Whispering Verse

Chapter 2014 Iluna returns home

Amidst the sharp whistle, at the Tobesk train station at the end of the rainy month with heavy snowfall, Iluna walked out of the carriage with a smile on her face, and saw her teammates from the "Blackstone Security Company" waiting for her. :

"Welcome back, Bayas."

"Good morning, Iluna, do you need to go have breakfast now?"

"Miss Bayas, today is Monday. Since you are back, I'm afraid you need to go to church first."

The greetings from the captain and teammates made Iluna feel like she had returned to a familiar rhythm of life again.

She looked up at the heavy snow above the train track, and told the ring wizards sent by the Church of the Sun to pick up the train not to forget to help carry her luggage. Then she and her teammates walked out of the train station with the crowd, talking and laughing. Captain Moody Robinson mentioned that when Iluna was not in Tobesk City, the workload of the security company seemed to have dropped a lot. Miss Famille, the sorceress with purple lips, mentioned that the team had to help Ilu. Na is having a birthday party.

The group of people left the train station like this. Iluna was talking to her teammates with a smile on her face. But when she looked up, she suddenly saw a blond man in a white robe, standing in the center of the exit and looking at she.

The turbulent flow of people outbound automatically moved to both sides when they reached his position, making him look like a huge rock in the stream, but even Iluna's teammates didn't notice him.

The man was holding a rolled-up parchment in his hand. He looked at Iluna and nodded slightly, with a mysterious expression that seemed to be only half of what she was saying.

Compared with the attire of the travelers around him, he looked as if he had just come from the distant past by train. But Iluna knows who this is, after all, this is the third time:


She said the name silently in her heart, and then said to Mr. Robinson, the bearded captain beside her:

"I suddenly have something urgent. I have to go out all morning. I will report to the church tomorrow."

Mr. Robinson looked around cautiously, then nodded:

"Okay, please be safe."

After saying that, he and his companions watched Iluna hurried forward through the crowd and walked out of the station.

"She just returned to Tobesk and she's in trouble?"

The elderly "key keeper" in the team shook his head and sighed with everyone.

It’s definitely not a good idea to talk to “what if” at the entrance of the crowded Tobesk station. Therefore, when the man in the white robe saw Iluna jumping into a carriage, he didn't think that Iluna was avoiding him in a panic.

The coachman rang the bell to alert nearby pedestrians that the carriage was about to start. Then the four-wheeled taxi did not take Iluna to No. 7 Chanem Street, where she rented an apartment. The eighteen-year-old girl who had returned to Tobesk came to St. Teresa's Square.

As soon as she stepped off the carriage, Iluna saw the middle-aged man in a white robe who was out of tune with this era, standing next to the gas pipe on the outer wall of Shade's house and looking at her. She still didn't speak, but paid the fare first, then climbed up the steps and knocked on Shade's door:

"Shadow! Detective Hamilton!"

She did not have the key to Shade's house. Although Shade once wanted to give Iluna the key so that Iluna could easily use the "Secret Keeper's Hall" on the second floor at any time, Iluna refused (1323 chapter). Of course, Iluna, who didn't have a key at this time, couldn't knock on the door here, because Shade was still saying goodbye to the three doctors in Green Lake City, and although the cat lying on the second floor of the house watching pigeons heard the knock on the door, The little ears also shook a few times, but it had no idea or ability to open the door.

Iluna was a little anxious. She imagined many possibilities for the last game of "what if", but she didn't expect that she would be blocked by a door. She apologized to Shade in her heart and tried to open the door in an illegal way. Fortunately, she was lucky today and someone came to open the door for her.

"Miss Bayas, why are you here? Did you just get off the train?"

The carriage sent by Miss Carina stopped at the door of No. 6, and then the beautiful twin witches with brown shawl hair walked down. Audrey appeared at this time. She asked Iluna with a smile and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yeah, I. I'm going to go to the house to do some stuff, but Shade doesn't seem to be home."

Iluna noticed that the witch in front of her also did not look at "If" who was standing not far away, which meant that she was the only one who could see the unknowable relic.

"Oh, you're early. Mr. Detective is now seeing off his friend at Green Lake Train Station. He won't be back for a while. But if you want to go in, come in together. But when you see Shad, you have to make it clear to him You entered the house when he was not at home."

