Whispering Verse

Chapter 1986 Iluna’s Birthday

"Don't worry too much about the doctor, he just had his right leg corroded by the red mist. You should know the nature of the red mist better than I do. Any living person who is not the Edwards family has a chance of being corroded by the red mist. Affected by the effect of the church, some of the ring warlocks who subsequently landed on the island were injured because of this. The doctors were just a little unlucky. But we checked and found that although his right leg could not move for the time being, with the treatment of magic potions and holy water, he could recover after a few more The weather is fine, just don’t walk too much lately.”

Although Luvia said this, she still went to see Dr. Schneider with Shade.

The doctor stayed at the Green Lake Hotel in the city and claimed that he had broken his leg while out for fun. When he saw the doctor, his entire right leg was wrapped in a bandage, making it look completely larger than his left leg. But the doctor looked good. When the two came in, he was lying on the bed reading the newspaper:

"As long as you don't laugh now, you show me the greatest respect."

He said seriously, which made Shade, who was still a little heavy-hearted, almost couldn't help but smile.

Iluna appeared at the Green Lake Hotel on Green Island around 6:40. She was on the island all day today, and she only found time to run out near evening.

Tifa led the maids to set up a table, cakes and drinks in the open space outside the Green Lake Hotel. When Iluna walked through the woods and came to the forest hotel hidden by the woods, Shade was the first to welcome her. Then the six great witches, Luvia, Dorothy, Lesia, Helen, Grace, Agelina and other girls gathered around her and led her to the table with the cake.

Even Margaret participated in this event. The princess of the Southland stayed on the cruise ship with Miss Benenice during the Battle of Green Lake, so she did not appear with Shade. But she performed very well, but there are still many things to do in Willundale, and she will probably be the first of everyone to leave here.


Miss Carina spoke first, smiling and putting the slender box wrapped in red cardboard and tied with a ribbon into her hand:

"Iluna, although you don't admit that I am your teacher, and I have never said that you are my official apprentice. But you have learned a lot from me anyway. This is your birthday gift. I wish you eighteen Happy birthday.”

"Eighteen is the best age, don't miss the next year. When you look back many years later, you will know what it means to you now."

Miss Sylvia, the youngest witch, said as she also gave her gift.

Mother-in-law Cassandra smiled and sent the third gift:

"Have fun, kid. Youth is beautiful. Every year that passes, people get older and farther and farther away from these happy things. You don't realize it. One day when you think back to this night, maybe you feel This is the best night of my life.”

Iluna nodded with bright eyes and took the gift from her hand. She wanted to write this sentence down and educate girls younger than her in the future.

Everyone took turns to come forward. Dorothy gave her an autographed copy of "Hamilton's Detective Stories" and the handwritten manuscript of the twenty-fourth story to be published soon. Margaret gave her a pair of beautiful high heels for banquets. It is said to be the most popular style this year. Lesia's gift was an amethyst-decorated headband, and even Agelina gave her a thin black lady's cloak. She probably had some misunderstanding about the identity of the church ring magician.

Soon there were more and more gifts in Iluna's hands. She didn't expect that she would receive so many gifts. She was even a little awkward when she thanked them because she couldn't even name some people. Everyone smiled and congratulated her on her birthday, and Tifa pushed a dining cart so that Iluna could put all the beautifully wrapped gifts on the dining cart.

Luvia’s gift was given second to last:

"Hope you like it."

She mysteriously put something like a notebook into Iluna's hand:

"Remember to watch it when no one is around."

Then he whispered something into Iluna's ear, and the eighteen-year-old girl's face immediately turned red.

[Do you need me to tell you what she said? 】

"No, no need."

In fact, it is related to the "Pink Book".

Luvia smiled and stepped aside, letting Shade, who was holding the gift, face Iluna.

The ladies gathered Shade, Iluna and the table with the cake. The sky was already darkening, but the entrance of the Green Lake Hotel was quite dark because of the various balls of light summoned by the sorceresses. bright.

It's like a festival, it's like a celebration. Colorful lights illuminated the two people, and people looked at them with smiles. Dorothy also took the initiative to push Shade and let Shade come to Iluna.

"Iluna, happy birthday."

Shade felt that the ladies around him were holding their breath, as if they were afraid of disturbing the scene. He felt strange about it, like they were expecting something, and it made him feel like an elephant in a circus.

"This is a gift for you."

With that said, Mia jumped from her shoulder into Shade's hand:

"No, not that, oh, Mia, don't cause trouble!"

Tifa came over and gently picked up the troublesome cat. So amidst the laughter of the ladies, Shade finally took out the gift from his pocket.

