Whispering Verse

Chapter 1982 The Absolutely Loyal Witches (Additional Updates from the Alliance Leader)

"Yes, a very charming lady."

Megan also helped and said that the cat under the skirt was very sure. The great witch of time looked at her again, because she obviously paused, and when she spoke again, her tone was a little surprised:

"Oh, Meghan, what's wrong with you? You become two people. So, your problem is solved?"

"Yes, thanks to you, it has been solved. I think I will be able to advance to the twelfth level soon. I even feel that the road to the thirteenth level is already open for me."

The cat couldn't see the expression of the thirteenth-level witch at this time, but he soon heard Miss Bernice say:

"Your Excellency Speaker, I have been promoted to the twelfth level."

"I will also hold a ceremony soon to be promoted to the eleventh level."

Miss Sylvia also said.

Shadowy figures were scattered outside the skirt, and sounds were mixed together, trying to prevent the great witch of time from noticing the weirdness. Sure enough, her attention was attracted by these good news:

"It seems that something unexpected happened during the Battle of Green Lake. However, I wonder why you are so weird? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Absolutely not!"

This is Miss Aurora's voice:

"We are absolutely loyal to Parliament!"

"Mother-in-law, tell me: Are these young girls hiding something?"

"I don't think so. They all worked hard. They worked hard this time."

Facing the Speaker of the Parliament, the other girls lacked confidence, but Granny Cassandra spoke normally. Among the relatively young girls, her old voice is also the most recognizable:

"Speaking of which, Isabella, why are you here?"

The cat under the skirt also had this question. At the same time, he also noticed that Granny Cassandra was the only one who directly called the witch by her name.

The explanation of the sound that is difficult to distinguish the clear timbre:

"I'm not worried about Meghan and Audrey. Although you persuaded me not to come in person, how could I not be worried?

When heavy fog enveloped Green Lake City last night, I had already arrived locally and had been on an island in the real world. If I sensed that Megan and Audrey were dying, I would come to them as soon as possible, but after waiting all night, they seemed to be fine. "

The cat under the skirt was quite lucky that Laplace Howard at that time used the "god caller" not to call gods as a condition in exchange for his promise not to hurt Megan. Otherwise, once the 13th-level Time Witch who can directly draw on the power of the Witch Council really appears, Shade and the soothsayer will probably be in bad luck:

"He didn't even expect this, did he?"

The Great Witch of Time trusted Granny Cassandra very much, and after receiving her affirmative reply, she did not continue the topic. I also checked in with the ladies to make sure they were all fine. Although the followers were seriously injured, they were not dead, so they did not stay here for long.

As the speaker of the Witch Council, she seldom appeared in public. Finally, she told them to end the follow-up of this matter as soon as possible, and then turned into a ray of light again and left the special space of Green Island.

The butterfly-winged girls transformed into four people again, and together with Luvia and the witches, they stood on the dock and waited quietly.

After a full five minutes, the silver cat, who was confirmed to be safe and sound, poked its head out from under Miss Carina's skirt, and then the whole cat came out. With quick eyes and quick hands, Lesia bent down and picked up the cat, with a bright smile on her face:

"Knight, knight, let me tell you, I can catch you in this form one day."

As he spoke, he stroked the hair on the back of the silver cat:

"It feels really good. I finally know why you like little Mia so much."

"Lecia, oh, let me go."

Shade said, and before Miss Carina stretched out her hand, she returned from cat form to human form. The ladies all laughed, and even Lesia arranged his hair with a smile.

Beginning with the "Battle of Green Lake Hotel" on Wednesday night, the final act of the Battle of Green Lake ended perfectly. The actors who had just left the show had already left, and the unexpected guests who had joined the show had also come and gone. The protagonists on the stage were safe and had gained new powers. The stranger who once again interfered with the progress of the story began to laugh when he was surrounded by a group of beautiful actresses before he could jump off the stage.

After a tiring night, Shade did nothing else. He returned to the Green Lake Hotel on Green Island with the ladies, and then saw that Priest August and Dr. Schneider had returned, but the doctor seemed to be injured; Sister Devlin was sitting at the table of the bonfire on the first floor, lightly Nodding lightly to him; Agelina, who was in tears, came over and wanted to hug him, but was hugged by her sister; Durut Giles stayed in the old Edwards house, waiting for Shade to deal with the Edwards family. Follow-up; the girls who guard this hotel, Tifa, Miss Hayley Aurora, Miss Decker, and more girls that Shade can't name, are all here to welcome him back.

