Whispering Verse

The end of volume six

The sixth volume "The Farthest Distance" has officially come to an end, and the length of this volume once again broke the previous record. The author admits that the final part of this volume before the final battle is indeed a bit too draggy. The original intention was to let all the forces on the scene and the witches around Shade show their respective powers and functions, but due to rhythm control issues, the final effect seemed a bit bloated. So I updated a free extra chapter (5K) to apologize.

In addition, there are too many things to write about in this volume, including the stories of the 21 Edwards family members, the conflict between the two countries, Shade's emotional transformation, and the story of the new witch. Together, the content becomes so much. But no matter what, this volume finally has a relatively satisfactory ending. The story of the Edwards family's "E Pluribus Unum" is described very satisfactorily. The conflict between Delrayon and Carsonrick has also begun. Shade also knows important information about the past, present and future. As an important part of the middle of the book, In one volume, when Shade entered the second half of the Central Ring, he finally began to touch the complete world view. In particular, he no longer dwells on his greed, faces his own heart, and understands what he wants.

So Edwards' story comes to an end, the secrets of Dorothy and Lesia are revealed, a new collectible (butterfly cards) appears, the story of the past life further unfolds, and the curtain of doom slowly opens.

The theme of the next volume is "Light", or light and hope.

The last scene of the first volume shows Shade and the doctor with their backs to the burning building. Shade turns back and the doctor lowers his head. The two of them walk side by side on the street. The last scene of the second volume shows the view from the street in the steam age to the second-floor window. , in the mist, Shade looks into the distance, and the doctor looks at Shade; the last scene of the third volume is on a rainy morning, Shade and the doctor have their backs to the camera, holding an umbrella and looking at the tombstone in the rain; the end of the fourth volume In one scene, under the snowy night sky, Shade and the doctor stood on the outside of the dial at the top of the clock tower, looking at the city in the snow. One person was holding on to the railing, and the other had his hands on his chest. The last scene of the fifth volume was in the early spring morning. Shade and Dr. Schneider were sitting on a bench outside the sunny church, one reading the newspaper and the other feeding the pigeons; the last scene of Volume 6 was a snowy train station in the early summer morning, and the doctor was showing Shade beside the platform. "Fingertips away", the rapidly approaching locomotive behind him seems to be stationary, sweeping up snowflakes and stopping in the frame.

The adventure in Green Lake is temporarily over. In the next volume, Shade will enter the coastal area, adventure in a sinful city filled with wealth and greed, and venture in an area with a particularly nice name. He will witness the end of the city that has fallen due to wealth. Touch that ray of light in the darkness.

There will be new witches appearing in the next volume as usual, and of course the past characters will also have their own stories. Among the four members of the current group, Luvia revealed more secrets in the previous volume. The past story of long-haired Luvia will continue to unfold as the truth of the world is revealed. The doctor and the priest continue to chase demons and angels, but one of them also faces a new problem. The problems between the princess and the female writer seem to have been revealed and solutions found, but they have to face new problems.

In addition, the president of the Witch Council, who was originally scheduled to appear at the end of this volume, will officially meet with Shade at the beginning of the next volume due to schedule. The author has not forgotten this matter.

The adventure of the black time key, whether the mysterious Miss Gothe appears, Shade's deepening relationship with the Witch Council, Iluna's gradually firmer determination, the involvement of ancient witches, and the real secret of the end of the world. These stories will will continue to show. The story is still wonderful, please continue to support it, and we also welcome the opinions and suggestions of genuine readers.

The story enters the seventh chapter. The story of "The Whispering Psalm" (also known as "The Detective Knight" and "The Sword of the Silver Moon") will continue. After [Space], please look forward to the seventh section [If you give me a ray of light] Light】.

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