Whispering Verse

Chapter 1983 The Princess and the Writer’s Progress

Looking at the girl in front of him, Shade touched his lips in confusion. The girl sitting sideways was amused by his expression:

"Luvia and the witches are still on that island, but they should know about your awakening soon. It won't be troublesome for us to find them, because for strange reasons, the two hotels are now permanent. A real building with easy access to Green Island. Want to hear what happened during the day?”

"Well, actually, I'm more curious now, what should I call you. Also, don't maintain this state often, it's not good for your souls."

He reached out and touched the long golden-red hair, and the girl let him touch it:

"You should eat first. I'll be fine in this state for a short time. Besides, this is really fun."

She described the feeling of this special state of fusion for Shade:

"This is not that souls and souls are completely integrated into one, but souls and souls have established a bridge through contact. What I think is what she is thinking, and what she is thinking is what I am thinking. Think. As for what you call us"

She thought about it, and Shade also lowered his head and started to process his dinner amidst the meowing of the cat. The dinner was even hot. The maids were either supervising the kitchen to prepare food at any time, or they really predicted that Shade would wake up at this time.

"It doesn't matter, it's a small problem. Lesia or Dorothy can do it. You can even call us Miss Princes if you like."

Hearing the alias Lesia used when she was in Coldwater Port, Shade couldn't help but smile:

"Miss Princes, can you let me see your current life rings?"


What emerged from behind her was a complete six-ring life ring. It's just a bit bigger than Lesia and Dorothy's life rings, but not as big as Shade's life ring.

The spiritual runes on her life ring were the sum of the two people's spiritual runes, which made her spiritual runes twice as high as normal. As for the core spiritual runes, there are five, namely Enlightenment-[Writer], Enlightenment-[Play], Enlightenment-[Princess], Whisper-[Red Butterfly], Enlightenment-[Space].

Shade has no opinion on the first three spiritual runes. [Writer] and [Player] are the core spiritual runes that both of them have. As for Lesia's [Princess] and Dorothy's [Another Princess] Only the [Princess] appeared here, and Shade didn't think there was any problem.

Although they didn't have the last [Space] originally, Shade could understand it considering the particularity of the chosen ones in the space.

Only Whisper - [Red Butterfly] is wrong. Their original core spiritual runes do not have this, and the core spiritual runes of normal ring warlocks are all of the "enlightenment" type. The "Whisper" type of core spiritual runes often mean that their souls have been affected. The permanent effects of the relic:

"Are you feeling okay now?"

He asked rather worriedly and held her hand again.

Lesia smiled and shook her head:

"Don't worry about us, haven't you noticed that we are already in the sixth ring?"

So, while Shade was eating, she told the story that they and Agelina were accidentally transferred to the Edwards family's old underground mansion in the hotel. Later, they overcame the urge to merge their souls, and thus absorbed Danister. He was promoted to the sixth ring due to the power of the "Edwardesden Divine Core Ceremony" that the young lady said.

"Although the core spirit rune has an extra Whispering [Red Butterfly], the witches have checked it and it's not a bad influence. Besides, you see."

The red butterfly flew, and one person turned into two people. The life ring that had been suspended behind him also split into two normal-sized ones in the steam mist that emerged again.

Lecia and Dorothy appeared hand in hand. Their core spirit runes were changed from five to four. They had more enlightenment - [space] than the original. In addition to the core spirit runes, they also had Each has an extra whisper with extremely dazzling spiritual light - [Red Butterfly]:

"In our normal state, the core spirit runes only have more [space], and they are normal enlightenments. Grace and Helen have also checked, and their influence on us is limited to the state where the two of us become one."

Dorothy said with some distress:

"The number of core spirit runes suddenly increased, which is hard to explain. But the witches said that they have a secret technique to cover up the core spirit runes. I think we probably have to learn this."

"So besides having more spiritual runes, do you have other abilities?"

Shade asked curiously again, Lesia nodded immediately:


As he spoke, he took a step forward and appeared directly on the other side of the bed:

"Space movement."

Dorothy also smiled and said:

"This is only the most basic content. We can now touch the statues of ancient gods and establish road signs. Oh, Miss Sylvia is very curious about our situation and will give us some learning materials on space knowledge before we leave. She also said that if we were willing in the future, she would consider making us apprentices...just considering."

