Whispering Verse

Chapter 1960: Treetop Melee (Additional update from the leader)

The girls in the hotel, who were also shaken by the earthquake, saw this scene from the window. They were all worried about Sha De's current situation.

Luvia's purple eyes clearly saw the entire process of the growth of the giant tree on the hills in the distance. Beside her, Lesia and Dorothy, who had never experienced such a catastrophic scene, were holding Agelina's hands and could not imagine what Shade was doing.

The cat squatted on Agelina's head and yawned. It already missed Shade.

The dancing light surrounds the giant tree, and the roots rising from the ground infuse the blood that will surely surround the diviner to fulfill his long-cherished wish into the towering tree that symbolizes unity.

Soon, when the giant blood-colored tree finally grew to a height of several hundred meters, its growth rate began to slow down, and the kneeling monsters faced the outside humans again with an even more violent attitude.

And at one-third of the height of the giant tree's canopy that continues to grow slowly, dense blood-red branches steadily hold up the remains of the floor. The ends of the branches drilled into the edge of the wreckage like drills, and the dense branches wrapped the edge of the stone, making the wreckage almost completely integrated with the giant tree.

On the completely level gray ground, the long banquet table and the people at the table finally faced the rain and saw the first ray of moonlight tonight at a height of 100 meters on the "Green Island".

The light of March shines on the giant tree through the gaps in the dispersing dark clouds. The moonlight also shone on the faces of Laplace Howard, Iluna and Shade, giving the three faces an indescribable luster.

The night wind blew hundreds of meters in the air, and the "Green Island" beneath my feet even seemed so small. The growth of the giant tree is still going on, but when the branches sway in the night wind and reach higher, the banquet venue in the canopy remains stable as if it has never been separated from the earth.

The fortune teller stood up and raised the wine glass in his hand to greet Shade and Iluna:

"Thank you for everything you have done for me tonight. Although it is a bit risky for me, during the ceremony, I temporarily decided that you would help me complete the last node and let your blood drip on this land, which will make this land The ritual is more successful. You are also the helpers who surround me to fulfill my wish. Even if you also seize the power of the ritual from this process, it is still worth it. Balanced chosen ones, summoners of gods, please choose me. Are you satisfied with the venue of the final stage?"

"I'm only asking you once."

Shade ignored his topic:

"I don't care how complicated your ceremony is, what impact the participation of me and the girl next to you has on you, and how you weigh the risks of our participation. Now listen - Do you agree to give up Edwards Den’s magic and give up being the chosen one in space?”

The fortune teller also answered Shade's question seriously:

"We are on different paths. Although you and I have the same goal, we are not the same people after all. I have a lot to say to you, and I have a lot of things I want to discuss with you. But I'm really sorry , Godcaller, this world needs my attempt. As I once said to you - even if I fail, it also proves a wrong path. The moment this tree stops growing, it is Edwards Den The moment the magic finally activates. If you think you are right, come and stop me!"

Twenty blood-red branches protruded from higher up in the tree crown like long snakes, reaching across the table to the twenty people belonging to the Edwards family.

But before Shade could swing the sword in his hand, Megan, who pretended to be unconscious, forcibly tore off the cat-shaped mask on her face. Together with the cultist Nadia Foran and the old ghoul Mr. Green, who stood up suddenly, she cut off the branches that tried to penetrate their heads with a wave of her hand.

Megan grabbed the unconscious Green siblings and threw them at Shad. The old ghoul quickly pulled off the masks of the Edwards brothers, and the latter two tried to wake up the Fulan brothers beside them.

Nadia Foran (5th generation) even opened her mouth and sprayed a fan-shaped crimson dragon fire at her ancestor. Unfortunately, she was stopped by the black flames sprayed from the mouth of Gratoni Edwards (3rd generation).

The tentacle man Sloth Edwards (2nd generation) launched an attack on Megan (5th generation). The two of them floated together, Thaumaturgy and the tentacle group clashed. It was hard to tell who had the upper hand for a while; the Edwards brothers ( The 6th generation) and the Foran brothers (6th generation) were stopped by the three ghoul brothers (4th generation). The three lich ghoul brothers are still powerful; the devil Pride Edwards (3rd generation) pounced on his little daughter's body. The son, Mr. Green (5th generation), unfortunately, the devil’s wisdom is almost zero, and he only has instincts, but he did not suppress the intelligent ghoul who is also a ring warlock; the cultist Jarvis Edwards (5th generation), Reaching out to grab the spirits Rusty Edwards (2nd generation) and Maria Edwards (4th generation) who had just woken up, the girl faced them with a low expression, but still looked around, as if looking for someone.

In the blink of an eye, 17 of the 21 members of the Edwards family were fighting in a ball on top of the wreckage of the banquet hall in the sky. Shade, who caught the Green siblings, placed them on the ground and pulled off the masks. He also waved his sword and rushed towards the fortune teller with Iluna.

