Whispering Verse

Chapter 2012 The Witch’s Joke and Changing Destiny

The originally leisurely breakfast atmosphere on a snowy day suddenly became extremely cold as if a cold wind had poured into the room. Tifa's elegant tea-making movement paused. The black-haired head maid put down the teapot amidst the silence of the two witches. She glanced at the other maids in the restaurant and signaled everyone to leave the restaurant together. However, the Duchess raised her hand and He raised his right hand to indicate that there was no need to avoid it.

Her lazy look completely disappeared:

"Tifa, there's no need to prepare breakfast for Miss Edwards."

"Miss Edwards was what I was called yesterday. It would be more accurate to call me Ms. Edwards now."

Meghan looked at the cold-faced Duchess with a smile:

"It doesn't matter whether you have breakfast or not. Anyway, our sisters had a full supper last night."

She winked at Miss Carina:

"Duke, you know that Qiangzhuang's dessert is delicious, right?"

The red-haired witch took a deep breath and instantly understood that this was a "little joke" made by the other party in revenge for the banquet she held in Green Lake City:

"Meghan, what did you sisters do?"

"Of course I did what you did, or do you want to hear me describe the details?"

She didn’t seem to understand Carina Cavendish’s emotions:

"But I have to admit that Xia De tastes really good."

The maids tried to control their expressions to prevent themselves from being punished by the angry Duke for taking the lead with their left foot after the guests left. But Miss Carina was not angry at all, but she was still a little angry. She adjusted her breathing slightly, frowned and looked at Megan:

"You act like a child who stole someone else's toy and then shows it off. Megan, Megan, where did you put the dignity and elegance of the great witch? Use this childish method to retaliate against me, This is ridiculous."

She pointed to herself:

"Look at me, I'm the first, but I haven't shown it off to anyone."

As she spoke, she nodded to Megan:

"Yes, I'm the first."

Megan just smiled and said:

"Isn't your last joke childish? But you looked down on me too much. I didn't come here to show off to you. It was indeed too childish. Carina, we may have had unpleasantness before, but at least now, we We are real sisters, aren't we? Although you have hidden good things and don't share them with us, at least now, we all know this sweet and tempting little secret."

"Meghan, Audrey, what do you want to say?"

The red-haired witch picked up the tea cup, took a sip on the rim of the porcelain, and waved to the maids, signaling them to continue preparing breakfast.

"You and I can both see that, Xi Wei, Emma, ​​Vanessa, and those young witch apprentices."

Megan glanced at the good-looking maid standing aside:

"Many people are staring at Shade, and I got ahead of the worried girls, but I still hope that we can all keep this secret, and maybe we can cooperate. At least the two of us are on the same side now. "

"I didn't expect that you would have such courage. I originally thought Vanessa or Emma would be next."

Miss Carina said, but after looking her up and down, she shook her head:

"I thought that your courage before the Battle of Green Lake was derived from the pressure between life and death. I didn't expect that you would still be thinking about it after the battle."

"No, no, I am not as brave as you, Duchess of Saladir."

Megan said with a smile, and also picked up the tea cup:

"This is Madam Peacock's black tea? It's really luxurious. It can only be seen in Tobesk's palace aristocratic estate. So now, Carina, do you agree that we can advance and retreat together?"

Miss Carina thought for a moment:

"What do you call me?"

"Sister Carina?"

A smile broke out on the Duchess's face, and without mentioning that the half-elf was much older than herself, she stretched out her hand:

"If Xiwei knew about this, she would probably be furious. She is the second great witch who knows Shade."

Megan reached out and held her hand, and then the second hand that appeared at the wrist also held her:

"In my opinion, although the witches of the sixth era have eliminated most of the shortcomings of the witches of the fifth era who were arrogant and lustful, in terms of advantages, they only lack the boldness and courage of the witches of the past."

"After all, this is no longer our era."

The two let go of their hands. Miss Carina lowered her head to look at the breakfast on the plate in front of her, then suddenly raised her head and asked Megan:

"I'm very curious about something. I hope you can answer it for me. This is also related to our knight."

