Whispering Verse

Chapter 2011

March is complete, the stars are hanging upside down, and on the small altar on the island in the middle of the lake, two eleven-ring life rings shining with strange light appear behind the two people, and then the life rings merge into one. The huge eleven-step golden staircase spread upward step by step from behind them, penetrating through the life ring and leading to the higher reaches of the starry sky.

Under the moonlit night, the sound of drums and flutes came from nowhere. The sound of the drums was not clear, but the sound of the flute was particularly distant. The stars in the sky were brighter than Shade had seen on any night. The three huge moons seemed about to fall to the ground at this moment.

The wind is celebrating them, and the ground beneath their feet is also jumping for joy with another improvement from the "Son of Edwards". The girls holding hands raised their heads slightly. Although Shade couldn't see their faces, he believed they were closing their eyes.

The stone pillars around the altar emitted a dim golden light, and the ritual matrix formed by the Holy Emblem of the [Chaos Witch] at their feet allowed those lights to converge on them.

So silently, the rotating life ring became illusory, escaped into the steam mist, and after re-solidifying, it had reached the twelve rings. At the top of the eleven golden steps, new steps spread to higher places. The illusory steps seemed to absorb the starlight and become solid little by little, which also meant that they touched the higher scenery.

The wind in late spring is very gentle, and the stars and the moon seem to be cheering for them at this moment. The light converges on one's own body, without the need for anyone's cheers. The silent transformation represents the strange twin souls, which have reached the most perfect posture that is most suitable for this world.

The life ring disappeared, the golden steps dissipated, and when the starlight shone around again, the two sisters held hands in March and turned around, as if they were hugging each other and spinning together, but in the end they looked together at the young stranger who had just stepped onto the altar.

Two identical faces showed a peaceful smile, and the starlight and moonlight made her skin look whiter than ever. Under the curved eyebrows, the charming golden eyes were filled with Shade's figure.

"Knight, am I beautiful?"

Megan asked.

"As beautiful as Audrey."

"Knight, am I beautiful?"

Audrey asked.

"As beautiful as Meghan."

"So knight, are we beautiful?"

They asked together, and Shade answered affirmatively:

"Of course it is beautiful. There is no such unique beauty in this world as you have at this moment."

They smiled together, but did not immediately invite Shade.

Megan turned around slightly, lifted Audrey's chin, and kissed the corner of her lips gently amid the latter's smile - for them, this was equivalent to kissing the back of her hand:

"Knight, before the Battle of Green Lake, you rejected me. Will you do that again now?"

Audrey let Megan stick to her face, but she looked at Shade and asked.

She didn't expect Shade's answer, so she turned around with Megan to the outside, so that the two sisters' backs in robes were close to each other. Hold each other's hands with each other's hands, and keep your straight legs close to each other's legs.

The brown hair blended together under the night light, and then grew like a waterfall until it gradually covered the ground beneath their feet.

Both of them were facing Shade sideways, and they were also looking sideways at Shade, who was watching them under the moonlight.

"The Battle of Green Lake is over. You no longer have to think about whether you will die tomorrow. You have to face a new life."

He took a step forward again, and the spreading hair had reached his feet. The stranger asked the two sisters seriously:

"Megan, Audrey, are you sure you want to choose me for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, even if you are a loose man."

"Yes, even if you are greedy and want everything."

"Yes, even if you refuse to move to this island and live with us."

"Yes, even if you try to keep the entire Witch Council in your hands."

The hair became a soft carpet on the ground, and the two people back to back gradually "melted" into each other's bodies. In the soft light, they merged into one again, and only the great witch with wisdom and knowledge was left, facing Shade.

She threw the robe with her sister's body temperature in her hand to Shade:

"Knight, from now on, you are another lord of Green Island. You are the master of this place like us."

Shade looked at her and sniffed the robe gently, and the witch showed a satisfied expression. With beautiful golden eyes, she boldly raised her finger at Shade:

"You can do anything here tonight."

"Actually, I'd rather have a bed here."

So a wooden double bed actually appeared in her hair that spread like a waterfall.

The long brown hair surged on the ground, and the brown hair condensed into several strands. It turned into dozens of small black hands and climbed up to Shade's body. They took off Shade's coat and tie, and even Gently rub his back and arms.

The clothes were thrown off the altar one by one, and the arms transformed into hair pushed Shade towards the witch who was already sitting beside the bed under the moon.

She sat there with her head tilted and looked at Shade standing in front of her. She looked up and down carefully. After looking straight ahead, she looked up at his face. There was a faint smile on her face:

"very nice."

Under the moonlit night, her robe turned into points of light and dispersed in the starlight. He stretched out his right hand to Shade, but when Shade put his hand on it, he clearly felt his palm being licked.

The witch exerted a sudden force and pulled Shade to her side. When Megan's left hand went around Shade's back, in an instant another body holding her left hand appeared on Shade's back. Shade felt the warmth, looked at the smiling face in front of him, and felt another head pressing against his shoulder from behind. His nose was now filled with the scent of Megan and Audrey's perfume that made his heart beat. :

So, he made his final request:

"Actually, I prefer indoors, under the moonlight, isn't it a bit..."

"It's not up to you, Shade. Please use your harmless magic to play games with us again."

Shade looked at Megan's face in front of him and felt Audrey's white arm reaching down as she hugged him with one hand. They seem to be really shining. Although it may be disrespectful to say this, the goddess under the moon is probably like this:

"But, I don't have any harmful magic, just [Soul Whip\

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