Whispering Verse

Chapter 1972 Butterfly

Luvia said loudly to Megan beside her in the strong wind:

"Come here quickly."

"Can we do that too?"

"why not?"

So Meghan held her skirt and walked over in the strong wind, her right arm squirming as she walked. When she came to the other two pairs of "sisters", her right hand had already held Audrey's hand. They were both wearing the same clothes.

After being washed with the power of Edwardsden's magic, they saw with their own eyes the brilliance of Shade's promotion. Even if they did not actually participate in the ceremony and battle, they gained further strength. At the same time, two bodies are shown holding each other's left and right hands, which means that the two sisters can never be separated.

So, Lecia and Grace stood on Meghan's left and Audrey's right, and Dorothy and Helen stood on Meghan's right and Audrey's left.

Megan and Audrey first raised their overlapping arms, and the two sisters looked at each other and smiled:

"I am you."

"You are me."

Miss Denister noticed the ring on one of them's hands, which was her year-end gift to Shade.

Grace in a white dress and Helen in a black dress, standing opposite each other, placed their left and right hands on the backs of the great witches' hands respectively. The sisters spanning two eras smiled at each other:

"You are me."

"I am you."

Lesia and Dorothy finally raised their arms, palms overlapping theirs. I wanted to see him but couldn't, but finally I was able to see him. They looked at each other with smiles, knowing that they were satisfied:

"I am who I am."

"I am who I am."

The six palms of the three pairs of sisters were folded together, and a smile burst out on everyone's face. One pair was physically united before birth, one pair pursued each other forever after birth, and the last pair, although not related by blood, was destined to become one in the end.

Three pairs of sisters have three fates, but the three fates have the same ending. When the six people stood together, flying red butterflies appeared around them. The red light illuminated the faces of the six people. Their bodies leaned forward slightly. The elegant and brave girls were ready to help their knights.

"Who's coming?"

Luvia asked, holding the "Spur of Love" transformed from the Philosopher's Stone, and the six of them answered together:

"Of course you come."

"I always feel like I personally gave him to you."

The purple-eyed girl smiled helplessly, came to their side, and held the spike in her hand:

"Ready, ladies! Three, two, one!"

Bright red crystals penetrated the palms of the six people from above. Luvia immediately stepped back, and together with Agelina and Miss Daniste, they saw the blood-red spikes formed by the Philosopher's Stone as the center, and the crystals spread along the arms of the six of them, until they were all All turned into crystals. As the bright red spikes flashed, the six crystal statues shattered together, but the crystal red light still outlined the figures of the six girls who were still holding their hands together, and the smiling girls also It turned into a part of the blood-red light.

"No, it's not light, it's a butterfly! It's a red butterfly!"

The rays of light on Lecia, Grace and Megan were connected together, and the rays on Dorothy, Helen and Audrey were connected together. The connection between the two pieces of light, each with three raised wing-shaped rays, is the location of the bright red crystal thorn.

"A choice of fate? Did he choose them, or did they happen to meet him?"

Luvia muttered to herself.

"Materialization of the soul? Or soulification of the body?"

Miss Denister could not understand.

The wings flapped, and under the surprised gazes of Agelina and Little Mia, the huge luminous butterfly flew into the sky in the strong wind. Together with the group of normal-sized luminous red butterflies that appeared under the moon at an unknown time, they flew towards Shade in the sky like a long dragon.


The bells are ringing again on the island, in this fairy tale kingdom. Thousands of red butterflies appeared under the lightless night sky along with the sound of the bell. In the wind, someone unknown sang that ancient and sad song:

[The red butterfly spreads its wings and flies,]

【Flying over the towering mountains,】

[Crossing the black river. 】

[May the wind take away eternal thoughts,]

【Until the end of life and death. 】

The starry sky that disappeared due to the fragmentation of space revealed a corner, and the scarlet full moon illuminated the gorgeous red butterfly under the moon.

When "Edwards" at the top of the giant tree shot a blood-red beam of light at the flying Shad, the huge red butterfly that flapped its wings and instantly moved in front of Shad easily blocked this beam of blood light.

After the blood light came into contact with the red butterfly, ripple-like fluctuations appeared on the surface of the red butterfly. Then, a beam of blood shot out from behind "Edwards", forcing him to turn around and face his attack.

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