Whispering Verse

Chapter 2017 New Collectibles

As she spoke, she tried to discern clues from the expressions of the "people" around her, but unfortunately she couldn't tell at all:

"The five tasks that need to be completed, First Fire and Solitaire, don't seem to need me to worry about. Shade and Sister can collect them themselves, but I will continue to pay attention; improving my strength and Shade's favorability towards me cannot be done all at once. Things have to be accomplished bit by bit, but I will definitely succeed. Only resurrecting dead things is the most difficult. First, you must know what it specifically refers to, and then you can 'resurrect' it."

It could be human, but it could be something else.

"I need to remind you, the chosen one of Balance, even if you complete five tasks, you may not be able to achieve what you want to do. The sun and the moon, angels and demons, virtues and sins, there are many things that can affect the future. Things, you just get what you can do."

"If" he said again, Iluna nodded heavily.

Looking around again, the nuns, grey-headed eagles, angels and the fog disappeared. She knew the "what if" game was coming to an end, but she had one more thing to do:

"The game is not over yet, the story continues. Let me take one last action."

"If" will naturally not object:


[You have received reminders from the guardians, and while you are thinking, you have decided to do one last thing before taking a break. So what are you going to do? 】

"Go to the Prophet's Association on Silver Cross Avenue, find Luvia Anat, and ask her what she did to time and space."

The man in white robe nodded unexpectedly:

"as you wish."

[You have arrived at the local Prophet's Association. 】

[You made an appointment and met Luvia Anat in the divination room, and you asked her about what she did to time and space. 】

[The battle begins. 】

【you lose. 】

[You were imprisoned in the basement of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square by Luvia Anat. She did not abuse you, but the next time you see the sun again will probably be a long time later. 】

The parchment roll was rolled up again, and Iluna shook her head unhappily:

"You say I am some kind of chosen savior. Why can't I beat almost anyone in these three games?"

"You need to find the answer yourself, but congratulations, you successfully completed my game!"

He put away the roll of parchment and clapped softly, then pulled another piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her;

"This is the prize of the game. Goodbye, savior. May you be able to realize your ideals. May you be able to help the world together with outsiders."

He bowed to Iluna and the unhappy-looking cat behind her, then turned and stepped across the threshold back to Saint Teresa Square. The crowd made way for him like a divided current, and he quickly disappeared from Iluna's sight.

The eighteen-year-old girl suddenly felt a sense of loss, but then she gathered her energy again:

"Fire, cards, resurrection, power, love, fire, cards, resurrection. What on earth could be the dead things around us?"

Then he looked down at the paper in his hand and saw thirteen golden symbols connected by lines. For a moment, it seemed as if a thunderbolt hit her. Iluna's hand shook, and the paper fell from her hand and turned into fly ash before falling to the ground. But that doesn't matter, the strange pattern composed of thirteen holy symbols has been deeply engraved in her mind. There was no change in her life ring, but she clearly felt that her strange balancing power, the power she had gained from other chosen people in the past, had become stronger.

[Iluna, you have further understood "balance", your soul has become stronger; you can cause more damage to the chosen ones; all your thaumaturgy mastery has been enhanced. 】

[Iluna, you have some insights into ‘destiny’. 】

He spoke softly in his ear.


The familiar figure who climbed the steps called out her name. Shocked by her own strange progress, Iluna looked up and saw that it was Luvia who had also returned to Tobesk.

"What are you doing standing in the hall? Why are you staring at the door in a daze? What happened?"

After patting Iluna on the shoulder, the dusty purple-eyed fortune teller asked worriedly. After entering the house, he closed the door.

"It's okay, I just thought of something."

As Iluna spoke, she looked at the foyer. All the abnormalities had disappeared, but there were still some ashes on the carpet. The cat had already turned around and returned upstairs with its tail swung, but Shade still hadn't come back:

"I just thought of it. There is something I want to tell you. Well, the wise witch opened the door for me, and Shade gave them the key to the door."

Iluna said softly, but saw that Luvia was not angry, but nodded unexpectedly:

"Do they really have such courage? It seems that I underestimate these witches."

Shade was still in Green Lake City at this time. After seeing off the doctor and his team, he planned to go home directly. But after returning to the Green Lake Hotel, I went to Green Island again to say a few words to Megan, who had just had a relationship breakthrough last night, and then happened to meet Miss Sylvia and Bernani on the first floor of the hotel. Miss Si:

"We will leave tomorrow and return to Willendale City. The matters here will be left to Megan and Xiwei."

"Are you in such a hurry? Well, I wish you a safe journey. I'll see you off at the train station tomorrow."

Miss Sylvia nodded, smiled and asked Shade:

"Did you know? Megan and Audrey have been promoted to the twelfth level. When we met her just now, she looked very happy when she was talking to us. She was probably happy because of the promotion. "

Shade felt that Meghan was definitely not that happy because of this, but it was impossible for him to tell the real reason, so he had to fudge the topic:

"The matters on Green Lake have basically been dealt with. Have you chosen the time for me to enter the parliament?"

