Whispering Verse

Chapter 1951

The handsome middle-aged fortune teller nodded gently:

"You and Ms. Paavo are indeed familiar with each other. That lady is really amazing. They have given me a lot of help. Although I have betrayed the Prophet Association, I am actually a person who keeps my promises. Isn't this ridiculous? Come and try Let’s give it a try, it’s a small activity before the banquet, it won’t be long.”

On the dining table in front of him, he opened the upside-down playing cards. On the card, a man with a blurry face wearing red clothes sitting in a dark banquet hall stretched out his hand toward the outside of the card——

Ding dong!

A crisp sound seemed to explode directly in the ears. Someone was hitting the bell with a small hammer. This was the cue for the start of the banquet.

On the originally empty table, silverware and goldware containing fresh human organs appeared one by one. The thick fog of blood and the sweet smell of food filled every corner of the banquet hall. Bloody bodies hung from the ceiling. corpse, hanging upside down and dripping downwards


Behind Shade, the silver aura of the "Gluttony" spiritual rune displayed in the corner of his life ring, followed by his furious scolding, forcibly interrupted the effect of the card in the fortune teller's hand.

Although it was Laplace Howard who used this card, with the display of the strange spiritual rune behind Shade, the surging bloody sweet red mist wrapped around Shade.

The [Gluttony] spirit rune absorbed the blood mist in reverse, and the banquet hall that had just created a sense of atmosphere returned to its original empty appearance after Shade's roar, as if the illusion had been broken.

The fortune teller wearing a monocle looked at the burning cards in his hand in surprise under the bright crystal lamp, and then threw it to the ground:

"This is a card made from the breath extracted from the magical items lent to me by the Blood Spirit School. You actually call the God. Is the rumor true? You can actually call the evil god? The god you believe in , can he really allow you to be so half-hearted? Although God is forgiving, is he a little too tolerant towards you?"

"Thunder gun!"

Silver thunder exploded at the door of the banquet hall, followed by a thunder gun that penetrated the banquet hall and hit the fortune teller directly on the head.

Even Shade, who launched the attack, thought that this blow would be wiped out by the inhuman thing that surpassed the thirteenth ring, but he did not expect that the thunder gun directly exploded the opponent's head, even because the effect was so good , even his entire upper body was blown to pieces by lightning.

At the same time as the corpse fell from the chair, the door of the banquet hall behind Sha De automatically closed with a bang.


The laughter like a madman echoed in the banquet hall where Shade was alone, but the source could not be found. Shade's face was not nervous, but instead he smiled:

"That's right. You're a lunatic. You've been pretending to be sensible, but I don't get used to it."

The [Night Watcher] held in his hand actively lit up a dazzling silver light for the first time so far today. While the gas lamps and crystal chandeliers in the banquet hall exploded to pieces, the long table in the banquet hall covered with white tablecloths was blown open by air waves in the darkness, revealing a giant bronze coffin covered by tablecloths and tables.

The darkness seemed to tremble because of the appearance of the coffin. In the lightless room, a darkness deeper than the night penetrated into the normal space as the coffin opened the gap.

The deep darkness confronted the silver light on the exorcist [Night Watch]. In the next moment, the bronze coffin that had been lying flat stood up automatically, and then the giant arm wrapped in bandages knocked off the lid of the coffin.


Holding the sword in both hands, he split open the lid of the coffin that was flying toward him, and then the brilliant silver moonlight collided with the giant arm wrapped in bandages without stopping.

In the wailing sound that shook the whole room, Shade finally saw what the thing that came out of the coffin was.

The body of a ghoul, the head of a water ghost, the tail of a giant dragon, and the limbs of a special undead-desert guard. The power this thing showed just now is enough to rival an ordinary nine-ring warlock.

The giant hand stretched out like a spring flew towards Shade again, and from his laughing mouth, black flames with the smell of sulfur spit out a fire fan forward.

"You have a dragon's tail? Then I think you are a dragon!"

The silver sword light split the hand again, and the two made the sound of gold and stone clashing. The filthy black flames came towards him, but were blocked by the golden stream of light that lit up in the darkness.

After a dull lunging sound, silver light scattered in all directions lit up from the shield of Heaton's seal. Amidst the roar of the dragon that shattered all the surrounding glass, a silver beam of light shot out from inside the golden shield and penetrated straight through the chest of the undead.