The first is a bouquet of red roses. Shade got it from the [God’s Gift Box]. I don’t know how to deal with it so that it will never wither:

"Iluna, I wish you will always be young and forever young. I hope your beauty will never fade."

The eighteen-year-old girl looked at the young knight in front of her with a blushing face, nodded slightly and took the flower:


She very much wished that her voice could be louder at this time, to suppress the sound of her violently beating heart.

"The flowers represent beauty, and the scales represent your strength. Happy birthday, Iluna, may balance be with you and me."

Afterwards, Shade gave away the black metal scale obtained from the "Black Mist Camp" in the fifth era. Shade had been thinking about this scale since he first used the corresponding time key. Although the scale seemed to be just an ordinary item after leaving the Black Mist Camp, it was still an antique from the Fifth Era and was still very valuable in Shade's opinion.

The black metal is quite textured, and because the items that Shade brought back from the Fifth Era will be washed away by the years, it has more of a sense of simplicity and heaviness that was not there in the Black Mist Camp. Even people who are ignorant of goods will not think that this is a worthless decoration.

"This is an antique I got from that place. It might be useful to you. Or it would be nice to have at home as a souvenir."

Shade held the scale and handed it to Iluna, regretting not wrapping the gift like the others. But it was obvious that Iluna really liked the gift, and she thanked him softly.

The girls who seemed to be watching an opera were laughing and talking to each other. Some were discussing the meaning of the scale, and some were praising the wonderful years of eighteen.

With so many people celebrating her birthday, so many gifts, and Shade and Luvia being by her side, Iluna thought nothing could be more beautiful than this today. She also thought that Shade's gift had already been given. over. But unexpectedly, Shade put his hand into his pocket again, and now even Luvia began to wonder what Shade was going to do.

Except for Ms. Helena Green, who kindly gave the suggestion, no one knew that Shade planned to send this:

"Finally, Iluna, I wish you always good luck. This is the most suitable gift for you, given to the protagonist of this birthday party, the girl who shines the most tonight."

The golden apple obtained from the "Dark Moon Circus" was taken out by Shade. Although the golden apple was edible, its appearance was very metallic, so as soon as it appeared under those colorful light balls, it seemed to attract the attention of all the people present.

Shade heard a series of inhaling sounds, and also noticed that Miss Carina, who was standing behind Iluna and was smiling happily, pinched the hem of her skirt.

Iluna first sighed at how beautiful the gift was, and then she also noticed something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. But she still reached out and took the golden apple:


Although the eighteen-year-old girl reacted a little slower, she still realized something was wrong with the way everyone looked at her while holding the apple. So, she instinctively looked at Luvia, who smiled and said:

"The eighteenth birthday comes only once in a lifetime. This gift is almost as good as the broken-arm statue that Shade gave to His Highness Agelina at her birthday party. Oh, Iluna, what do you want to say? What?"

The atmosphere changed again because of Luvia's words. The ladies gathered around and expressed their congratulations again. Then Iluna really hesitated and said a few words, which she couldn't quite remember afterwards. .

The lively birthday party began, and everyone gathered around Iluna. Under the illumination of the colorful light ball above her head, Miss Carina put the cake-cutting knife into her hand.

On the huge three-tiered butter cake, Iluna's name was written in beautiful floral letters, and eighteen slender candles were inserted.

The candle had been lit just now, but it didn't look like it was burnt out at all. Iluna stretched out her hand to cut the cake, but was stopped by Dorothy on the side:

"According to tradition, you should make a wish first."

She showed an encouraging look to Iluna. Iluna pursed her lips, looking at so many smiles under the colorful light, looking at Shade and Luvia beside her, and looking at the big cake with her name written on it in front of her. Even she, who has always been strong, has red eyes:

"I know. And if you make a wish, you can't say it out loud."

She took a deep look at Shade and closed her eyes. The banquet was not grand, but she would remember this night and everyone here forever. When Iluna closed her eyes and made that wish about Shade, she was actually feeling happy in her heart.

Every peaceful day is a continuous miracle. She didn't know how many miracles she had encountered, so that after the dangers passed, she could still stand safely with the people she cared about and spend her only eighteenth birthday in her life.

The dangerous life seems to have taken the best branch of the story with the arrival of Shade. She hopes that days like this can continue, and if anyone wants to destroy her expectations for a better future, she will definitely kill them.

"This is the scale of justice in my mind."

Opening your eyes, smiling and blowing gently, the eighteen candles were blown out. Iluna Emilia Bayas celebrated her eighteenth year. At the age of eighteen, the flowers have already bloomed.

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