Whispering Verse

Chapter 1943 Symbolic Ceremony

"A series of mistakes."

Shade felt that this statement sounded familiar, and then realized that this was the second time that the time key of "Black Mist Camp in the Summer of 1576 of the Fifth Age" was used. The God of Wealth, disguised as a black shadow, used the unknown grade Part of the answer given by the relic "Fate Base" in response to his question "Why did I come to this world" when he divined for him.

The whole answer at that time was "You appear because of an absolutely impossible accident, you appear because of the chaos of the collapse of time and space, you appear because of someone's desperate prayer, you appear because of a series of mistakes", and this Xia De didn't know if it was a coincidence that the fortune teller said this at that time.

He would not break his promise to Maria Edwards to protect her grandchildren. Although taking a detour from here can avoid trouble, it is definitely not what Shade would do. So he took a step forward, and the humanoid figure stepped aside to make way, and watched Shade come to the foot of the cross:

"It's a choice you make."

Shade looked up at the unconscious siblings. Even if the townspeople didn't speak any more at this moment, Shade could guess that the fortune teller was looking forward to whether he was really willing to donate his blood for the Green sisters.

But of course he would not do this. Cutting his own hand was a trivial matter, and rashly handing over blood to the enemy was nothing more than stupid.

"It's a liquid that contains a huge spirit, right?"

He reached into his pocket and took out the pink perfume bottle.

After taking a look at the ambiguous pink luminous liquid emitting in the mist, Shade uncorked the bottle and slowly poured the liquid on the roots at the bottom of the cross.

Because adventures in the Green Lake area do not require the frequent use of expensive thaumaturgy spells such as "Power of the Earth·Healing Spiritual Energy", Shade actually did not consume much of the liquid in the perfume vial in the past two months. The pink liquid in the perfume vial now even glows, which is the best proof.

This item was the best recovery potion that Shade prepared for his final adventure in the Green Lake area. He originally thought that he might not drink them all until the end. But it's a pity that these perfumes will not last.

The pink perfume touches the air and turns into a stream of pink light that continues downwards in the rainy night. The tree roots, which were only trembling slightly at first, immediately started to move like real animals after coming into contact with these liquids.

The earthquake happened again, but the slightly shaking ground still failed to cause any reaction from the townspeople in the house and kneeling at the intersection.

The entangled tree roots are tearing at each other, trying to get more exposure to these essences. The strength of the tree roots sucking the liquid became stronger, and the tree roots wrapped around the Green siblings also receded little by little.

It seems that the fragrance's ability to stimulate desire also works on these absolutely soulless tree roots. They were entangled and tearing, becoming more and more disgusting like a group of mating snakes.

The greedy tree roots eventually absorbed all the liquid in the small perfume bottle, leaving not a drop for Shade. When there was no perfume left in the small perfume bottle after two months, the entangled tree roots continued to squirm and retreated to the ground together.

The Green siblings fell from the cross. Shade reached out to catch them, but saw a thick fog coming in. The two of them disappeared into thin air like the Edwards brothers.

Crosses collapsed and blood-red trees emerged from the ground like in a cemetery. In just the blink of an eye, a big bloody tree with lush branches stood in the middle of the intersection. This once again convinced Shade that the diviner wanted to rely on his hands to complete the last part of the ritual.

Looking around again, although the townspeople wearing black ponchos are still there, the incarnation of the fortune teller made up of roots has disappeared without a trace.

Just like in the cemetery just now, Shade once again became aware of the power that could not be observed with any senses. And as he once again stretched out his hand to touch the trunk of the bloody tree, "she" in his ear also gave another hint:

[Outlander, you have experienced wonder, blasphemy, enlightenment and whispers. 】

[Outlander, you have come into contact with the "Edwards Den Magic", and you have extracted the power that symbolizes the "devout soul". 】

[Your vision on the island is further expanded; the suppression of you by the power of the island is weakened; your probability of being attacked by island creatures is reduced. 】

Shade frowned slightly, looked around, and used the sword in his hand to pick up a small tree root tentacle wriggling on the ground. Then he took out a return charm again, folded it, and disappeared into the mist.

Opening your eyes, the light of the campfire illuminated the first-floor lobby of the Green Lake Hotel. Seeing that Shade was back again, and this time he didn't look embarrassed, Dorothy and Lesia, who were waiting for him by the campfire, immediately came over.

