Whispering Verse

Chapter 1961 The sun and the moon clash

Shade kept silent. The enemy in front of him was affected by Iluna's "balance". Although he showed amazing combat power, his strength had begun to decline from the thirteenth ring.

He wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and while Iluna swung his sword to make golden sword marks, he opened his arms and turned himself into silver moonlight:

"Moonlight Slash!"

Two traces of light bombarded the fortune teller at the same time. The latter used space cracks to sharpen the sword light again, and then his floating body quickly flew to the left. But Moonlight Slash, the fourth form, changed direction in the air and followed, and collided with the gray spherical light shield around the fortune teller's body.

The panting Shade was knocked away again. When he straightened up, he saw that although the fortune teller still seemed fine, there was a cross-shaped cut mark on his clothes. His power continues to decline, and if it continues, Shade and Iluna's advantages will only get bigger and bigger.

"Moonlight Wheel!"

The silver halo thrown casually cut off the tentacles of Sloth Edwards who was fighting with Megan and stretched out to Shad. This human form made of tentacles has now completely abandoned its human form and turned into a terrifying appearance like a swarm of snakes, confronting Megan with a look of disgust.

Iluna once again rushed towards the fortune teller with her sword. Shade pulled off the black key from his chest, and first slashed a beam of moonlight towards the fortune teller floating in the air, and then disappeared again:

"Thunder gun!"

Holding the silver-white thunder in both hands, Shade appeared from above the diviner's head and struck the thunder toward the diviner's head. The space crack opened again, but immediately disappeared due to the effect of the "space stabilizing halo".

The fortune teller's right hand was facing Iluna's sword, and his left hand was facing the spear in Shade's hand. Only this time, the blazing sun's rays erupted from the [Night Watch] and finally cut off his right hand, causing the blade to pierce his heart.

The [Stand of Yggdrasil] wrapped in silver-white thunder penetrated his left hand, causing the thunder gun to pin half of his body.

The sunlight from the [Night Watch] and the moonlight from the [Staff of Yggdrasil] erupted at the same time, drying out the internal organs, destroying the flesh and blood, and then completely tearing the humanoid body into pieces.

But when it was all over, Shade and Iluna, who were standing at the banquet table, looked at the bloody body in front of them, but they were not happy at all:

"Where is his true body?"

The earthquake under the giant tree continued. A fleet of more than twenty small boats finally landed completely and pushed the battle line to the edge of the island. The black tide represents the monsters created in various experiments over the past two hundred years, and the few thirteen-ring warlocks who wanted to fly directly to the direction of this bloody giant tree were found among the cards floating in the wind. The monster stopped.

Since Iluna's chosen talent affected the enemies in the high-altitude wreckage, the battle between the Edwards family members had shown a one-sided trend, without the help of Shade and Iluna at all.

The two people who killed the body in front of them raised their heads and saw that the blood-colored light shield covering the wreckage here gradually became transparent. Then, while the strong wind blew the tree crown and made a numbing rustling sound, Higher up in the tree crown, those shadows and blood-red branches completely formed the upper body of the huge fortune teller under the moon, as if his upper body grew on the giant tree.

The giant tree was swaying, and the "bloody giant" transformed into the tree crown lowered his head to look at the debris on his chest. Two huge palms composed of branches and shadows, almost like mountain peaks, closed and slapped at the debris in the tree from the left and right directions.

"Power of the Earth·Earth Energy Cannon."

"Moonlight Wheel·Second Form!"

The two jumped high into the sky and raised their hands together.

The gathered sun's rays formed a dazzling golden ball of light in Iluna's hands, just like the sun in this long night; the bright and huge silver light wheel rotated rapidly above Shade's palm, which was brighter than the three blurred moons in the sky. Be quiet.

The sun light ball was thrown to the left, and the moon light wheel flew smoothly to the right. As the giant tree shook, and finally the ground of the wreckage shook violently, the left and right hands of the fortune teller who was transformed into the crown of the giant tree were all blown off amidst the buzzing sound.

"Iluna, come together!"

Shade, who had not fought such a fierce battle for a long time, felt that the spirit in his body was being rapidly consumed and was shaking due to the excitement of his soul. He drank the liquid in the perfume vial and then threw it to Iluna.

With the endless fighting, Shade even felt that he could read Iluna's thoughts. The two people who share Edwardsden's magical power have actually resonated with their souls and elements at the end of the ceremony.