The golden shield disappeared from its place, and he used "Raglai's Leap" to rise into the air. Shade held the sword in both hands and slashed diagonally, cutting off the monster's head from behind, and then slashed the sharp blade through the undead's body. The body was divided into two parts until the entire monster was tilted.

Undead monsters always have strange immortality, but Shade did not give the opponent a chance to move again. After pulling out the badge on his chest and praising the dead angel softly, in the soft white halo, the pieced together undead turned into white ash and disappeared bit by bit.

"Something strange."

Holding the sword and looking around, Shade frowned.

Strictly speaking, although this thing is very strong, without the [Night Watch], it would require at least a nine-ring warlock to fight it alone. But it definitely shouldn't appear here to deal with the "God Caller" who is considered to be the Thirteenth Ring. What's more, everyone knows that the weapons in the hands of the "God Caller" are specially designed to restrain such monsters.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, no new round of attacks was seen. Shade quickly walked towards the door of the banquet hall. When he found that the door was locked as expected, he slashed at it with his sword.


Shade didn't hold back at all from this blow, but the result was that the force of the rebound made his hands numb. There is an obvious mark of slashing on the metal door in front of him, but it also means that the door is strong and cannot be broken by Shade with just a few chops.

"Key to the door."

The long sword was pressed against the door, and as Shade slowly turned the hilt, a clear "click" sound sounded. Pushing the door open again, the crack in the door was indeed open. But Shade still frowned, because there were no bright lights outside the crack of the door like there should be in the corridor, and there was no ghostly sound of people dancing or music.

He used his sword to push the door open completely, and there was a completely impenetrable darkness outside the door. Shade reached out and tried to touch the darkness, and then got the answer:

"The space passage, he forcibly merged the space leading outside the door with another space. But why do I have to go through the door?"

He took a step to the side and pierced the wall with his sword:

"Fossils are mud."

A few stirs with the long sword easily made a big hole in the wall, but behind the hole was still the deep darkness that represented the unknown space. Touching it again, in addition to the obvious spatial power, Shade felt the aura that belonged exclusively to the bones of the "Death Angel".

It's not accurate to say that he felt it, it was the badge on his chest that was vibrating slightly. The heat means the witch is nearby, the vibration means the resonance of the angel's bones. That aura seemed to seduce Shade through the cave entrance to get what Priest Augustus had been looking for. In other words, the diviner knew that he would not refuse such an invitation.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

He gave up the idea of ​​breaking the window and trying to leave the house, and stepped forward into the darkness with sword in hand.

After a moment of dizziness, the surroundings changed from indoor to outdoor, and it was a very familiar outdoor environment.

A fence surrounded a small cemetery, and various stone statues were displayed in the cemetery, but no matter what image they were, they were all looking at Shade at the moment. And among those statues, there was a small ossuary.

"Rust Edwards' grave?"

Megan had brought him here before, and it was here that they first met the Mirror Man and the Edwards brothers. It was here that Durut Giles, whose trace was still unknown, passively took away the little girl's soul.

Now, of course, Rusty Edwards was not there, but the ossuary door was shimmering with light. There was a glimmer of light, and something with great malice was watching Shade behind the door.

That sight could really burn Shade's skin directly, even through the door. In other words, it was frostbite, the kind of cold that was so cold that it could almost freeze the soul. It immediately reminded Shade of the water in "True Death".

Pale hands grasped the gap in the door panel, and the things hidden in the ossuary were about to come out. This thing was definitely not on the same level as the stitched corpse just now. Shade knew that he might have really met his opponent this time.

The emerald green leaf symbol on his right arm instantly dissipated from the surface of his skin. With the huge vitality and spirits that do not belong to him pouring into the soul, the power from the thirteen-ring warlock "Nightmare Witch" Miss Maria has been temporarily controlled by Shade.

Unlike Miss Danist, Miss Maria, who has no relationship with Shade, only gave him power, but did not give him the ability to cast natural magic, that is, the "Thamaury List". Although he has been exposed to the power of nature, he does not know much about it.

Fortunately, as the power of the thirteen-ring warlock surged, the knowledge of "Witch Reverberation and Yellow Moon Witch Oranod" suddenly became extremely clear in his memory.

The witch with one-eighth elven blood is not only good at the power of the moon, she is also a user of natural power.

The pale hand opened the door of the ossuary with a creaking sound, and before its specific appearance was revealed, the arm of the green and transparent giant that emerged behind Sha De overlapped with his arm. , carrying huge vitality, punched towards the Ossuary Hall:

"The Witch's Secret Technique—The Incarnation of Nature!"

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