Whispering Verse

Chapter 1953 Helper Coffin and Machinery

Worried about Shade's condition, the doctors and priests moved very quickly. The closer we got to the mansion, the thicker the mist became, so the doctor who originally insisted on leading the way had the self-knowledge to let Priest August go in front.

The priest held a compass made of bones in his hand, but the compass did not guide the two to the old house where the banquet was being held. Instead, it led them farther and farther away from the town.

"Priest, this."

Looking at the surrounding woods in the thick night fog, Dr. Schneider said hesitantly, not embarrassed to directly say that Priest Augustus was also lost. But Priest August did not think that he was going the wrong way, and it turned out that his idea was right, because five or six minutes later, they felt the huge roar caused by the battle in the distance.


It's said to be "far away", but it's actually just because of the obstruction of fog, which makes even very close places look far away. The two quickly ran towards the source of the sound. Then, they first saw the looming glowing green giant in the thick fog of the night, and felt the majestic vitality.

Later, even Dr. Schneider, who had little research on the power of death, felt the indescribable power of the dead.

The collision of two different forces, life and death, caused the weeds on the red ground of the small cemetery to grow, die, revive, grow, and die crazily, repeating this process.

When the doctor and the priest actually arrived at the cemetery, they saw that the person fighting Shade was a strange humanoid figure floating in the air wearing a shabby dark red robe.

No legs appear under the robe, making one wonder whether it actually has legs. The shriveled face was gray, and there were green flames in his eyes.

But the most eye-catching thing is the nine stringed skulls hanging on the chest. The one in the center is the last remaining sixth, the skull of the Angel of Death.

This robed monster did not attack Shade directly. The things it summoned with scarlet spines directly connected to its heads were the enemies that were fighting against Shade and the green giant that partially overlapped his body. Their spines are only half in length, making the heads on their spines extraordinarily large.

But although the appearance is weird and ridiculous, there are illusory life rings floating behind each head, a few high rings, most middle rings. Although the strength is not as good as that of a living ring warlock, it is still quite powerful.

During the "natural incarnation" of the witch's secret technique, no matter how weird the opponent was at the moment, Shade could still crush every enemy simply by punching.

The battle seemed extremely fierce, but both the priest and the doctor could see that Shade was at a disadvantage. Of course, Shade himself knew that the power he borrowed was basically sourceless water. In the first half minute, he was completely dominant with his tyrannical power, but after holding on for half a minute, the power of life was already fading.

"The Evil One - The Bone Collector."

Priest Augustus murmured to himself, obviously recognizing what this thing was:

"Same as the Lich, it is the top undead that can be artificially produced. Even because it is too terrifying and powerful, this thing is directly classified as an evil thing. It is a very evil thing. I remember the production method, it should be in the fifth era. It was lost in the middle period. Nowadays, you can only encounter them unluckily in some ancient tombs or lost ancient ruins. This thing will kill living people, pull out their heads and spines, and make them into wishes under its own control. Death is with you and me!”

The priest suddenly shouted loudly, like a bell ringing in his ears. The loud voice was not just to scare the two sides fighting. The one-sixth skull hanging on the chest of the "Skeleton Collector" originally had The halo that was still flickering suddenly dimmed.

The green giant behind Shade finally exhausted all his strength at this moment. As he retreated panting, the doctor and the priest pushed forward.

The densely packed black cubes in one hand formed a shovel, which looked familiar to Shade; the other man prayed solemnly, as if repenting for the crime he was about to commit, and then stretched out his hand to point to the floating ones connected to the spine. The heads, those heads actually turned around immediately, and then under the control of the priest, launched an attack on their summoner.

"you go first!"

The priest said to Shade:

"The doctor and I will deal with it here. When we solve the matter here, we will catch up with you immediately."

"Are you okay?"

Shade asked, who was taking a breath to rest. He didn't consume much spirit, mainly because he consumed a lot of physical strength.

"You can do it, of course we have no problem."

The doctor said, a blood-red light appeared on the shovel that Shade had taken from the gatekeeper of Oxenfurt Manor in his hand.

Shade nodded:

"The whole island is a mess of space. Remember, the door to the old Edwards house is here."

