Whispering Verse

Chapter 1957 The Sigh of the Chaos Witch

Lesia watched the exchange between Luvia and Iluna Bayas. After Iluna left, she smiled and said:

"That girl also likes Shade?"

In fact, Dorothy has met Iluna, so she knows this.

"Luvia, you are pushing another girl into the hands of our playboy."

"My dear Princess, it's not me who is pushing her to the edge of the cliff. She is asking me to help her fall faster."

Luvia said, and then teased:

"What, are you dissatisfied with me for doing this? Do you think I'm indulging Shade?"

"Of course not. Dorothy and I figured it out a long time ago that he is not an ordinary person."

Her Royal Highness the red-haired princess thought of the time she spent with Shade, and a smile appeared on her lips:

"He is a very interesting person, dedicated but indulgent. Reserved, but does not know how to refuse. Sometimes I wonder if this is a strategy of his. But I still think he is loyal. When I look at When I see him, I can still read the passion that melts me from the way he looks at me."

As she said that, she thought of the vows that Shade made on one knee in front of her a few days ago in front of the window of the room on the third floor.

"Tsk, tsk, I think you are charmed by Sha De."

Luvia continued to tease.

"Louvia, an elegant girl won't make a 'tsk' sound. But Charming, you may know the secret between me and Dorothy."

She smiled and looked at the writer lady beside her. This was the first time for the two of them to take the initiative to talk about themselves in front of Luvia. Of course, she did not forget to activate a mute spell with a small range, so that only the three of them and Agelina, who pretended to look at the flames but actually squinted her ears, heard these words:

"Without our knight, the two of us would probably still be thinking about how to touch each other at this moment, and after meeting and touching for the first time, we would follow the instinct of our souls and want to truly become one. But now we have He. As long as he is still here, we will never think that way. What's the point of the two of us becoming one? If you lose yourself, that love will disappear."

She held her beautiful chin, said what she was thinking, and looked at the fire in front of her:

"I long more to be one with Shade than I am to be one with Dorothy."


The purple-eyed fortune teller coughed and looked at her with his beautiful purple eyes. Agelina pursed her lips to control her expression.

"We are all his lovers. Although this is true, but you admit your desire so generously, isn't it?"

"That's not what I meant."

The red-haired princess shook her head slightly:

"I mean the soul."

“The soul touches him, the soul becomes one with him.”

The blond writer helped Lesia add:

"How is his powerful soul different from ours? Is his soul, which is always full of passion and alienated from the world, cold or hot? I don't know, so I want to know. Compared with almost Lesia is completely the same as me, and I hope to become a part of Shade's soul. So different, so dazzling, so radiant and charming."

Lesia's eyes, similar to Dorothy's, seemed to shine in the firelight:

"Luvia, do you dare to say that you have never been attracted by his soul? Oh, sometimes, I even long for him to tear it apart."

This time she stopped talking, blushed and realized what she had said, so she quickly ended the sentence:

“Untouchable, therefore shining.”

"What you are saying is that you are like moths attracted by the light of the fire."

Luvia commented, but Dorothy corrected:

"They are butterflies attracted by the light. Without him, we might fly to far, far away places, but now, we just long for this light."

"Then just wait."

The fortune teller said softly, looking forward to the last scene tonight:

"However, I have somewhat guessed what he was thinking. Sister Hongdie, when will you arrive?"

Relying on the powerful perception ability given to herself by the "Edwards Den Magic" and her secret connection with Shade, Iluna, who is half an island away but has no space power, somehow managed to survive in a short time. In just two or three minutes, we arrived at the dense forest in the hills south of Edwards' old house from the entrance of Green Lake Hotel.

When she saw the silver moonlight in the rain and fog in the dense forest, she realized belatedly that she seemed to have made an unconscious space jump. She experienced a wonderful feeling and followed the brilliant silver moonlight to the scene of the battle in the fog.

The battle between the faceless man and Shade, who had a thirteen-ring life ring entangled with tree roots floating behind him, had just begun. Under normal circumstances, Shade, who only had six rings, was no match for his opponent. He fell into a disadvantage as soon as they made contact.

But relying on the fact that the opponent has no soul and is just a body with instinctive fighting consciousness, "she" gently told Shade that the weakness of this thing is actually illusion.

