Whispering Verse

Chapter 2000 Interrupted Dinner

"Yes, ma'am, where do you want to eat?"

asked the loyal head maid.

"The pavilion in the back garden is just right for two people. Don't forget to bring the wine in the ice bucket. The snow has not completely melted yet. It is not common to have such a scenery in the evening of the rain month. Woolen cloth."

She ordered like this and asked Shade:

"Do you mind going out to eat with me?"

"Of course I don't mind."

The two stood up. The cat seemed to be afraid that Shade would drop it, so it pawed at Shade's hand and asked him to pick it up.

"Speaking of which, apart from meeting the guardian of the earth, what else did you do today? Now that the Battle of Green Lake is over and the story of the Space Chosen Ones has come to an end, you can't just stay at home and let me let me Are you and Lesia looking for you?"

When they walked to the door together and asked the maids to clear the table behind, Miss Carina asked again.

Shade blinked and hesitated before whispering:

"What we did today was play with butterflies."

Now that there are more members in the family, he will not hide it from other ladies. Now let's see Miss Carina's reaction first, so that he can find a way to tell Luvia, Lesia and Dorothy without embarrassment.

"Butterfly? You are such a big person, why are you still acting like a child or a cat?"

The witch said casually, but realized that the tone of Shade's words was not normal. Looking at his face carefully, he was startled for a moment as if he thought of something, and then asked in surprise:

"Wait a minute, oh, my God. Shade, what you said about 'playing with butterflies' is not what I understand, is it?"

Although Shade didn't speak, looking at his expression, Carina Cavendish confirmed this time that Shade did mean that.

The witch does not comment on Shade's relationship with Grace and Helen. She does not think that the relics are the same as herself. She does not even regard the red butterfly girl as a human being. Therefore, they become family members and will not treat her and Shade. have an impact on the relationship.

What Miss Carina cares about is their power. The Duchess does not know the complete story of the Red Butterfly Twins, but she knows how terrible these two teachers of Granny Cassandra are.

Before the Great Dark Witch of this generation, Grace had been in frequent contact with Helen and the Witch Council. If it weren't for the two sisters who had to concentrate on waiting for the 22-year reincarnation again and again, they might even be behind the entire Sixth Age Witch Council.

After all, in order to maintain the ability to seal Mount Sikal, the mental state and rationality of the two sisters have always been far beyond the normal level of humanoid relics.

Because of this, Miss Carina was quite in awe of what Shade did. There was even some worry in this awe, after all, this was something that had never been heard of with humanoid relics.

When she and Shade walked downstairs side by side, walked out of the manor building, and went to the back garden under the leadership of the maids, she also asked with concern about Shade's physical condition and whether he had been affected in any way. At first, Shade thought she really cared about him, but then the two of them talked more and more, and Shade found that she was asking more and more detailed questions.

Looking at Miss Carina's expression, it is clear that there is curiosity in the inquiry, and there is some hidden boldness and shyness in the curiosity. When she finally asked about the unsightly details, Shade no longer answered honestly:

"Well are you really worried about me?"

"This is an academic discussion. Although I know you have always been bold, I never thought you would even dare to do it."

The restaurant in the garden still needed to be decorated, so Shade invited the red-haired duchess to take a walk in the garden with him as a sunset walk.

The two talked about many things with a cat. Miss Carina talked about the complicated work she would face in the near future, and Shade talked about his meeting with Miss Danister.

"That 'Red Moon Witch' really thinks highly of you."

She looked at the sunset in the distance, and stood with Shade under the grape trellis in the garden, talking:

"Even if it is almost completely confirmed that you are the God Caller, I have no intention of exposing you. I have heard about the librarian of your college. She probably has very complicated views on you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shade, who, along with Mia, looked up curiously at the grapevines on the grape trellis. The ripening time of grapes is usually after July, but it is only May now, so it is still early and not yet mature.

Before dinner started, Shade still mentioned the new room that Grace and Helen had bought for No. 6 St. Teresa Square, and that he needed to decorate the room and add furniture.

Miss Carina naturally took over the task of buying supplies for Shade's room. She was very interested in the hidden auxiliary space and asked Shade not to think about whether to repay her:

"I can tell by your expression what you're thinking. If you dare to mention it, you won't be able to enter my bedroom again for a month. Half a month. A week. Three days."

