Whispering Verse

Chapter 1962 Bloody Fruit

The cry was so tragic that even Iluna couldn't help but glance at him, thinking that she would celebrate her eighteenth birthday in a few hours. Her parents were killed due to the [Mercury Blood] attack, that was a long time ago, and she has never returned to her hometown since then.

At this time, I thought of my parents and relatives in the past. I didn’t miss my parents too much at first, but after hearing the old man’s cry, I couldn’t help but have red eyes:

"I'm going to be eighteen too."

She felt her hand being held by Shade. Although she knew she couldn't relax yet, she still couldn't help but ask:

"Is it really going to be hard when you grow up?"

“The hardest time in life is when you can’t find anyone older than you to cry to.”

Shade said. Iluna tried hard to control her tears. Together with Shade, she looked at the Edwards family in front of them, including the nineteen people except the fortune teller and the third generation eldest son.

It has been more than two hundred years since the traitors of the Prophet Society settled in Green Lake Town, and the Edwards family, which has bred for six generations, is finally reunited here. The intricate family story and everyone's different life experiences ultimately lead everyone to return here at this moment.

Their battle was over, but tonight's battle was just the beginning. When everyone stopped, the debris held up by the branches began to shake violently again.

The trees that were originally growing slowly suddenly jumped up at least twenty meters at this moment. Then, while everyone on the wreckage was worried that they would fall from the sky in the next second, the growth of the giant tree stopped completely.

The late spring night wind whistled high in the sky, and the three-wheeled moon, which became increasingly clear, together with the starry sky, illuminated the 21 people at the height.

At this moment, the members of the Edwards family and the two people related to Edwards' magic all felt an extremely strong force stirring within their bodies.

The feelings of Shade and Iluna are not obvious yet, but including the strongest Megan and Audrey, there are a total of nineteen people in the Edwards family from five generations. At this moment, the symbol of "Reunifier" appeared between their eyebrows. Black spiral symbol.

"Attention, the ceremony is about to begin!"

Megan reminded everyone loudly, raised her hand to catch what Shade threw, and looked at the palm of her hand, it turned out to be her gold earrings. The witch was a little surprised, but she immediately pressed the jewelry that symbolized the identity of the great witch to her eyebrows. After a short prayer, the golden holy emblem symbolizing the ancient god "Chaos Witch" replaced the weird black symbol and appeared on the between her brows.

The giant blood-red tree stopped growing, and the floor beneath everyone's feet stabilized again. The Edwards suppressed their surging power, and Shade and Iluna completely let go of their perceptions. At the same time, they noticed the sound of liquid flowing through all the branches in the dense canopy under the moon.

The branches glowed with luster, having absorbed hundreds of years of spirit, elements, blood, flesh, and soul from the island below. At this moment, they all finally passed through this giant tree and gathered at the top of the canopy.

The big hole that was bombarded by Shade and Iluna just now has disappeared. He raised his head and looked directly above. The closer to the tree crown and higher up, the stronger the blood-red strange light became. Not only were the roots and trunks of the trees transmitting blood light, but the blood beneath the entire island's underground and surrounding waters turned into streams of light that converged toward the top of the tree crown.

On the shore of the island, ladies' boots stepped on the sand, and Miss Daniste shouted loudly to the people behind her:

"Edwardsden's magic is about to activate, we need to speed up!"

Miss Benanis identified the sword marks left by Shade on the sand. After putting on her glasses and finding traces of the powder Tifa had sprinkled, the witch and her group quickly broke into the forest.

In the Green Lake Hotel, Dorothy stood worriedly by the window and looked at the big bloody tree in the distance that seemed to connect heaven and earth, while Luvia sat at the table quite calmly. Lesia watched her perform divination. When the purple-eyed fortune teller turned over the "Red Butterfly" card, a stream of light composed of blood-red butterflies entered the hotel from the window.

"It's okay, we're one of our own."

Tifa stopped the vigilant sorceresses, and Grace and Helen, who appeared among the flying butterflies, had already walked towards Luvia who stood up.

They asked Luvia:

"Can you go with us?"

"Luvia, where are you going?"

Lesia asked in surprise, Luvia explained softly:

"Next, Shade might need my help. I want to go to that tree with them."

"I also."

Halfway through his words, he thought of his promise to Sha De. Dorothy also came over at this time, pulled Lecia's sleeve, and said to Luvia:

"Now that Shade is not here, do you think it is necessary for us to go with you? As candidates."

Luvia shook her head:

"Listen to Shade in everything, don't make him sad."

Grace, who was wearing a white dress, suddenly said:

"You can stay here for now, if you are really needed."

