Whispering Verse

Chapter 2013 The furthest distance (end of this volume)

Hearing Shade mention the letter again, the blue-eyed middle-aged psychiatrist showed some embarrassment:

"This is privacy. I plan to get in the car and take a look later."

"You really haven't thought about it."

"Yeah, I haven't thought about it."

The doctor shook his head slightly and looked at Shade calmly:

"I know what she means, and she is indeed a good woman. But you also know my situation. I can't harm others until the matter is resolved."

"It makes sense, I just feel sorry for it."

"It's good to pursue a good ending, but sometimes the reality is like this. It's a pity. Yes, it's a pity."

He looked at the exposed corner of the envelope sandwiched in the notebook and thought of the scene when he said goodbye to the two owners of the Green Lake Hotel this morning. Sighing inwardly, he took out the envelope, folded it, and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his coat.

The station inspector holding the signal light was already driving away the people outside the carriage, asking them to loosen their hands with the young soldiers in the carriage. The steam furnace of the steam train continues to pressurize. After the loudest whistle, the rotating shaft drives the linkage rod on the wheel, and the linkage rod drives the wheel to start to rotate.

Black smoke erupted from the locomotive's chimney, further melting the falling snow above. Amid those farewells, the train slowly started, carrying the young people rushing to that strange place.

Black carriages flashed quickly before my eyes, until the rear of the train was out of sight. Obviously the people on the platform are still there, and the thick steam mist has not dissipated, and only the train tracks are empty, but Shade feels that the place has suddenly become unusually empty, and the noise and flashing figures just now have brought All the passion and fire seemed to have left with that train.

The surrounding sounds seemed to be quieter, the steam mist gradually subsided on the platform, and the people who came to see others off also gradually receded.

All this happened in just a few minutes, during which time Shade and the doctor just stared at the scene.

"This era is interesting, isn't it?"

The doctor asked suddenly. The fog dispersed, and there were empty railway tracks under the platform. The surroundings were noisy again. Shade even heard Durut Giles whispering to the girl Rust, stop pulling his hair.

Shade nodded thoughtfully:

"I just hope that the war will not happen, and that children like Little John can grow up happily."

"I hope so too. Fortunately, hope is the cheapest thing, and it costs nothing, so be hopeful, detective. This is a good mentality. Oh, what happened to Green Lake made me think about a lot of things. I can't wait to see my patients and hope they miss me too."

After the doctor finished speaking, he sighed and looked around again. Shade smiled. The humidity and heat around him completely faded away with a gust of wind, and the falling snow above the train tracks could fall to the ground again.

They were on the platform next to the track, and they could catch the snowflakes with their hands. Looking into the distance, another train was already approaching slowly in the distance. It was time for the doctor and the others to set off.

Shade then frowned again. In Dr. Schneider's words, he thought of the gains and losses he had made during his adventures in the Green Lake area over the past two months. He defeated a powerful enemy, and there were two more girls close to him. Three actually counted as four. The identity of the chosen one in the space was confirmed, and he was the closest person to him. He also learned a lot about the prophecies of doomsday and news about the past life.

Of course, he also learned why he, a foreigner, came here, why he came, and why "I" was "I".

But the haze of war has enveloped the entire world more and more due to the temporary breakdown of negotiations; the prelude to the doomsday has sounded, and the scenery of the "City of the End, Tobesk" covered in yellow sand seems to be coming again. .

Everything is still unknown, and everything seems to be following a certain established trajectory, running forward uncontrollably.

Outsiders witnessed all this, but they also had greed, delusions, excitement and panic. He didn't know what the future would bring, and he didn't know whether the leisurely time at this moment was the last peace.

The events in the Green Lake area are over, but the future is just beginning.

The wind is mixed with snow, and in this late spring season, it blows at the strangers on the platform looking at the sky. The train in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the whistle that sounded when it approached the station had a numbing reality to it.

He thought of many people and many things, and when the matter came to an end, he stood here leisurely and looked at the falling snow in the sky. For some reason, he actually wanted to laugh:

"This world is indeed so interesting!"

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear, as if agreeing with Shade's point of view. So the stranger lowered his head to straighten his collar, and then saw the doctor watching the train slowly approaching in the distance.

"Say something."

