Whispering Verse

Chapter 2015 The Third Game

Iluna pointed to her feet confidently:

"In the first game, I came here and was killed by the 'gatekeeper of the doomsday, the guardian of the sanctuary, the undead of eternal humanity, and the bound gray eagle'. He said that I'm now 'Can't come here. But this time is different. Before the game started, I was allowed in. Shade didn't mind me standing in the foyer of his house. So, starting the third game from here, I was reasonable from the beginning. It is legal to appear at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and the stories imported from here are legal for me to enter here."

"What if" is not surprising, but applauds gently:

"It seems that you really have a complete grasp of the rules of the game, which is good. Please note that the next game will be the last game between us. No matter what the result is, this will also be the last chance."

"I understand that I will find a way to save Shade. If he can change the outcome of others, I can change his future."

The parchment roll in "If"'s hand is unfolded, and there is a background of falling snow outside the door. Strange golden threads are in the air between the two people, using beautiful floral Delrayon letters to outline the content that is being read:

[You are Iluna Emilia Bayas, the chosen hero, the balanced chosen one, and the protagonist of the stage. 】

[The month of praying for rain, on the 26th, you ended your travels and missions in the Green Lake area, and with full fatigue and longing for the future, you returned to the city of Tobesk, the junction where destiny gathers. 】

[For strange reasons, you came to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square again and stood safely in the foyer. You have obtained the qualification to enter here, looking at the dilapidated house, what are you going to do next? 】

[1. Maybe you should investigate this house. There are many clues here. 】

[2. Prepare to fight, this time you must take revenge on the gray eagle! 】

[3. It is better to leave this dangerous place. Your own safety is the most important thing. 】

[4. It’s better to leave this dangerous place and report it to the church! 】

[5. Maybe there are other ideas. 】

Iluna looked around. There were Shade's shoes on the shoe rack, and there were spare keys and change in the cookie box on the shoe cabinet. There are gas lamps and hanging paintings on the walls, the floor mats are not very dirty, and the walls and floors are very clean. The cat stood at the top of the stairs and looked at the two of them. The copper engravings on the corners of the stairs were quite exquisite and high-end.

The "if" description is indeed not the present. No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is very warm now:

"Maybe there are other ideas."

Iluna said, looking at the man holding the parchment:

"I looked towards the door, and then I saw a strange man holding parchment. After identification, I found that it was an unknowable relic [if]."

The golden light traces turned into letters between the two people and lingered for a long time, and Iluna's answer was also written down by those lights.

Behind him was the lively crowd in Saint Teresa Square. "If" moved his eyes from the parchment in his hand to Iluna, and then nodded lightly:

"It seems you really understand."

[Your unexpected inspiration did not make you aware of the problem of this strange "haunted house" first, but instead made you find the unknowable relic "what if" waiting for you outside the door. 】

[You have confirmed that the other party is harmless to you and is trying to help you find some truth, so what are you going to do next? 】

【1. Talk to "what if" and get more information about "now". 】

[2. Prepare to fight. Maybe the dangerous relics in front of me are deceiving me. 】

[3. Ignore him. I want to investigate the problems with this house. 】

[4. It’s better to get out of here, this house is getting more and more dangerous. 】

[5. Maybe there are other ideas. 】

"Other ideas."

Iluna made the same choice again, and then she turned and looked at the stairs behind her. The cat then said "meow~" to her, and Iluna nodded to it, but in fact she seemed to see the once dilapidated No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in the distant past:

"I know he is still in the 'current' house, after all, he was the one who opened the door last time. I want to call Sparrow Hamilton in this house in the game, yes, the Sparrow with a long list of titles ·Hamilton. Let him come out, why didn't he fight with me this time?"

"If" nodded gently:

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, of course we have to do this. Isn't this the tip given by Cherubim last time (Chapter 1834)? You are the guide of destiny, and Cherubim is the enlightenment of wisdom. I also need to find the 'Guardian of Time and Space'." Only two of the "Doomsday Guardians" and "Fire Keepers" can get the final hint. The Doomsday Guardian, I think it's him, right?"

Iluna read out the long list of titles again:

"The gatekeepers of the doomsday, the guardians of the sanctuary, the undead of eternal humanity, the bound grey-headed eagles, please come out and see me!"

