Whispering Verse

Chapter 2016 Secret Words

The silver piece in Iluna's hand was the material from the damaged and unusable part of the eyepatch when Sister Devlin borrowed Shade's mithril to repair the damaged eyepatch after the Battle of Randall Valley. She specifically asked the nun for it, and Sister Devlin didn't ask her why.

[Your call echoes in No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and the special scene attracts special power. 】

[What are you going to do to use this fragment? 】

【1. Bury it in the soil of the basement, and a fire protector may grow out. 】

[2. Take it into the corridor on the third floor, which is filled with the ominous atmosphere of death. It may be possible to recall the dead. 】

[3. Throw it into the fireplace in Room 1 on the second floor. Maybe the rekindled flame can call the nun who is close to the flame. 】

[4. Take it to the first floor, maybe try your luck, and win the chance to summon a miracle from the casino. 】

【5. I have other ideas. 】

Iluna frowned deeply. She didn't think it would be useful to choose other methods this time, and the first four methods were all feasible in her opinion.

"Basement, first floor, second floor, third floor."

When he was thinking about gambling his luck according to his own inspiration, Sparrow Hamilton, who was standing in front of the stairs with a cane, suddenly said:

"Fire, from fire."

Iluna turned around and glanced at him, who seemed to have said nothing.

So the eighteen-year-old girl made a choice:

"I'm going to light the second floor fireplace and throw this piece in."

[You throw the ancient mithril fragment into the fire. In the explosive flames, the figure of the nun with her head lowered comes out of the fire. 】

[You don’t know her, but it doesn’t matter, because the fire has been lit because of you, and the nun who protects the fire has given you the qualification. 】

The sound of crackling flames reached Iluna's ears, and then a bang appeared in the foyer. Amidst the surging flames, a nun wearing a gray robe, gray hair, and a mithril eyepatch on her face came forward.

She didn't look like Sister Devlin, nor was she anyone Iluna knew, but her temperament was as calm and silent as Sister Devlin. Iluna didn't even think that the other party was a human being, because every time the nun walked around, there would be rustling ashes falling to the floor.


Little Mia, who was watching this scene from above, became increasingly unhappy. While Iluna was worried that she would have to clean up later, she suddenly thought of how to address the other person:

"Embers without fire."

"After the nun who protects the fire dies, the body is used as firewood to be ignited by the first fire, and the soul returns to the place where the soul goes."

The nun said, and Iluna completely understood:

"So, you came from the fire, a collection of the ashes of all the dead fire-protecting nuns in the past?"

The gray-haired nun nodded slightly, and Iluna looked at the four "people" around her, and finally took out the [Eternal Youth Leaf] given to her by Shade.

This battle at Green Lake was so dangerous, but she chose not to use this leaf to recover for herself.

After getting inspiration from Shade's purification of the time curse on Envy Edwards, she already knew how to meet the final condition:

"cherubi, you said last time that in addition to wisdom enlightenment and destiny guidance, I also need to choose at least two from the three options to help me. So, is it true that it would be better if all three are satisfied?"

She asked the lady in white robes and bare feet holding a staff, who smiled and nodded.

"I have found the guardian of doom and the guardian of fire. Now, only the 'guardian of time and space' remains."

Of course she knew that it was impossible to attract the attention of the [Father of the Infinite Tree] through a leaf by herself, and she was not Shade Hamilton. But fortunately she is playing a game, this is not what happens in reality:

"Next, I will use [Eternal Youth Leaf] and praise the Tree Father to ask the Tree Father to give me guidance on how to save the hero in my heart."

After saying that, he also glanced at "what if":

"If such a call doesn't work, then I will go to the local Dawn Church, dig out the thing under the statue, and then let the unknowable relic completely get out of control. Anyway, it is a game, so play bigger, even if the time is really If it collapses because of this, it will not affect the reality.”

The blond man in white robe nodded slightly.

[You pray to the ancient god of time with the leaves of youth;]

【Your prayers have not been answered;】

【Your prayers have not been answered;】

After repeating the words ninety-nine times——

[Your prayers have been answered. The sourceless white mist disperses around you, and the existence on the other side of the long river of time looks at you. 】

This time, only a little bit of white mist filled the now somewhat small entrance hall, and no specific person or anything else appeared.

