Whispering Verse

Chapter 1952 Hotel Horror

Ten minutes ago, in the Green Lake Hotel, the girls who bid farewell to Shade were worried about his safety, but they also knew that ensuring their own safety at this time and persisting until the big witches arrived was the most important thing for them to do.

The rain was still falling, but thanks to the three campfires and the effect of the thaumaturgic camp, the first floor of the hotel was dry and refreshing.

Although Tifa's level is not the highest here, because of her status as a witch apprentice, she is the actual person in charge of the hotel, coordinating the hotel's defense work with another witch apprentice, Miss Hayley Aurora.

The black-haired maid is currently at the eighth level, but due to the blessing given by Miss Feliana, in addition to the promotion from the 12th level to the 13th level, she can use this power to unconditionally move to the next level at any level (534 chapter). This also means that once the most dangerous moment comes, she can directly become a ninth-level witch apprentice and work part-time as a nine-ring warlock.

Although the witch class of the witch apprentice is completely weaker than the real witch at the same level, this also means that she has the trump card to temporarily turn the tide of the battle.

As for Agelina, the weakest person in the hotel, she honestly held little Mia in her arms all night long and sat on a chair by the campfire.

Now that there were no monsters approaching the hotel, and her help was no longer needed, she was warming herself by the fire, holding the cat in a daze.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lesia handed her a cup of hot tea, and Agelina thanked her in surprise. In her memory, her sister had never poured herself tea.

"Dangerous, right?"

Lesia said, sitting next to her and looking at the cat in her arms. Little Mia also looked at her. One person and one cat looked at each other. The cat licked its paws and then continued to look at the flames in front of it.

The seventeen-year-old little princess nodded gently:

"It is very dangerous, so I want to gain power as soon as possible so that I can help Shade and you in the future. I heard that Miss Iluna Bayas is also seventeen years old?"

Lesia smiled:

"I'm glad you weren't scared. She is indeed a girl from the Cavendish family, but don't compare her with Bayas. She is not an ordinary girl. However, if you can think of me first and then Shade, I will be more Happy."

The little princess nodded slightly, actually thinking that when the sister in front of her encountered something, she would definitely think of Shade first, and then her sister.

Although the two sisters have lived together since childhood, they have few opportunities to communicate like this. While talking to Agelina, Lesia was also a little confused. She might have really neglected to take care of Agelina in the past.

Just as he was about to ask her if the sound in his ears appeared again, suddenly there was a deafening roar of a giant beast in the night rain outside the hotel.

Then came the exclamations from the girls outside the door. Soon, the two girls covered in blood were carried into the first floor. They were placed next to the bonfire near the door, followed by the girls who were still resting. They urgently found magic potions and arranged for healers to treat them.

The wind and rain outside the door became more and more intense, and Agelina even felt that she could feel the vibration caused by the raindrops hitting the hotel wall.

She was not qualified to go out to help, or even go to the window to see what was going on outside. The little princess was sitting alone by the campfire with her little cat in her arms. She didn't even notice that her sister also went to the door to help.

"That voice, is it a dragon?"

She whispered in her heart, and hugged the cat a little tighter, making the orange and white cat squirm a few times in dissatisfaction.

At this moment, it seemed like I was back to those banquets I had attended since childhood. Although everyone could come to the banquet hall, she was the only one who was required to sit aside and watch her brothers and sisters socialize.

The suppressed emotions in my heart became stronger. I raised my head to ask if I needed help, but found that there was no one around me. Most of the sorceresses have already rushed out. Various strange lights bloom outside the small window, and the roar of dragons and the sound of rain are intertwined. The sorceresses who stayed here gathered around the seriously injured girl and tried their best to pull them back from the brink of death.

Agelina knew that she should just sit here, like a stone, without disturbing anyone. But the anger in my heart towards myself has reached its extreme in this moment of calm. The pain that tortured his heart, in the crackling fire in front of him, seemed to be tempered by the flames into some kind of sharp blade that cut open the soul.

"But it's not enough."

She said to herself in her mind.


The cat meowed like this. Agelina looked down at it and found that the cat was also looking up at her. The big amber eyes were full of innocence, and the cat meowed again:


Others may not care, but the little princess, who knows little about the supernatural world, always thinks that Shade's cat has very strange abilities. She didn't know what little Mia was capable of, so according to the plot in the story, she naturally thought that this cat was trying to give her a warning.

So he stood up carefully while holding on to his skirt, and looked around. He could only see the shadows of people shaking as the bonfire swayed, but he didn't see anything wrong around him.

"Mao Mao, what are you going to tell me?"

