Whispering Verse

Chapter 2042 Preparation before departure

The world of dreams is so wonderful. Except for the absence of chaotic elements and spirits, it looks no different from the real past life.

After glancing at the empty sofa, Shade climbed to the third floor and entered the attic as usual, and then climbed to the roof from the attic.

This time Rapunzel's mental state was obviously much better. Although she was still looking at the distant scenery of Tobesk with yellow sand in the sky with tears when Shade sat next to her, but when Shade sat After he recovered, he took the initiative to hug him:

"Happy birthday, Shade."

Then kissed him.

This made Xia De, who had many questions to ask, hold all the words in his heart. The girl in the dream once again showed her passion to Shade. The lonely and sad soul longed for warmth and shelter.

But when she lay in Xia De's arms, listening to his heartbeat, and looking at the sun in the distance in the yellow sand sky, Xia De still asked the question in his heart:

"Laplace Howard told me something about the destruction of the Daughter of Time and Space"

He did not mention what the great witch of time said about the girl in his arms, which would make it appear that he did not trust her. The girl in her arms nodded slightly, but did not explain anything:

"Do you still believe me?"


"Even if I did something wrong?"


She silently sat up from Shade's arms, pressed his chest with her hands to prevent him from getting up, then straddled him and looked at her condescendingly:

"Shade, do you like me so much?"


Shade tried to look at her charming eyes instead of the part of her body slightly lower. With her long brown hair hanging loose, she leaned over and kissed him again:

"Thank you, I will, I will hold your hand."

A long dream is enough to do a lot of things and talk about a lot of things. Shade avoided the topic of the past life, and talked about their lives in this night's dream, talked about Iluna's birthday, also talked about Shade's plan for the Seven Rings, and talked about his learning and development of new thaumaturgy. development.

She seemed to know everything about the Ring Warlock, and when she pointed out the power of Shade's moon, some of the knowledge was even more advanced than Miss Danister's. Of course she also knew about the meeting between Shad and Miss Feliana, and knew that Miss Feliana asked Shad to control the parliament:

"This is what you should do, let those arrogant witches"

Although she did not continue, it was similar to the conclusion that Shade got from Miss Isabella. It seemed that in her time and space, the relationship between her and the witches was not very friendly.

When it came to the topic of Shade's upcoming trip to the Moon Bay area, Rapunzel seemed to know many things there. Although she couldn't tell Shade's past story, she still gave her own reminder:

"Next, dragons will be useful."

"A dragon?"

He patted the meowing cat and asked Mia, who woke up on time at 6:30, to be quiet for a while. Shade also opened his eyes on time early Wednesday morning:

"Does what happened in Longyue Bay have anything to do with Fiona? But if I didn't exist, would the long-haired Luvia know Fiona? Or maybe she wanted to tell me that there was an ancient dragon hidden in the Moon Bay area. ?”

Today, he still smells of Fiona, and he still has in his hand the right glove that Fiona gave him in the corridor before they parted ways in "Eternal Night City". The gloves contained Fiona's dragon scales and hair. According to her, they were even more protective than ordinary dragon skin gloves.

It's just that Shade never wore it, but kept it as a souvenir in a hidden space in the basement.

"When you go to Moon Bay, take that glove with you. It might be useful. Dragon, I remember there are some magical arts specifically for dragons. I don't know if I should learn them."

The decision to go to the Moon Bay area was made after hearing the news about Miss Benanis after the "birthday party", so the girls around me didn't know about it yet. Since Shade was going out, he naturally wanted to tell them.

So when having breakfast that day, he informed Luvia of the matter, and Luvia told him to pay attention to his safety without saying anything else. In the morning, I went to Quill Street to find Dorothy and told her about the incident in Miss Writer's apartment. Dorothy also knew that Shade must have his own reasons for going to such a far place, so she just asked him to pay attention to his safety.

But when it came to Moon Bay, Dorothy seemed to have something else to say, but she didn't say it in the end. Shade, who noticed this, asked repeatedly, and then she shook her head slightly:

"Go and ask Lesiya. She knows the current situation in that city very well, which will help you a lot. In addition, Leziya has encountered some troubles in the Moon Bay area. She probably won't take the initiative to talk to you. Say, but if you have time."

"I'll handle it. Is there anything you can't tell me about this?"

"She thinks it's always us who cause you all kinds of trouble."

"I just like this kind of trouble. After all, the more you get in touch with things in Yuewan, the more likely you can find what I'm looking for."

As for why Lesia is not allowed to exchange souls and talk to Shade now, it is because unless necessary, girls still prefer to face Shade with their own bodies. Shade also agreed with their attitude, which meant that they still clearly knew that they were always two different individuals.

