Whispering Verse

Chapter 2048 Event relics of cognitive rewriting

Agelina was able to clearly tell the location of the "neighbor" Goodman family. Before leaving the club, when Shade took out the city map he carried with him and asked Agelina to identify it, there was actually something on that map. Miraculously, a building that did not originally exist appeared between "Yordle Palace" and "Kingdom Council Hall", and it was also labeled as "The Goodman Family's House".

This is not a normal map labeling method at all.

When Lesia noticed the anomaly on the map, she thought it was normal for a moment. But the power of a quarter of the chosen ones, coupled with Dorothy's normal memory, who was connected to her mind, soon made her realize that something was wrong.

"Cognitive rewriting, but also cognitive contamination, it's not just changes in memory."

Lesia said worriedly, while Shade and Miss Carina were not affected:

"It seems that it is at least a keeper-level relic."

So half an hour later, Miss Carina appeared on Silver Cross Avenue with Tifa and two maids from the Seventh Ring, along with Shade, Lesia and Agelina.

The gas street lights made Silver Cross Avenue look quite bright at night. It was already half past eight, and there were no other pedestrians on the street.

Miss Carina held Agelina's hand - a rare act - and walked in front, with Shade and the others following behind them. Led by Agelina, the group walked north along the outer wall of Yodel Palace. If you turn east at the next intersection, you will be on the road leading to Saint Teresa Square. If you continue past the intersection, you will find the Kingdom Council Hall.

But it happened that the outer wall of Yodel Palace, which was supposed to be at the end of the street and next to the intersection, was actually next to a three-story apartment building that Shade had never seen before. This apartment building was squeezed into the intersection with Yodel. between palaces. Before Agelina reached out and pointed out the location of the house, not only Shade, but also Miss Carina did not notice. And when the building appears in front of everyone's eyes, even the space has a sense of dislocation.

"The relic that just arrived is not yet completely stable."

The well-informed witch reminded softly, then pointed diagonally across the street:

"Otherwise, it is impossible for the church ring magicians who protect Yodel Palace and the diviners of the Seer Association to know nothing."

Agelina vaguely noticed something was wrong, but she still couldn't understand what was wrong. So Miss Carina let go of her hand, and Lecia pulled her to step back. Then Shade and Miss Carina stood side by side, and then knocked on the door——

Dong dong dong~

Originally there was no light in the windows of this house, and even gas street lights and moonlight could not illuminate the interior at all. But when there was a knock on the door, all the windows in the whole house turned from dim to bright lights, and the whole process was extremely weird.

Then footsteps sounded behind the door, the door was opened, and Mr. Goodman, a neighbor who seemed familiar to Agelina, appeared with a smile. But in the eyes of Shade, the Witch, and others, it was a faceless man without any facial features who opened the door.

It was only at this moment that the whispering elements clearly emerged. Lesia, who was holding Agelina's right hand, suddenly hugged her tightly. Tifa stood on the other side of Agelina and pressed against her. There are two other maids, one is responsible for guarding the rear, and the other is at a slightly further distance to prepare for the worst outcome.

"Welcome, my neighbor Miss Cavendish, you are here with your fiancé? Do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

The faceless man asked the witch enthusiastically. He has no mouth, but he can still make sounds. Although the twelfth-level witch frowned, she was still not affected by cognitive rewriting and pollution. She shook her head seriously:

"We have no neighbors, so get out of here right now."

In the hall illuminated by the light behind the man, a faceless woman also walked over, followed by a vague flesh and blood of whatever it was, but it was definitely not a sheepdog.

The cat in Shade's arms poked its head out and gave a rather unhappy "meow~" before being pushed back into the clothes by Shade. And the lump of meat that Agelina thought was a shepherd's dog quickly retreated back into the house.

“Aren’t we friendly neighbors?”

The newly appeared faceless woman also stood at the door with a smile and said, reaching out her hand:

"Come in and sit down, Miss Cavendish. You haven't been a guest with us for a long time. Oh, and let your fiancé come in too. Look at him, he is really handsome."

Her hand touched the dark chain emerging from Shade's sleeve in the air. Before the chain bound her right hand, the hand retreated back into the house as flexibly as a living snake. Shade did not let the sin chain He rashly entered the room.

The bright lights in the room became a little gloomy at this time. The smiles on the faces of the neighbors that Agelina looked at made her feel a little scary for some reason.

