Whispering Verse

Chapter 1956 The final divination

In the woods, Green Lake Hotel, with an explosion in the basement, the girls on the first floor became nervous. Fortunately, after a few minutes, I walked out of the thick fog in the basement and finally found Miss Sylvia in the hotel in the city, who was connected to the passage between the two hotels.

The black-haired witch led dozens of girls to join Tifa and others who were staying on the first floor of the hotel. After a few brief greetings with Luvia, she led the people into the fog, intending to support Jia by the lake. Miss Linna.

"Calculating the time, people outside the island should have entered the waters around the island."

Luvia, who was sitting by the fire with a teacup in her hands, murmured to herself. As the great witches brought more people, the defense pressure in the hotel dropped sharply, and more and more girls could spend their free time on the fire. While resting, the atmosphere here became a lot more relaxed.

She sat with Dorothy and Lesia, and next to her was Agelina, who was holding little Mia. The flickering but warm firelight illuminated the ladies' faces. The situation on Shade's side is still uncertain, but they are all in a relaxed mood.

Such an opportunity itself is rare. So many sorceresses gathered together and had a campfire like camping. This was something they could hardly imagine before.

Although she had been in the hotel tonight, the little princess had also experienced some things and looked at the flames blankly. After finishing the previous topic with Luvia, Lesia looked at her sister with a smile:

"After tonight, she will probably wake up."

She said very definitely:

"Agelina seems to have lit a dynamite barrel with a fuse now. Although she doesn't know how long the fuse is, her explosion is certain."

"What a strange metaphor."

The blonde writer said softly, then looked at Luvia:

"I have heard doctors say before that formal students whose fathers lived in St. Byrons will ask fortune tellers to divine their future fate before they formally awaken and receive their admission notice. Even if they cannot ask formal fortune tellers, Diviners will also use fortune-telling cards for testing. Agelina is about to awaken now, how about you come and divine for her?"

This is indeed what those children with good family conditions in Academy City, St. Barons Comprehensive Academy, will experience. Luvia then took out her fortune-telling cards and asked Agelina to pick one at random.

The little princess and the cat in her arms both looked at the stack of cards, and the card the princess finally drew was the "crown" that was easy to interpret.

"Strength and power."

This is one of the higher-numbered cards among the one hundred and eight official divination cards. Even people who don’t know professional divination know its meaning.

The three sorceresses looked at each other and thought of the gift that Agelina once took out from Shade's [God's Gift Box], which was the crown of the current king Larus III.

When they and Shade played at night, they would sometimes take out the crown and use it as a recreational prop. The crown should now be in the basement of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, together with the printing plates for four 1-shilling notes.

"This shows that Agelina will become a very powerful girl in the future."

Luvia said words of encouragement, and Agelina smiled as expected.

The topic did not continue, and the purple-eyed girl looked at Dorothy and Lesia again:

"Although Shade doesn't like me talking about this topic with you, now that we have reached the end of the Green Lake Incident, which is equivalent to the opera entering its final act, I still want to talk to you about "The Whispering Cantos". You are the fourth in line. , there is the little girl, the tomb robber, and the Hongdie sisters in front of me, but if, I mean if"

"Luvia, you don't have to say anything, we know what we should do."

The blonde writer took the initiative to hold the red-haired princess's hand, and the faint smiles on their faces were very similar:

"Shade gave us the relic [Crack] and told us the content of the ritual. This in itself means that he has accepted us as the final insurance. Understand the space, the power of the ancient gods, and the ritual. We don't know what to do." Make space', but when the time comes, he said, destiny will give us that power."

Luvia swallowed all the words on her lips, and the [Home Coin] she was playing with in her hand could not be thrown out in the end:

"I can't even read Shade's thoughts this time, but he can always lead the story to the best ending."

While the three of them were talking, a figure broke into the first floor of the hotel from the door. The light of three bonfires illuminated the girl who was all wet. She had obviously experienced a fierce battle. Her sleeves were rolled up above her wrists, and her soaked long hair was simply tied up and tied behind her head. It was obviously modified by her own hands. A small cloth bag was slung on his chest. In each small bag, there were potion bottles, holy water bottles, or holy symbols and charms hanging.

