Whispering Verse

Chapter 201 Academic Seminar in the Steam Age

The city shrouded in mist gives people the feeling that the heat is trapped in the fog and cannot be dissipated. One o'clock in the afternoon is already the hottest time of the day, and going out in formal attire is even more painful.

But this dress is necessary. Even if the academic report invites members of the public to attend, if you are not dressed appropriately, you may have difficulty getting in.

The clothes that Shade wore were made by the tailor sent by Miss Carina when she played cards with the Duke. He didn't encounter any obstacles when he entered Delarion Wangli Mechanical College. He curiously looked at colleges and universities in the steam age, and was even in the mood to stop and admire the flowers growing in the flower beds.

Following a few middle-aged gentlemen who were obviously here to attend academic reports, and following the directions of the street signs to find the auditorium where the academic reports were held, there was even a dedicated servant who asked if they needed to be guided.

The college auditorium is divided into different venues, where well-dressed gentlemen walk through, with various accents exchanging opinions with each other in the corridor, or inviting colleagues to watch a certain lecture.

The academic atmosphere here is very strong. Just looking at everyone's temperament, you can tell that those gathered here this afternoon are so-called intellectuals.

"Am I bragging?"

He stopped in front of the notice board, looking for a suitable report venue.

[Judging from your academic qualifications and knowledge level, you are enough to be called an educated person. 】

This was probably one of the few times she directly praised Shade.

I don't know what means were used inside the auditorium, but the temperature was much lower than outside. Shade even discovered that this academic report event actually included an afternoon tea party. This was not written in the newspaper advertisement, presumably to avoid taking advantage of others.

Although the original purpose of coming here was to see the development of contemporary physics, in the end, I first chose the mathematics report of an old scholar with a white beard who came from Saladir County.

The main content of the report was calculus, but in fact most of the time was spent talking about the old man's recent work, which is "when a function satisfies certain conditions, using the derivative values ​​of the function at a certain point as coefficients, you can Construct a polynomial to approximate this function."

This is a small room with a blackboard and more than twenty benches. There are only a few dozen gentlemen who come to listen to the report, and they sit very scattered among each other.

At the beginning of the report, most people were able to nod their heads while listening, indicating that they agreed with these views. When the function expansion is officially entered, only a few people can understand it, and when the remainder of the expansion is discussed at the end, probably only Shade can fully understand it.

He had learned this kind of knowledge in his hometown, but it was named "Taylor expansion" in his hometown. In this world, the old scholar named it after his own surname and it became "Morse expansion".

This is not the forefront of current mathematical research, which shows that in this era of steam waves, the development of the mathematical discipline has reached a very high level. The development of productivity requires the innovation of production tools, and the innovation and creation of production tools require research and breakthroughs in basic mathematics, physics and chemistry. Outsiders were aware of the boom and bustle of the world's steam industry, so basic mathematical tools could not be left behind.

Shade still remembered his character setting of "losing his past memory", so he only listened to the speech this afternoon, but never spoke or behaved in any strange way. But after the lecture, he would talk briefly about the content of the lecture with the professors who gave the lecture, share his views, and explore how the forefront of basic disciplines has developed.

This studiousness and "talent" made Shade very popular, so he handed over his business card as a way to expand his business.

Among all the reports, Shade was actually most interested in the speech on the invention of steam machinery, and wanted to see the fantastic ideas of people in this era. Unfortunately, this academic report conference does not involve the exhibition of physical objects, so we can only listen to reports on mechanical principles and the convenience of miniaturization and improvement of steam engines, but these are interesting enough.

Steam technology is fascinating enough, and machines made of metal and based on basic mechanics also have enough rough beauty. It may not be as practical as the power system in the stranger's hometown, but what Shade appreciates is the idea and appearance. When you come to a strange world, the most interesting thing is to see things that are unique enough.

When attending the afternoon tea party, Shade held the tea cup and somehow talked with several strangers who spoke Kasenlik about the content of the report they had just listened to. It just so happened that Shad understood Kassenric but couldn't speak it, while the foreigners understood Drarian but couldn't speak it.

Therefore, their conversation actually went very smoothly. Shade heard that half an hour ago, someone accidentally caused a fire while demonstrating the use of a new metal combustion accelerant. This made him regret not listening to the chemistry lecture first. After all, such excitement was rare.

"The development of mathematics has reached a very high level without the assistance of computers. The development of chemistry is different from the system in my hometown, probably due to the influence of occultism. There is nothing wrong with basic physics, but I want to copy it. This "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" probably has no chance... There will be no shortage of geniuses in any world."

