Whispering Verse

Chapter 1987 Three people

The atmosphere of the banquet was very lively. Although there was no meal, at least there was champagne. When the ladies carrying the plates dispersed, Miss Benanis was complained by the other great witches because she asked Siris how much weight a piece of cake would make her at night, and Iluna also ate her share. Cake, and then found Shade again with a wine glass:

"Thank you for the birthday present. I am very happy tonight. You are all very well."

After clinking glasses with Shade, he was so excited that he raised his head and drank all the wine, and then accidentally choked on it. Luvia helplessly patted her back, while Shade, who had taken back little Mia from Tifa, asked with concern:

"When will the church arrange for you to return to Tobesk?"

"Soon, within this week. I am not responsible for this kind of finishing work. If I hadn't had too much contact with the Godcaller this time and needed to submit a detailed report, I could actually leave now. But next Monday, you must Can you meet me in Tobesk?"

Luvia nodded and looked back at the direction where the great witches were gathering:

"The three of us will discuss the Battle of Green Lake in detail after you return. Although we are now cooperating with the Witch Council, there are some things that the witches can know, and some things are still decided by the three of us. In addition, what you did this time Very good, Iluna, it will be difficult for Shade to handle this matter without you this time."

The birthday girl immediately raised her chest slightly, but restrained the expression on her face:

"Okay, I have a lot of things to tell you. Oh, and I have heard about the gift that the church promised to the God Caller. Should it be given directly to the Witch Council, or should Shade find an opportunity to directly contact Church contact?”

"Let the Witch Council come."

Shade said, looking up to the night sky above with Luvia and Iluna. March has emerged, and above the island without many lights, the sea of ​​​​stars is vast and the stars are bright:

"Every time the story of the chosen one ends, I feel a little more relaxed. But this time, I always feel very heavy."

"Because Laplace Howard left something to you?"

Luvia asked, and Iluna also looked at Shade curiously.

Shade shook his head slightly:

"I got a lot of things for free. I should be happy. I probably feel that I will face more challenges in the future. He told me some things. I am not sure whether they are true or not. When I return to Tobesk, I will I want to talk to you in detail."

Iluna and Luvia need to know about the end of the world.

They nodded together, and Shade suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, Luvia, have you found any special coins recently? The fortune teller left one, a solution to Dorothy and Lesia's problem. I want you to divine it to confirm the authenticity. He gave me some alchemy Cards, I think they should be useful.”

The girl with purple eyes shook her head gently:

"I once said, don't rely on special divination for everything. Go ask the Hongdie sisters, they will help you."

Shade nodded slightly, but could not see Grace and Helen again. They don't like to communicate with other people. They probably took the cake and went somewhere else.

"What kind of person is Laplace Klein Howard?"

Iluna asked suddenly. Seeing Shade and Luvia looking at her, she explained sheepishly:

"I just suddenly thought of this question. I am already eighteen years old. I have long understood that there are no absolute good and bad people in this world. Only children can think that way. But that fortune teller... he met us Everyone who arrived was different. He seemed to be really trying to find a way for the world. Even if he was defeated by Shade and he was about to die, he still left everything behind to become a new 'savior'."

"No, no, I'm not a savior."

Shade hurriedly shook his head and touched little Mia's head on his shoulder. The cat was still angry because Shade didn't give it the cake he ate just now:

"I prefer to describe it this way: We are all exploring the truth of this world. He took the wrong path, but before he perished, he gave me his remaining fire so that I could go further."

Luvia said:

"Reflection and summary are indeed necessary. As for your question, Iluna, you have to find the answer yourself. Time will prove everything. After more than ten years, more than twenty years, or hundreds of years later, You will naturally understand what kind of person he is to us and to this world. Of course, from my current point of view, he is not a good person, nor is he a bad person like Ivan Darkness."

Iluna nodded thoughtfully, and Shade smiled and said:

"He died normally, so in theory, his soul can be summoned whether it is in the [Soul Cemetery] on the third floor of my house or in 'real death'. If you are really curious about this person, go Those places, call him out and talk to him.”

Luvia and Iluna both smiled, and the purple-eyed girl even joked:

"Like what you did to Sparrow Hamilton?"