The distance between hearts has become closer, so that even if the two people are just looking at each other, they seem to be touching each other's soul. As a result, the seventeen-year-old girl became more and more excited. She took a sip of the essence and returned it to Shade. She stretched out her long sword directly forward without Shade's command.

Shade also stretched out his long staff, and the angel-level relic [Night Watch] and the angel-level relic [Stand of Yggdrasil] were crossed above their heads. The light of the sun and the moon came together. Even though they had never practiced or even discussed the combination of thaumaturgy, at this moment, they were connected with each other and tacitly mobilized their strength together.

The half-length giant in the crown of the giant tree, which had lost its arms, opened its mouth above the wreckage. The violent bloody energy gathered, and even the people on the edge of the island could see the expanding bloody ball of light on the top of the giant tree under the moonlight at this moment.

Above Shade and Iluna, who were holding hands with each other and holding swords and staffs, the huge moonlight wheel appeared again. As the silver light wheel rotates, a golden ball of light expands in the center of the ring, perfectly fitting into it.

When the bloody energy from the giant tree's mouth finally spewed towards the wreckage directly below, the two people holding hands also used the sun and moon magic tricks composed of silver and gold intertwined, sun and moon to shine, halos and light balls to throw away Towards the top.

The huge blood-colored light spitting vertically downward collided with the thaumaturgic power intertwined with gold and silver. In an instant, it even distorted the spirit and elements of the space, completely dispersing the rain clouds covering the island.

The combined thaumaturgy used by Shade and Iluna pushed forward little by little, and the radiance of the sun and moon, which already echoed each other, finally completely suppressed the bloody light.

The moonlight wheel and earth energy cannon finally hit the face of the canopy half giant. The wreckage of the banquet hall was shaking and almost disintegrating. As people from all over the island watched in surprise, a large hole was penetrated in the giant's face. As the thaumaturgic effect was annihilated, the tree crown returned to its normal state again, and Laplace Howard, who transformed into a half-giant, disappeared again.

But no one felt that this was the end of everything. The perfectly coordinated full blow just now was already the strongest attack method of Shade and Iluna under normal circumstances. After confirming that they were temporarily safe, the two drank pink essence to restore their spirits.

But it was obvious that Iluna's resistance to this strange potion was far inferior to Shade's. After just two drinks, a "drunken" blush appeared on her face.

Among the red leaves and branches that had fallen due to the battle, other battles on the wreckage of the banquet hall were coming to an end. The longer the battle dragged on, the more obvious the suppression of Iluna's unique balance talent compared to her high-level enemies became. .

Megan, the eleventh-level witch, did not even let Audrey show up to help. She held the angel-level relic [Book of Desire] on her own and used a trap like a spider web that appeared in the void to trap her great-grandfather. The disgusting tentacles formed were firmly locked on the ground. Meghan has no respect for her ancestor.

Without the assistance of the bones of the angel of death, the three brothers of the fourth generation of the corpse lich were finally defeated by the two pairs of twins of the sixth generation. As Edwardsden's magic became more and more complete, the four living people showed more and more power. The powerful space talent forcibly locked the three corpses in the depression on the ground.

Megan, who was on the side, looked at the corpse that her father had transformed into with a complicated expression, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The Freelan brothers immediately helped their mother Nadia Folan and defeated Gratoni Edwards, who also used the power of the dragon. The latter's power was originally quite strong, but for some reason she did not show it. Her dragon form.

When it was all over, Brother Fulan looked at his "resurrected" mother, and Ms. Fulan also looked at her sons, but no one spoke first.

As for Mr. Green's battle with his grandfather, Pride Edwards, it was even simpler. Now that the demon has been eliminated by the doctor, the demon who has lost his source of power is already much weaker. In addition, he has almost no intelligence due to the corruption of his soul. The old ghoul not only has the undead characteristics of the undead, but also is a veteran. caster, he was even the first to end the battle.

After Mr. Green finished dealing with the demon, he immediately turned and rushed towards his cousin, the cultist Jarvis Edwards. The father of the Edwards brothers is a six-ring warlock. Although he can fight against the two souls of Rust Edwards and Maria Edwards at the same time with a dagger that is probably a Keeper-level weapon that can damage souls. But when the wights joined the fight, he was ultimately defeated.


Compared to other parents and children who were reserved, Mr. Green almost immediately threw himself into his mother's arms.

After Shade and Iluna defeated the fortune teller who turned into a half-giant, they both heard the cry of Nicholas Green:

"Mother, after you left, my life has been too hard. Mother, mother"

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