Whispering Verse

Chapter 1970 [Poetic Cards] and Beyond Time and Space

The dazzling sun in the night sky finally merged with the soft silver moon. In the intertwined light of gold and silver, Sha De's figure appeared again. His appearance didn't change much, except that his clothes changed into a golden robe.

Two rounds of seven-ring life rings appeared automatically and staggered vertically behind him. The gold of the sun and the silver of the moon penetrated the surfaces of the two life rings, and then the rapidly rotating vertical rings formed a golden two-color interlaced sphere behind him.

Shade subconsciously closed his eyes and heard "her" smile in his ear:

[The sun and the moon. 】

"She" seemed to be missing something, but also seemed to be simply happy for this moment:

[Outlander, you have learned the secret lock of "Lovers in the Bell Tower". The Mystery Lock must be used in conjunction with the thaumaturgy "Spur of Love" to turn your heart that is willing to open to you into your strength. 】

She didn't need to remind him, Shade, who had already merged with Iluna, already understood what kind of power this was. He originally thought that the two people who were "two persons in one body" had two souls dominating the bodies with characteristics of both sides. But after truly unfolding the Mystery Lock, and truly completing the Mystery Lock that he obtained only after being instructed by the God of Desire and Wealth, he discovered that this seemed to be just Iluna's power transformed into him.

He could feel that his body had not changed at all, and Iluna's melting body had just turned into an extremely hot stream of heat, rushing through his body. Iluna's soul was now tightly entangled with his soul like a long snake. It was difficult for him to describe this feeling, but at this moment, he was both Shad Hamilton and Iluna Bayas.

Even though the two Mysteries are criss-crossing and merging with each other at this moment, "Edwards" at the top of the giant tree can still see everything on the island. He was obviously shocked by the scene that just happened. After all, no one could have imagined that such a thing would happen, but soon a smile appeared on his face again:

"Twin persons, the moon and the sun. Godcaller, it turns out you really have prepared a surprise for me. Even I didn't know that Edwards' divine magic has such an effect."

Shade, who subconsciously closed his eyes, could still clearly "see" everything in front of him by relying on his control over the Mystery Lock. He felt that the current state could not be maintained for long, and Iluna seemed to be "melting" into his body. If this state doesn't end soon, she may never come back.

"Laplace Klein Howard, one move will determine the outcome."

Jumping lightly into the air, the overflowing power of divinity seemed to be extended due to the fusion with Iluna. The golden and silver ball of light transformed from two life rings came to Shade's palm as he raised his right hand. The fortune teller, who was connected to the giant tree and island through dense blood-colored branches, also raised his hands high.

The golden and silver light formed by the life ring rising from the top of the bell tower, and the blood-red light rising from the top of the giant tree, formed by the power of the entire island, were reflected in the first morning light caused by Iluna's "melting". In the vision, all parts of the island were illuminated again.

Before the two groups of light came into contact with each other, before the explosion that seemed to wipe out the entire world, the fortune teller at the top of the tree finally saw Shade open his eyes.

The left eye is the sun and the right eye is the moon. The diviner who transcended the thirteen rings seemed to suddenly understand something at that moment, but at the same time he seemed to understand nothing. The next moment, the bloody light was swallowed up by the gold and silver ball of light transformed from the interlaced life rings, until it swallowed him too, so no one saw his complicated expression at the last moment:

"I see."

The world turned completely white in an instant, and the sound completely disappeared, as if this was the end of everything. But just after this thought appeared, a tinnitus-piercing explosion sounded from high in the sky. The boundless light, chaotic elements and spiritual tides forced everyone to lower their heads and cover their ears, refusing to observe this duel that transcended the Thirteen Rings and could be called the strongest mortal strike of this era.


When the light fades, this is the first thought of those who can still think. But looking around, the two mysterious locks that were entangled with each other and transformed into each other have not disappeared.

At the top of the bell tower, Shade looked seriously at the giant blood-red tree higher up. Behind him, Iluna was panting and holding on to the floor. Her hands and feet were so weak that she could no longer stand up. In order for Shade to continue to deal with the next thing, the cost of casting the spell just now was completely borne by her. But the more important reason why her hands and feet were weak was because Shade's fiery soul almost melted her soul.

But she was not afraid at all, and instead had an uncontrollable smile on her face at this moment. She was shaking all over, but it was excitement. She finally determined what kind of feelings Shade had for her, and she was finally the first to contact Shade's soul before everyone else, whether it was Luvia, the ancient witch, the modern witch, or the princess and the writer. , became a part of him.

She will be forever imprinted in Shade's heart, just as Shade will remain forever in her soul.

The life ring appeared automatically behind her back. Without any ceremony, just because she came into contact with Shade's divine soul, the seven-ring Iluna was automatically promoted to the eighth ring with a smile that she couldn't control.

Although the Ring Warlock's promotion will restore some spirit, she will still be unable to continue fighting for a short period of time.

She raised her head to look at Shade's back. In her eyes, Shade, who continued to remain fascinated, was taller than ever.

And what Shade was looking at at the moment was "Edwards".

Of course he won just now. Iluna's chosen power and her unique solar talent were intertwined with his overflow of divinity and the glow of the silver moon. The power that burst out even felt terrifying to Shade himself. It was just a moment. The attack completely destroyed the enemy this time.

There is no overly complicated process, and no complicated calculations are needed. This is the crushing of pure power.

Now the figure of the man in the blood-colored robe has disappeared from the top of the tree crown. He fell to the remains of the banquet hall that still exists, and is struggling to stand up on the ground.

The bloody branches behind him were all broken, and even his right hand and half of his face had disappeared. But the mystery lock still exists, so even if they are hundreds of meters apart, the two owners of the mystery lock can still see each other clearly.

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