Whispering Verse

Chapter 1944 Special “Supplies” and Red Moon Projection

Shade understood what Dorothy said, but he didn't have time to destroy the entire town and destroy one of the symbols of the ritual. After talking about what he just saw, Xia De finally mentioned the purpose of his return this time.

The sorceresses, Agelina, and the cat all looked at him in the light of the bonfire. Shade knew that on such a serious occasion, he should say something inspiring, or at least serious. But the purpose of his return this time cannot really be said to be very serious.

"Is such that."

He took out the empty perfume bottle, and then he hesitated and didn't know how to express it. Lesia, who was closest to Shade, looked at the bottle and was stunned for a moment before she suddenly realized it. She smiled and said:

"Looking at your serious face, I thought you were going to say something. We stayed here to do logistics work for you, and this is your supply point. You are right to come back this time. This bottle contains Once it’s filled with perfume, we can safely let you go.”

Spirit is not simply energy, but information, an element, and energy. It is the sum total of everything in the world that the Ring Warlocks can understand. It is one of the manifestations of the Ring Warlock's mind interfering with matter, so it is difficult to find a way to recover quickly. Whether there is a perfume that can replenish one's spirit is indeed very important to Shade.

And when Lecia said this, Dorothy also understood the purpose of Shade's return this time. Compared to the bold Princess, Miss Writer was a little thinner-skinned. She blushed and patted Shade, but also nodded:

"You want to refill this little perfume bottle?"

"It doesn't take much time, just let some perfume develop inside."

Shade tried his best to say this with a serious expression, as if he was really talking about something serious:

"Let's go upstairs."

"Please don't do this."

But the black-haired maid on the side stopped Shade:

"We blocked the stairs and left no one on the third floor. It's no longer safe there."

"I don't want to be in front of so many people"

Tifa waved her hand, and the girls who had not participated in the battle or participated in the defense of the hotel gathered over with red faces, chatting and laughing. They held hands with each other and surrounded Shade, Dorothy, Lesia and the bonfire in the center, with their bodies facing outside and their backs to the three of them.

"Miss Servit, please come and help me too."

Lesia's voice came, and the black-haired maid also walked into the wall.

"Actually, it's not very dangerous upstairs."

Shade was still trying hard, but Lesia's voice overwhelmed him:

"Agelina, don't come over here. Turn your back. It's best to cover your ears."

Then an unknown girl threw a silencing spell, and even the crackling sound of the bonfire disappeared.

It is not silent here. The sound of rain outside the hotel and the sound of two other bonfires are all so clear on the first floor of the hotel at this moment, because everyone is lowering their breathing, trying to listen to some different sounds.

No one spoke. The sorceresses were all a little nervous and curious. They kept silent in a tacit agreement, but they were also curious about what the incomprehensible and shaking black shadow projected on the ceiling meant.

Miss Hayley Aurora stood by the window with a blushing face, trying to let the wind outside the window cool her face. Agelina, who was sitting on a chair by the table, was holding little Mia in her arms. Together with the cat, whose amber eyes were widened, they looked at the wall of tall girls. She pursed her lips, and although she felt a little pain in her heart, she understood that this was what had to happen now.

Two complex emotions were intertwined, and she couldn't describe her feelings at the moment:

"Sister, are you really so wary of me?"

She asked herself in her mind, and the cat in her arms looked back at her curiously. The cat seemed to hear two different voices.

Five minutes later, as the effect of the silencing spell was actively cancelled, the girls surrounding the human wall dispersed with blushing faces. Shade wiped the many lipstick marks on his face with a handkerchief. Lecia and Dorothy tied the buttons of his coat for him. Tifa handed Shade the perfume bottle that he had just placed on the ground.

Shake the bottle, the pink transparent perfume occupies two-thirds of the bottle's volume. Considering that only five minutes had passed, the speed was really amazing.

This bottle's effect of absorbing "desire" and converting it into perfume is not only effective for Shade, the relic holder, but also for everyone around him. Shade didn't know if the maid had considered this reason when she blocked him from going upstairs. But what I have to admit is that in such a dangerous and weird environment, these girls, most of whom Shade couldn't name, still played a big role in what they just did. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Shade, Lesia and the others to restore so much liquid in the bottle in a short period of time.

