Whispering Verse

Chapter 1955 The reappearance of Miss Paavo

The red moon that just fell from Sha De's hand only attacked the giant creature in the water. Shade didn't know whether the force of Miss Danister's blow that left him severely injured the other party, but fortunately, the other party also tried to continue swimming towards the shore after that blow.

The "Calamity Card·Shadow of the Deep Sea" is ready to be used. Mrs. Flamel, who has transformed into a dark fish-man, can exert her greatest power in this rainy lakeside battle scene. Just using the card rashly, Xia De still had some concerns in his heart.

Suddenly I felt the badge on my chest radiating heat. Before I could turn around to look at it, I heard a shout from behind me:

"Law: Return!"

The next moment, all the water ghosts who tried to go ashore turned around and retreated into the water. Shade even saw part of the rainwater in front of him floating towards the sky.

"Oh, you're back?!"

Shade turned around and said in surprise. The red-haired duchess came over with a smile and gave Shade a hug:

"I'll stay here to deal with these things. Aren't you going to save Megan? Don't delay things here."

“But there are still things under the water”

"Don't worry, you're never alone."

In the darkness in the distance, a mechanical boat appeared on the green lake. Professor Miller Stewart, the "Iron Punisher" and dean of the Thirteenth Ring of Sussex Medical College, stood on the bow of the boat and asked the lady behind him about the origin of the red moon just now; the "red moon" of St. Byrons Miss Danist, the witch, looked towards the shore, as if she could directly see Shad's figure; Professor Gost, the Thirteenth Ring Warlock "Evocation Warlock" from Zarath Academy of Literature, looked at the island seriously, somewhat Surprised that there seems to be a soul on the island itself.

But no matter what, the first team from outside the island that broke into the island through special ships finally arrived.

"I'll buy you time, keep going."

The witch on the shore kissed Shade's wet forehead, and then stepped towards the sky. Behind her, the shining aura of the twelve life rings guided the three professors on the boat. At the same time, she crossed her left and right index fingers and aimed at the giant creature at the bottom of the lake:

"Law: Still!"

Not daring to waste time, Shade jumped into the lake. With a blink of his eyes, his body appeared twenty meters away, avoiding the dense group of water ghosts.

He didn't dare to take a closer look at the huge thing lurking under the water, but his [Heart of Stone] could clearly hear the sounds of the three hearts in the opponent's body. At the same time, the spell "Underwater Breathing" brought about The perception of water also allowed him to feel the vibrations of the mechanical operation in the monster's body.

The professors from the three major colleges have already performed thaumaturgy with Miss Carina, and the dull sound on the water represents the beginning of the battle. Shade was underwater, diving like a fish, and finally opened the door standing at the bottom of the water.


The wet Shade reappeared on the second floor of Edwards' old house. He tossed his hair awkwardly and looked down at the little finger of his right hand holding the sword under the bright light. Just now from the third floor, I felt that Megan and Audrey were on the second floor, and then I accidentally fell into a trap. Now I finally returned to the second floor of the old house, but it felt like Megan and Audrey were on the first floor:

"The basement, right?"

Although it was possible that it was another trap that exploited Shade's psychology, and Megan and Audrey were really on the first floor, Shade still chose to go directly to the basement. The silk thread on his little finger was no longer important, nor was the badge hanging around his neck. He trusted his feelings at the moment.

His sixth sense told him that the witch was in the basement.

There was still no one in the brightly lit old house. It only took more than ten seconds to walk quickly from the second floor to the first floor. Shade knew the location of the basement quite well, but when he walked down the stairs and prepared to go to the basement, he saw another person in the foyer of the mansion who did not belong here.

The foyer of this kind of building is different from the narrow foyer of Shade's house. Although it is called a foyer, it is actually quite large. When Shade came in just now, there were many dancing guests here. At this time, next to the gramophone that continued to make sounds, was a woman that Shade was very familiar with.

She has light blond hair, wears a long dress with black top and red bottom, and has sharp eyes. There is a big book with a silver-white hard cover floating next to her. The current president of the [Truth Society] and one of the former candidates for the election of knowledge and wisdom, Miss Pavo appeared in front of Shade.

The news Iluna brought was indeed correct. She was now at the seventh ring, and it seemed that she was not far away from the eighth ring.

Shade stopped and caught what the lady who smiled at him threw. Shade looked down and saw that it was a key with a very familiar shape.

