Whispering Verse

Chapter 1939 The meaning of blindness

Shade, who was in the fire, had quietly taken a big sip of the essence. While splitting the sea of ​​​​fire, he used his newly recovered spirit to slash out another moonlight slash. The gorgeous moonlight was blocked by the giant flame hand and had no impact on the fortune teller at all.

"Be careful!"

He said to the two brothers with life rings suspended behind them. The firelight illuminated the faces of the three people, and no one had any intention of flinching. The giant fortune teller waved towards them with his giant hand, and the three of them jumped back together. The Edwards brothers held their hands again, and under the joint spell, a huge mirror appeared directly in the air.

The mirror reflected the figure of the flame giant. Shade, who was prompted by the two brothers, threw a thunderbolt that hit the mirror and destroyed it. The flames seemed to dim for a moment, but then the ground shook again, and the fortune teller in the fire recovered.

Another large piece of flame was thrown out by him, and the flames that landed on the ground quickly turned into flame figures of different shapes. All of these human figures have souls, some of them look like dead souls at first glance, and a few of them are the souls of living people.

You don't need to think about it to know that these are the aborigines of Green Lake Town and their descendants. Shade does not want to do anything to them, which will speed up the process of the ceremony. But when those flaming figures rushed towards the three of them crazily and tried to self-destruct, they had to fight back.

Even if there is a fire explosion, black blood will still flow out and soak the ground. Although he didn't know much about the ritual, Shade knew it would only make things worse.

"That does not work!"

Shade, who felt hot all over because of the essence he just drank, said to the two brothers:

"Is there anything else you can do? If there is no other way, I will take the risk and give it a try."

"If we had a way, we wouldn't have to wait for you to come!"

The two brothers responded loudly, and the mirrors unfolded around them one after another. The monsters walking out of the mirrors faced the flame humanoids so that they could continue to fight against the giant ancestors in the bonfire.

"Well, buy me some time, ignore those burning people, and help me stop the projection of your ancestors."

The two brothers held hands, turned their backs to the firemen who were surrounding them from all directions, and allowed them to destroy the mirror summons. They looked up at the huge flaming figure above the bonfire. While it waved and slapped Shade who was rushing towards it, the two Edwards brothers gritted their teeth and used their few remaining spirits to let the core spirit rune [Space] of the life ring return again. Blooming with light:


The huge flaming figure paused for less than a second before moving again, but this moment of pause gave the two brothers the opportunity to finally use their last and most dangerous move.

Shade took advantage of the space the two brothers had gained and quickly approached the bottom of the bonfire. It wasn't that he didn't expect to use [Raglai's Jump], but the space magic around the flames would be greatly affected.

He couldn't look back, so he could only listen to "her" describe what happened behind him.

In the dark sockets of the two brothers' blind eyes, a little bit of gray light appeared. The gray light spots in the two eye sockets rotated rapidly, and as the two brothers raised each hand, those dim gray lights floated out from the eye sockets, constantly annihilating all surrounding materials as they rotated in the air. After touching the flame, even the flame turned into a twisted vortex and disappeared when the gray light spot in the blind eye passed by.

The effective obstruction gave Shade the best chance. He finally jumped and threw himself into the flames.

The two brothers could not see clearly what Shade did after entering the flames. They could only see the blurry figure of the man standing in the fire with his arms outstretched.

The flame could not harm Shade, but instead made him feel warm. Shade took a deep breath. As he communicated with the power of the primordial fire flowing in his body, the flames of the bonfire swayed and shrank toward the bottom of the bonfire until the weird flame was absorbed into Shade's body and was absorbed by the primordial fire. Transformed into spirit.

This is the first time Shade has used the power of absorbing flames after acquiring this ability from Sister Devlin. The nun was absolutely right. Although he had the ability to transform flame into spirit, the conversion efficiency was extremely low, not even as good as a drop of pink essence on his lips.

As the flame giant continued to shrink, the steady stream of burning people that appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire also had no follow-up, and were quickly wiped out by the two brothers. The swaying bonfire was continuously absorbed by Shade during this period. When they turned around to continue helping Shade with their blind eyes, the human form made of flames had disappeared due to the decrease in flames.

Soon, only the layer of flames attached to Shade's body remained among the flames dancing above the campfire. And as Shade took his last breath, all the fire was finally completely absorbed by his body. The black firewood with residual warmth under his feet quickly cooled completely in the rain.

