Whispering Verse

Chapter 2001 The Loyal Maid

In the warm yellow ambiguous halo, the two looked at each other for a few seconds. The head maid kept her eyes fixed on Sha De, but she slightly raised the hem of her skirt with her hands, allowing Sha De to see the pair of closely knitted pairs under the skirt. black leather shoes, and a thin black fabric on top of the leather shoes. The shoes are both practical and dignified, and the fabric is Miss Sylvia's product, and is of very high quality.

Before Shade, whose heart was beating rapidly, could continue to observe, she bent down while keeping her legs still, and with two clicks, her white hands unfastened the magnetic buckle of her low-heeled leather shoes, and then she straightened up again. With her hands hanging in front of her body, this is a very elegant maid stance. Lifting up the left and right legs under the skirt, the wrapped feet were detached from the shoes and took a step forward.

The tip of his toes was the first to touch the red carpet under the sofa set, and Shade even felt that he heard the sound of the fabric rubbing against the wool carpet. So, she stood with her legs together on the carpet diagonally in front of her shoes, while her two small black leather shoes with low heels stayed on the floor outside the carpet.

Under the light of the gas lamp, the feet and the two shoes were kept in an elegant posture together. The elegant movements and attention to detail all showed the cultivation and etiquette level of Miss Carina's maids.

She turned around, bent down again, lifted up the two small black leather shoes, and placed them on the side of the sofa where Shade couldn't see them. Then he bowed slightly to Shade, raised his hands, and untied the white lace hairband, letting the long black hair that was originally tied up to facilitate movement fall loosely behind him. Then while looking at Shade, he put his hands behind his back and simply tied up his hanging hair with the hair tie.

After doing this, he bit his lip lightly and took a few steps forward, but before reaching Shade, he sat down on the carpet and looked up at him.

These movements were done in one go. Under the lamp, the maid's face had gentle curves, and the bridge of her nose was straight and well-proportioned. The eyes are large and round, with clear outlines, and dark brown pupils emitting a warm and tender light. The long eyelashes are curved but trembling slightly, and the emotions in the eyes can be known to Shade without having to speak.

The lipsticked lips are plump and soft, slightly upturned, forming a charming smile. The position of her eyes was slightly lower than that of Sha De, so when she raised her eyes to look at Sha De, her expression was even a little weak.

"It's cold on the carpet, get up quickly."

Shade didn't know why he said such words, but he did reach out to pull the committed maid up and let her sit next to him.

"Knight, the Duke is temporarily out of town and won't be back for another hour."

She reminded softly, holding the front of the maid's skirt with both hands, pinching the front to wrinkle slightly, but Shade, looking at that charming face, had no time to look at her skirt.

"Yes, I know."


The maid put her hand on Shade's leg, and then tapped it twice playfully.

The smile on her face became gentler:

"The Duke has neglected you this time. I'm really sorry. Knight, please don't blame my master. She also has her own difficulties."

There was a slightly guilty look on his face, which should come from his heart:

"I hope you are outside and don't tell anyone about the Duke's slight this time, otherwise it will damage the Duke's reputation. Please allow me to make my own decision to apologize for the Duke, and to find some shallow fun for you in this boring night."


"Yes, all this is for the Duke. Knight, you can."

He looked at Shade with big eyes. Although he was no longer the foreigner he was a year ago, he still felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat in this atmosphere and this conversation.

"Do what you want to do, maybe a little rudely. I am willing to make such a silent sacrifice for the Duke, even if she does not know it. I just hope that you will not say anything when facing the Duke. Please forgive her. Neglect."

Teeth biting the lower lip:

"May I?"

She was not asking for Shade's opinion, because she had already stretched out her hands to hug Shade's neck and pushed Shade's head forward and downward.


The cat, which was used as a paperweight to hold down the decoration sketch on the table, was awakened by a strange sound. The sleepy cat sniffed around to make sure that Shade hadn't stolen any snacks, and then continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

As for the story on the sofa behind the petite cat, the maid committed herself to the knight to apologize for her duke, it was just a common daily story in this manor of a loyal maid repaying her master.

The maids outside the door listened to the sounds inside with rosy faces. The starry sky outside the manor was already spreading under the night. It was really a good night.

Although Miss Carina said she would be back before nine o'clock in the evening, in fact when she got off the carriage and entered the foyer of the manor, it was already nine-thirty on this Saturday night.

The maids took off the mistress's coat and brought her indoor shoes. And when the red-haired duchess walked into the study on the second floor and saw Shade holding the cat and sitting on the sofa reading a book, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"I'm really sorry for coming back late. Another small conflict broke out between the southern part of the kingdom and Kasenlik, but it was under control. Because some drafts and sanctions need to be published in the newspaper as soon as possible tomorrow, so I have to tonight participate."