But Iluna really felt the eyes turning into reality looking at her, and at the same time, she also noticed that the leaves in her hands turned into emerald green light spots and disappeared.

She didn't dare to complain. It was obviously why the game consumes real-life items, but she said honestly:

"Praise be to the Father of the Infinite Tree!"

Then, he stated his ultimate goal:

"Angel of wisdom, guide of destiny, guardian of time and space, protector of fire, gatekeeper of doom, please tell me the answer, tell me how to help and save, Shade Suellen Hamilton."

[You asked questions to the guardians you summoned, and the guardians told you that this was not without cost. 】

"I'm willing to pay the price."

Iluna said to the man standing outside the threshold without hesitation:

“If there’s no cost to this, it’ll look wrong.”


A soft meow came from the stairs above, and then the cat actually jumped down from the stairs and squatted on the last step to watch the scene.

[The foreign guests sit under the stage and enjoy the world's opera, but they also dream of using their own power to change the ending of the story. 】

[The arrogant foreigner greedily wants to see the best story, but he doesn’t know how to climb onto the stage. Although it gives him the opportunity to change the fate of others, it is destined to make himself the biggest tragedy. 】

[The balanced chosen one, the chosen savior, you are the most shining person in the spotlight, and the price you pay is just to answer our only question. 】

This is no longer describing Iluna's behavior. "If" looking at the parchment roll raised his head from behind the parchment:

"Do you really like Shad Suellen Hamilton that much?"

"Yes, you have already asked this question once."

The eyes of the girl with long brown hair seemed to be shining:

"Yes, so I want to save him, and only I can do this. I am unique to him."

"Then protagonist, as you wish."

"If" took a step forward, and this time stepped into the foyer of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. The nuns, gray eagles, and angels all took a step closer to her again, and the fog that diffused in the foyer became thicker. .

[The guardians allow you to know the methods that affect the ending, but all you can get are vague hints and secret words. 】

Golden light traces slowly outlined letters in front of Iluna's eyes. She didn't dare to blink, preparing to record all the information.

[The fire-protecting nun responded to your fiery soul, and she told the first secret word——]

“First, something incomplete: something from before the world began that needs to be completed.”

Iluna frowned slightly, feeling like she knew what the other person was talking about.

[The gatekeeper of the doomsday, quite satisfied with the respect given to him by the heir, told the second secret message——]

"Second, powerful power: If you want to change the destiny of others and be a chosen hero, you must be strong enough. The thirteenth ring is not the end, you have to keep moving forward."

Iluna understood that this was asking her to at least become a demigod, but she felt that the "heir" was definitely not her, but Shade. But in this case, the gray-headed eagle in front of me

[The guardian of time and space left a gift for the stranger who connected the broken time and space. He told the third secret message——]

"Third, resurrection: resurrect something that has died. You don't have to look far away, it is around you."

Iluna didn't know what it was about, but fortunately she still had time to find it.

[The angel of wisdom is willing to leave you with a test of wisdom again. You read the fourth secret message in the white feathers——]

"Fourth, things of origin: thirteen steps and thirteen rings. Thirteen is the foundation of everything. Thirteen is the long step for outsiders to ascend to the gods. In the reversal of impermanent destiny, there is the original story and origin of the world. Find them , collect them.”

Iluna was a little surprised, not because she couldn't understand it again, but because she understood it immediately this time.

[There is also the guide of destiny, the bard who opened the game for you. He gave you the simplest riddle, but this will also be the most difficult test, so you got the fifth riddle——]

Iluna held her breath. The man with white blond hair smiled and said to Iluna:

"Fifth, love: let strangers fall in love with you. The most passionate feelings, the most sincere emotions, the most unforgettable heart-to-heart connection."

Iluna's face turned red. This was indeed the most difficult task, but she thought she could do it.

"First, look for something that existed before the world began to be complete. Sister, are you talking about the original fire? Second, I have to become stronger. Yes, I know that only by becoming stronger can I do it. More things, instead of saying in vain that 'I can't do anything'; third, resurrecting dead things is temporarily unclear, which is the difficulty; fourth, thirteen omnipotent cards, although this task is very simple, Shade can complete it by himself, but even now I still don’t understand what the Impermanence Card is; fifthly, let Shade love it.”

She pursed her lips, embarrassed to continue, so she summarized:

"Fire, power, resurrection, cards, love, if I understand correctly, this is the secret word you gave me."

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