He said in his heart, "Her" gentle voice sounded amidst the harsh whistle just before the train was about to enter the station:

[The current world, the sixth era, 1854 in the universal calendar, late spring, the month of praying for rain. The snow in the year without summer may be a symbol of something. You, in the noisy place of the platform, are still confused at this time. The haze of war envelopes the ancient city, but it shows you that we are united as one; the conflict of civilizations and the story of the century-old family tell the story of the break and reunion of blood and soul. Dear foreigner, the bell of doom has sounded with your fairy tale. The purity given by the three pairs of twins for you will surely become the cornerstone for you to continue climbing. The snow has fallen, and blood and smoke are about to set the world on fire. Because of the mistake that destroyed the daughter of time, you, standing at this moment, will choose the ending for this world, for them, and for you when the wheels slowly moving forward crush the world? 】

"This time, your sentences seem to foreshadow something more terrifying that will happen next."

Shade murmured to himself, but didn't expect her answer:

"On the eve of another conflict between the northern and southern human kingdoms of the Old World, I learned about rupture and healing. It's really ironic. Doctor."

He suddenly said, originally looking at Dr. Schneider as the train was approaching, then turned to look at him again:

"whats the matter?"

"Tell me, what is the farthest distance in the world?"

"What a strange question."

The psychiatrist said, looking at him with blue eyes:

"Of course it's the distance between hearts. One person can never fully understand another person, and a kingdom can never fully understand another country. Contradictions and conflicts arise because of the distance between hearts. This is the original sin of intelligent life. , this is who we are.”

"So, what you are saying is that if people's hearts can be integrated and united as one, the world will be safe?"

The doctor looked at him in surprise:

"What are you talking about? The distance between hearts is what makes me me, you are you, and human beings are human beings. To deny this is to deny our civilization and ourselves."

He solemnly put his hand on his chest, and behind him, the train finally arrived:

"Remember, detective, you can never fully understand another person, but if you are willing to give your heart to another person, then it is possible for another heart to come closer to you. Never touch, but yet subtle. The distance is dependent on each other, and this is the beauty of the human soul."

His eyes seemed to be shining, and the index finger and thumb of his right hand pinched together but did not touch:

"This is what is called, the furthest distance."

The roaring locomotive appeared behind the doctor, and the train swept through the scene like the impact of flying snow. However, when the doctor interpreted the distance between his fingertips, it stopped in Shade's eyes like a solidified oil painting.

Next to the stacked luggage, Priest August stood still and looked up at the sky. Next to the priest, Durut Gilles smiled and faced the transparent spirit body. The smoke and dust were fixed in the air so that every ashes seemed to be It is clearly visible that the light has solidified into beams, the sound has stopped to form a hum, and the people in the station, whether sitting, standing, squatting, or walking, are all frozen in this moment like wax figures.

The snow stopped next to Xia De's ears, and the mysterious distance in space no longer made sense in Xia De's eyes at this moment:

"Is this the furthest distance?"

The rumble of the train passing by made Dr. Schneider frown. He put down his hands and watched the cars passing by, and saw some unusual light from the corner of his eye. While turning his head slightly, he seemed to see a rotating dark golden cube emerging behind Sha De.

But just like before, when he wanted to take a closer look, he was distracted because he was bumped by a passenger who was passing by and wanted to get closer to the carriage door. When he looked again, there was nothing.

"Yes, what does it mean to fully understand soul to soul? I don't want you to know what I think about Ms. Green's letter, and I don't want to know what you plan to have for lunch. They are connected to each other, but they are forever Untouchable, soul, that’s the beauty of the soul.”

"Doctor, be careful not to lose control."

Shade warned with a smile, then looked down at his hands, clenched his fists and unclenched them, feeling like he understood something. After thinking about it carefully, he raised his head and shook his head gently. The heavy feeling in his heart seemed to disappear, and his mood became much happier:

"Doctor, you are worthy of being a psychiatrist."

He praised, and then called the doctor and the priest to prepare to board the car.

"What do you mean? Also, when you go back this time, don't forget that the summer exam week is coming."

The middle-aged psychiatrist with blue eyes said, but before Shade could answer, the messy passengers had already poured over. So everyone picked up the box and walked towards the open door of the stopped train. Among the noisy voices, and with Shade also getting into the train, only "her" voice was still so gentle:

[Outlander, you have gained new strength. 】

(End of this volume)

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