"We have no neighbors."

Miss Carina said quite seriously:

"Never. So, please leave here, sage-level relic [Friendly Neighbor], I know you. As long as you are not recognized, you cannot continue to exist. Someone must continue to recognize you, so that you can become more and more real. When you are denied, this reality is diminished. Now, let me tell you—"

Except for Agelina, everyone else said together:

"Yordel Palace is the palace complex where the royal family of Delarion lives. Since its completion, there have never been neighbors here, and there will be no need for neighbors in the future."


Little Mia's cat head emerged from the gap in the coat button, and then was pressed back by Shade's fingers.

So in Agelina's eyes, the smiles on the faces of the kind Mr. and Mrs. Goodman slowly disappeared. They glared at the witch fiercely, and the witch stared back at them without showing any signs of weakness:

"In the advent stage, do you dare to leave this house?"

Pressing her hand on her chest, the witch's gold necklace shimmered, and the great witch's aura looked truly amazing. So the "Goodman" family glared at Agelina fiercely, then closed the door and retreated into the house together.

The lights in the three-story apartment building disappeared one after another. When the last light went out, with the appearance of spatial distortion, the entire house disappeared completely as if it had been swallowed by darkness.

Agelina watched this scene helplessly, and at first she felt uncomfortable with the lack of a house here. But soon, the scene without a house brought back all the memories of the past seventeen years, and the feeling that something was wrong in his heart quickly amplified until he realized the real situation. When the rewritten erroneous perception returned to normal, the little princess said "Ah~" in surprise, and then the emotion of fear came up instantly:

"We really have no neighbors!"

The trembling body was hugged tenderly, and Lecia hugged her sister with some pity:

"It's okay, we will protect you."

Snowflakes fell from the sky, but it wasn't that Shade opened the puzzle to suit the occasion and it snowed. It was really snowing again.

"Enhanced spatial awareness."

The spatial location centered on himself clearly appeared in his mind. Of course, considering that not far away was the Prophet's Association and Yodel Palace was also protected by the church, Shade only contributed a little:

"No problem, the house is completely gone."

Miss Carina breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw Agelina still in Lesia's arms, and patted her shoulder gently:

"Okay, it's okay. Now you know how dangerous this world is, right? But compared to last month's vacation in Green Lake City, this time things shouldn't be too big."

"Maybe it's because last time she was with us and Shade's cat, and in a strange place. This time she encountered the influence of the relic alone in the familiar Tobesk, which broke her sense of security."

"Sister, can I sleep with you tonight?"

The little princess asked softly as she tried to calm down the fear in her heart. She actually wanted to spend the night with Miss Carina or Shade, but she was still afraid of her aunt. As for Shade, she knew that no one would agree.

"Okay, okay, seventeen-year-old girl, this is the last time."

Lesia said helplessly, but for some reason she thought of her childhood and allowed Agelina to act coquettishly. But she glanced at Shade again, and it seemed that she had other plans:

"Auntie, is that thing completely gone just now? It shouldn't appear again, right?"

Lesia asked this question, her original intention was to comfort Agelina so that she could sleep more peacefully tonight. But Miss Carina thought about it and shook her head:

"This is the kind of relic that cannot be contained by any means at present. Once it appears, it will stay in the settlement of intelligent life for at least two months. We drove it away this time, just to let it change its target in this city. After all, it is an event-type relic. Although it is the worst kind among the Sage-level, it is still the last time that the Sage-level encountered a Sage-level relic that was not released artificially so close to Yodel Palace. When was it? Coming?"

"This is not a good signal. During this period, we need to be more prepared for things around us."

Shade said, walking side by side with Miss Carina towards the entrance of Yodel Palace. He planned to send the ladies back and then take Mia home. Of course, by the way, he wanted to see Director Anlos, but it was difficult for him to find his elusive boss.

After Agelina calmed down a little, she took Lesia's hand and followed them. Behind them were Tifa and two seven-ring maids. Shade was still discussing the recent situation with Miss Carina. Agelina looked at the backs of the two of them. In fact, she was very happy that so many people were caring about her tonight. Her sister's arms could bring her the same safety as when she was a child. feel.


She thought silently in her heart:

"If I also have the power, I can protect them."

No one knows what she is thinking. Although the arrival of foreigners has changed many things, there are still more things that are developing along the original path.

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