Whispering Verse

Chapter 1971 The illegal candidate and the last resort

Whether a miracle happened because of this, even "Edwards" himself couldn't tell. Because what appeared with the call was a dark shadow with an unclear face.

"Edwards" couldn't tell who this was, let alone whether this was really himself in that time that had disappeared.

But the bloody spikes on his back still pierced out, absorbing the black shadow summoned by the relic into his body.

The familiar bloodline became a part of himself. The black shadow was really a member of the Edwards family, even an "Edwards" with a more complete bloodline than him. The weird and twisted power made him rise from the wreckage of the banquet hall into the sky again. The robe that was originally stained with blood from the battle turned black, but all the injuries on the body were recovered as a result:

"I see, in the past and now, I really succeeded once."

The starry sky disappeared, the moon disappeared, the falling snow disappeared, and even the blood mist disappeared. Only the yellow sand in the sky remained. A twisted black vortex appeared in the dark night sky. Amidst the harsh sound of glass shattering that almost knocked all the high-level and lower-level magicians into unconsciousness, the space above the island shattered.

Outside this island on the opposite side of the material world, in the Green Lake area of ​​the foggy real world, the Ring Warlocks also heard this shattering sound. Then, directly above the central island of Green Lake, the deep darkness was broken like a mirror. A huge vortex appeared in the sky, suction appeared, and the diffuse white mist first flew towards the emptiness of the vortex, followed by the lake water, Then came the dust and fallen leaves on the ground. The suction force is slowly increasing and the vortex is rapidly expanding.

"He gathered 16 family members?"

"He was disqualified and he understood that he would be disqualified."

The same scene also happened above Green Island, or in two puzzle locks spliced ​​to each other. The black vortex expanded above the head of "Edwards", and the suction force seemed to swallow everything.

Iluna said softly behind Shade, and she barely stood up holding on to the pillars on the side of the bell tower. Her hair was wet with sweat, and her long brown hair stuck to her face, making her look particularly haggard:

"He violated the rules. The chosen ones cannot harm the world. He called for some kind of disaster, and he completely shattered the balance of space. Although he is still alive, even though he gathered 16 family members, he was abandoned. It's like death abandoned Joey Barton. The first candidate for the chosen one in space no longer exists. I feel that the balance is completely broken, and the out-of-control space is destroying the Green Lake area. Action must be taken as soon as possible, otherwise the space will collapse Disaster will completely come to the material world tonight."

She bit her lip, knowing that Shade was also facing a difficult choice:

"The first candidate has been abandoned by the world, and some of the second candidates have died. Now it's your butterfly's turn, Shade. If this is their fate, then fate has come to them. If you still want to reverse This fate, just prove to me what else you can do. If you have no way, let me try."

She wanted to use her balance talent to temporarily stabilize the broken space, but when she moved her body, she felt pain all over her body.

Shade hurriedly supported her:

"Iluna, you have done a good job tonight."

"Then how do you choose?"

She was supported by Sha De and looked at him with wide eyes:

"Am I here to finally believe in their power? Or are you going to be a hero again and prepare to sacrifice yourself?"

"I understand, I understand everything."

He pulled off the silver ornament with the "Philosopher's Stone" inlaid on his chest. According to the knowledge on the bronze bell brought from the "Black Mist Camp", the spirit in his body guided the Philosopher's Stone to become a spellcasting material. The dazzling red light gradually melted the stone the size of a fingernail. Later, pink crystal spikes appeared in Shade's hands, but turned red due to the addition of the "Philosopher's Stone".

Shade originally wanted to avoid such an outcome, but he also made a backup plan. Now, things have indeed come to the final step, and he has to try this method with unknown results.


Originally, I wanted to use the power of the Mystic Lock to bring the right people to the right place. But unexpectedly, everyone was already present. Shade never revealed his plan in advance, but it seemed that they already knew the outcome, as if they had been waiting for this moment, waiting for Shade to make a decision.

At the top of the bloody tree a thousand meters away, "Edwards" floated under the huge vortex that was exuding gravity, waiting for Shade's arrival.

Even if all the cost of casting the spell just now was borne by Iluna, this huge mystery lock at this moment will soon disappear due to the end of the "divine overflow" state. Therefore, Shade knew that he only had one chance.

"Although I know Edwards will definitely do something very surprising, is this a little too much?"

At the bottom of the giant blood-red tree, in front of the old Edwards house, Luvia, Megan, Helen, and Grace, who had been disguised by red butterflies, met Lecia and Dorothy who were with Miss Danister. With Agelina.

Although she was a little surprised that little Mia and Agelina were here, Luvia knew that now was not the time to ask.

"Do you know what to do?"

The dark sky seemed like the end had arrived, and the strong wind made the hair and skirt sway wildly. She asked loudly to Dorothy and Lesia, who smiled and held hands:

"We didn't know it just now, but now that we see you, we know it. Ten minutes ago, we passed another test. After finally making up our mind to give up the plan of integrating with each other, the angle from which we looked at the world seemed to Everything is different from before. We are not soothsayers, but we saw the fate at that moment. It turned out to be like this. His idea is really strange. It’s okay if it’s like this.”

Grace and Helen walked up to them, and the two sisters also held hands. The four people looked at each other, and their expressions were very similar.

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