There were several small alchemy items and relics [Judge's Holy Bell] hung on the belt around his waist. While his eyes were scanning here fiercely, his left hand subconsciously touched a pair of lenses.

Luvia stood up in surprise:


Iluna, who was swept into the island like this hotel but has been missing, finally arrived here at this moment.

There were many people at leisure, and potions, towels, and a change of clothes were quickly brought over. Before Iluna entered the hotel, she had already met Tifa and Miss Hayley Aurora outside, so there was no need for Luvia to explain things here again.

She wiped the rainwater from her long brown hair with a towel, sat down next to Luvia, and then put away a lot of spells, holy water, alchemical weapons and even a few relics that Luvia had never seen. Come down:

"I appeared in the south of the island and fought all the way here. Although there were a lot of supplies on the way, and I encountered twice the power of the thirteen-ring warlocks of the church projected onto the island, tonight was still terrible."

Taking the teacup brought by the maid behind her, she thanked her softly and drank the smoking black tea in unladylike gulps. Luvia looked at her looking very thirsty, with a distressed expression on her face:

"You should take a rest here for now, Shade's side is almost over."

"That's why I went to help him."

After drinking the tea, Iluna stood up and shook her long hair behind her in a chic way:

"Let these followers of the witch cast some status magic on me, give me two bottles of holy water, and then help me replenish the casting materials. I will set off now. This stronghold is really good. We have fought against the chosen ones before. When we were here, there was no such a good place to rest. However, it is not the time to rest yet."

She had regained her fighting spirit and turned to look south:

"I could vaguely feel Shade's position. Along the way, I encountered some strange scenes and met members of the Edwards family. Every time I encountered and solved those things, a blood-red tree would appear, and when As I touch the trees, I feel my connection to the island deepen. I even feel now that I can partially influence the ritual effects of Edwardsden's magic. Laplace Howard, Shade, and I, The three of us have the power to influence this ritual. Although I don’t know how this works, Shade needs me.”

"Can you influence the ceremony?"

Only then did Luvia know this:

"Wait a moment. I still have the last coin here. Since the matter has come to the end, there is no need to keep it. Do you want to do a final divination before setting off?"

Iluna nodded:

"Divination, how to deal with Envy Edwards, the eldest son of the third generation, who transcends time and space. Shade has his own ideas, but it's better to be safe and have a second plan. This guy may be better than the fortune teller. It’s going to be difficult to handle.”

She actually had other ideas in mind. In the second game of "What If", the angel suggested that she seek help from the "Guardians of Time and Space", "Guardians of Doom" and "Fire Keepers".

She could guess the latter two, but the "Guardian of Time and Space" she initially guessed was the "Shadow of the Tree Father" mentioned by Shade. But after getting to know Envy Edwards, she felt that maybe this person could lead to the so-called guardian she was looking for.

"If just divination is too easy, then try divination again to see how I can cooperate with Shade tonight."

Luvia nodded and finally threw out the last [Home Coin]. The coin rotted at the highest point and turned into ashes before falling to the ground, and Luvia also got a satisfactory answer:

"He is very powerful, with immortality, the ability to confuse time and space, and even if he is killed by conceptual annihilation magic such as the 'Black Moon Symbol', he can change time and be reborn. Don't try to defeat him head-on, no Meaning, he has been lost in time, you want him to perish on his own.”

"Is this the method? Is there a more specific plan?"

Iluna asked, Luvia shook her head:

"This is the result of the divination. This is very similar to what Shade can come up with. As for how you want to cooperate with Shade tonight, the thorn of the God of Love must be aimed at the chest for the best effect."

Iluna blinked blankly, then blushed:

"You mean, you mean"

Seeing her shy look, Lecia and Dorothy couldn't help laughing. Agelina, who was holding little Mia, envied this girl of the same age as herself. When she thought about herself, she suddenly felt that the difference between the stones on the roadside and the sun was like the difference between Iluna and her eyes. shoot.

The purple-eyed girl smiled and nodded, patting Iluna on the shoulder:

"Remember to perform well, wait until the end of tonight, come back and tell me how you felt at that time."

Iluna pursed her lips and nodded, trying hard to hold back her smile. She walked briskly towards Tifa and asked her to prepare her potions and spell-casting materials as soon as possible, and then went into the rain again.

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