"whats the matter?"

Megan asked curiously, thinking she wanted to ask about the changes in her body after spending the night with Shade.

The duchess looked at her seriously:

"Well, since a second hand can appear on your wrist, your eyes can also appear in any strange place. So, can your tongue stick out of your vagina?"

"Pfft! Cough, cough, cough."

Megan really squirted out all the black tea in her sip, but she couldn't blame her for losing her composure. Even the usually calm black-haired maid showed a strange expression at that moment.

The other sullen-faced maids hurriedly came to change the tea sets, tablecloths and breakfast on the table. Only Miss Carina was holding the teacup, tapping the porcelain cup with her little finger, tilting her head and looking at the snowy scene outside the window.

"Carina, you! You!"

The corner of her mouth curled up into a smile, and she felt that this morning was actually not that bad:

"You see, I'm just better at making jokes than you are and you forgot to call me sister."

(Little Mia is running.)

It's snowing not only in Tobesk, but also in Green Lake City, but it's just fine light snow, so you only need to put on a thick coat early in the morning and you don't have to worry about catching a cold.

The snow did not affect the bustle at the Green Lake train station. After the Green Lake negotiations were terminated, this ancient city no longer had as many outsiders as there had been in the past few months. But this Monday, the train station was still extremely noisy. Army soldiers who are in uniform and recruited into the army will say goodbye to their families today and go to where their motherland needs them.

Likewise, this morning is also the day when the three Dr. Schneiders leave. Their train was expected to leave at nine o'clock in the morning, so the three of them and Shade arrived at the train station early, and happened to meet the young people who had enlisted in the army gathering at the entrance of the train station carrying their luggage.

Because of the witch's generous spending, Shade booked tickets for the three of them in a first-class carriage. Each person had their own separate box. This was the most comfortable way to travel. Everyone has a lot of luggage, so the female owner of the Green Lake Hotel, Ms. Helena Green, who was recently rumored to have inherited an island with her brother, sent the hotel's helpers to help transport the luggage.

The departure time of the train taken by the young soldiers was twenty minutes earlier than the arrival time of the train the three doctors were expected to take, so the two parties entered the train station together. In addition, there were other passengers in the train station, and the noise from everywhere made this snowy morning seem a lot more lively.

Next to the platform, the troop carrier has stopped on the track. The white steam mist sprayed from the gap between the wheels under the carriage makes the scene on the platform even look a bit dreamy and blurry.

There are people saying goodbye everywhere, young wives hugging their husbands, old mothers urging their sons, young girls holding the hands of their fathers and mothers, and young men walking alone but with great ambitions, carrying Luggage is looking forward to its future.

There were voices almost everywhere in the steam mist, and Shade and his party standing next to a pile of luggage did not look very conspicuous. Durant Giles, wearing a black deerstalker hat, was helplessly responding to Rusty Edwards' question, who was floating aside. The girl did not understand the operating principles of the steam train; Priest August He was talking to the hotel staff and told them to move his suitcase carefully.

Obviously the priest came with only two suitcases, but left with four more suitcases. No one knew what was in the suitcases he brought back from the wilderness.

Everyone's luggage was piled on the platform. Shade and Dr. Schneider, who was wearing a long black coat and traveling attire, were talking on the other side of the luggage, checking the train schedule and the time they would arrive in Tobesk.

The diffuse steam fog made it almost impossible for them to see the priest and Durut Giles on the other side, and the noise and farewells around them made everyone have to speak louder. Next to Shade, the person who put the doctor's black suitcase on the pile of luggage was Little John, whom Shade was very familiar with.

The boy who used to live in a dumpster with his puppy has now completely settled into the Green Lake Inn. After washing and putting on decent clothes and a brown hat, the boy had adapted to the life in the hotel. After learning that Shade was also leaving the city and would only come back occasionally, he enthusiastically Joined the team to help transport luggage.

In fact, with his physique, he couldn't carry too much luggage, but Mr. Sauron Green knew the story between him and Shade, so he agreed to come with him to say goodbye, and asked other helpers to keep an eye on the boy. This kind of place is still too dangerous for children.