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if there is any news, Carina will inform you at any time."

It is more convenient for Megan to go to Shade's house from the Green Lake Hotel, but she still has many things to do, unlike Miss Carina who can just send a maid to Shade's house.

"Okay, I'll be ready too."

Shade nodded, and Miss Benanis reminded again:

"I heard Meghan say that you have the speaker's hair in your hand?"

"Yes, a reward for completing the tasks on that task list."

"When the time comes, bring it to the Parliament together. When we prepare the Word of Sublimation Ceremony for you, we will also arrange a simple Chimeration Ceremony for you, borrowing the power of the Speaker's hair, and try to see if it can bless you with the power of the Parliament. If you can succeed, you will be able to use the language of sublimation more easily."

This was not a big problem. The three of them were talking and Megan walked in from outside the hotel. She and Shade looked at each other, and they could see emotions in each other's eyes that were fundamentally different from before.

But none of them showed it, so Megan called to the girl following behind and handed over the box.

She had just gone to the old Edwards house, and she and her girls had transported a batch of books that Miss Sylvia and Miss Bernice wanted to take away. However, while packing the books, she discovered another An item:

"Shade, look at this, see if it's what you need."

The wooden box contained a short dagger stained with blood. The dagger itself was an ordinary object, but the box was not. The wooden box has the function of preventing the dagger from rusting and corroding, so this dagger with a simple shape must be very old.

"The label says that this is the dagger used by Clown Higgs to kill the White Swan in the late Fifth Age."

Meghan explained, and Miss Sylvia was quite surprised:

"Is this the clown Higgs from the fairy tale "The Clown and the Swan"?"

"Yes, a story about beauty and jealousy."

Megan nodded, so Shade took out the stack of cards with butterfly marks on the edges from his pocket, and pointed one of them at the dagger:

"Inspiration writes stories, and stories write civilization."

The light in the "Butterfly Solitaire" shone on the dagger, and then the dagger in the box turned into a faint light spot and merged into the card.

When the light ended, there was a dagger held by a hand wearing white gloves on the originally blank card surface. There is just no text description on the card, and there are no symbols representing suits and numbers, so even without those butterfly borders, there is no need to worry about this card being confused with "Rhodes Cards" and "Calamity Cards".

"It really looks like it could work."

Megan said with a smile, glad to be able to help Shade. Miss Sylvia and Miss Benanis didn't know anything about the Butterfly Solitaire, so Shade explained it, and the blond witch immediately called for Sirius:

"Xirius, I remember that there is a special mask in the opera company's warehouse. It is white and has no patterns. When worn, it can be used with illusions to make the face more beautiful."

Sirius thought for a moment:

"Yes, the cursed Mask of the Faceless Man. An antique handed down in the middle of the Fifth Era. It is not a relic, but it was made into an alchemical item, so it can be preserved until now. It is the love story of Carson Rick's Southern Love Story "Dai" In the prototype story "The Masked Baroness", the mask was used by the Baroness of the Fifth Age. It was rumored that she wore this mask when she and her lover died together. Therefore, the witch at the time believed that the mask was cursed. , will it be made into an alchemical item."

So Shade explained to her about the Butterfly Solitaire, and Sirius was also willing to give the mask to Shade. It's just that this time the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe didn't take the mask out when they left the Randall Valley. It should be in the warehouse of the Wilde Opera House, so Hillis wrote a note to Shad and asked him to go to Randall Valley by himself. Taken from Del Valley.

"Speaking of which, do you remember the White King Club?"

Miss Sylvia suddenly asked, Shade nodded:

"Of course I remember, that's where my vampire friend Mr. Bernhardt and I first met you and Margaret. At that time, Margaret heard about me on the way to visit Tobesk. There is good wine here and you would like to buy some from me.”

Miss Sylvia then said:

"That club is called the 'White King' because the owner of the club likes to collect the chess pieces that represent the 'White King' in the game of 'Knight's Chess.' He has a special chess piece in his hand, which is said to be from the classic horror story " In "Hartlane's Revenge", it was used when the protagonist and the enemy played the last game in the castle. I have Margaret's signature and Margaret's seal here. I will write you one. Go find him and buy the note, maybe you can use it too."

Although Laplace Howard said that items related to classic stories are difficult to find, Shade has a wide network of contacts, so it is not troublesome to find them. The mask in Randall Valley was easy to get, so Shade went directly from Green Lake to the "City of Spring", greeted the familiar girls at the Wilde Opera House, and got the mask. mask.

Sure enough, the mask met the requirements and was successfully sealed by the butterfly card. As for the chess piece at the White King Club in Huntington City, it was too troublesome to ride from the White River Valley Vineyard into the city, so Shade planned to go there when he had time. After all, there was no rush.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Thirteen Ancient Sacred Emblem".

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