Whispering Verse

Chapter 200 Room 2 on the second floor

Because Captain Rades made an appointment to visit in the evening, Shade had no other plans tonight.

After returning home, he also placed the bottle of holy water in the hidden space in the basement. Then he took the cat out for a sumptuous dinner, and then used the time before Captain Rades arrived to write yesterday's investigation report on Lawyer Locke Laurel and sent it to the client Lemay by mail. Mrs. Er.

In this way, the only thing left to do with this commission was to sign it together with Mrs. Flamel.

Captain Rades, who had agreed to come to visit, knocked on the door downstairs at seven o'clock that evening.

The captain's entire mental state was different from before. When he came to visit, he was carrying a bottle of wine as a gift that looked like it was not cheap.

He excitedly told Shade what he had witnessed while taking notes at Redwich, and repeated the information he had received from friends that he had already mentioned in the letter.

Finally, he held Shade's hand tightly with his broad, rough palm and shook it constantly. He thanked the detective for his help with an excited expression:

"I've known a lot of people in my life, but Detective, you will be my friend for life."

"Captain, this is your own choice. I didn't invite you to help me and Mrs. Flamel yesterday. It was your choice to follow us. It was your kindness that changed your destiny."

Shade was happy for him, but even so, the captain still believed that Shade changed his destiny.

This middle-aged man who came from the military and was relatively kind-hearted wanted to thank Xia De. But he didn't have much money, so he could only come here to express his gratitude and promised that he would never forget Sha De's kindness.

This actually made Shade a little embarrassed.

On Friday morning, she received a letter from her client. Mrs. Le Maire had made an appointment with Lawyer Laurel to accept the inheritance from the distant relative next Friday. At that time, Shade would go together according to the commission contract.

As for the time being arranged on Friday, that is because Lawyer Laurel needs to contact the notary office of the city hall to confirm that the inheritance can be transferred. After all, a large amount of money is involved, so the process will be relatively complicated.

There is no need to worry about the commission for the time being, and it will take time to wait for the new key to be opened, and life seems to be relaxing all of a sudden.

So he went out at eight o'clock in the morning and went to the Black Raven Library to inquire about the thaumaturgy of [Echo]. The library does have the knowledge that Shade wants, and [Echo] is not a rare spiritual rune. But the problem is that although the thaumaturgy they provide is practical, the price is extremely high.

Even though Shade had nearly 400 pounds in cash to spend, he was still daunted by the [Power of Echo], which was worth 700 pounds including materials, and the [Natural Hollow Sound], which was worth 1,200 pounds without materials.

Shade knew that he had no intention of studying the [Echo] Spirit Rune carefully, and for the time being he did not see the connection between this Spirit Rune and [Time and Space] and [Silver Moon]. So even if the queen's ruby ​​ring and the Rhodes card in his hand can be cashed out, he will not spend so much money to buy knowledge unless he really encounters very practical thaumaturgy.

There is nothing to be gained in the Black Raven Library, but there may be cheap thaumaturgy in the library of St. Byrons. It's just a pity that although the library catalog from last week is still in Shade's hands, the thaumaturgy in the catalog is only related to [Silver Moon], [Time and Space] and [Gluttony].

Therefore, we still have to wait until Saturday, that is, tomorrow, to further inquire about the information.

I hurried home at half past nine and made one final confirmation that all sensitive items were hidden in the basement before welcoming the exorcists from Dawn Church at ten o'clock.

Shade originally thought it would be a high-level ring warlock, but he didn't expect that after opening the door, there was a group of people standing outside.

[All nine of them are ring magicians, and the man closest to you has a higher level than your doctor friend. 】

In other words, in order to show the importance to Shade who had just joined the church, the Dawn Church arranged an entire team of ring magicians to perform exorcisms.

The team leader is a man of few words but very strong in action. He calls himself Hells Niedero, and is the full-time exorcist of the Dawn Church in the Tobesk Archdiocese. After the brief introduction, the group went directly to the second floor.

Mr. Niedero took out a somewhat rusty black iron key from his pocket. After confirming with Shade that the lock was intact, he used the key to open the door.

"No, Mr. Hamilton, let's enter half of the people first, and then you can enter the door after it is confirmed to be safe."

He pressed the door and said to the young detective holding the cat. He seemed to have a lot of experience.

The five members of the Exorcist team filed in, and it took a while before others outside the door were allowed in.