"I'm fine."

Shade said that this time he left for more than ten minutes, and the number of girls who were able to move on the first floor of the hotel became more. However, a small number of people were resting after the battle. It seemed that while Shade was away, the girls in the hotel experienced the battle again.

"There was an abnormal earthquake just now, and the hotel's ritual failed for half a minute."

Tifa came over and said, while Miss Hayley Aurora dried Shade's clothes again.

A larger empty glass test tube was brought and Shade put the still slightly trembling roots into it. However, before he explained the reason for his return this time, Tifa informed him of good news:

"Miss Aurora contacted us through the parliament a few minutes ago. She has already joined Granny Cassandra and Miss Benanis on the shore."

She handed Shade a small box on the table by the campfire. Inside was a gray stone. The shape of the stone is irregular, but its three larger faces are unusually smooth.

"We still cannot enter the parliament from here, but through this, we can once again establish contact with the great witch on the shore. Miss Aurora asked us to leave this to you."

"How to use this?"

Since they specially sent this, there should be new progress.

"Hold this in one hand, any piece of witch jewelry in the other, and praise the original witch."

Tifa said, and Shade took out Megan's earrings. After the girls around him temporarily stepped aside, he clasped his hands and said softly:

"Praise to the Chaos Witch, may the witch's glory last forever."

The earring on his right hand shone slightly, and the stone on his left hand turned into stone powder. The stone powder floated out from Shade's fingers, and then formed an unusually blurry figure of Miss Aurora in front of him:

"Xia De! It's so good to see you're okay~"

Her figure kept flickering like the "Mirror Hidden Man" just now, and her voice was quite unclear. Miss Aurora herself knew that this connection was not stable, so she did not give Shade a chance to speak. She stretched out her hand forward as if to grab Shade's hand, but their hands passed through each other. The witch regretted Shaking his head, he spoke quickly and explained what he wanted to tell Shade:

"First, the Speaker of the Parliament made a special alchemy item. We will contact you again twenty minutes later and we will find a way to deliver the item to you; second, the divination from the Prophet Association has been obtained. Major progress. Remember to investigate the waters outside the island. A ship stranded on the rocks has major clues. Third, at present, no one will be able to enter the island you are on within an hour, but the church has already thought of it. Other methods, projection, the church intends to project"

Her figure appeared dislocated and distorted, and then the figure made of dust completely disappeared.


When Shade returned last time, he heard about this plan from the note given by Sister Devlin. Miss Deckert said:

"Yes, since you can't use space transfer to make your physical body appear on the island, you can make your illusory figure appear here."

"But how?"

Lesia asked. Tifa, who is good at sealing and summoning, had an idea:

"Although the church and the academy cannot come here, they should still be able to enter the island of reality."

Now even the writer lady understood:

"If the ceremony is held at the same location successfully, it is indeed possible to project part of ourselves to the island where we are. But on the one hand, this requires support from our side, and on the other hand, the projection may not be stable."

Just now, Miss Aurora just wanted to talk to Shade, but her voice and figure were already very unstable.

"But it's a solution."

Shade said, handing the test tube containing tree roots to Tifa:

"There are several huge tree roots under this island, and this is part of it. If the witches can still contact here for a while, they will find a way to send this to the outside of the island, and try to see if they can analyze what it is. "

The maid put away the test tube and asked worriedly:

"You came back this time because..."

So Shade described what he had just seen. Dorothy gave Shade new ideas as to why the fortune teller wanted to build and maintain the town that had entered the steam age:

"Xia De, according to you, the ultimate goal of the soothsayer is to imitate the ceremony of the thirteen chosen ones in "The Whispering Canto". Since the thirteen keys correspond to the chosen ones, does that town represent the chosen ones? To be civilized?”

She is worthy of being a writer, and her thoughts are quite active:

"The ritual is an imitation of an epic involving the Sixth Age. The epic cannot only have heroes, but also has a background. Moreover, for the ring magician system, the elements of miracles, blasphemy and whispers can be symbolized by finding magical items and powerful relics respectively. , but only 'enlightenment' requires the power of civilization. This ritual is the most complex ritual I have ever come into contact with. Perhaps, the town really represents civilization and represents the soil of the family root system as you call it."

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