Whispering Verse

Chapter 1959 The banquet begins

"Did you know that the church and other ring magicians have begun to land on the island?"

Iluna asked again, walking towards the long table with Shade, but they just stood in front of the table and still did not sit down. Shade stared at the fortune teller in front of him, and "she" whispered in his ear:

[It's very similar, but still not the original body. 】

"Of course I know. I know all the outsiders who step into this 'Green Island'."

The fortune teller wearing a monocle said, picking up the wine glass in front of him and spilling the wine, and the water curtain appeared in the air.

Around the island covered with rocks, in the heavy rain, dozens of small boats of different shapes carrying high-ring warlocks appeared among the dark rocks densely covered with holes in the heavy rain.

In the turbulent green lake, countless monsters were blocking them from reaching the shore like a tide from the bottom of the water. The two sides just exchanged magic skills to form a clear strip of light on the water.

Divine magic is trying to illuminate this dark night. The brilliance of the Thirteen Rings of Life is so dazzling in the fog. The green lake water is stirring and splashing on everyone. Even at the pier at the edge of the island, you can see the people who have come ashore. Miss Sylvia and Miss Carina are trying to stop the monsters approaching the Green Lake Hotel.

Miss Aurora stepped on the bow of a shell-shaped boat, her brown hair swaying in the wind. She blew the blue conch in her hand against the sky. When the melodious sound sounded, behind more than a dozen small boats, as dense bubbles emerged in the waves, the heads of mermaids slowly rose from the water. .

"The mermaid turns out to be the lady of the Aurora family."

The fortune teller in the "Banquet Hall" whispered, and Shade realized that the conch held by the witch was most likely an item similar to the "Butterfly Summoning Flute".

The "Mirror Hidden Man" was also in the team of dozens of boats. He held the angelic relic [Fasha's Cursed Mirror] mentioned by the doctor in his hand, and the dark mirror images of the sealed monsters were jumping into the water one after another. Help the fleet blaze a trail.

Hundreds of golden vortices suddenly appeared above the fleet, and golden barrels made of energy stretched out from the vortex. Just one salvo caused countless grotesque corpses to float on the lake. This is the magic of the Peace Church; The red moon fell, and Miss Danister was on the same boat as the professors from the three major colleges; the green lake seemed to be helping them, and the believers of the God of Nature, who controlled the power of nature, were driving the lake and controlling the rocks. Trying to make this their home ground.

In this chaotic and fierce island landing battle, Sister Devlin sat on the bow of the small wooden boat summoned by Shade, holding a slender flame in her hand and doing nothing. Next to her was Miss Benanis, who stood up and controlled three huge stone statues.

Suddenly, the nun's face raised, and her eyes behind the blindfold seemed to look directly at the people in the "Banquet Hall" who were watching the battlefield.

The fortune teller at the table laughed, maintained the water curtain and moved away from Sister Devlin, continuing to show the battle by the lake. He even spilled another glass of wine, allowing a second water curtain to show the battle around the Green Lake Inn in the woodlands:

"I think you don't have time to say unnecessary words to me. Before we officially take action, I only ask one question: The end of the world will surely come in the foreseeable future. Many people have done many things, but I I had a glimpse of the time that was destroyed, and I saw that no matter how hard everyone tried, they could not reverse the fate that was bound to come."

He asked softly:

"So, since destruction is inevitable, guess what choice I made?"

Of course Shade and Iluna did not answer him, so the diviner nodded:

"Yes, since destruction is unavoidable, then try to stay away from this world that is bound to be destroyed. I will carry this only fire as the gravekeeper of the world and continue our civilization."

The thirteen-ring life ring slowly appeared behind him, but the life ring was not metal, but made entirely of tree roots. Before this, Shade had never seen anyone's life ring change its material.

Combined with what the doctor originally said, the steam age of the Sixth Age determined that the life ring was brass. So, Laplace Klein Howard in front of him has indeed made a decision.

"Even if the world is about to perish, there must be countless people who will one after another try to reverse everything. Howard, do you think you are the most gifted extraordinary person in history? Do you see yourself as the savior? "

Iluna finally couldn't help but asked:

"Just to realize your crazy idea, do you know how many people you have killed? Do you know how many people are dying because of you right now?"

The fortune teller answered her question seriously:

"I don't regard myself as a genius, let alone a savior. I have a glimpse of a time and space that does not exist, precisely because I see that there are more people with more methods, and I think that I am not as good as them , so I chose another way.”