After relaxing, he felt mentally exhausted. He picked up the equally sleepy cat from Agelina, and returned to Green Lake in the city from the basement of the hotel in the forest, connected to the passage of the normal hotel. hostel.

Now that dawn has arrived, a new day has arrived. But for Shade, this is the time to rest. The girls were worried that no one would take care of Shad, so they asked him not to go home yet, but to rest in the hotel room.

Shade then took Mia back to their room on the third floor and fell into a deep sleep.

Although this would miss the remaining half of the Red Butterfly Day, everyone knew that Shade really needed to rest at this time.

Shade slept deeply this time. He didn't even activate the effect of the thaumaturgy - Moon Dream, but simply let himself fall into an unconscious sleep.

He seemed to have dreamed of many things, dreamed of the dead Laplace Howard, dreamed of the raging fires of the past era, dreamed that he came from outside the world when time collapsed again, dreamed of being in the deepest At the end of the dark corridor, Grace and Helen, Lecia and Dorothy, holding hands with each other, were smiling and waiting for him.

It was six o'clock in the morning on Thursday when I fell asleep. When I woke up from my dream, the sun was setting outside the hotel window.

After getting up, I sat on the bed and looked out in confusion. The fog that had spread in Green Lake City was swept away. After the heavy rain that lasted for a week ended, the sky looked clearer than ever before. The setting sun dyed half of the sky red, and the swallows returning to their nests flew into the distance in groups.

It seems like nothing ever happened here.

Shade's movement of sitting up from the bed woke up little Mia who was lying next to his pillow. Although the orange-white cat slept in Agelina's arms for most of the night last night, it still chose to stay with Shade for another day's rest.

The setting sun outside the window also dyed the cat's orange hair orange-red. Shade rubbed the cat's back, and little Mia meowed softly, making a purring sound in her throat. Shade guessed that it meant calling for dinner.

"Enhanced spatial awareness."

Centering on this room, the interior of the hotel, the streets, and even the topography of the city expanded in Shade's mind, but no serious spatial disorder was found. It looks like everything is over for now.

The door was pushed open at this time, and the sound of the dining car sounded. Tifa entered the room with a group of girls wearing maid skirts, and then opened the door and entered the bedroom:

"How do you know that I will wake up now?"

He was slightly surprised, and the black-haired maid smiled:

"It's a secret among the maids."

Shade couldn't figure out the secrets of the maids. He originally wanted to talk to Tifa about what happened in the aftermath of the Battle of Green Lake during the day when he fell asleep. But Tifa and the other maids brought him dinner and then left the room with a smile.

Shade thought that Luvia was coming to tell him what happened during the day. But the footsteps that followed were unfamiliar to him at all. There were dinner plates on the small table, and he couldn't leave the bed immediately. When he looked at the door curiously, he noticed that the sneaky cat had already stretched its paws towards the fried veal steak in the upper right corner of the dinner plate.

Lowering his head and patting off the cat's dishonest paw, Shade failed to see the girl's initial expression when the unfamiliar footsteps entered the door. When he raised his head, the girl with long golden-red hair had already walked into the bedroom of the hotel room.


Lecia and Dorothy's perfect facial features blend together, and their bodies are the average of the two, but they are extremely tall, taller than any of them, almost close to the witches except Chloe. The average level.

She almost bumped into Shade's body and gave Shade, who was sitting on the bed, a familiar yet unfamiliar kiss.

Shade's surprise at this moment was not because he lost his memory after sleeping and did not recognize them, but because he was surprised that they could still appear at this time:

"Isn't the Day of the Red Butterfly over? Aren't you still only able to see each other once every 21 days?"

The girl straightened up and sat sideways on the bed with a smile:

"I thought you would comment on the kiss first.

Yes, originally the Day of the Red Butterfly should have ended two hours ago, but holding the Chosen Ceremony seems to reset all the special states of our bodies to zero. This time, the day of the red butterfly has changed to start from around early this morning, when we held the Chosen Ceremony on Green Island. So, it's not over yet. "

She leaned forward slightly and kissed Sha De gently on the lips again. The emotion in her eyes that almost ignited Sha De made Sha De even more at a loss.

PS1: The previous article said that in this volume, Shade will meet the great witch of time, it does not refer to this part. He would see it with his own eyes.

PS: Thank you to reader @Raven10487, the leader of the alliance. Added one more chapter, thank you very much!

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