Whispering Verse

Chapter 1963

Although Priest Augustus opened a crack to absorb souls, facing such a huge tide of evil spirits, he and the doctor could only barely stand on the edge of the island.

"Doctor, you stay here to help Shade, and I will lure these souls away."

The old man looked determined and made his decision without hesitation. Doctor Schneider gritted his teeth and resisted the attacks from the blood-red branches around them:

"Can you?"

"Don't underestimate me, and pay attention to your safety."

As he spoke, he put the two one-sixth skulls together and then raised them high above his head. The burnt black wings on the back just disappeared under the moonlight, but then everyone on the canopy heard the clear ringing of the bell.

That was definitely not a bell indicating time. The sound directly vibrated the soul, making it feel chilled to the bone. It felt like jumping into an icy pool again in the coldest winter. The living people with bodies to protect their souls froze for a second because of the sound of the bell. Those souls controlled by the [Soul Storybook] were even more... It was directly fixed in place.

The old priest held the skull in his arms and jumped directly from the edge of the ruins of the banquet hall to the tree as the bell rang. As a result, the frozen souls escaped from the control of the relic as if they were attracted by him, and turned into tides following the priest to the ground under the tree. Even the [Soul Storybook] itself was carried by the thousands of souls and flew under the tree with the strong attraction.

The evil spirits moved away, and everyone on the wreckage dismantled their shields and counterattacked in embarrassment. Of course, Shade saw the doctor and priest who had just appeared. Although he was also worried about how the priest could deal with so many souls, he still threw Solon Green and Helena Green, who were holding their hearts and could hardly move, towards the doctor:

"Take them away!"

Although the doctor wanted to stay and help, since Shade made the request, he would not refuse. But as soon as the Green siblings came into contact with the blood-red light barrier that had become blurred, they immediately returned to the wreckage from the light barrier on the other side of the wreckage. They could not leave here at all.

The doctor was surprised, and punched the red light with his arm attached to the devil's flame. The black flame, which could burn most materials, could not melt the red light in front of him.

The bloody fruit at the top of the tree crown is still getting bigger, and the blood light on the island and the red light flowing in the trees are getting thinner and thinner, and it is not far away from the fruit being fully mature.

Laplace Klein Howard's echoing voice came from above:

"Godcaller, let's make a simple deal. I promise to let the twins go tonight, and you promise not to call on the power of the gods tonight."

"Do you think I'm stupid? Moreover, without them, will your Edwards Den magic really be complete?"

Even though he had no intention of burning divinity, Shade responded immediately.

"But, does it really need to be complete?"

His one sentence shows that he also knows that the ultimate unity of many does not require the absorption of all descendants:

"I'm here to increase the chips - I promise that Edwards Den Magic will not absorb Solon Green, Helena Green, Megan Edwards, Audrey Edwards tonight; you promise not to call tonight The power of gods. We don’t need to sign any contract, we can only guarantee it with ourselves, will you agree?"


Megan almost called out Shade's name. She widened her eyes and tried to stop Shade from agreeing, but Shade had already nodded decisively:

"no problem."

In the Battle of the Chosen, any commitment and duel has a very important symbolic meaning. Shade knew that the diviner would not lie, and the diviner also knew that Shade would not break his oath easily. Luvia divined that Edwardsden's magic could lack up to four descendants, and now it seems that Laplace Howard also knows this.

With just two simple sentences, the two parties had reached an agreement. Shade didn't even give Meghan a chance to object, and said directly to the Green siblings:

"You leave first."

So the two siblings, who were supporting each other, nodded to Shade. Ms. Helena Green took her brother's hand and quickly passed through the red light barrier on the edge of the wreckage of the banquet hall, and joined the doctor standing on the branch of the tree crown. The doctor didn't say anything more. He took their hands and jumped down.

"Giles, Giles, you go too!"

The little girl was anxiously urging the man hugging her, but the man, who was covered in wounds and had obviously experienced a brutal battle, refused to leave.

Megan looked at Shade with wide eyes, but saw that Shade also gave her a sign to leave. The witch shook her head quickly, her eyes still unbelievable that Shade actually agreed to such a request for her sake. She knew that although Sha De's usual strength was strong, it was far from the level of her ancestors at this time.

She couldn't imagine how tonight would end if Shade didn't use the power to call upon the gods. She didn't even understand whether it was really necessary for Shade to do this for her.

But Shade didn't have time to explain to her.

