Whispering Verse

Chapter 2041 Witch Reverberation Isabella

Shade didn't notice anything strange on the face of the witch sitting next to him. Now that he knew he could leave a small amount of items, he endured his mental discomfort and rummaged through his pockets to find some toys:

"Do you need food, drinking water, a change of clothes, soap? Leave it for now. Oh, I don't have a habit of dressing up in women's clothing. I only wear women's clothing to deal with some embarrassing situations."

He put the items that had been transformed from toys into real objects into Miss Isabella's hands. Then I felt like I couldn't hold it any longer, so I finally checked out the newly acquired cards.

The back of the brand new card in your hand has the same pattern as the "Rhodes Card" and "All Things Impermanent Card". Turn it over to the front and see the words written in gilt Delarian language on the top of the card:

【Immortal Ghost】

On the card, there is a second-floor window of a house standing on the edge of Saint Teresa Square in the yellow sand. Mr. Armand Bernhard, who is pale and blurry, looks out of the window. The composition cannot be said to be stunning, but it is particularly frightening.

Under the front, there were three lines of sentences written, and Shade read them out softly:

[Souls who died in disasters and returned from death when the end came. 】

[The disaster of reversal of life and death comes from Fort Midhill. 】

[When the final moment comes, death itself will be final. Nothing can die in this age, and there is no life here. 】

After reading this sentence, two unfamiliar memories appeared in Shade's mind.

The first memory took place in a city that Shade didn't recognize.

The picture in his memory seemed to be a blurry cityscape in the dark night. He only had time to see what seemed to be a huge arch standing in the city. Then, a dazzling white light rose into the sky, and in that light, the bodies of the citizens who looked up on the street because of this surprising scene melted into light.

The owner of this memory, Mr. Bernhardt, tried to escape into the house to avoid the light, but he was eventually melted into the light.

So far, the first memory is very brief. But Shade also got important information. In his non-existent past life and the Sixth Era, Mr. Bernhardt did not die in the undead turmoil of Midhill Fort and Sikal Mountain, nor because of the Battle of Pantanal. After being implicated in Huntington City, he died in a city that Shade didn't recognize. The cause of death was that he melted into light.

"This is not a scene at the end of the world, but a scene before the end of the world. Mr. Bernhardt and Mrs. Flamel both died before the end of the world. Only Mr. and Mrs. Smith truly lived to the moment of the end of the world. That made people melt. What is the light?"

In the second scene, even if Shade is just watching the memory, he can still feel the coldness of death.

The scene is very familiar. The dark moon is half submerged in the dark water, and countless dead souls are standing on the water, heading towards the dark moon. The perspective at this time is extremely interesting. The dead Mr. Bernhardt is undoubtedly a member of the soul, so at this time, Shade is deeper into the waters of death than ever before.

The dark moon seemed to be within reach, even during the final battle with Joey Barton, he was unable to reach this position.

But soon a change occurred, and the light of the dark moon dimmed until it was completely extinguished. Those souls that seemed to be able to emit soft white light themselves disappeared into the darkness one after another.

Everything was silent, but Shade felt as if his hairs were about to stand up while watching this scene. Mr. Bernhardt is undoubtedly the lucky one. The light of him and a very small number of souls has not been extinguished, but continues to walk in the darkness.

Until yellow sand blew in front of him, and a dim yellow light appeared above the black. Soon even the feet were illuminated, no traces of souls could be left on the gravel, and only the remains of cities could be seen in all directions. It seems that even space has undergone changes. Cities in the normal world would not be so close to each other.

But the unconscious soul ignored this. He just walked forward and kept walking, but he didn't know that he would never reach the end.

After these two memories, Shade, whose soul was a little numb, woke up. He looked at the cards in his hand:

"When the doomsday comes, even the concept of death itself no longer exists. Most of the souls are instantly annihilated. The 'lucky ones' like Mr. Bernhardt return to 'reality', but they still walk forward instinctively, thinking that they are still alive. He has a place to go. That’s why his soul is so weird.”

He didn't sum it up in his mind, but said this. The witch holding the sundries beside her nodded slightly:

"Such evil things are rare 'now' and I have never seen them destroyed."

"So, is it really impossible to even die here?"

I silently said the words I have said so many times in my heart:

"Luvia, what have you experienced?"

White mist swept in from the surroundings, covering this time and space that should not exist. Because she also has the power of time, Adele Isabella can also see these white mist.

She knew that Shade was leaving, and she also saw that Shade was trying to say something to her one last time. The last great witch took a deep breath and made a decision. Before Shade's figure completely left with the white mist, she pinched her fingers and touched the fingerprints with her own blood on Shade's forehead:

"I will wait for you to come back."

The strange spirit was injected into his soul in such a weird way. When the white mist completely covered his eyes, Shade clearly heard a "click" sound in his ears.