"There are so many girls here, you don't really need to think about how to fill this bottle."

Lesia did not forget to say this while helping Shade fasten the buttons, while Shade took back the bottle from Tifa. There is a sentence that he can only say to himself in his heart:

"If this continues, without the temptation of 'desire', I will probably become what she wants. Shade, Shade."

"She" smiled softly in his ear, but Shade didn't know whether "she" was laughing at his behavior or his thoughts at the moment.

All in all, this return trip went smoothly. After Lesia and Dorothy arranged his clothes, he talked about the white light he encountered on the island and the "supplies" in it, and then set off again.

But this time, he was not continuing to walk deeper into the town, but heading towards the dangerous waters that Miss Aurora mentioned. There will be new news from the witches soon. Shade wants to come back as soon as possible after exploring outside the dock. Communication between the two parties is not always easy to establish.

In order to prevent Shade from missing the communication time, Tifa gave him a charm before Shade left. Because of the dense fog on the island, even the communication within the island will be affected, but fortunately, the effect of this charm is only one damage, and the other one will also be damaged at the same time, which can allow Shade to come back at the right time.

It is much easier to get to the pier from the hotel than to enter the town from the hotel. Because he had walked with Tifa, Shade quickly walked out of the forest this time. On the way, he saw a white light spot again, and this time he found a bottle of No. 3 holy water and a detailed map of the real-world island from the white light. Unfortunately, this was of little use to Shade.

When we came to the lake, the green water surged under the dark night sky, and further away was an even darker and unknown place. Miss Aurora didn't say where the stranded ship was, so Shade had to look for it on his own.

Because there could only be one small wooden boat he called for at a time, Shade could only prepare to step directly onto the water and enter the lake:

"I hope there's nothing else underwater. It doesn't look like there's nothing here."

Just as he was about to get into the water, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked up at the night sky.

Dark clouds and thick fog covered everything above the head, so originally no stars or moon could be seen at all. At this time, a dim circular red halo appeared behind the dark clouds and thick fog. From the looks of it, it was clearly a huge red moon.

"What happened? Why did the red moon suddenly appear?"

The moon is trying to appear more clearly, but it is not successful. Only three seconds after Shade raised his head to stare at it, the red halo began to fade away little by little. In just a few breaths, it would be completely invisible.

"It's someone from outside!"

Shade immediately understood and raised his hand to try to catch the moonlight that was gradually disappearing, but of course he didn't have the ability to catch the light yet.

"Red Moon!"

A corner of the life ring appeared behind him, and the blasphemous - [Red Moon] spirit rune was in the rain, facing the last trace of moonlight. The scarlet moonlight overlapped with the spiritual light of the spiritual runes. The red moon, which was about to disappear behind the fog and clouds, finally became stable because it captured the power to resonate. The red moonlight also became brighter little by little.

But the moonlight did not illuminate the sky and the earth, it just gathered into a beam and illuminated the location of the spiritual rune on Shade's life ring.

Half a minute later, when the scarlet moonlight was as clear and obvious as a gas lamp focused by a lens on the stage, in that beam of light, the figure of the thirteen-ring warlock "Red Moon Witch" Danister finally appeared. In front of Sha De.

The figure became clearer, and the librarian of St. Byrons looked at Shade in front of her:

"I am not an entity now. I have used the power of the moon. You can understand that I have projected myself towards the red moon in the night sky of the material world, and then with the help of the red moon, I have reflected that part of my power back here."

She pointed to the blurry red moon above the two of them:

"I shouldn't be able to exist for too long. The rejection of me here is very serious. When this moon disappears, my current projection will dissipate."

She did not waste precious time and asked Shade why he appeared here. Shade naturally agreed not to discuss this topic and just hid the night watchman behind his back:

"Edwardsden's magic has not started yet. There are many thick tree roots under the island, and the fortune teller seems to be making final preparations. I heard that the Fortune Teller Association divined something about a stranded ship. Important clues, I’m about to find them.”

The sorceress with rose-red eyes raised her eyebrows:

"This news was divined just over ten minutes ago. Sure enough, you have other ways to get in touch with the outside world."

"It's difficult for me to move around on the island by myself. After all, I only have six rings, so I'm still too weak."

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