. The two brothers who were clearly dead just now stood in front of the bonfire with ugly expressions.

This wasn't time going back, Shade didn't feel the power of time. Everything that happened just now was real, but after the short battle, some kind of force saved the dying Edwards brothers, and then restored the townspeople to "normal".

After witnessing all this, Xia De cared most about the recurring scene. He looked at the ground. The blood of the townspeople and the blood of the Edwards brothers did not disappear after everyone returned to normal.

The blood soaked deeply into the land. With Shade's super perception, he could even feel that as the blood soaked, the island itself was changing.

[There is something under the soil. 】

"She" reminded softly, and answered before Shade asked:

[Huge roots. The roots of the giant tree are in the soil, absorbing the blood. 】

"Tree roots? How big is the tree itself?"

[If the roots of the tree penetrate the ground covering the entire island, the tree itself will be larger than you can imagine. 】

While Shade was communicating with "her", the scene he had just witnessed was played out again in the rain and fire. The blind Edwards brothers didn't seem to be unaware that everything was starting again. Shade observed carefully this time and could see that although they could control their limbs, they seemed unable to control their mouths.

After almost the same conversation, this time the two brothers did not try to melt the townspeople with light again. Still casting spells together, after the two of them held their hands together, the almost identical life rings on their backs, the profanity-[Shark] lit up with a silver aura.

"This is a rare spiritual rune."

Two brass life rings were stacked one behind the other in front of the bonfire in the rain. The rainwater was controlled by an invisible force. From behind their life rings, after passing through the center of the life rings, it formed the front half of a huge shark made of rainwater high in the sky in front of the two of them.

Their spellcasting speed is quite fast, and the water sharks are quite large in size. The shark with its mouth opened fell from the sky before the dangerous townspeople approached the two brothers, and then opened its mouth and bit all the townspeople into pieces.

Blood splashed everywhere and fell to the ground, dyeing the already red land an even darker red. Then the shark took most of its limbs, flesh, and soul and disappeared into the black hole that suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Summoning-like thaumaturgy requires a large amount of water to cast. After the attack is successful, the limbs and soul will be taken away."

Shade thought about the properties of this thaumaturgy, and realized that it was the brothers' attempt to prevent the townspeople's deformed souls from turning into shadows after they died.

He thought their attempt was successful at first, but the fact was that when the water shark completely disappeared, the souls that had been taken away suddenly appeared in the pool of blood, and then turned into black shadows again and pounced on the two helpless brothers. people.

After the screams, everything returned to its original state, and then the conversation about death and whether to believe in the "Reunifier" began again.

More and more blood gradually seeped into the ground, and the bonfire behind the two brothers that barely illuminated the fog became more and more prosperous.

Vaguely, the two people, whose bloodline was inextricably linked to the island, actually heard a huge buzzing sound coming from the ground, as if something was celebrating, greedy, and hungry for more.

"Damn it!"

The two people with similar minds said in their hearts at the same time. After the mayor led the townspeople to approach again, they made up their minds and raised their hands to remove the blindfold covering their blind eyes.

But before they could cast the spell, a sizzling sound came from the rain in the dark night.

Two dark but slender chains, one on the left and one on the right, were drawn towards the gathered townspeople in the rain. But unlike the two brothers' imagination, the chains did not cut open the townspeople's bodies like sharp blades, but simply left quickly after being touched.

Relying on the high-level application of the "living rope trick", the two [Sin Chains] controlled by Shade accurately touched the body of every town citizen. Because these things have the ability to force recovery, Shade, who did not understand the principle, did not even add the soul crystallization effect of "Spur of Love" to the chain.

He used a more direct method:

"Black Moon Talisman!"

Black moon symbols lit up on the bodies of the townspeople who had been touched by the chains. The black moon symbols seemed to be deeper than the night.