He is obviously the fortune teller who is least afraid of illusions, but without his soul, his resistance to illusions has become almost zero. Even though this island is his home court, Shade, who has gradually deepened his connection with the island, is also being strengthened by the power of the island, and is able to perform more and more sophisticated illusions.

With the combination of Red Butterfly and Yueying's illusion, he had already lost his form in front of the Faceless Man. It's just that the opponent is still a Thirteenth Ring, even if his strength is greatly reduced compared to the normal Thirteenth Ring. Although Shade can protect himself, it is still difficult to defeat the opponent.

The arrival of Iluna did not surprise Shade. After all, people have been coming to help since just now:

"Can you control him for a few seconds?"

He asked Iluna loudly. The brass ring behind the seventeen-year-old girl had turned into a dark golden scale in the light:

"No problem. I like to deal with ring warlocks who are higher than me."

Jumping lightly into the battlefield, the silver-white mist also hid her figure. Even though the faceless man doesn’t have eyes that can look into her eyes, Iluna’s chosen talent is definitely not released simply by looking at her eyes:


The dark golden scales glowed, and Iluna appeared behind the faceless man. When her hand touched the faceless man's back, the life ring suspended by the tree roots above his head slowly degenerated into eleven rings:

"There's something wrong with those tree roots!"

Iluna reminded her, then disappeared again, hiding in the silver-white mist. The golden sunshine gun appeared behind the faceless man, but was grabbed by one hand when he turned around, and was thrown into the sky before the thunder exploded.

The silver mist summoned by "Moon Shadow's Illusion" dissipated at this moment, and a brighter light burst out from behind the faceless man. He waved his hand again to block the sunlight gun thrown by Iluna. When he was finally able to turn around to deal with Shad, he saw that Shad, who was holding a golden holy symbol that exuded ancient light, had already begun to use this power. Final steps:

"Praise to the Chaos Witch."

All preparations have been made, and the alchemy items made by the great witch are fully activated at this moment.

The shadows of seven illusory ladies emerged one after another in the light of the holy symbol. The seven figures are either standing, bending down, kneeling on one knee, or raising their hands high. When their postures were combined, the dazzling light pillars that were visible to the entire island shot straight into the sky.

Shade heard someone speaking in his ear, and seven voices he had never heard before said together:

"The sigh of the Chaos Witch!"

The light drowned the faceless man in front of him, and the faceless man was broken down into light spots in the golden light without making any resistance.

The pure destructive power is no longer enough to explain the power of this move, and Shade, who saw the holy symbol in his hand losing its light, once again confirmed that although the Witches Council in the Sixth Era was declining compared to the Fifth Era, the great witches were absolutely Not lost, the witch system inheritance of those fifth era witch emperors.

This attack has surpassed the Thirteenth Ring.

Iluna had already arrived at Shade's side. She nodded gently to Shade. The two of them entered the door at the edge of the clearing in the forest without much communication.

After feeling dizzy, he returned to the basement of Edwards' old house, but there was no passage leading to the bloody door in the empty basement, and there were no Edwards attending the banquet.

Iluna looked at Shade, who nodded:

"He can't hide it."

He took Iluna back to the first floor, and then entered the family restaurant with a "family genealogy". The earthquake struck again at this moment, and at the same time, a low roar of a giant beast appeared in the southeast of the island.

Shade didn't pay attention to this. The long sword in his hand split open the long table, revealing the underground trap door:

"It is indeed here. Since the family tree is here, the passage is also here."

The shaking of the ground caused the crystal lamp hanging on the ceiling of the restaurant to sway. Iluna frowned and looked out the window, and amidst the clattering sound, Shade opened the door embedded in the ground. This time, there was finally no darkness behind the door, but the underground corridor that Shade had seen several times but had never actually stepped into.

The torches on the side walls of the dark corridor lit up one after another from the entrance to the front. The corridor slopes downward, and on the walls, floor, and ceiling, you can see the appearance of huge blood-red tree roots protruding and then re-piercing the wall. It was as if the passage itself was wrapped by several extremely huge tree roots.

The smell of blood, the smell of the trees themselves, the smell of earth, and the faint smell of burning incense all came from the underground passage. Iluna held Shade's hand behind him. The two looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking at the moment.

Stepping into the underground corridor together, the power of the "Edwards Den Magic" they had acquired became active at this moment. The faint desire in their hearts urged them to move forward and go to the end of the corridor to obtain all of this power.

PS: There is a big recommendation on the 31st, I think I can finish this paragraph completely.

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