At some point, a blood-colored translucent light shield had risen from the edge of the floor of the irregular-shaped wreckage of the banquet hall and closed above their heads, isolating the space inside and outside the wreckage located a hundred meters above the ground. But at this moment No one cares about this.

"Thunder gun!"

"Sunshine Gun!"

The silvery white and golden thunderbolts thrown at the same time were swallowed up by the space cracks cut by the fortune teller behind the long table. He jumped upward slightly and floated in the air above the table.

Raising his right hand, he used the palm of his hand to catch the [Night Watchman] in Shade's hand that fell from the sky. The palm that turned into gold and stone faced the angel-level relic's sharp blade, but only cracks appeared; he punched his left fist forward, and used thaumaturgy. - Iluna's right fists from the Sun Fist hit each other, and the sun's rays, which were enough to incinerate his organs, only made his skin turn a strange red color, as if it was steamed.

"Black Moon Talisman!"

Shade in the air held the sword in his right hand as a fulcrum, and pressed his left hand against the fortune teller's head.


Even though her strength was weaker than the opponent in front of her, Iluna still let her right fist continue to move forward, and the solar energy blasted out detonated in the opponent's right arm.

The fortune teller raised his foot and kicked Eluna in the abdomen, and the third hand stretched out from behind met Shade's fist.

Iluna was kicked out of the air, but she still stood firm when she landed. Shade's Black Moon Talisman only destroyed the fortune teller's third hand, and then he was punched open by the opponent because he couldn't use it in the air.

The night watchman was thrown to Iluna by Shade. The life ring appeared behind Iluna who caught the sword and quickly turned into the dark golden scale. Iluna raised the long sword upwards, the sword crossed the scales, and the strength of both sides resonated. The power of balancing the chosen ones turned into visible ripples and spread towards the confined space in the sky. In addition to the fortune teller himself, the power of the enemy Edwards also began to decline.

Laplace Howard, who was floating in the air and wearing a golden robe, seemed to be affected for just a moment. Two hands stretched out from behind his back again, and the palms of the four hands were all aimed at Shade and Iluna. Gray light balls representing the power of destroying space flew towards the two of them, and some even flew towards them. others in the battle.

"Law: Copy!"

The seventeen-year-old girl pursed her lips and swung her sword forward, using the witch's secret technique she learned from the red-haired duchess. The same gray sword marks collided with the gray balls of light one after another.

"Chains of Sin!"

The two chains that broke through the air were thrown towards the man in the air, but the gray spherical barrier just flashed around his body, and the two chains hit each other and sparked, and then returned in vain.

Shade reached out and hugged Iluna, who was wielding the sword, and their bodies disappeared together under the effect of "Ragrai's Jump". The fortune teller also disappeared above the table, and then the three of them appeared at the right edge of the field at the same time.

The sword in Iluna's hand was held by the fortune teller's hands. The sun's rays that appeared on the sword were already the prototype of the sun sword. The silver moonlight sword held by Shade's hands was blocked by the silver shield floating next to the fortune teller, but the next moment the sword disappeared in his hand, and the blood seeping from the fingertips that he pinched turned into a bloody whip. Towards the front:

"Soul whipping!"

The soul of the mouse appeared out of thin air and took the blow that ignored physical obstacles on behalf of the fortune teller.

Then the fortune teller's middle finger and index finger came together and pointed directly at the sword in Iluna's hand. Iluna instinctively felt the danger and wanted to dodge, but her dodge process seemed like she was taking the initiative to meet the other person's finger——


The long sword was hit by her finger, and the high-speed vibration of the long sword made Iluna's palm numb. In order to prevent the weapon from being taken away by the opponent, she had to retreat again, but the dark golden scale above her head had confirmed that it had the effect of attenuating the power of the fortune teller.

Next to her, Shade faced the fortune-teller's fist after his "Soul Whip" was blocked by the rat. It looked like an ordinary fist, but Shade felt the power of bombarding the space.

The unavoidable feeling resurfaced again. He held a breath in his heart and used his feet to mobilize the feeling that seemed to be able to draw power from the earth under his feet. At the same time, he summoned the power he received from Fiona:

"The power of the red dragon!"

The loud sound after the sonic boom attracted the attention of everyone in the wreckage in the sky above the tree crown. Shade almost flew out upside down and stopped after hitting the bloody light shield on the edge of the wreckage. The fortune teller took two steps back amid the roar, raised his arm and looked at his bloody fist. For the first time since the battle began, he showed a surprised expression:

"You can actually compete with the strength of my current body simply by relying on your own body. I am very sure that you have not undergone human body refining experiments. God Summoner, is your race really still human?"

PS: Thanks to reader @MrTabris, the leader of the alliance, for adding an additional chapter, thank you.

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