"No, no, I didn't mean to disturb him. Those were all accidents. Speaking of which, I haven't seen where Dulute Giles has gone. Is he still in the old Edwards house?"

"Yeah, I heard it was in the room where Rusty Edwards lived."

Luvia turned her head and looked in the direction of the town in the distance:

"I don't want to use a specific relationship to describe his relationship with Rust Edwards, but he was a very infatuated man."

Iluna asked Xiang Shade:

"You asked the church for the Heart of the Living Dead to prevent this from happening, right? The Heart of the Living Dead allows you to enter true death through the [Soul Cemetery] and bring out a soul permanently."

Luvia frowned slightly and wanted to say it but couldn't say it, so Shade said it for her:

"But if I do this, how will I be different from the original Joey Barton?"

Iluna wanted to say that Shade used normal means and it was a method allowed by the ancient gods, so it would not cause the [Challenge of Life and Death] to go out of control. But she frowned slightly, and the balanced chosen one realized that Shade was not talking about means, but about whether the balance between life and death was really going to be broken because of this.

"Shade always thinks so much, it's amazing. But you must have a way, right?"

She asked expectantly, and when Shade nodded, she smiled. Iluna also liked stories with happy endings, even if it was not her own story.

"Then, let's clink glasses together to celebrate Iluna's eighteenth birthday."

Luvia suggested. Iluna quickly got another glass of wine. Seeing Shade and Luvia looking at her expectantly, she coughed twice and said:

"I hope that every year in the future, we can toast and celebrate like this. May we reach the end together, and may the story of whispering poems also have a happy ending."

The three of them clinked glasses. The crisp sound of the glass hitting did not echo too far in the night sky, but the smiling faces of the three of them were already reflected on the glasses.

Shade felt that he had probably guessed the wish Iluna made just now. It might be correct or wrong, but it didn't matter.

"After seeing this scene, are you still thinking about what the current situation would be like if you were the first lady to meet Shade?"

Miss Aurora, who was standing at the table with the cake and looking at them, asked Miss Carina beside her. Everyone else was drinking champagne, but they were the only ones drinking red wine.

The red-haired witch shook her head noncommittally:

"It's pointless to think about things that can't happen. Besides, it's easier to feel happy if you can be satisfied with what you have got instead of thinking about what you can't get."

"You have changed a lot compared to before."

If Miss Aurora made a pointed comment, Miss Carina did not deny it:

"Who do you think will be next after Megan and Audrey?"

This topic also aroused Miss Aurora's interest. She looked at the moon in the sky:

"No, no, it shouldn't be her."

"It won't be your Excellency the Speaker. Stories always say that the most powerful enemy should be placed last."

"It's not good to call the Speaker an 'enemy', but you're right. It's best for the Speaker to know about this last time. Carina, you have also noticed that once Shade gets acquainted with and 'charms' a great witch again, we There are seven people here."

Miss Aurora said softly, and Miss Carina's mouth curved in a perfect arc, but it was Miss Benanis who came from behind her and said what they wanted to say:

"There are more than half of the witches beside the knight."

Miss Aurora held the wine glass and shook it slightly. Miss Carina suddenly asked the two of them:

"Speaking of which, while guarding the hotel, I was knocked unconscious by the coma gas in the astral meteorite and saw my biggest nightmare. Do you want to see what my weakness is?"

The two great witches nodded curiously:

"Of course, but what are you afraid of?"

"Let Miss Siris Lassers help me share my memory."

The Duchess said with a smile, not at all like she was talking about her fears. She wanted to see how the witches would view this matter.

Iluna can't stay here for too long. She has to leave after eating the cake, so Luvia plans to wait until they all return to Tobesk and then arrange a birthday party for her with only three people at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. , which can be regarded as celebrating the end of the Battle of Green Lake.

Although Iluna kept evading it, even little Mia could see that she was actually happier than anyone else.

But before Iluna left, Luvia found an excuse to leave so that she could be alone with Shade for a while. When their eyes parted ways with Luvia's back, Iluna looked at Shade, who was wearing a formal suit holding a wine glass, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

PS: Two updates in the afternoon. The story in the afternoon is a continuous plot, and it would be boring to separate it.

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