On Wednesday morning, Lesia was still in the Yodel Palace, so Dorothy and Lesia agreed on a time, and Shade turned into a cat again and sneaked into the center of politics and power in Delarion.

The meeting place was Lesia's study. As a princess involved in government affairs, she had her own study. Agelina opened the window to let the silver cat in, and the maids in the room had been replaced by loyal and reliable ones.

So the cat jumped off the window sill and transformed into Shade in the silver light ball.

"Good morning, Agelina, good morning, Lesia."

"Good morning, Shade."

Lesia stood up behind the desk, hugged Shade, and then said slightly dissatisfied:

"Really, you've only had peace of mind for a month, and you're going out for adventure again?"

"This is necessary in order to find a relic."

Her Royal Highness the red-haired princess nodded slightly:

"The Moon Bay area is Kasenlik after all. You have to be careful there. But even though it belongs to Kasenlik, due to the independent tendency of Moon Bay itself, the city filled with wealth is simply a paradise for spies and agents. If there is If necessary, Carina can mobilize MI6 to help you. I will send someone to deliver the information there to your home tomorrow. Moon Bay is much more complicated than the Green Lake area."

"I heard my father say that too."

The little princess also added:

"Now the relationship between Kasenrik and Delarion is getting more and more tense. Many nobles in Kasenrik advocate taking back the autonomy of the Moon Bay region. We are thinking that if we can make Moon Bay truly independent, it will have a negative impact on the future. A lot of things are quite beneficial.”

"The Cold Water Port of Delrayon and the Moon Bay of Kasenlik are both important port cities to the New World. As you know about this year's weather, Moon Bay serves as an important west coast grain transshipment port and an important west coast granary, where It’s more important than you think.”

Lesia continued, and the two princesses introduced the complexity of the place in just a few words. In fact, even if outsiders don’t go to Yuewan, the place itself is a powder keg of contradictions:

"There are also conflicts in the Yuewan area itself. The conflicts between the seven ancient Yuewan families and the emerging aristocrats and factory owners; the conflicts between workers in the steam factories and the merchants and aristocrats; the conflicts between the local citizens who have lived here for generations and the influx of outsiders in recent years. Not to mention the contradiction, due to the special location of Moon Bay and its unique status in Kasenlik, there are definitely more ring warlocks gathered in Moon Bay than in a strictly controlled capital like Tobesk, or in the rural city of Green Lake. .”

Lesia pursed her lips:

"You must be careful."

"Of course, and I'm just looking for relics, and I don't want to stir up conflicts. Moon Bay is so big that it can accommodate a detective like me."

Shade didn't say that there was a witch in the local area, but as he said, the Yuewan area was so large that he was cautious not to cause trouble. No matter how complicated the local conflicts were, it had nothing to do with him:

"I heard from our writer friend that you're having some trouble there?"

Shade asked Lesia again, and the latter shook her head as Dorothy expected:

"It's all small things. Just concentrate on your own affairs. I'll handle mine myself."

Shade then looked at Agelina. The little princess wanted to speak, but after being looked at by her sister, she dared not speak.


Shade looked at Lesia again. Her Royal Highness the Princess looked at him for a few seconds, then lowered her head:

“The local gang is so rude.

At the beginning of the month, I mentioned to you that I had a batch of goods in Yuewan. It was supposed to leave the port for transshipment last week. All aspects had been taken care of in advance. However, I didn’t receive the letter until I attended the funeral on Saturday. I don’t know why. That batch of goods was reported and cannot leave for the time being. Fortunately, the goods were disguised and the preparation was sufficient in advance, so the contents of the goods were not exposed. "

"Reported to the authorities? The local gang is indeed too rude."

Shade also nodded, took out his notebook and gave it to Lesia:

"What kind of local gang is there? How do you find them? I'll deal with it. Or who do the authorities want to find to resolve this matter? I might as well pay a visit."

"It doesn't have to be so extreme."

Lecia pushed away the notebook:

"I don't want to cause you any trouble. If you really want to help me, go to the dock and help me determine the status of that batch of goods. The last message from Yuewan just arrived here, and I don't know the specifics. The situation seems to be that we are still short of manpower, so we need to recruit more subordinates.”

"I also need manpower in Yuewan. You tell me directly how to contact your people. I will help you solve this matter and also ask your people to do something for me. So this matter is not only my help You, it’s you who helps me.”

Shade said with a smile, took Lesia's hand and squeezed it gently:

"We are all a family, why are you being so polite to me?"


The red-haired princess then agreed, and Shade also knew that the goods were not the firearms and weapons he had imagined, but the special Kasenric steel that was prohibited from being exported to Delarion.

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