While the chains were spinning in the air and being taken back by Shade, a snap of fingers sounded that no one could hear in the rain. The astonished townspeople kept turning to look at him, and turned into gray sand sculptures one by one, and quickly Dispersed by rain. The gray dust mixed with the rainwater formed a quagmire on the ground, but it also covered the layer of dark blood.

The thaumaturgy "Black Moon Symbol" is to conceptually annihilate a certain object. This is the best way to fight against the "Resurrection Technique" with unknown principles.

The two brothers did not expect that someone would suddenly appear to help them at this time, but they did not cover their blind eyes again, but looked around nervously.

Not long after, a panting Shade was seen walking out of the rain and fog holding the iconic [Night Watch]. The effect of the "Black Moon Talisman" is astonishing, but casting the spell is extremely spiritually consuming. Even just releasing a talisman is a huge drain on an ordinary six-ring warlock. This thaumaturgy is classified as a high-level thaumaturgy. In addition to being extremely difficult to learn, this is also one of the reasons.

Even though the total amount of Shade's spirit far exceeds that of an ordinary ring warlock, he just released thirteen "Black Moon Symbols" in one breath, and he almost fainted when his vision went dark. Fortunately, these townspeople are not ring magicians, and their souls are unexpectedly weak, and their bodies are as weak as phantoms, even weaker than real ordinary people. Otherwise, even if Shade releases the talismans, it will ultimately be impossible to detonate them all at once.

"God Caller?"

The Edwards brothers recognized Shad, who was breathing heavily to regain consciousness, and then wondered:

"Aren't you also a member of the Edwards family? Why now?"

This time, they did not discern the implication of Edwards' bloodline in Shad.

"That's a lie to you."


"It's not important anymore. What's going on now? Why are you here?"

Shade asked. The pale look on his face was certainly not an act. But in fact, he could have drank the perfume to restore himself. He did not do so just to see if there would be a new attacker next.

"Your Majesty the Mirror Hidden Man was originally protecting us, but when 7:30 arrived, we arrived on the island all at once."

As the elder brother, Wood Edwards said simply in Kasenric language. At the same time, he looked around vigilantly, knowing that the danger was not over yet:

"We did not show up at the mansion, but came directly here and were forced to confront these townspeople again and again."

He looked at the corpse at his feet:

"This is indeed my father's body. Glass and I can't mistake it. It seems to be some kind of weird ritual, in which we massacre the townspeople in the cemetery of Green Lake, and then the townspeople make us bleed. We all We can clearly feel that by repeating this again and again, our connection with this weird island is becoming stronger, and our spatial talent is also increasing."

Shade frowned slightly and looked at the two brothers who were all soaked:

"Appeared here directly? It seems that Edwards' magic does not just drag you to open the door and participate in the banquet. This ritual also requires your flesh and blood. It is obviously some kind of weird sacrifice here."

Xia De suddenly stopped talking and looked at the ground covered in muddy water. The blood was squirming, and at the same time, his eyes actually saw that the souls he had destroyed just now were walking out of the fire one by one and reappearing here again.

It's just that although the soul has returned again, the recovery time of the townspeople this time is longer than the instant recovery of flesh and blood just now.

The two Edwards brothers also discovered them, and the three of them made a judgment almost at the same time:

"There's something wrong with this fire!"

The silver-white thunder gun and the water shark that was summoned again hit the increasingly strong flame almost at the same time. But the bonfire, which could not be extinguished by the rain, actually seemed to have swallowed the full blows of the three ring warlocks.

However, it was not that nothing happened. After the attacks of the three people disappeared, as the ground shook again, after "she" told Shade that the huge tree roots underground were crawling, the flames of the bonfire exploded instantly, and the flames rushed towards Higher in the night sky. The flames swayed and changed shapes until they turned into the upper body of Laplace Klein Howard.

The giant flame soothsayer stared at the alert three people, waved his hand, and a flame spread out. The sea of ​​fire covered the ground of the cemetery, but then the sword light cut through the sea of ​​fire, the three of them jumped out together, and the battle started again.

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