Priest August manipulated the heads of the ring warlocks to entangle the floating evil objects. The doctor's eyes lit up with red light, and the red rays he fired drew right-angle traces in the fog and changed directions, hitting the evil objects head-on. The "necklace" on the object's chest.

Taking advantage of the opportunity they gained, Shade took a step forward and then appeared directly in front of the ossuary door behind the enemy. He used his body to push open the door, and sure enough, he found a door that didn't exist in the deepest part of the small room.

He reached out to open the door, but frowned and looked at the coffin in the ossuary. Originally, the black metal coffin here was extremely small because it contained the body of Rust Edwards, but now the coffin has become the size of a normal person.

He reached out and opened the locked coffin, and was surprised to find that the trembling Durut Giles was lying here. Remembering that the other party had robbed tombs here in the real world, Shade suddenly thought of things like the cycle of fate and retribution that would always come. When the trembling man saw that he was finally rescued, he recognized the person holding the sword in front of him. Who, then immediately said:

"We were taken to the island. Rust's father wanted to take her away, and she wanted to follow me. We argued with her father, but her father didn't understand family ties and feelings at all. Rust cried. was taken away, I wanted to save her, but was almost killed by her father. She threatened her father with herself, that scary man in a robe and a monocle, so she didn't kill me directly, but locked me up it's here.

Please let me join you."

"I don't have time. When the fighting outside is over, you go and talk to them. I'm in a hurry, so don't catch up with me. I don't have time to protect you!"

Shade said, opening the door in the deepest part of the ossuary. There was still the impenetrable darkness behind the door, but after stepping in, I found myself finally back in the brightly lit third-floor corridor of Edwards' old house.

The large number of dancing guests had all disappeared at this time, but the sound of music still echoed in the empty corridor. Shade shook his little finger. The red thread tied to his finger before Megan disappeared informed him this time that the missing witch was in a certain room on the second floor, which was consistent with the location on the invitation.

But when Shade entered the suddenly empty mansion and broke into the dining room on the second floor, as the door behind him suddenly closed tightly, all he saw was the empty room, and the gorgeous red dress in the room, like She was a woman who was at least three meters tall, dancing in circles as if she was hugging an invisible partner.

She turned around to face Shade, and there was a faint sound of mechanical rotation as her body swayed. But before she could speak, the silver-white thunder flying towards her directly penetrated her body.

The jumping thunder rippled on the flesh, flesh and mechanical skeleton. [The Staff of Yggdrasil] nailed the tall woman to the ground. As the "Black Moon Symbol" appeared on the ground, she didn't even have time to say a word. The body mixed with flesh and machinery was The penetrating wound in the center turned into white ash.

"I'm in a hurry and don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Shade retracted his long staff, turned around and kicked open the closed door behind him. Outside the door was still the darkness that symbolized the connection between spaces. He twitched the corner of his mouth a few times and still walked in.

After a brief dizziness, the rain wet his clothes again. As the sound of the surging tide sounded, Shade also smelled the unique wet smell of the lake.

He stood on the beach, facing the green lake water with a faint fluorescent glow in the dark night, and the black reefs full of holes on the lake surface. This was somewhere on the island lake, and Shade reluctantly recognized it. It seemed to be the garbage-strewn beach where he and Megan had picked up the bones of the "rotten fish" when they first landed on the island.

Of course, the actual island has garbage due to the circulation of the lake water. At this time, it is an independent space and garbage from the outside cannot enter, so the beach is very clean.

The tide is surging, and under the green lake surface, an astonishingly dense number of water ghosts are approaching the shore. Shade held the badge on his chest, but frowned slightly. Because those water ghosts whose heads are emerging from the water actually have nearly half a metallic sheen.

"I've never heard that this guy who studies the human body also studies machinery. Could it be that he is a genius in prophecy, human body refinement and machine manufacturing? What am I thinking? It must be the Truth Society. They also regard this place as... Your own experimental site?”

Taking a deep breath, the red moon mark on his right arm disappeared. Then he jumped upward lightly, and his whole body was in the air. He raised his right hand toward the rainy sky, and the red moonlight quickly gathered in his palm.

The bright red moonlight was as if the moon was really held in Shade's hands. In just a brief second, the light held in his palm was as huge as a mountain:

"Thumbs - the red moon falls!"

This time it was Miss Denister who left him with the power.

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