Helen opened her palm, and a red butterfly flew out:

"It will lead you to us."

The blood mist is floating in the tree canopy under the moon, and the moonlight makes the blood mist even more weird and alluring.

On the highest branch of the tree crown, due to the obstruction of the branches and leaves, no one on the wreckage or on the island could see the blood that turned into substance. It condensed into a fist-sized blood-red fruit on the branch. ——

Bang~bang bang~bang bang bang~

The fruit absorbed a steady stream of blood light, and the sound of heartbeat gradually appeared in it. The sound of the heartbeat became more rapid and louder every time it appeared. Iluna and Shade, who were directly under the fruit, were not affected by it, but Megan and others had already covered their chests.


Mr. Sauron Green, who had just woken up from a coma, spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood quickly turned into blood mist and floated towards the top of the tree crown. Ms. Helena Green, who is also an ordinary person, is also bleeding from her ears and nose. Although other ring wizards and undead are able to resist, the bleeding spots on the surface of the skin are still telling them what will happen next.

The wind resonates with the shouts, and countless voices from all over the island are praising loudly at this moment:

"The world will eventually perish, and we will desperately seek salvation,

There is no hope of salvation, so beg for reunification.

I am willing to follow my destiny and transcend the cage,

The future of the world is coming to new life. "

Bang~bang bang~bang bang bang~

Even at an altitude of hundreds of meters, everyone could clearly hear the voices of praise. Looking up, there seemed to be something among the branches, leaves and blood mist that was growing in size with the shouts. Soon, they finally clearly saw the huge bloody fruit hanging from the highest point of the tree crown. , also directly above everyone.

The diameter of the fruit is more than five meters, with a transparent outer layer and water-like pulp inside. But more importantly, there was a vaguely human-shaped object wrapped in the bloody pulp.

Although there is no evidence, everyone knows that the traitor of the Seer Association who has been hiding for two hundred years, the former genius diviner, Laplace Klein Howard, has finally appeared.

"Sunshine Gun!"

Iluna immediately launched an attack on the fruit, but the bloody fruit didn't even take the initiative to fight back. The golden electric light disappeared into the space crack that opened next to the fruit that continued to expand like a natural phenomenon.

"Once this thing is born, even if it is not the chosen one, it can be said to be an evil thing beyond the thirteen rings!"

Megan reminded everyone here that in addition to the controlled supporters of the fortune teller and the Green siblings, who were ordinary people, the ring warlocks and the undead who could do anything launched an attack on the fruit together. However, Shade and Iluna's attacks were swallowed up or diverted by the space rift, while other people's attacks were directly absorbed by the fruit and transformed into the purest spirit and elements.

"Edwards, you can't do him any harm!"

Shade subconsciously looked at Megan, but found that Megan was also looking at him.

This means that no matter how strong Megan and Audrey are, they will never be able to cause even a trace of damage to the fortune teller in the next battle.

"Iluna, we must prevent his birth! Hold on to me, let's go up!"

He grabbed Iluna's hand and tried to use "Raglai's Jump" to get closer to the increasingly swollen fruit a hundred meters above.

But the unborn fortune teller did not give him this opportunity. It has a brown hard cover, with the Ouroboros symbol representing "Ancient God - Mr. Ring" on the front, and the skeleton representing "Ancient God - Ancient Death" on the back. The angel-level relic [Soul Storybook] marked with a sickle flew out of the red fruit.

The book was opened, and after a brief pause, tens of thousands of terrifying undead souls rushed downwards from the pages like a tide. This is the simplest attack, but also the most direct.


Shade, the evil spirit that numbered in the tens or hundreds, could barely deal with it, but with such a dense army of undead and blessed by angel-level relics, Shade in his normal state could not fight against it.

The ring wizards only had time to support the barrier, and the evil spirits falling like raindrops drowned them all like a tide of souls.

But fortunately, at the edge of the wreckage, three figures suddenly flew up from below. Doctor Schneider, who was holding Priest Augustus in one hand and Durut Giles in the other, had just appeared and faced those horrifying souls roaring:


He was startled, but before he could complain about his bad luck, Priest Augustus waved his hand and opened the dark crack, opening the gap leading to "real death" and sending away the attacking evil spirits. Went where we should go.



Durut Giles, who was brought up by Dr. Schneider, ignored the trauma to his soul and pounced on the panicked little girl in the tide of evil spirits. The girl also used the space to transfer under the squeeze of many souls, and directly Let Durut Giles appear in front of him.

PS: I’m riding back to school today. School has started. I’ll update a chapter in the morning, and then I’ll add more depending on the situation.

Will definitely update on the 31st.

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