The white fog dissipated, revealing a scene in the home's study room with gas lights on. And the "she" in the ear continued to tell what kind of gift the last witch gave to Shade:

[Outlander, you have felt the miracle and enlightenment, and you have gained some insights into 'frozen time'. 】

[Outlander, you have obtained the thaumaturgy of Adele's Time Stop. It is activated by gazing at the target, takes effect on a single individual, completely stops its time, and consumes a lot of money. Corresponds to the time and space spirit runes. 】

After another slight pause, Shade could feel the witch's last voice still echoing in his heart:

[Outlander, you have obtained ‘Witch Reverberation: The Last Speaker-Isabella’. This reverberation has a special nature, and your low-level word of sublimation has no effect on it. 】

Shade stood at the door and looked in front of him. Outside the window was the night view of Tobesk City, which was dotted with street lights and lights from every house. The cat lay on the desk and lazily called to Shade, hoping that Shade would come back as soon as possible. Sit down at the table and pet it.

"She" finished the last sentence:

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】

[The next opening time is the sixth era of the current world, the Thunder Moon of 1854 in the universal calendar. 】

Shade responded to her with a gentle "Hmm~", looked down at the card in his hand, and then took out a small mirror, watching the blood stains between his eyebrows disappear little by little like weathered water stains.

But that power has already settled in his soul:

"The time-stopping thaumaturgy that is effective on a single individual, the eighth witch's reverberation. Miss Isabella's gift is really too rich."

It was Tuesday, the 24th of the Sunshine Moon. The next time he saw the witch would be a week later. Shade decided to thank her properly.

As for the information obtained this time, in addition to knowing the cause of death of Mr. Bernhardt in the past, he also knew what happened in the death of the doomsday era.

All this was more terrifying than he thought, time and space were confused, life and death no longer meant anything. At this time, he even doubted whether the final city, Tobesk, really existed. If everything comes to an end, then the city scenery in the yellow sand is the remains of the world, or is it just a conceptual scene transformed by someone's loneliness.

He shook his head violently, forgetting this strange thought. Throwing the cards in his hand into the air, while rotating along the axis in front of him, his flaming fingers touched the cards:

"[Disaster Solitaire·Immortal Ghost]."

The First Fire suppressed the power of Calamity and revealed part of its power in front of Shade. The cat suddenly stood up, meowed crazily at Shade, and then rushed directly towards Shade.

Feeling chills all over his body, Shade hurriedly released the power of the cards, and then hugged the anxious cat that jumped towards him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm fine."

Holding little Mia in his arms and stroking it, the fried cat gradually returned to its normal state, but it just got tired of being in Shad's arms and refused to leave.

Shade also knew the purpose of [Disaster Card·Undead Ghost]. When suppressed by the First Fire, it could allow Shade to temporarily transform into the dead. The blood in the body stops flowing, the heart stops beating, the body temperature drops, and body spots appear. After the effect is lifted, the body can return to normal immediately.

"Corpse Transformation Technique?"

He put [Immortal Ghost] and [Twin Lovers] and [Shadow of the Deep Sea] together and sent them back to the basement. These cards might come in handy later, but at least tonight, Shade wouldn't be able to use them.

After holding the frightened cat and reading a book for a while, Luvia opened the door downstairs with the key after eight o'clock.

The purple-eyed girl looked a little tired after working all day. After washing, she hugged Shade and prepared to rest in the bedroom. However, she still took the initiative to kiss him, but was rejected by Shade:

"Get some rest, look at you, you can hardly open your eyes now. Didn't Miss Carina often say that lack of sleep is a girl's biggest enemy?"

The gas light in the bedroom had been turned off, and the cat huddled up next to the pillow like a cat ball, deciding not to stay in the closet tonight. The purple-eyed girl looked at Shade in the dark and asked hesitantly:

"But you asked me to come here tonight."

"Luvia, who do you think I am? Your birthday gift is enough. Is it just for that that I let you come to my place?"

He lay down with Luvia in his arms:

"I just want to fall asleep with you and watch the sun shine tomorrow."

There is a smile in the purple eyes:

"Those witches were deceived by you, and now it seems there is a reason."


"Yes, yes, rest. Good night then, Shade. See you in the morning."

"Good night, Luvia, have a sweet dream, and see you tomorrow morning."


"Good night to you too, Mia."

The cat, the stranger, and the soothsayer girl closed their eyes, and each had their own different dreams. And when Shade's consciousness fell in the dream, when he stood firm, he saw that he was back again in the dilapidated house at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

PS: Witch Reverberation:

1. The founder of the academy-Myrna Feliana

2. The Witch of the Yellow Moon-Bryony Olanold

3. Red Dragon Witch-Fiona Drago

4. Witton’s Witch Emperor-Violet

5. Principal Serkeses-Schulz Theresa

6. Ice Witch-Chloe Marquez

7. The Daughter of Destruction of Time - Luvia Anat

8. The last Speaker-Adele Isabella

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