The voices of chanting and praying from all over the island are getting louder and louder, and the blood-red giant tree is shaking more and more loudly. The sound of the heartbeat in the fruit made the Edwards cover their chests again, and the growing fruit finally showed signs that the pulp was about to burst the transparent peel.

The power of Edwards Den's magic has almost reached its peak at this moment. The surging blood mist and the pulsating feeling of a strong heart even make people wonder whether Laplace Howard, who is about to be "born", is sleeping in The ancient behemoth of these years.

But it didn't just happen that the bloody fruit exploded in an instant, and the fortune teller flew out of it. Blood drops, countless blood drops seeped out from the swollen peel, and large drops of blood fell towards the remains of the banquet hall that was almost integrated with the canopy of the tree.

The Edwards could feel that they would "dissolve" once they came into contact with this blood. While dodging one after another, they did not forget to pull the defeated family members to escape.

But these blood drops were not intended to attack them. The blood fell on the ground, and then turned into Laplace Klein Howard wearing a blood-colored robe.

The whistles and bells rang one after another, and thirteen life rings appeared behind them. In just a few seconds, twenty-one thirteen-ring warlocks appeared on the wreckage with expressionless faces.

But almost at the same time, a thick layer of earthy yellow aura suddenly appeared above the island. The power of the earth surged, and the heavy tree trunks appeared directly above the wreckage of the banquet hall. The soil, dust and stones were intertwined with each other. The incarnations of the twenty-one earth guardians appeared under the eyes of the fortune teller wearing a blood-red robe. The next second they appeared, they were entangled with them.

Forty-two people flew away from the small wreckage and started a fierce battle around the giant tree. And those earth-yellow auras eventually formed the chosen body of the earth in the shape of Mr. Lassus around Shade.

He nodded gently to Shade, and then his body dissipated again, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the huge swollen fruit that was still dripping blood.

The fruit finally exploded at this moment, and as the peel fell to the ground, it seemed like endless bloody "pulp" gathered into the shape of Laplace Howard.

Whatever he is now, he can no longer be called human.

The two of them didn't say much nonsense. The bloody and khaki light flow entangled and fell to the ground. Neither of them thought about fighting in the air. But Shade frowned slightly, and Iluna said what Shade wanted to say in advance:

"It's not the guardian himself. Something happened to the earth? That's why he came so late?"

"It's not important. What's important is that he helped entangle Laplace Klein Howard. I just don't understand that ninety-nine percent of the power is entangled with the chosen people of the earth. Are you going to give up your own Planned?"

The last half of the sentence was a question to the "peel" that fell on the wreckage of the banquet hall. The remains of the fruit squirmed together, and the red flesh and blood piled up again to look like a fortune teller.

Weak, even weaker than Shade's current normal state. But this fortune teller who walked out of the red mist made Shade inexplicably feel that this was a real living person. Although he is weak, he is extremely real; although he has no power, he is more like something truly born in this tree.

"Let go of who I was."

The fortune teller said softly, looking around at the complicated expressions of his descendants:

"The power took away the parts of Laplace Klein Howard, and by abandoning them, I could truly become Edwards, the embodiment of this island."

He said like a hymn:

“My people are the soil of the earth,

My descendants are the roots of trees.

Roots that penetrate deeply into the soil,

Please draw the nourishment of flesh and blood for me.

The balanced chosen one trims my branches for me,

The chosen ones of the earth cleanse the remainder of the pulp for me.

The angel of death leads the soul to death,

I offered the souls of my descendants to the devil again.

Insert thirteen keys,

Two hundred years of long-cherished wish has come to this moment.

Since one is the whole,

All are one.

Future generations, please raise your glass with me,

Future generations, please become a part of me. "

Although he seemed to have no power, when he suddenly stretched out his hand to Megan, the witch still felt a fatal threat for a moment. Shade, who was holding hands with Iluna, almost immediately appeared next to her in a blink of an eye with Iluna. The three of them made defensive and counterattack movements at the same time, and then were knocked away by the huge force.

"Edwards" didn't want to fight with the three of them at all. After a sudden blow kept them away, the sharp bloody thorns protruding from his back instantly penetrated the bodies of everyone left on the wreckage.

It was really just a moment, and no one could resist.

The huge force has already blasted Shade, Iluna and Megan out of the wreckage of the banquet hall on the canopy. Even though this scene had been expected, when "Edwards", who seemed to be the incarnation of the island itself, really took action, regardless of Neither Shade nor Iluna can stop it.

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