The appetizer plates had already been brought down, and the main course had just been served. She tilted her head and smiled at Shade, who was sitting opposite her, and picked up the wine glass:

"Life is more fun like this. I don't know how long this peace will last. I'll finish dinner later and we'll go together."

The maid who hurriedly ran from the front of the courtyard interrupted her. Tifa took the letter from the maid and handed it to the owner of the manor.

The latter looked at the coat of arms on the paint, frowned slightly and opened it. After reading the letter, he looked at Shade with regret:

"I have to go into the city and go to Yodel Palace to take care of some things."

"Is it urgent? Why don't you finish your dinner first instead of going to deal with things hungry."

"It's really urgent."

She shook her head slightly and looked at Shade with regret:

"I finally got you to have dinner with me, but I didn't expect to be interrupted. After I leave later, don't leave. Wait for me to come back. I will definitely be back before eight o'clock, and you must not leave."

"Don't worry, I don't have anything else to do today."

He picked up the cat, held the cat's paw and waved goodbye to the lady opposite. Little Mia kept staring at the plates below. She was very interested in the medium rare Ernock Prairie Veal Steak.

"We will have plenty of time to have dinner together in the future. Now that the matter in Green Lake is over, I can also have some leisure time."

"Yeah, but tonight was such a waste."

She said quite unhappily, but still ordered the maid to prepare the clothes and carriage for the trip:

"I'll leave Tifa here. I'll go see my troubled nephew later, and I don't really need her. You continue to have dinner here. After the meal, you can do whatever you want in the manor, or hang out with her. Tifa, let's discuss what furniture you want to prepare for your new room. Why don't you give me the glass slipper? I'm really worried that when I come back at night, there will be no male master waiting for me in the house."

As he spoke, he showed a weak expression, which was of course disguised.

As for the glass slipper, although Shade considered his reputation and tried his best not to let others know about it, at the Battle of Green Lake, he had to explain clearly how he saved his life to prevent the girls from worrying.

In short, Miss Carina left in the middle of the dinner, leaving Shade alone to continue the romantic sunset dinner.

There were quite a few maids left in the manor. At least five of them, including the black-haired head maid, were standing outside the small pavilion in the garden. This made Shade even more embarrassed to continue eating.

Probably sensing Shade's embarrassment, Tifa proactively suggested returning to the restaurant. But this would require the maids to set the table again, and there was no rule about eating cold food in this manor, so the meals now would be wasted, so Shade stayed here to finish the meal with little Mia.

Although the chair opposite him has been empty during this period, there is absolutely no girl who covets this position. After all, the maids are very loyal.

The lack of one person made the dinner lack some atmosphere, but the skill of the manor chef was still worthy of praise. After dinner, it was almost completely dark. Shade took Mia and went to the study room of the manor with Tifa to discuss what furniture was needed for the new room in the house.

Shade thought it was just a small matter, but he didn't expect that an hour would pass like this. Miss Carina, who had already arrived in the city, also sent a letter, telling Shade that she probably wouldn't be back at eight o'clock, but she would definitely be back before nine o'clock, and told him never to leave.

"Miss Carina is really busy. Was it the same when you were in Saladir County?"

He asked, sitting on the sofa next to the coffee table in the study, which was covered with hand-drawn floor plans of the room.

As for Tifa, she just refused to sit down on the sofa. Even when discussing the picture on the table with Shade, she only bent down beside him, or lifted up the hem of the cumbersome maid skirt and knelt down on one knee. Down.

She didn't mind any intimacy with Shade, but she refused to go beyond the rights that belonged to Miss Carina, and always maintained her elegance and dignity as the head maid.

"Life in Saladir County is much easier. Although the palace there is bigger, the manpower is more abundant."

She said this, turned to look at the clock in the corner of the study room, then walked to the window and closed the curtains naturally.

Then he looked at the other two maids at the door. They smiled and exited together, and then closed the door from the outside.

Shade watched the black-haired girl walk towards him and stop between the "entrance" formed by the sofa and coffee table.

The closing of the curtains and the door seemed to make the light of the gas lamp on the wall, which was shaped like a rose in bloom, with a crystal pendant hanging below, appear deeper. Although Shade could not predict, the naturally changing atmosphere still let him know what was about to happen.

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