[You shouted a certain name towards the end of the dark staircase in the dilapidated foyer of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. 】

[You got a response, Sparrow Hamilton, who shouldn't have appeared in front of you, appeared. 】

The description of "what if" is very simple, and those golden lines only outline two lines of text. But Iluna felt a little cold in her body inexplicably, and the whispering element was affecting the surrounding environment in a very terrifying state.

Behind the cat, darkness condensed into a vortex, and mold spread along the walls and ceiling. In the blink of an eye, the stairs and half of the foyer in Iluna's eyes were eroded into a dilapidated appearance.

But other places are still normal.

The cat barked unhappily and still stood there looking at everything below. In front of the cat, a figure wearing a black coat, a cane, and a black top hat appeared out of thin air and walked toward the foyer below.

The figure of Sparrow Hamilton really appeared, but it was not the former detective Shade was familiar with. The expressionless middle-aged man had a particularly terrifying aura about him.

Iluna now knows how she died here in the first game. Even if it is just the shadow described in the story that appears at this time, its power far exceeds that of her who is already in the eighth ring.

She even thought that even if she reached the thirteenth ring, she might not be able to beat this man with a long list of titles.

[The gatekeeper of the doomsday comes to you and looks coldly at you, the chosen one who is standing here with strange means. 】

[You were not attacked, your attempt was successful! 】

[The gatekeeper asked you why you came this time, so what are you going to do? 】

[1. Ask why No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is in such a dilapidated state. 】

[2. Ask the gatekeeper about his identity and his responsibilities at this time. 】

【3. Ask about the end of the world. 】

【4. Ask why, last time he thought you shouldn't be here. 】

[5. Ask about the special characteristics of No. 6, Saint Teresa Square. 】

【6. Maybe you can ask something else. 】

To be honest, Iluna wanted to ask these questions, but she knew what she was here to do this time, and as long as she identified her goal, those interfering options could be easily eliminated:

"Mr. Sparrow Hamilton, please wait for me here for a moment."

She said this, then chose her next move:

"There is an entrance to the [Space Maze] in the basement of this house. This existed before Shade moved in, so it still exists in the game. I will use that place to go to the White River Valley Vineyard outside Huntington City, and then go with Same as last time, go meet the angels and invite them here."

[The way you asked the gatekeeper to wait made him a little impatient, but he still agreed to your request. 】

[You went to Huntingdon City. Since you had reached the Lake of Cherubim before, you didn’t have to catch stray cats this time and successfully met the Cherubim. 】

[You sent out an invitation, and Cherubim agreed to your request. 】

Several glowing white feathers fell from the sky, and in the light and shadow of those feathers, the lady in white robe holding a staff stood barefoot in the foyer of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

Her whole body was radiating pure white light, and she nodded slightly to say hello to Iluna. Iluna didn't care whether it was an angel from the past or an angel from the present. Anyway, her goal had been achieved.

If, the angels, and the gatekeepers are all watching Iluna, and Iluna lets "if" give her the choice of next action.

[The assistant of the ancient god, the wise angel-Cherubim, responded to your call and came with you to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. 】

[You seem to understand something, maybe a turning point in fate has really arrived. 】

[The wise angel looks at you kindly, so what are you going to do? 】

[1. Ask her how to get the greatest wisdom. 】

[2. Ask her about the knowledge about the end of the world. 】

[3. Ask her about the more detailed rules of the "what if" game and the "loopholes" that can be exploited. 】

[4. Ask the wise angels to help you defeat the gatekeeper of the doomsday to seize ownership of this house. 】

【5. Maybe you can ask something else. 】

"Other things."

Iluna said smoothly:

"Not long ago, I asked a nun from this generation of fire keepers what a fire keeper is. She told me that although she is a nun of this generation, the fire keeper itself does not refer to her, but to all of them. .”

As Iluna spoke, she took out a deformed piece of silver from her pocket. Fuzzy lines could be seen on the silver piece:

"Sister Devlin told me that meeting the Fire Keeper is equivalent to the concept of meeting all the Fire Keepers in the past. If it were Sister Devlin herself, she could indeed do it while sacrificing most of the power of the First Fire. Calling out these 'nun incarnations', but I don't have to."

She asked "what if":

"It's a game, it's not real, so if I can possibly do it, then I can really do it."

"If" smiled and nodded:

[You use the fragment of the "Fire Keeper Sister's Ancient Mithril Eyepatch" to try to call the Fire Keepers to show up. 】

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