Room 2 on the second floor is similar to Room 1, which was originally closed. The gas and steam pipes were completely cut off, and all the windows were boarded up. A layer of dust fell on the ground, and the dust flew up when walking.

They first removed the wooden boards from the windows, and then the nine people carried out inspections in each room with clear division of labor.

Shade was asked not to wander around, but he could still stand in the living room of Room 2 and see the general view of the house. It was empty without any furniture, but at least the decorative walls were preserved, and the layout of the room was exactly the same as Room 1 where Shade and little Mia lived.

There is no trace of the mass suicide that occurred when the last owner owned it. After the windows were opened, the musty smell and moisture inside the house were relieved.

Looking around, there was nothing suspicious in the room. So I asked in my heart, but I only got the answer that everything was normal.

The church's ring magician team came prepared for this trip, and they carefully inspected each room. And on the premise of confirming that Shade was not peeking, he closed the door and used thaumaturgy and incantation to exorcise the demons to ensure that even if there were evil spirits, he would never survive.

The entire exorcism operation lasted for more than an hour and finally ended at 11:30. The "Exorcist Squad"'s reply was:

"It's safe and there's nothing evil here, so it's OK to use."

Shade was dubious about this conclusion. After all, the church also believed that there was nothing strange in the basement. So after the church's ring magicians left, they immediately returned to Room 2, where the door was opened.

"Echoes from the past!"

Five times in a row, no suspicious sound was heard.

"Echo of blood!"

Large areas of faint bloody halo spread on the floor, walls and ceilings. The ferocity of the mass suicide incident decades ago greatly exceeded Shade's expectations. But the overlapping blood colors did not provide any effective clues. He could barely identify some bloody footprints, but he was unable to discover the value of the footprints like he did when exploring the basement.

Because of the "experience" in the basement, I finally tried to summon the life ring and use the aura of [time and space] to illuminate every wall in turn.

This was a big project, and Xia De worked on it for half an hour. Until Mia walked out of Room 1, impatiently meowing for lunch, he failed to discover any hidden walls again.

"That's a good thing. It would be strange if there were problems on every floor of the house."

Standing in the middle of the living room and looking at the empty room, after the worries disappeared, indescribable joy emerged in my heart:

“The usable area of ​​the house has increased a lot.”

[But you and the cat don’t need such a large space. 】

"Seeing the house getting bigger makes me feel happy from the bottom of my heart. You may not understand that in my hometown, it is almost impossible to own such a big house."

He stroked the walls of the room, considering the usable square footage of his home. Being able to have a stable residence of your own and the feeling of being at home is really important to foreigners.

Just looking at the dust that came off the walls with my hands and the footprints on the dust on the floor, I couldn't help but worry that as the house gets bigger, cleaning will become more troublesome.

Thinking of this, the image of the black-haired maid Miss Tifa Servit suddenly jumped in front of her eyes. Immediately shook his head:

"That's someone else's maid. I probably need to pay to hire a housekeeper to come and clean the room every week... Maybe it would be good to help with the laundry."

[Do I need to remind you that the cat staring at you at the door is also someone else’s cat. 】

Her voice is charming.

"This is different. How can humans and cats be the same?"

Shade said in his mind, only to receive laughter as an answer.


Little Mia squatted obediently at the door, wagging her tail, waiting for Shade to take her out to eat delicious food. The small orange cat knew very well that if he was not cooking in the kitchen at this time, it meant that he would definitely have to go out to eat.

He raised his right paw and rubbed his furry face. The cat hated going out, but he liked going out to eat.

After the leisurely morning, the afternoon itinerary was already planned. The Tobesk University Association published an advertisement in the "Steambird Daily" inviting people from the community to attend academic lectures.

Shade had already planned to attend the lecture, so he set off after lunch. As for little Mia, she continues to look after the house at No. 6, Saint Teresa Square. This timid cat doesn't like to go out, especially in the hot summer months. Shade got a basin of snow for it, and used another water basin and heavy objects to hold it down to prevent it from being eaten by the cat.

Hopefully Mia will be able to spend a cool afternoon.

This academic lecture was sponsored by the Kingdom's Department of Culture and Education, the Tobesk City Hall and a small number of nobles, and was hosted by the Tobesk University Association. The Royal Mechanical College of Delarion provided the venue.

The academic lectures started at 1:30 in the afternoon and lasted until 8:30 in the evening. They were divided into different sessions according to different disciplines. In addition to educators and scholars from the city, scholars from the surrounding areas of the kingdom and even Kasenlik will appear. But generally speaking, this is not a large-scale event.

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