This is how Shade feels right now.

This academic lecture attracted people from all over the world, including ring warlocks. When Shade passed by people, he heard the reminder whispered in his ear. But he did not observe others, nor did he have the urge to explore other people's secrets. Just pretend that you don't know anything and concentrate on going through the report meeting.

In the first few hours of the afternoon, he listened to several lectures on mathematics, physics and mechanical manufacturing, so after the tea party, he went to listen to lectures on humanities and social sciences. Among them, the report focused on the economy and relations between the two countries, which made Xia De also feel that he benefited a lot. The occasional theological lectures he attended allowed him to understand the cornerstone role of the church in civilized society from an ordinary person's perspective.

After the lecture, since there was no need to consider the source of basic knowledge like natural science, Shade specifically discussed some issues about the relationship between God and humans with the professor at Lorax Theological Seminary in Tobesk City. These questions are not meaningless. In a world where gods really exist and can come to mortals, the answers to the questions are obviously different from what outsiders hear from their hometowns.

This academic report sponsored by the city hall actually hosted dinner at six o'clock in the evening. Shade had prepared cat food for the cat in advance when he went out, so there was no need to go home, so he stayed to attend the dinner party.

This is not a formal banquet, just a simple dinner party, about the same size as an afternoon tea party. Everyone holds a plate and gathers with acquaintances to discuss topics of interest to them.

Shade didn't meet anyone he knew a whole afternoon, but he met Professor Manning at the dinner party. It was not Shade who took the initiative to greet Professor Manning, but the professor who took the initiative to find Shade.

At that time, the young foreigner was standing at the long dining table covered with white cloth, holding a dinner plate, discussing with the voice in his head how to handle the roast goose on the table, whether to cut it himself with a knife, or to ask a servant for help.

He didn't necessarily want to eat the roast goose, but he was curious about the whole goose on the plate on the table.

"Oh, isn't this Detective Hamilton?"

He turned around when he heard someone mention his name and saw Professor Manning walking towards him.

At this time, more than a week has passed since the [Happy Dream Pen] incident, and Professor Manning is recovering well. Although his face still looks a little unhealthy, as if he has just recovered from a serious illness and still has some sequelae, at least he can go out normally.

"Good evening, Professor, long time no see."

The two of them reached out and shook each other's hands, and they had a very tacit understanding that neither of them mentioned what happened when they last met. After a few pleasantries, Professor Manning asked the reason why Shade came here. When he heard that he came here specially to listen to the lecture, he immediately smiled:

"There are really not many young people as studious as you nowadays."

The two of them talked about the report meeting this afternoon. It happened that Shade did not listen to the academic report on history and archeology, so he listened to Professor Manning talk about the content of the report. The theme this time is the realistic reference significance of ancient literature. The professor who came all the way from Kasenlik pointed out that most of the ancient literary content that has been handed down to this day is very likely to be related to what really happened in ancient times.

Of course, this controversial view has naturally caused dissatisfaction among some people. As for Professor Manning, his research field is archeology, or he specializes in leading a group of people to excavate ancient ruins, so he did not express any opinions at the report meeting.

During the conversation, the professor used a table knife on the table to open the belly of the roast goose, revealing the beef stuffed inside, and then Shade knew how to eat this dish.

The professor is not only accomplished in archeology, but also in other social science fields. He even knows a little bit about advanced mathematics. After the dinner party, he also introduced some of his colleagues to Shade, and invited Shade to listen to a report on the excavation of the ruins of the Fifth Age city-state in the eastern part of the kingdom after the dinner party.

Professor Manning was very popular among the people, so Shade was also widely welcomed. During the report meeting, he also tried to bring the topic to the vast ancient civilization ruins in the New World, but people were very cautious and did not discuss this topic with Shade.

"The kingdom has clear regulations that no information about the archeology of the New World can be disclosed to ordinary people in public."

This is what Professor Manning told Shade quietly, which means that if Shade comes to his home as a guest, it doesn't matter if he talks about this kind of topic in private.

It was really a fulfilling day. Until Shade returned home at nine o'clock that night, he didn't encounter any unexpected things. While holding the cat that pounced on me, and walking along the curved stairs to the second floor, I thought that today might be my lucky day.

Probably because of this thought, at two o'clock in the middle of the night, a few hours later, there was a knock on the door of No. 6 St. Teresa Square.

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