Iluna opened her mouth slightly, unable to believe that the other party seemed to know that the Sixth Era had been cycled at least once. And Shade, who had already known that the fortune teller had noticed the "past" era, asked the most critical question:

"Have you really seen everything in the so-called time that does not exist? You are a soothsayer. You should know better than anyone else. Those who try to use time and fate will only take advantage of time and fate. Perish."

The fortune teller nodded slightly:

"Yeah, but someone has to do something, right?"

He sighed softly, clasped his hands together in front of his mouth, and then closed his eyes facing Shade and Iluna:

"Let the party begin."


The biggest roar so far came from the ground, and it also brought the strongest earthquake on the island so far.

At this moment, the ground undulated violently like rough water. Shade and Iluna, who almost lost their balance, reached out to help each other, but then they felt at the same time that this was not just an earthquake:

"The ground is rising!"


The cracks on the walls and ceiling turned into continuous cracks in just two seconds. A full circle of irregular cracks appeared on the flat floor of the basement, surrounding the long banquet table where everyone was sitting, as it continued to shake.

The rock wall above the head was completely cracked, but the falling dust and stones just avoided the long banquet table and everyone around it. When the first drop of rain fell from the broken rock wall at Shade's feet, the power bursting out from the ground, with the roar, finally lifted the ruins of the banquet hall where everyone was sitting out of the ground, and then fell towards the ground. The rainy night sky rises.

The howling and fierce night wind blew the clothes of Shade and Eluna. They looked around. From the top down view, they could already see the entire island shrouded in thick fog, as well as the edge of the island where the fog was relatively thin. "Black Tide" and more than a dozen small boats approaching the shore.

Outside the basement, people at the lakeside and Green Lake Hotel saw an even more incredible scene.

The entire island shook as if it was falling apart in the earthquake, and the trees in the woods shook crazily. On the island's ground and even on the lake surrounding the island, blood-red imprints appeared at the same time and converged towards the center of the island.

But only the people in the "Banquet Hall" at this moment understood that the blood-red marks that emerged were clearly the veins of the thick tree roots under the ground glowing, and the powerful and strange blood light penetrated from the soil and water to the ground.

The activation of Edwardsden's magic caused even the monsters fighting the Ring Warlocks to rely on their blood and body instincts to lie down on the ground and under the water and worship toward the center of the island.

The thick fog gradually dissipated, and even the heavy rain that had lasted for several days tended to weaken. Obviously one second, the people who entered this abnormal space were all looking in different directions, but in the next moment, those who were able to breathe all invariably felt something huge and terrifying, something that could control this world. is being born.

Subconsciously, I looked up in the direction of Edwards' old house. The old house above the hills gradually became clear in the night rain. The vibrations on the ground caused the hills to tremble, and then, with a loud noise, the rocks exploded, the hills collapsed, and a bloody giant rose from below the hills, reaching into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The thick, blood-colored giant grew rapidly upwards. Amidst the rumbling of the ground, strong winds, earthquakes, and the prayers of countless townspeople around the island, the giant tree with roots all over the island finally showed its full appearance.

"Is this a tree? A blood red tree?"

It's not that the giant tree was hidden underground and only broke through the ground and appeared in the rain at this moment. It was more like a huge seed buried deep in the ground. It was only at this moment that it quickly absorbed nutrients and grew into a towering blood-colored tree.

Everyone around the island who looked up to see this scene witnessed the growth of saplings and the spread of bloody branches until the blood-red crown covered the night sky in just a few minutes.

The church magicians on the ship discussed in low voices with the diviners appointed by the Seer Association. The witches squinted at the shape of the big tree. Sister Devlin just glanced at the tree and then continued to look at the tree in her hand. Flame, Grace and Helen behind Granny Cassandra, softly said goodbye to the old witch:

"Xina, goodbye."

The old witch suppressed her sorrow:

"Will we meet again?"

The twins smiled and comforted their students. This was also what they witnessed with their own eyes, growing from a young girl to the great witch she is today:

"As long as you believe in him, we will meet again. You are our student, and you should understand better than anyone else that meeting means separation. Goodbye, Xina."

The red butterflies transformed by the two sisters flew past all the fighting people like a stream of light against the background of the big bloody tree growing in the center of the island and the howling wind, and flew towards the hotel in the forest.

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