Because there was no one around, the little princess used very immature words when calling the cat. The hugged cat said "meow~" again, and of course Agelina, who didn't understand cat language, couldn't understand what it meant. Of course, even if she knew cat language, she wouldn't be able to understand it. Shade, who turned into a cat, had never understood little Mia's voice.

Still, she tried to decipher the cat's voice. She knew that she would definitely fail, but this was just something she did for herself so that she would not appear so lonely and useless.

With an accidental flash of inspiration, or some kind of coincidence within a coincidence, she overlapped the sound of the bonfire burning in the background with the cat's meow. The blazing flames reminded her of the sun. For a moment, she seemed to feel the hottest part of the bonfire.

In an instant, due to the strong inspiration, she felt that her whole body was about to be ignited, and she felt that she understood:

"Perhaps that cat's meow means to use flames to illuminate the shadows."

She wasn't sure whether it was what she thought of or whether the voice in her ears was telling her. But she still carefully bent down to pick up a piece of firewood, turned around suddenly and raised it behind her, which just illuminated the devil-Pride Edwards who was quietly walking down the stairs at the top of the stairs.


Agelina blinked, somewhat doubting that this was an illusion. But when the irrational demon really pounced on her, she realized that she had really stumbled upon the enemy who invaded the hotel.

Death seemed to be right in front of her eyes, but before the cat in her arms exploded, the hand on Agelina's shoulder pulled her and the cat away from the bonfire at the last moment.

So the demon, who was completely irrational, fell into the campfire. Even though his whole body was wrapped in hard black armor, he was still injured by the golden light representing the power of the sun in the flames. After getting up, he rushed out of the window and did not continue to attack the weakly defended first floor of the hotel.

Only then did Agelina feel her violent heartbeat and looked behind her, only to see her sister looking at her with worry. The little princess pursed her lips, sniffed under the gaze, and almost cried while hugging the cat.

【communicate. 】

Someone was really talking in her ear, but she was trying hard to control her emotions, so she didn't hear it.

Outside the window, Pride Edwards, who was severely burned because he did not anticipate the power of "Sunfire", had disappeared into the woods. In the sky, a giant dragon with three horns was spitting out jet-black flames and still fighting with the girls in the sky. On the night of hunting the demon, she still had a power close to the thirteenth ring, but because the demon was dead and she was recovering from her serious injury, she was unable to quickly gain the upper hand against these ladies whose average level was no more than the seventh ring.

When Lesia held the hand of her pitiful sister who was wiping her tears and came to the window, she happened to see a dark thing in the rain and fog, hitting the giant dragon in the air at an unusually fast speed.

The thing looked like a table, but upon closer inspection, I realized it was a black coffin. Obviously the coffin was not big, but after hitting the giant dragon in the air, it was knocked to the ground.

Amidst the roaring sound, countless trees fell down in the rain. The strange coffin in the sky also slowly landed, but before it landed, the lid of the coffin was opened, and then the doctor and the priest jumped out of the coffin.

The old priest completely ignored the black dragon not far away. After landing, he immediately started retching while holding on to the tree beside him.

The night was dark, so no one could see clearly what kind of black shadow was behind Dr. Schneider, reaching out to the black dragon that fell to the ground.

The stench and smell of sulfur cannot be concealed even in the rain. By the time the sorceresses in the air all fell back to the ground, the black dragon had disappeared into the forest.

"Let her run away. The opponent has the ability to move in space, and I am suppressed on this island."

The coffin turned into a black cube and was put away by the doctor. He and the pale-faced Priest August walked towards the main entrance of the hotel in the rain. Most of the sorceresses in the hotel knew that they were Shade's friends, so they did not stop them from entering.

However, the two did not stay to rest. The doctor asked Dorothy seriously:

"Where did the detective go? Why didn't you see him here? Although we were lost in the fog for a long time, we were very fast. We should be the first to enter the island, right?"

"Yes, you are the first. Shade left ten minutes ago. Is the priest okay?"

The blonde girl looked at Priest Augustus worriedly, and the priest reluctantly waved his hand:

"It's okay, I'm just a little seasick."

So Tifa on the side arranged for someone to get the potion. After the priest drank the potion, his expression improved a lot:

"We will bring him back. Although the two of us were the first to come in using a special method, others should appear soon, so don't worry. Let's go help Shade now."

The doctor then said to the priest:

"Let's move on. I've been here both in dreams and in reality. I know the way."

"No, let me lead the way. It's the last step. I don't want to get lost. Also, I will never, never take your vehicle again in the future. I am already so old and can no longer suffer such torture. ."

As they spoke, the two turned around and went into the woods again, heading towards the old Edwards house with lights on in the fog in the distance, which could be seen from here for some reason.

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