Seeing Sha De stand up, she hugged Sha De rather embarrassedly. Then he twitched his nose and looked at him with an ambiguous smile:

"Have you already taken a shower? Oh, didn't you take a shower before coming here? Are you in such a hurry?"


Shade decided not to explain, and was thankful that she hadn't noticed at all that although the hand-knitted wool sofa cover with a pattern of flowers and spires was the same as the original one, it had actually been replaced.

"It's snowing outside again, you know?"

The witch asked, gently sniffing at Shade's neck:

"The busy things are over, knight, let's go and rest. When we were in Green Lake, you hardly came to see me."

"Do you need to take a break first? You must be very tired from the meeting, right?"

The "rest" the two of them meant didn't mean the same thing, and fortunately they didn't need to explain to each other.

"Resting with you is the best rest."

She said this, and then smiled and extended the invitation:

"But I have to wash my clothes first. Do you want to come with me?"

Without any explanation, she took Shade's arm and walked towards the door of the study. Little Mia was left on the sofa by Shade. She didn't like the wet environment. When the two passed by the door, Tifa bowed together with the other maids, but Miss Carina did not see it. Shade and Tifa's eyes met, and both of them could read the look in each other's eyes.

"You know what I'm happiest about?"

Miss Carina was still talking.

"What is it?"

"Today is Saturday, now is night. This should be Lesiya's time, but she is still processing the documents in Yodel Palace, but I can be with you. Isn't it worth being happy about this?"

(Little Mia is running.)

The pleasant night passed quickly. When the morning sun shone on the Carina Manor, the witch who didn't want to get up early took Shade's hand and asked lazily to sleep a little longer, but Shade still took her up. bed.

After having breakfast at the manor, she did not let Shade throw her glass slippers home. Instead, she and Shade took a carriage into the city. She would probably spend the whole day in the city today.

The carriage dropped Shade at the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. The witch kissed Shade goodbye before letting him leave. Now she no longer has to worry about it. Carriages with her own badge frequently appear at the door of Shade's house. After all, even the blind and deaf-mute people in Tobesk know about Shade's relationship with her.

People are even speculating on when Reggie Hamilton will become the husband of the Duchess.

Shade also had something to do today. After returning home, he tidied up a little and went to the Green Lake Hotel again. As for Mia, probably because she had been away from home for too many days, she refused to go out with Shade again this time. So the cat was left to look after the house. It also liked Shade doing this because Shade would come back anyway.

The main task today is to deal with the whereabouts of the Edwards family members. Shade has made an appointment with Megan and Audrey to go to the old Edwards house. However, when he first visited Dr. Schneider, who was still recovering from his injuries, and then went from the hotel basement in the city to the hotel basement on Green Island, the young witch follower who daily maintained the ritual matrix told Shade that the big witch They are waiting for his arrival.

"Is it possible that you have already found a time for me to go to the parliament to use the [Poetry Cards]?"

He thought curiously, but when he saw Miss Aurora and Miss Bernice on the first floor, he discovered that it was something else.

"The church's 'gift' to you, or to the God Caller, has been sent."

Three black suitcases of the same size were placed on the table. The suitcases were not big, but very thick. The appearance is very new, the wooden handle is very shiny, and the leather shell looks high-end. Shade immediately took a fancy to the appearance of these three suitcases, and planned to keep them after checking them for a while. If there were no problems, he would keep them. Even if he couldn't take them out for casual use, it would be good to keep them at home as containers.

"We haven't opened it yet. After all, it is your thing. It has been kept here since I got it this morning. Check it out. The church's sealed runes are still here."

Miss Aurora pointed, and Shade saw that the two witches were curious, so he invited them to check with him.

At the beginning, Shade asked for the "Heart of the Living Dead" and the "Philosopher's Stone", but these were additional things he wanted. The Church of the Five Gods itself also prepared other "gifts", but Shade didn't know what gifts they were. .


He randomly selected a box and read out the meaning of the golden runes on the magnetic lock of the box. The box opened with a click, and cool air immediately rushed out from the gap. But it's not the temperature changes caused by the elements, but the ice inside.

The box is large, but more than half of the volume inside is ice, and a space is dug out in the center of the ice to hold glass bottles. As for the inside of the glass bottle, there is a lifelike heart. The heart floated in the center of the bottle, beating at an extremely slow speed.

The structure of the heart looked exactly the same as the structure of a normal heart that Shade knew, except that the color of the heart was moldy green, and traces of fish scales could be seen on it.

PS: There are two thousand chapters.

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