The rain soaked Shade's newly dried clothes, but he had no time to care about it. After jumping out of the remains of the bonfire, the three of them looked back to back at the cemetery that had regained its coldness, looking at the unidentifiable black shadows deep in the fog.

The ground was still shaking, but this time there were no other attacks. Under the remains of the bonfire, blood-red trees quickly took root and sprouted. After Shade cut it off with his sword, another tree grew again. After careful observation, he discovered that the tree was connected to a huge tree root lurking underground. Unless Shade could uproot the giant tree whose body was unknown, he would not be able to destroy the red tree.

After waiting for a long time, nothing else happened. After confirming that it was safe, the two Edwards brothers sat directly on the blood-covered cemetery ground regardless of their appearance. Shade looked around, watching the fog spread across the area that was originally covered with blood. The area illuminated by the bonfire eventually became more blood-red, except for the addition of a large blood-red tree. Amidst the patter of rain, the thick fog in the cemetery was completely consistent with the gloomy woods outside.

The consumption of the two brothers was too great, but after trying to eliminate the souls of the townspeople many times before Shade appeared, they still revealed their findings:

"The souls of the townspeople appearing here are just projections composed of their soul fragments and other soul energy. The thaumaturgy you just used to annihilate the souls is the most thorough way to eliminate them so far. Their soul bodies seem to be I was also injured because of the move you just made."

"Their souls are probably in an angel-level relic possessed by your ancestors."

Xia De also expressed his judgment, and then praised without hesitation:

"The last power you used was space annihilation, right? It's really powerful."

Wood Edwards looked at Shade with empty eyes:

"Years ago, our brothers once encountered a very terrifying enemy. He blinded us, but also made us experience the ultimate power of madness and destruction."

He raised his hand to cover his eye, with a complicated expression on his face:

"Your Excellency, the Mirror Hidden Man, has the ability to restore our eyes, or at least install a magic eye. But we refused. Only in this blind state can we realize and have the power to destroy space. It is best to maintain this power. Or keep your eyes damaged, this is the price of power."

They helped each other stand up, and Glass Edwards also said:

"We met that guy near the Green Lake Hotel. He also came to Green Lake City, but we just didn't know what he was going to do. Compared to our ancestors, my brother and I thought that guy was the truly scary person."

Shade knew they were talking about Dr. Schneider, so it was inconvenient to continue this topic:

"What are the tree roots wrapped around your life rings? There are not many thaumaturgy or rituals that can directly affect the life rings."

But the two brothers didn't know either. They could only feel that when they cast a spell, those strange tree roots would intercept part of the power, weakening the effect of the spell:

"It's probably one of the ancestors' rituals."

"Then can you still leave now? Time is urgent and I must continue deeper into the island. Will you stay here to rest, or will you go with me?"

He thought he had gained two "teammates", but the two brothers shook their heads:

"This situation has been anticipated in the plan prepared in advance. It's not too bad now. While we can still move, we want to try to see if we can communicate with people outside the island. We want to try to contact the 'Mirror Hidden Man' 'Your Mightiness."

"What are you going to do?"

Shade asked, and the two brothers held hands again, then leaned their heads together. Shade didn't know what thaumaturgy they used, but he could only see that their heads gradually "fused" together.

But this is not the fusion of flesh and blood, just the overlapping of some kind of space. Moreover, their heads were not completely fused, but only half of their faces with blind eyes overlapped.

When the two blind eyes overlapped, Wood Edwards took out a red velvet bag from his pocket. After taking out the bronze eyeball inside, he used trembling hands to put the magic eye, which was at least the secret keeper level, into the overlapping eye sockets of the two people.

The metal eyeballs entered the eye sockets. It was obvious that the eyeballs were not controlled by their brains and were moving around in the sockets like parasites or other living things.

But soon, the eyeballs became quiet. Following the bronze lines, they spread from the eye sockets of the two people to the two faces, and a divergent light emitted from the carved pupil of the bronze eyeball.

In that light, the thirteen-ring warlock whom he had not seen for a long time, the "mirror-hiding man" Al Haken, who wore strange mirror-like ornaments on his ears, actually appeared.

It's not an entity, it's similar to the fortune teller in the fire just now, it's also in the form of a projection. Shade could even see that he seemed to be on the shore of Green Lake, and the night scenery of Pukhov Village was vaguely visible in the white mist behind the Mirror Man.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Blood Tree in the Cemetery".

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