Although unlike Margaret, they now have spatial talent, their math level is still not quite up to the "okay" level required by Miss Sylvia.

Shade smiled and shook his head:

"Miss Sylvia is very strict, and she is still young and is not in a hurry to recruit apprentices for herself. But in the future we can talk more about the study of space thaumaturgy. Well, I am actually more interested in the power of [the moon] OK."

His core spiritual runes are [Silver Moon] and [Time and Space], but if we want to prioritize them, Shade's time and space powers are mostly auxiliary.

Lesia walked from the other side of the bed to Dorothy's side again. Their ability to move in space is not a thaumaturgy, but more like some kind of talent. In addition to both possessing spatial talents, what is more important is the special connection between them.

Lesia and Dorothy showed this to Shade. Miss Writer picked up the apple on the bedside table and threw it upward. Then the apple fell into Lesia's hand not far away.

This is not that she threw the apple to the princess, but that the apple was transferred between the two people:

"Currently, living objects are not allowed, not even small creatures like little Mia, but dead objects are OK, and even relics that are not in the out-of-control stage should be OK. There is no distance limit for the transfer of items between the two of us. , there is a weight limit, but as long as it’s not too much, it’s okay.”

Lesia was very satisfied with this new ability, while Dorothy saw the worry on Shade's face:

"Are you worried about us?"

"Yes, originally it was just about exchanging souls, and then it became the ability to communicate with each other at any time, and now it has become the ability to exchange touchable items."

"What happened this time did not promote our integration, but made us firm in our determination that we will never become one."

Lecia said softly, looking at him with her beautiful blue eyes:

"We prefer three people to two people. After this incident, you no longer have to worry about our determination."

"So, it's up to you to decide how Lesiya and I can completely resolve the uncontrolled gradual fusion of our souls in the future."

Dorothy also said, and Shade nodded heavily:

"We already have a way, wait until I finish eating. Oh, Mia, don't pick on me, I won't forget you."

Seeing that Shade was relieved, the two of them wanted to change into the same appearance again. This feeling was also very new to them, and they liked Shade's embarrassed expression when he didn't dare to look at them, but they were immediately attracted by Shade. stop:

"Okay, okay, I already know. I still prefer you two in front of me together. Have you eaten? Eat some with me?"

"You're always so good at talking."

Lesia smiled, but gave up on becoming one with Dorothy again.

So Shade continued his dinner, and at the same time he did not forget to feed the cat who was said to have been following Agelina very honestly last night.

While Shade was eating, Dorothy and Lesia also told Shade what happened during the day.

Today, on the central island of Green Lake in reality, only thin mist is left. Although the last mist cannot be dispelled, it has restored the island to a state that can be inhabited by ordinary people.

As for the "Green Island", the raging fire finally burned down the fiery red giant tree, but probably because it was used as firewood by the original fire, no ashes were left.

Today, only the green giant tree that appeared due to the "Kiss of the Tree" is left on the island. The bottom of the giant tree is next to the lighthouse on the southern hill of the island.

Although the island itself has been sealed again, three two-way roads to the real world still remain.

One of them is the Green Lake Hotel in the forest. Now the hotel has been hidden by the witches, and the church's magicians have not discovered it yet.

The second one is the road that the church's ring magicians forcibly opened last night when they led a large force into the waters where Green Island is located. Now that the space has stabilized, that road has also stabilized, and has become a permanent space passage.

The last one is the path that Laplace Klein Howard has been using.

No one knew about this road originally, but after Shade went to sleep this morning, Sloth Edwards from the island, who is currently the most senior member of the family, came to the hotel to find Megan and Audrey, and brought them to the hotel. The jurisdiction of the island was given to her.

This jurisdiction is not the "land deed" or "house deed" as the world calls it, but the power to almost completely control the island. It is the result of the success of Edwardsden's magic.

Of course the ritual was successful, but after the success, "Edwards" was defeated by Shade, causing most of the power to disappear again, and Green Island failed to escape from the material world. The little power left behind was inherited by the senior Sloth Edwards. This power was enough to control the island.

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