"This is the one we got among the thirteen keys."

said the sorceress, lifting the stylus of the gramophone away. Then, the music that could be heard throughout the building finally stopped.

"You are quite fast. I thought I would have to wait for more than ten minutes before I see you. I wanted to see what kind of power you can use in the most ordinary state. I guess you are not ten at all. Three rings, but definitely not ordinary. I just didn’t expect your helpers to come so quickly. United as One. Is your ability to get everyone to help you considered a form of United as One? Or is it called unity? strength?"

She smiled and took off the black record, sandwiched it in the book floating next to it, and then continued to say to Shade:

"Originally, I wanted to see what path the traitor of the Prophet Association chose. Now it seems that he is destined to fail, so I won't watch that ugly scene. The key is yours, and I will bring this record with you. Let’s go, it’s not like I’m here empty-handed. Please perform well later, I’m looking forward to what you will do this time.”

"Have you got all his information?"

Shade asked, and Miss Pavo nodded slightly:

"Although he is crazy, at least he is very contractual. We have done what we promised, and he gave me the information. He is indeed a genius in some aspects. He even wanted to invite me to the banquet , tsk tsk~”

She did not continue to comment, but asked Xiang Shade:

"God Caller, do you know why I am waiting for you here? In fact, I don't have to show up."

"It's definitely not for me to congratulate you for changing from vice president to president."

The sorceress raised her lips:

“If you are willing to talk to me the way you would coax those witches, maybe we can become friends.

However, I also know that you are in a hurry, so I will keep the story short: Laplace Howard is also related to the [Blood Spirit School], and the two parties have a lot of cooperation in human body refinement. Correspondingly, the [Blood Spirit School] also I gave the soothsayer help, such as the [Puppet Operator's Script] that asked your witches to leave the hotel at the last moment tonight. "

"What do you want to say?"

"Don't worry, I just have one sentence: The fortune teller may tell you something very surprising tonight. After you understand that, you may be willing to come to us, listen to our research, and see our truth. ."

She motioned to Shade not to speak:

"Godcaller, this won't be the last time we meet. I hope you can defeat that lunatic. Although Howard is really talented, I would rather deal with normal people like you after all. A lunatic like him, some Too sensible."

She waved her hand at Shade, turned around and disappeared like a phantom.

Shade frowned and looked at the key in his hand, then continued towards the basement.

Rumbling sounds came from the distance, and it seemed that more people had arrived on the island. When Shade came to the basement door, the whole house suddenly shook. Earthquakes on the island had not stopped since the hotel appeared here.

Of course, the door to the basement was locked. When Shade opened the locked door, he saw that it was still dark inside.

He took a deep breath, and the anger he had endured all night finally burst out:

"I want to see what it is this time."

After passing through the door, after a moment of dizziness, raindrops fell from the sky and soaked Shade, who was already wet. Dark vision quickly allowed Shade to identify that he was currently in a clearing in a lightless forest that had never been before.

"Powerful spatial perception!"

The surrounding terrain immediately appeared in Shade's mind, and his current location was the hilly forest farm in the southern part of the island. He has never been here, and Meghan and Audrey have never introduced the specific conditions of this area.

The powerful spatial perception had already found the "door" for him to return to the mansion. He turned and looked to the northeast. A simple wooden door stood in the rain and fog at the edge of the open space. The darkness could not cover Shade's eyes. He could clearly see countless dense gaps appearing and then closing in the space in front of the wooden door, just like eyes that opened and closed one after another.

And when he raised the [Night Watch], this spatial phenomenon that was about to collapse quickly spread to the entire open space, forcing Shade to carefully dodge the cracks.

At the same time, the vertical door was opened, and the Ring Warlock, who had no face, but wore exactly the same clothes as Laplace Howard, and even had the same body shape, came out.

The life ring appeared behind him. The life ring, which was not particularly solid, undoubtedly belonged to the thirteen-ring warlock, but for some reason, it was also entangled with tree roots like the Edwards brothers in the cemetery.

[Similar breathing rate, heartbeat rate, spiritual fluctuations and elemental stability. He was no different from Laplace Klein Howard except that he had a mottled soul and no face. 】

"The human body is made to look exactly like you?"

The power given by the Witch Council has not yet been used, and there is only one last step left before Shade arrives at the banquet. Now that Miss Pavo from the Truth Society has appeared, this is probably the last thing standing in front of him. Shade knows what to do at this time.

PS: There is a big recommendation on the 31st. Calculating the time, I can almost complete the most essential part of this volume.

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