"Sir, this is the last suitcase."

The boy smiled and reported to Shade, and Shade also smiled and asked:

"Very good, you completed your work successfully, do you want me to give you a tip?"

As he spoke, he was about to take out his wallet. The boy was so frightened that he waved his hand quickly:

"No, no, I'll go see if old Jeff has parked the carriage. I heard before that there is a fine if the carriage is parked in the wrong place. Oh, sir, Ms. Green asked me to give you a letter. ."

As he spoke, he took out another letter and handed it to Dr. Schneider, and then left temporarily with another helper.

The doctor held the letter and watched the boy disappear into the mist:

"Is he the boy you were talking about?"


Shade was also looking at Little John's back.

"Detective, did you know? You changed a person's fate."

The doctor said with admiration:

"If he hadn't met you, I don't even dare to say what the probability is that he would have survived to adulthood."

Although it is cruel, it is also a fact of this era.

"He is not the only one whose destiny I have changed."

Shade does not deny what he did:

"I can't save everyone, but at least I can help those I know. If he didn't live in the dumpster at the back door of the Green Lake Hotel, but lived in another dumpster across the street, I would Shouldn’t do those things.”

"Being able to help the people you meet is the most that a good person can do in this world."

The doctor commented, raising his hand to straighten his hat, and took out his notebook to calculate the time. He has been away from Tobesk for too long. When he returns, he will deal with all the missing patients and provide psychological guidance.

"So who are the good people who can even help people they haven't met?"

Shade asked with a smile, the hot and humid steam mist making his skin feel dirty moisture. The fine snow floating in the sky was temporarily unable to blow to the platforms on both sides of the track.

"Calculate yourself as a saint. Each of us has a limit to our power. If you want to help everyone in need, you would be too greedy. Even if you are a good person, you cannot be too greedy, so we must know our limits and not Just give.”

This middle-aged psychiatrist does have his own unique way of looking at the world and life.

Shade nodded thoughtfully, feeling that what the doctor said made sense. I looked up and saw that the young soldiers who were saying goodbye by the train had begun to get on the train one after another. The steam mist was getting thicker and thicker, and it seemed that they were about to start driving:

"Is this mobilization in Green Lake City a normal mobilization, or is it a temporary mobilization of additional troops?"

"Not sure."

The doctor shook his head and looked at the train wrapped in steam. This was the steam boiler releasing excess steam to prevent the boiler from overheating or the pressure rising to dangerous levels:

"But these young people will definitely have to experience a real battlefield. The situation between the two countries is getting more and more tense now. If a war really breaks out, I don't know how many of these young souls in front of us will be able to return to their hometowns exhausted. "

The young people who boarded the train waved their arms out the window, and the relatives and friends who came to see them off were also loudly saying their last words of advice.

Priest August and Durut Gilles had been completely hidden in the thick steam mist. It seemed that only Shade and Doctor Schneider were left standing together in the world.

This scene is fantastic and confusing, like a dream, but it seems more real than ever:

"What does war mean to children like Little John, to these young people who still don't know the cruelty of the battlefield, and to those of us who are temporarily staying out of it?"

"Detective, this topic is a bit too big."

The doctor looked at the scene in front of him sadly:

"But at least for that boy, you saved him from future famines, wars, and plagues, from a possible future as a gang member, from the possibility of dying from disease and starvation. Maybe he will When he grows up, he becomes a mechanical engineer, a university scholar, or just an ordinary person. But he will also influence more people, meet his lover, get married, have children, and live an ordinary or extraordinary life. ."

The blue-eyed middle-aged man looked at the steam mist in front of him and thought of this, and couldn't help but smile:

"Fate, it's really charming. If one of you and him chooses the wrong option, he won't be able to show up at the train station to help me carry my luggage at this time."

"Speaking of luggage, doctor, why don't you open that letter and read it?"

Shade asked again. The letter that Ms. Helena Green asked Little John to deliver was sandwiched in the notebook by the doctor.

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