Audrey said, and Iluna nodded quickly, glad that she didn't have to break Shade's door lock. Immediately, she saw the witch pull out a silver thread from her neck, and the end of the silver thread was the key to the door.

The witch opened the door with the key and entered the hall with Iluna. Iluna stared at the key and hesitated to speak, then Audrey explained:

"He gave it to me this morning."

Iluna realized what had happened almost immediately. In fact, for a ring magician, of course a door cannot block the attacks of spells and thaumaturgy, but the key to Shade's house is a symbol in Iluna's heart. . And there is one more owner of the key, which means that there is another person who has acted shamelessly first.

The eighteen-year-old girl didn't know what to say. Her mood was a little complicated, but she felt it was reasonable. She knew the story of Shade and the Great Witch of Wisdom, as well as the bumpy life experience and unfortunate fate of the lady in front of her.

Now that the knight has rescued the witch, the witch follows the ancient tradition and agrees to marry him. There seems to be nothing wrong with this. But when she thought that the knight was Shade Hamilton, Iluna still felt a little disappointed.

"Actually, you can be bolder."

Audrey saw what the expression on Eluna's face meant. She patted Eluna's shoulder gently, feeling that she needed to give this immature girl some advice:

"You can't wait blindly for your own happiness. You have to take the initiative to reach out and seize the future. Only then can the future you choose belong to you."

"I know."

Iluna didn't want to talk about this with the witch in front of her who seemed to be showing off, but Audrey actually meant well. All she needs to be wary of is other witches. In her opinion, other girls besides witches are not beautiful or perfect enough, so she doesn't need to worry.

But seeing that Iluna didn't want to talk more, she couldn't say much, so she just reminded her in the end:

"There are quite a few girls who are attracted to Shade. If you always do this, you will even end up falling behind that Princess Agelina."

Iluna opened her mouth, still feeling that it would be good to maintain the current progress and then push forward slowly. Audrey then said goodbye to her, not forgetting to tell her that if Shade had not returned home when she left, don't forget to lock the door.

"See you too."

The big witch waved her hand to the cat that appeared at some point above the stairs. The cat was not very happy. It thought someone had invaded its territory.

Audrey walked to the basement. When it was confirmed that she had really left, Iluna saw that the cat was squatting on the high steps and would not come down, and had no intention of running out and disappearing. Then she reopened the door and looked outside.

The strange man in a white robe was already standing under the eaves on the steps. He only had to take one step forward to cross the threshold and enter, but he stopped here.

"If" said to Iluna with a smile:

"You see, fate and time are so interesting. The fate that the witch just faced in most possibilities is that although she will not die in Green Lake, but because her soul is damaged, she can only have one soul at the same time from now on. Awakening, another soul fell asleep, making it obvious that the two sisters were integrated into one body and used the same body, but they could never see each other again."

He paused for a moment to let Iluna understand his words:

"Although this means that they no longer have to suffer the torture of insanity, it is a worse outcome for them. But now, both sisters are intact and even accepted Edwards' power because they inherited it. Hongdie's gift enables them to stand together hand in hand. Different choices lead to different endings. The possibilities are so wonderful. What kind of choices can create such an ending? ?”

Iluna said with a straight face:

"Does this count as telling me the story of the destroyed time and space?"

"Of course not. Chosen One of Balance, as I once said, any information you get from me is just a game. As for whether it is the past or the future, you have to judge it yourself. "

"If" said, still standing at the door and not coming in, so Iluna motioned for him to come in:

"Don't stand in the doorway talking, it'll be weird."

"Please don't worry, no one will notice here. I still have such ability. As for entering."

He smiled, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the young orange cat watching the conversation below with a stinky face:

"It is not a wise choice to enter someone else's house without being invited by the owner."

Iluna wanted to ask a question, but was interrupted by the other party's words:

"So balanced chosen one, do you want to start the third and final 'what if' game here?"


Speaking of this, Iluna is quite confident:

"I got inspiration from Shade. He found that every time you start your story, although the surrounding environment will change, the only place I am initially at is still 'now', and then after I make a choice, It will be imported into those past stories as I move."

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